#platonic kagamanette
emu-lumberjack · 4 years
Don’t answer the phone tired part 4
Time to plan some revenge, plus its time to find out how they met (Partly)
Hello All I decided to write part 4 before work and edit after. the pig latin at the start just translate to “Nix on the identity talk” for those who don’t know piglatin. also I hope y’all like it I decided to stop it where I did for slight evilness. (Sorry not sorry.) 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Ixnay on the dentityiway alktay. I have another idea to tell them that.
Damian typed to Marinette as they walked into the restaurant. He felt his phone vibrate and looked to see Marinette's responding message
Chat, Ryuko, and Viperion have to be involved, and no one gets seriously maimed.  
Lunch went smoothly, until of course Dick asked about how they met. Marinette took a moment then said “Damian and I made a bet that if Damian won in a video game we would go prank Lila if I won then they’d go have some fun with a water balloon fight to blow off steam.” Not super far off from the truth, just missing a few key facts.
“It was a bad day for both of us. Lila was being Lila, and we hadn’t played that fighting game yet. Needless to say she was a lot better than I expected.” Damian finished her tale.
“I guess I’ll have to play you sometimes, I’m currently undefeated at the manor.” Jason said through a mouthful of rice.
“I guess so.” She said. Anyone else would think of her tone of voice as soft but Damian knew that voice, it was the innocent voice she used when she wanted people to underestimate her. He looked forward to the prospect of watching Todd fail miserably. Marinette’s phone started going off, she looked at and answered. “Yeah Adrien.” Damian couldn’t make out what he said but it was enough to startle Marinette. “Crap I completely spaced. I was caught up at lunch, can you stall Madame Bustier for me? I swear I’ll be there soon.” she shoved her phone in her bag while leaping out of her seat. “Thank you guys lovely meeting you. Let me know how much I owe you for lunch later.” With that she was out the door.
“We’re not having her pay us back. Right?” Tim asked.
“Definitely not. It’s on me this time.” Dick responded. “Also Bruce asked all of us to check up on the Wayne enterprises building while we’re here. Let’s head over after we finish up here.” A chorus of agreement followed.
After the trip to the Paris office the four bats went back to Damians residence. Damian secluded himself in his room taking that over talking with his brothers, plus he had to finish his plan for tonight, he’d tell Marinette the rest of it after she got out of school. He’d been at it for a couple of hours when a knock at his bedroom door tore him away from his work.
“What.” he said curtly annoyed at being interrupted. Jason poked his head through the door, he looked tired.
“Nice to see your still alive demon spawn, we hadn’t seen you in a few hours. Anyway Dick went to the store, and Tim and I are gonna crash. Actually Tim’s already crashed on the couch and I’m about to follow. Wanted to let you know in case you needed something.”
“Yeah yeah I’ll wake you up if I do.”
“Yeah that was actually my warning. Wake us up and you will get a fist to the face, fancy ninja skills or not.” Jason held his fist up for emphasis, Damian just laughed.
“Sure Todd, if you can catch me you can hit me.”
“Wow that Marinette really has loosened you up, before I don’t even think you’d respond to me.” he paused for a second, “oh speaking of which did I mention she’s at the door?”
“You could lead with that!” Damian said, throwing on his sweatshirt. He scooped up his notebook and a pair of shoes. He shoved his notebook in his messenger bag and started hopping on one foot down the hall trying to put his shoe on and get to the door as fast as possible. That was until he lost his balance and planted face first into the rug, notebook landing like a tent on top of his head. He lifted it up slightly to see Marinette trying to stifle a laugh and failing, miserably. The Kwamii at her side no doubt doing the exact same.
“You’re welcome!” Jason called from Damians room.
“I’m gonna kill him.” A very red Damian muttered.
“Oh don’t do that just yet, we have to plan tonight don’t we. anyway he’ll get his due tomorrow when I play him.” She was still smiling as she offered a hand to Damian to help him up, he could forget sometimes how ruthless she could be behind the sweet smile, he liked it sometimes.
“Yeah you’re right, anyway ready to head out? Are we doing Andre’s?”
“Sure we can meet the others in the park. Also is your brother ok, because it looks like he’s about to fall off the couch.” Damian looked over to see Tim’s sleeping head practically touching the floor, with his feet still laying horizontal. Damian gave him five minutes before crashing onto the floor.
“He’ll be fine, lets go.” The two walked out of the residence hand in hand.
“Everyone clear on the plan?” Damian asked, it was a couple hours after he and Marinette had left the apartment. The ice cream they got from Andre was long gone, and the sun was setting.
“I mean it sounds simple enough, my question is what you want me to do?” Luka said from the corner still strumming his guitar.
“If you could use your lyre for ominous music when we start, that would be perfect to freak Greyson out. He may not be religious but he still believes in ghosts. Also in case they ever catch on before we get to do the rest of it you can use second chance and we can do it again.”
“Sounds good, and I have just the song.” Luka may be a kind kid but he wasn’t above pranks on siblings, especially if it was for a friend.
“So when do we start?” Kagami was pretending to study while she talked to them over phone, her mother wouldn’t let her meet up with them.
“Same question over here!” Adrien was simultaneously stuck in his room so Marinette had him pulled up on videochat.
“After sundown, think you two can sneak out by then?” Damian responded.
“How bout ten that when my mom is asleep and I can sneak out even easier.”
Kagami offered.
“Sounds good to me if it is for everyone else.” A chorus of yeahs confirmed the ten time. “Perfect Kagami, Adrien see you then.” With that Damian and Marinette hung up their respective phones.
“I’ve gotta go get some homework done before then, so I’ll see the two of you at ten too.” Luka  got up and put his guitar in its case, which he then slung over his back. He grabbed his bike handles and started walking it out of the park.
“We’ll see you then Luka, oh say hi to your mom for me, and tell her I’ll have those pastries to her by next Tuesday!” Marinette called to him. He was already halfway out of the park so she had to shout a little louder.
“Will do!” he called back. Marinette and Damian waved bye as he disappeared around the corner.
“So Dames, what do you want to do now?” she turned to him.
“I don’t know but we’ve got a couple hours to kill, you have any ideas?”
“I have one.” She said slyly, he looked at her face to see mischief in her bluebell eyes and a smile on her lips.
Game Over. Player 1 wins.
It was their 7th game and Marinette had wiped the deck with Damian every time. He got maybe two kills over all the games. The duo were killing time in Marinette’s room and decided to play some video games.
“Well that was a fun game, play again?” She said setting her controller down and stretching her arms up. Damian had gotten slightly more use to being so thoroughly crushed, so he only gaped for a minute rather than everyone else’s 15 minute long gaping session.
“Mari I love you, but I don’t think I can lose to you again.”
“Come on you might win the next one.” She said lightly.
“Mari don’t tease me it’s unbecoming of you.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s not fun!” a buzz from her phone stopped her from saying another thing to annoy him.
Where are you guys, it’s already ten -Adrien
Sorry was beating the ice prince in video games. Be there soon. -Marinette
“You ready to blow off some steam, ten o’clock is upon us.” she gave a mock bow towards Damian sticking with her Ice Prince theme from the text.
“If you cut it with the royalty shtick I’ll even buy you some new fabric afterwards.” “Hmmmmm tempting but unlikely to happen.”
“I figured, but thought I’d try.” he held out an arm to her, “then are you ready to go mess with my brother's princess?”
“Let’s suit up.” She grabbed his hand, their excitement palpable.
“This will be fun.”
tag list: @ur-average-reader  @k-laconia-bug1 @smolplantmum @dast218 @pirats-pizzacanninibles @acoursedprophetwithasmothie @g-arya @loysydark @mewwitch @itsemeanne @hauntedstudent99 @pawsitivelymiraculous @clumsy-owl-4178 @shippernaturalsanderspjoandscifi @purplesundaze @zotinha456 @t1dwarrior-of-earth @chocolateherringtacofan @abrx2002 
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