plate2 · 3 days
Honestly I'm thinking and this season of dimension 20 has so many plot lines that are all needing to be tied up fairly quickly. It makes me a little concerned for the finale in terms of how rushed it may feel or how little pc-pc or pc-npc interaction there may be. But I am wondering, right-
There's so much to do. They're in their junior year, and we're hopefully presuming there will be a senior year. Some of the combats so far (ex. Night Yorb, rage mall, grix) have happened with some kind of help throughout it (the curse, Connor counterspell, the vulture king) and they end up succeeding (at least partially because of it). In the finale, it's very very reasonable that they get through it and everything works out.
BUT what if it doesn't. What if it starts going well and then drops like those other combats have gone. What if there's no kind of help this time. What if something actually goes terribly dangerously wrong and they can't fix it. What if senior year has a continuation of the same very intruiging plot?
This is mainly just ramblings before the finale episodes (and I don't think this will likely happen) but I am thinking about it. I'm thinking very much about it
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plate2 · 1 month
Kipperlilly would be having such a better time, in my opinion, if she was instead in the Starstruck universe as a Galactic Girl Guide. I haven't even finished Starstruck yet (more than halfway through I think) but I believe it in my heart for some reason. She just needs to scam people out of all of their money on a spaceship. She'd be thriving much more than being at a high school
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plate2 · 2 months
The way Gorgug has always been hesitant about anger and expressing anger, thinking he has to justify it in order for it to be 'good.' The way that Orcs are presumably stereotyped as a group who only knows destructive rage. The way that this kind of anger could scare other groups like Gnomes and the way that they view that anger as an inherently destructive thing to be pushed down. The way Gorgug has had to repress anger because of the communities he's been raised in, and that means he's eventually going to shatter that bottled repression. The way that the bottle shattering is going to hurt him and maybe he'd even prefer it that way. The way he thinks the only good way to use it is protecting his friends. The way that he's never been able to learn how to properly control it: porter thinks he needs to have an anger fueling him at all times while his parents think he should sing the songs in order for it to go away. The way that rage is an emotion that can hurt, help, heal, anything,, just like any other emotion. The way that anger is treated like a terrible thing despite it being a way to protect yourself and properly feel emotions. The way that typically angry music in Zelda's playlist helps Gogug focus in the situation he's in. Just the way rage and anger is viewed in society in regards to certain people to mean different things and is judged accordingly. The inherent guilt of feeling a normal emotion that others have no problem with misusing. I'm never going to stop thinking about any of the Bad Kids, especially Gorgug
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plate2 · 3 months
There's SOMETHING about kipperlilly copperkettle when she mentions she's been studying and she says to Riz, "Yeah, home studying. I'm sure you know how it is." And he just nods very quietly as Kristen goes on to ask why she would need to study if she already passed her classes. Just for her to say studying student government, as if it were obvious. There is something there but I'm too tired to figure that out,,
Does she know Riz is doing quite a bit of the technical work for the campaign? He took, what, two stress tokens for the campaign on behalf of Kristen? How much does she know about him and how much of it is just her being the 'what could have been' reflection of him?? She's studying for student government, Riz very well may be doing the same kind of thing, and Kristen (I love her to death, I want to make sure I mention that) doesn't exactly know what she's doing with the campaign at all times. She wouldn't have been studying, it's why Kipperlilly singled out Riz. Somebody needs to hold things together (party or campaign or both or-)
"You know how it is"
All of these thoughts are only half formed, and there's something there and I don't know what it is and it's driving me insane
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plate2 · 2 months
Okay I know none of them have the time to even think about doing this, but okay. IF Kipperlilly Copperkettle or someone else is killing off principals so then the line keeps going down to the next person, and if Maizey dies or is put out of commission (and can't do her duties) then it presumably moves on to juniors(?). If it is kipperlilly and we really don't want her to win, then what if all of the Bad Kids ran for class president.
Ynow? The six people who have saved the world multiple times, are each cool in their own right, all running for class president. Surely that would prevent her from class president. It's a one in seven chance in a way. One of them has gotta get that spot if they all tried. Even if it'll mess up the votes more than they're already going to be. They're the kind of people who will likely commit voter fraud (or be friends with those who do)
And obviously they all don't have the time and obviously it wouldn't work but guys,, guys it would be so funny to me.
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plate2 · 3 months
Putting this here because I can't stop thinking about a stupid little alternate universe that I should probably just make a fanfic of
AU where gilear and sklonda meet before the bad kids introduce them to one another, and they don't know about their kids being friends, nor do they know about either's romantic history. Why? Because then there's the funny of miscommunication
A gilear who always sounds very sad when talking about someone named sandra lynn, wearing the ring because he says it feels weird not to, talking about all the money it took to finalize things. Sklonda, of course, assumes sandra lynn is dead and he's broke because of the funeral.
A sklonda who talks very much the same about pok and the ring she wears on her finger, talking vaguely about how he had secrets about things she didn't know all the information about, how she worried about him and how their son would grow up because of said secrets. Gilear, of course, assumed sklonda is divorced because of an affair, similar to him.
I would love accidental things they would say that end up meaning something completly opposite to the other person, especially if there's so many opportunities for them to realize and they just. don't. They become really good friends when they think the other needs support and a friend since they went through the same thing when they could not be more wrong. This doesn't have to end romantically, but I'm not extremely opposed to it either
I'm just thinking about the situations,, it getting closer to father's day and sklonda saying her and riz are going to the cemetery and gilear just assumes she's going to visit her dad/riz's grandpa that they must have been very close to. Or a night where gilear gets a little tipsy and starts to talk vaguely about fig's other dad and the issues he was having with him,, and sklonda is both so happy because she assumes gilear means he's moving on and has gotten a boyfriend but is also sad because they're having issues with their relationship so far because of him already having a daughter
Even a gilear who admits he's divorced and sklonda assumes he got divorced first, only to later fall in love with sandra lynn who very unfortunately died. I would make such insane situations where they should for every reason figure it out but Don't. I have no clue how the reveal would work nor who would finially tell them but the entire idea is just hilarious to me
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plate2 · 8 days
So Much Else Happened-
But I really really wish we could have seen The Tornado (full of gold coins) in action the mini looks so so cool and I love The Tornado
I love The Tornado but for what, for why?
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plate2 · 2 months
I feel like there's something about Seth without memories that always gets to me. Now, the thoughts began because of the one dragonwatch book, but I've had more AU ideas and heacannons and such since then. It's just in the fact that Seth is kind to those he is loyal to, and he trusts them more than anything.
In my opinion, he's done so many things out of loyalty, out of trust. He talked to a demon to try and help save the preserve, he killed a revenant to help give his family a chance, and even after someone he was loyal to died (despite the guy not being great), Seth figured out a way to give them a way to win again. He's so loyal and it shows in everything he does and he's so kind because of that. If he's loyal to them, he is kind to them and anyone they trust by extention.
So when he loses his memory, who is he supposed to be kind to? Who is he supposed to trust? If people aren't telling him the truth, then who can he trust? Without trust there can't be loyalty and without loyalty he can't afford kindness. It's like a usually kind, docile animal backed into a corner. What other choice does one have when backed into a corner?
And even if he got his memories back, there's still the lingering feeling of 'I didn't trust you' from before. You would still have the memories of both versions of you, and there is a version of you that did not trust the people in front of you. Why? Why didn't you trust them? Why didn't you believe them? There had to be a reason. Can you be kind? Can you be kind if the very people you were most loyal to, you doubted in your time of need? You needed anyone, anything, and you couldn't trust them. What does that mean for your relationship? How can you ever be so freely kind again?
I don't know. Or maybe it's just 1:16 in the morning and I'm emotional about Seth Sorenson again. (And this isn't just talking about master of the phantom isle, this is talking about any au or idea I or others have had about memory loss Seth) (This is half thought out and I might delete it later)
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plate2 · 4 months
Sometimes I'll just think of insane crossovers with characters I like despite fully knowing no one has read any of these combinations of books, nor would they ever interact. Like, I could go on and on about the similarities between the Bailey and Sorenson siblings (Land of Stories and Favlehaven) or I could go on about three different Jacks from different books (Half Upon A Time, Mighty Jack, Jack Blank). I could look at Nova Artino and Alex Knight (Renegades and The Cloak Society) and while they're for very different ages there's similarities. Alex from Alex Rider and Carson from Codename Zero would likely never interact but by God do I think about it. I could name so many: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, Seven Wonders, Revenge of Magic, Beyonders, The Lies of Locke Lamora, etc, etc, etc. I am going insane over so many different books that have little semblance of connection, saying they each have pieces of one another within. And these fanbases (if there are even a fanbase for each of these books) would rarely ever interact.
So I'm just left here, reading books in my pajamas, deranged
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plate2 · 4 months
I would pay so much real money for Dale Burgess backstory book(s), especially if it also included his brother and their parents' backstories too (have we ever even heard about their parents?? I don't think so)
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plate2 · 4 months
Warren Burgess and Jazen Knight would be friends and no one can change my mind about this. Yes, they have never met. In my mind, that does not matter. I will figure out how to make them meet.
Just tell me Warren wouldn't bust out laughing at Department of Departmental Affairs. Warren's been part of secret organizations all his life, who knows that he hadn't used the exact same excuse before. He would.
(Plus imagine both Kendra and Jack meeting and being able to say they had both seen their own face stare back at them before + had a version of themself, whether it was a clone/copy/future self, die) (That's sure a conversation starter)
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plate2 · 6 months
Who are you and what did you do to plate 1
Please, plate 1 was my father, call me plate 2 (the superior, sequel piece of tableware)
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