#platonic stranger things
hello! could i make a request? if it's okay with you, would you write some headcanons on being robin buckley's little sister? tysm love <3
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➼ FANDOM: stranger things
➼ WARNINGS: season 4 spoilers, kinda
➼ FORMAT: headcanons
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i love this idea nova <3
she is the best sister ever!!
she’s the type to come into your room at 2am and be like “hey do you have nail clippers”
then she talks your ear off for like 3 hours after
yeah you get no sleep with her <3
also she affectionately bites you
like if you shush her she chomps down on your finger like it’s nothing
speaking of biting she randomly leans in and licks you
yeah she does it to piss you off
it works <3
bby refuses to put you in danger
you wanna come save the world with her and a group of other children your age? no you’re to young
however if you do it anyway she’s proud of you
disappointed and might strangle you later but proud
there was never a more sarcastic pair of sisters in the history of the universe
“being in a room with robin and robins sister is like being judged for every move you make!” -steve, probably
steve loves you btw
you and robin together are judgemental and annoying but he tolerates it <33 he thinks you guys are funny but he’ll never tell you that
you’re robins confidant
she tells you EVERYTHING
her crushes, feelings, or just random things she learns
“hey did you know-” “yeah” “oh so you knew i almost died?” “yes wait what” “exactly, so-”
you’ll make it easier for yourself if you just listen
you best believe this girl is your #1 supporter
the second you say something bad about yourself she’s organizing a whole party for you so you feel better
someone made fun of you? they mysteriously disappear that night (/j)
she’s a very. protective. sister
especially after everything in s4 she’s super super super protective
you have to write her a whole 10,000 word essay before you leave the house
also sisterly cuddles are a thing
randomly wraps an arm around you while your sitting beside eachother and you just stay like that
also she randomly hits you with things
you’ll be walking to class and she comes up to you and just whacks you with her trumpet or something
she’s always there if you wanna talk to someone!! no matter what it is she’ll listen to you, offering some advice if necessary
she loves you <3
shes annoying sometimes but like she’s your sister that’s what she’s supposed to do
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chervbs · 2 years
hold on tight — s. harrington
pairings: platonic!steve harrington x gn!reader
word count: 1.7k
synopsis: steve finds out that you’ve been asked out on a date and you realize he’s the big brother you never had, but always needed.
warnings: overprotective big brother steve aka nothing romantic in this one! reader wears makeup but their gender is never specified, reader also has a romantic interest whose gender is not specified (no explicitly stated sexuality), reader was a hawkins lab experiment like el, mostly just platonic fluff <3
a/n: I love love love platonic fics and there’s very little i’ve found for ST so if you know of any send them my way! I also adore big brother/parent steve and I hope I did him at least a little bit of justice. gif isn’t mine.
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“You’re going on a what?”
You made eye contact with both Eleven and Max, the three of you simultaneously rolling your eyes.
The gang had all gathered at Steve’s for one last hurrah before the summer ended. Robin, Nancy and Eddie had finally graduated, a feat thought near impossible after the defeat of Vecna. But everyone had survived and had been relishing in the last three months of summer.
While the kids were preparing to start their sophomore year, you were prepping for your senior year.
You had escaped Hawkins Lab by Elevens side back in 1983, and had helped defeat the monsters of the Upside Down with your friends. Being a few years older than the kids had put you at a disadvantage when it came to the friendships that started as alliances, but your powers were much more developed than your younger sister.
“A date, Steve.” You replied calmly, somewhat expecting this type of reaction from him.
The man in question sputtered like you’d said the most atrocious sentence he’d ever heard. “With who? Who asked you on a date?”
The way he asks puts an emphasis on the wrong side of the question. This catches Max’s attention, the red head answering before you could. “And why do you say it like that, Steve? You think it’s so impossible that someone would wanna go on a date with our lovely friend?”
You know, and you know Max knows, that he didn’t mean it like that. But the red that tints his cheeks and the panic that sets into his eyes is just too funny.
“W-what? Of course not, I just meant-“ His eyes find her mischievous smirk and they narrow at her, focusing his attention solely on you. “I didn’t mean it like that. Now–who asked you out?”
His stern expression and the hands on his hips remind you of Hopper. The man you considered your father had yet to find out about this date, but you can imagine he’ll have a similar, albeit slightly more violent, reaction.
You roll your eyes again. Steve snaps his fingers, index finger pointing angrily at your face. “Hey, don’t roll your eyes at me. I just need to know who it is. For safety reasons.” He gives a one shouldered shrug, as if that would help in getting you to believe him.
A sigh escapes your lips. “If you must know, it’s a kid that was in my chemistry class last year and they work at the record store on main.”
“Lighten up, dingus!” Another voice calls. Robin emerges from the pool, taking the towel held out by Nancy and joining you by the pool chairs. “Y/N hasn’t shut up about this kid for weeks. Let ‘em have some fun.”
Ignoring your now flustered state at the girls words, Steve’s glare turns to the blonde. “You knew about this?”
You can’t help the groan that leaves your lips, head falling back in exasperation. “Steve!” You whine. “What is your problem?”
His arms maneuver to fold across his chest and he stares at you like you’ve offended him. “Well, excuse me for being concerned about you.” His tone is all sass, and if you were growing increasingly annoyed, you probably would’ve laughed. “How do we know his kid is trustworthy, huh? I don’t know if it’s slipped your mind, but we’ve literally been to hell, and I don’t know about you but I’m not willing to take any risks.”
“And I don’t know if it slipped your mind, but I have some very special abilities.” You remind him, mentally reveling in the way he’s pouting. “Even if his intentions weren’t good, I would know.”
You possessed a few telekinetic related powers just like El, but your main ability was foresight. You didn’t have visions and you couldn’t see years into the future, but you were able to know what would happen in the next minute. It allowed you to have impossibly fast reflexes and you usually knew what people were going to say before they did.
Steve struggled to come up with a rebuttal, and you sent him a knowing look. “Steve. I’ll be fine. I’ve known them for over a year now, and I really like them.”
When El had left with the Byers’ to California, you’d been able to stay in Hawkins and were residing in the Harrington household. Steve’s parents were gone ninety-nine percent of the time, and anytime they did pop back into town, you’d have a sleepover with Robin or Nancy.
Over the years, the former jock had become something of a brother to you. Like Dustin, you’d gravitated towards Steve, desperate to bond with an older role model that didn’t feel like a parent. He understood you better than Hopper but cared just as much. And after spending so much time taking care of Eleven and helping her grow into herself, it was nice to have someone be that person for you.
You could practically see the thoughts running through his head, and for a moment you feel almost bad about bringing up the topic around your friends rather than telling him in private.
It was a well known fact that he also saw you and the little sister he never got. Even after Hopper came back and the Byers moved back to Hawkins to live as one, big, happy family, you stayed with Steve. Of course you had a room there, but you assured hopper and Joyce that you were perfecting content with your living situation.
Hopper had been a little suspicious at the start that your “brother/sister” relationship with Steve was some kind of cover up. But he was quick to learn that that wasn’t the case.
You knew Steve was just being over protective. The two of you shared a bond that was different than even the one he had with Dustin. He wanted to keep you safe at all costs, and you couldn’t fault him for it.
Finally, under the pressuring stares of all of your friends, Steve sighed in defeat. “Fine. I guess, you can go on your date. But be careful. Please.”
A triumphant grin with a hint of fondness grew on your face. “I wasn’t looking for your permission, Stevie. But I’m glad I have your support.”
The smug grin was quickly wiped off your face, a squeal escaping your lips when he lunged for you, your body flying through the air and into the pool before you could blink.
“And…all done.” Nancy smiled in satisfaction, swiping the last little bit of lip gloss across your bottom lip. You looked over at the Max, El, and Robin nervously.
“How do I look?” All you received were bright smiles and gestures to look towards the mirror.
You braced yourself before twisting at the waist. The person staring back at you was almost unrecognizable. The makeup, the hair, the clothes were all foreign concepts to you, which is why you had the girls here to help you get ready. Without them you would have had no idea where to start, and you really wanted to impress your date.
When as much as expressed to your friends, they were quick to assure your that you’d look amazing wearing a trash bag, and if your date didn’t think so then they weren’t the one for you.
But they knew, and you knew that deep down, it was also partially for you. For the little kid that never got to experience these kinds of things growing up and who for once in your crazy life, just wanted to feel normal. Steve also knew this, he had to have, or else your not sure how he’s been able to behave this entire time.
You could hear him pacing downstairs and you almost rolled your eyes at his dramatics. He was just worried, you knew that, so you let him be.
Until the doorbell rang, and your abilities informed you of what could happen next. “Don’t your open that door, Steven!” You shot up from the vanity and launched yourself out of the bedroom, the girls hot on your heels as you ran downstairs.
Steve was inches from the door before an invisible force stopped him in his tracks. You looked back and found El with her hand outstretched and holding back a grin.
Sending her a silent thank you, you looked back at Steve, who was glaring back at the group of you. “Real funny.”
“Sorry, Harrington, we can’t have you scaring off the poor kid before the first date.” Max remarked, leaning against Eleven’s shoulder.
Nancy spun you by your shoulders, smoothing out and wrinkles in your clothes and any flyaway hairs that escaped in your haste to beat Steve to the door. “Okay, you’re all set.” She beamed. “Don’t be nervous, you’ll be fine.“ She assured, seeing the hesitance in your eyes.
You took a deep breath, facing the door and Steve, still stuck in his spot. “At ease, El.” You joked. She got the hint and freed Steve from his confinement, the man stumbling slightly.
Steve didn’t reach for the door again, only stared at you with a mixture of concern and acceptance. Without a word, he pulled you into him, embracing you with the hope that it expressed everything he wasn’t able to say. “Be careful, okay?” He mumbled.
You squeezed your arms around his torso. “I will.”
Robin handed you your purse that the girls had packed with all your essentials. A compact mirror, a travel sized makeup kit for touch ups, tissues and some pepper stray, just for safety. Not that you’d need it, but it helped put everyone’s mind at ease.
The group watched you pause in front of the door before you pulled it open. They only caught a glimpse of your date before it closed behind you. As soon as it shut, they were all pressed up against the window. You were already beaming at your date, tucking a hair shyly behind your ear when they opened the passenger side door for you.
Robin rested her head on Steve’s shoulder. “They grow up so fast, don’t they?”
She was joking, but Steve nodded. “Yeah. They do.”
And if Steve saw the quick kiss you shared while waiting for you to get home safely, he’d wait till the morning to tease you about it.
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𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑒 | Stranger Things Series x DemonQueen!Reader
A/N: So, If you know, I have an AU with a Demon Momma Reader so I thought "Why not adapt it for Stranger things?"! I hope you'll like it guys and have a good reading! Also, I'm thinking this new series to have like 3-4 endings for different people so comment below which ones you'd like to see!
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Being in the mortal world, a trash bin as you would call it, had its perks. For one, their drinks were much better than those you had in Hell and there were more chaos and blood shedding here that just made you feel giddy inside. If you were a normal human being, surely you would be called a freak, a monster. And truth to be told you were, kinda... For your Father's sake, you were a demoness and a crown princess which could end the whole world in like... a milisecond.
"Humans are so stupid sometimes. Really, we? Being bad guys? Come on, now I know we did quite a few ethically questionable things but it was for this world to stand for a few more centuries- Is that a puppy?"
With twinkling eyes, you went to pet the dog cutely and strangely, the little puppy came to you,rubbing its little head on your thighs. Cooing at it gently, you took its shivering form between your arms and continued to walk. Yes, you slayed many monsters, yes you protected the mortal world and the balance for many years now and you were feared by many, a scary story that was told to little kids to scare them away from sinning but... Yeah, a puppy was able to make you putty with his little tail swinging.
Looking from side to side, you cocked your head at seeing a cute girl in sailor costume selling ice creams. Your face blushed slightly and you coughed up nervously while looking at your form. Black high heels, a thight red dress, a black crown and a dark make up... Not really suitable for 80s to be honest.
Changing into something more casual for humans, you just sighed out at the way of dressing.
"Uhh... I'm not into this whole human fashion but I can't walk around and investigate while being dressed like that. Now, I sense something omnious from inside... Let's go and see it, right buddy?"
Barking at you softly, you squealed at the cuteness the puppy emitted and created a leash to hold onto the cheerful dog. Entering through the door and hearing the bell ring, Robin looked up to see who entered, only to stood frozen at the Goddess she saw.
Your hair bouncing with each movement and your struggling figure with the little dog compared to your tall figure made her giggle and stop to watch you. She couldn't help but let her eyes linger at you for a few more minutes, feeling her heart beat a little bit faster. Getting the dogs inside was strictly prohibited but she could allow for some more time to sit back and watch this pretty and tall and strong looking lady.
"I'm sorry but I can't let dogs in here..."
Jerking your head up at the sudden voice, you looked at the woman who had gorgeous freckles all over her face and couldn't help but think that she was cute with the sailor uniform. Smirking at her way, which made her blush profusely, you looked down at the dog and it understood you immediately to sit at the side of the shop.
"Well, sorry about that! I'm just new here and trying to find my way y'know?"
"Oh, I see... Do you... Did you find a-Oh God, Steve! Your kids are here!"
Kids? Aren't they like 20 and young to have them?, you thought while a bunch of teen entered and the one with black hair ringed the bell repeatedly while his friends,you assumed, were looking at around fascinatedly. You smiled at their innocence and looked at the girl with ginger hair, dozing off because of her shiny hair when your eyes landed on the brown haired boy who let out a huge gasp at seeing you.
You looked at him in worry since you thought something bad had happened but as soon as you took a closer look, you widened your eyes at the familiarity of the eyes. You remembered him, he was the same kid whose soul you protected in that goddamn shithole. Chuckling at the fact that he was alive and well and coped with the trauma, you looked at him with soft eyes but he grabbed your wrist thightly in his and pointed outside which you nodded your head at. Seeing that he wanted to talk at an ear shot away from his friends, you let him drag you out while cursing at yourself for being soft for the kid.
He was a young little kid when you met him, after your father assigning you to take care of the monsters roaming the Earth. His soul was a bright one, and unfortunately for him, he was sensitive to supernatural things which made him even more vulnerable.
"What... What are you doing here? I-I th-thought everything was done after... you know..."
Shaking your head at his anxiety, you looked at his eyes and stood away from him in case he was feeling uncomfortable, by remembering what happened to him.
"Nothing is wrong, darling. I just came back to check if everything was fine and besides! The downstairs was getting boring so I wanted to see what the humans had done after all this time! And I must say, you guys became even more gorgeous and the food? MY FATHER, THEY'RE AMAZING!"
Looking back and forth at you and your rambling self, Will's mind was at overdrive. He knew you were a good demon, even though it seemed strange in his tongue. Calling a demon, a being malicious and evil in nature good, was never heard of but he and you had gotten closer in his days at Upside Down, earning his trust by protecting him and trying to get him to his world.
But you being in here couldn't mean something good...
Shaking his head at you, he took your long nailed hand into his and looked inside the shop to see that his friends alongside Steve and Robin was looking at him with sharp eyes that could kill him. Shivering slightly at Robin and Steve's cold stares, he leaned towards you and talked softly.
"Y/N... Why are YOU here?"
"Ah well, my brothers are useless and my Father has such high expectations of me that I need to be the one to protect the world... Again... I mean I saved many humans back in the middle age from, you know, the Black Death even though I was the one who created it but- Oh wait, I already answered the question..."
Sheepishly looking around while trying to come up with something to get the hell out of this mall, you captured the eyes of the two young adult inside the shop and waved at them shyly which made them blush and turn to fumble with their work, which obviously they weren's doing. Waving back at you, you saw Steve nudge Mike while threatening him to get your number from the poor boy in front of you who had no idea what was going on while the girl, Robin, was pinching him for threatening a kid.
Sensing an omnious aura somewhere close, you looked at the east sharply with hooded eyes, you turned to Will and pat his head.
"I'll see you around later, darling! Take care and by the way, do you still wear the necklace I gave to you?"
Nodding his head at you and pointing at his chest, you smiled at the sight of your fire inside the little bottle protecting him. Ruffling his hair one last time, you entered to get the little puppy that you grew attached, you gave a serene smile at the young kids and smiled at Steve before walking out of the shop quickly.
"Steve, don't get me wrong but you are not my type and besides I don't have a phone yet so... bye!"
You laughed at the perplexed look on his face while the kids barked out at him and Robin drew a line on the board which said "You Suck" and ran at the forest close, adamant on finding what was going on.
Standing in front of what seemed like a factory, you walked around it with sharp and cautious eyes. Closing your eyes for a few seconds and opening them again, your sight became one with the most clear one that was seen on a demon and they looked around to see the source. Seeing a cloud-like thing float and kill the living things, you put your palms together and murmured a containing spell to lock whatever that creature was to prevent anyone getting hurt.
Wincing in slight pain at the resistance of it, you put more of your power into your spell and pushed it towards the monster. After everything was calm, you looked around and waited to see if something shitty would happen or not. Sighing in relief, you smiled and turned to leave the place with a skip in your steps.
"Well, that was easy! Now, I can go and watch some human drama peacefully!"
Fuck me and my nonsense of naivity, tou cursed at yourself while waiting at the entry of the school you knew Will was attending to. He was gonna kill you so bad, and panic so much that you'll have to drag him out and tell him everything. Hitting your feet nervously to the ground, you didn't care about the hungry looks of those "hormonal bastards whose only skill is to think with their dicks" or the teachers and waited for his group to come so that you can actually start to talk about what you should do. Picking at your nails, you pretended to take a cigarette from your bag while in reality, you made one appear between your fingers and lighted it. Looking around to see a glimpse of them for 3 minutes, you finally saw what you've been searching for in the distance and ran past the students who were looking at you weirdly, wondering what you had to do with the subject of bullying in the school and his friends.
"Will! Will, can we... Ah damn those heels, can we talk real quick?"
Jumping at the sudden appearance before them, Mike looked at Will who looked like he just saw a ghost suspiciously and stared at you. He didn't know what the relationship between you and Will was, but he didn't like it even a bit and by the slight panic inside your eyes, he was right to feel like that.
"I'm sorry miss, but our lessons are about to start and our teachers are-"
"Pretty strict, I know... It won't take long, only 10 minutes at most! Besides your lessons are due in 20 minutes, right?"
"Guys, it's okay... I know her, just go without me. I'll be back 10 minutes later."
Still looking at you sharply, Will touched Mike's shoulder to just let it go and leave you alone. He wasn't sure what made you so panicked but if you, the princess of Hell was panicked, than there was definetly something wrong.
Feeling grateful for backing you up, you clasped his hand between yours and pulled to the side to not let anyone hear you. Clapping your hands nervously at his unimpressed look, you knew you fucked up big this time.
"Let me guess... Something is terribly wrong..."
"Something is fucking terribly wrong! Like big this time and I swear it wasn't my fault! I thought I contained that little bastard with my spell, but yesterday a man went there and something just pulled him inside of the factory and I couldn't see his face neither was fast enough to stop it. HE JUST DISAPPEARED LIKE BOOM! But then, he came out alive but just ran at his car, something dangerous is probably inside of him and this stupid human body wouldn't allow me to use my powers to it's fullest, and your mother is playing with dangerous things-"
Suddenly being quiet and zipping your mouth, you looked at Will- who was no better than you- with thight lips. Dragging a hand through his hair, he groaned out and took your hand into his and started to run while asking you many questions and getting many stares.
"You sure you didn't see who it was?"
"I'm not blind darling, just his back was turned to me!"
Looking at the cabin and the voices coming inside after searching through almost the whole town to learn where Joyce was, you tilted your head and looked at Will questioningly. To be honest, you didn't want to interrupt two people having relationship problems but Will was tugging on your wrist harshly and yeah, you could stop him. Snap him into half or brainwash him or something but, yeah he was still a kid and child abuse was a big no-no.
"Will, I'm not sure if we should-"
"I think when I asked you out, you got scared and made something up! So that you can push me away! AND GOD FORBID-"
"Can you please not bring my father into this? It feels weird to hear His name from a half-naked man...". Startling both Joyce and Hopper and making them scream with fear since you appeared out of thin air right in front of them, you just raised a brow and looked between them. You surely saw naked men and women through your life a lot, some for you and some for others, but... Huh, the woman is kinda cute.
"Uhhh, I said the same but I need to say, this kid has an attitude... And boy, you should listen to your girlfriend. Even though she's swimming in dangerous seas..." Looking around curiously, your eye caught of the photo of a little baby and looking at it to see the memories, you were saddened by them. Not wanting to dive into his privacy more, you were thrown onto the wall with the man's arm around you. Joyce screamed at him to let you go and Will was trying to convince him that you weren't harmful.
"I don't know who you are but you took a kid away from school,entered my property without permission. And I don't have to say I'm an offic- WHAT THE FUCK!"
Teleporting him at the other side of the room while dusting yourself off, you created a lollipop and put it inside your mouth. Will couldn't believe that you were that noncholant about the whole deal but yet again, he wasn't. If he didn't know you from his time in the Upside Down, he would think that you were just being a rude asshole but that was far from the truth.
You only ate candies when you were anxious.
Taking it off with a loud pop, you looked at Joyce and Will and gave them two with a cute smile which they couldn't refuse. Joyce was still angry and worried about Will and how he knew you but you trully didn't seem like someone dangerous. Sure, you appeared out of nowhere and had obviously powers but... So did El, who wasn't dangerous right now.
Besides, you could kill them already if you wanted, right?
"Jim, I don't think she's dangerous... She would have killed you already if she was... And she's kind too..." Looking at your stiff form, she didn't understand why you suddenly seemed like a bucket of cold water was thrown at you but she was... curious.
"Oh, just because she offered you candy, she became kind? That's the exact same way child abusers kidnap people!"
"If I was a kidnapper, I wouldn't have saved Will from the Upside Down and the Mind Flayer... He was lucky that he is cute though, I have a weakness for cute and little things and shiny too and- Yeah, I talked too much again." Groaning out while sitting on the ground like a grounded kid, both adults looked at you with wide eyes. You could sense the fear coursing through their veins, and if it was old you, you would've taunted them. Made them wven more scared that their souls would reek nothing but pure fear.
But they were lucky that you changed you ways and hey! It was boring having a bloodthirst all the time!
"Who. Are. You. Really?" Taking Joyce behind him while she was hanging onto Will with all of her might, the boy only looked at you pleadingly for you to not do something childish. Were you going to listen? No. Would it be funny? Hell yeah!
" I'm the Watcher, the one who observes... I'm the one who punishes the sinners... I'm the Crown Princess of Hell and probably the only one who could save humanity... Nice to meet you, Jim Hoppers! I'm Y/N Morningstar!"
Looking frozen at your sinister looking face( it was just him, Joyce later told you that you looked cute since you started to cry after reading Hopper's mind.), Jim stood there for a few seconds and fainted right in front of you. Still not breaking contact with Joyce who was looking at Hopper's back with wide eyes, you took her hand and kissed the back of it.
Obviously, she didn't expect that.
Rolling your eyes at the two human begore you, you shood your head amusedly and looked at a frantic Will.
"I told you to not to do something childish!"
"In my defense, I couldn't know that your mom would faint because I was being a gentlewoman!"
Still bickering back and forth with the kid you came to care for, you had no idea what the future was waiting you with.
After all, free will wasn't given to only humans, right?
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itsdjover · 6 months
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They're being chased by a monster and yet their first instinct at hearing Dustin singing on the radio is to judge him. I love them so much.
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
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if i had a nickel for every au spawned from twitter that i SWORE i was going to be normal about
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smalltownrobin · 30 days
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At this point Steve doesn’t know Vickie broke up with her bf. he’s just proud of Robin being a homewrecker
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myrkky · 2 months
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platonic soulmates Stobin
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steviesbicrisis · 7 months
To me it’s the fact that Steve assumed Robin had a license but still woke up 3 hours before his work shift to drive her to school everyday.
That is not a plot hole everybody, that is just the kind of person Steve Harrington is.
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imfinereallyy · 1 month
El being wholesome with Steve. El being wholesome with Steve. The weird sibling duo we didn’t know we needed. I need more of it. I might do it….no I’ve done enough of them…
Okay, okay. But just picture this:
The kids trying to embarrass Steve all the time with photos and stories to Eddie, but El ruins it every.single.time. because she is so unbelievably wholesome when it comes to Steve.
Here is everyone pulling out scoops photos (which Eddie actually loves thank you very much) and sharing stories about his failed dates. Dustin tells Eddie specifically about the time he was teaching Lucas basketball and Lucas threw the ball too hard at the backboard and hit Steve in the face.
So they are all poking fun at Steve in his and Robin’s apartment (because in every universe these platonic soulmates live together) and there is just El who randomly chimes in:
“Steve took me to this thing called a ren faire once. It was very fun. We both looked really pretty.”
Eddie absolutely melts at the story and gushes over the photos she has.
And everyone gets quiet every time, because no one wants to criticize El, but one time Max gently goes, “You know that’s like….nice right? We’re making fun of him.”
Everyone one expects her to being embarrassed or confused but instead she simple says.
“I know. I don’t like it. Steve’s nice.”
And she embarrasses everyone, except Robin and Eddie who are the only ones Steve never gets upset with when they make fun of him. They all mumble out apologies, and Steve turns to Dustin and goes:
“This is why she gets a special section in the freezer. All different flavors of eggos.”
El’s eyes get wide. “Even the blueberry ones?”
Steve gives her hair a tousle, “Especially the blueberry ones.”
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meiz-draws · 5 months
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Bonus sketch:
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One day, Eddie suggested getting a pet.
And brought this guy home.
Plot-twist: Steve hates birds. Or hated?
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sp0o0kylights · 5 months
Steve wearing a ring Eddie gifts him as a joke (so he can be less prep/more cool) except Steve ends up wearing it all the time.
Something happens-- Eddie misplaces or otherwise forgets his rings one night, and ends up having to go about the day without them.
He's so used to spinning and fidgeting with them that he feels practically naked. Keeps touching his bare fingers and wincing.
Without asking and mid conversation with Robin, Steve offerings him not Steve's own ring, but his entire hand.
Just gives his hand over to Eddie, an intrusive thought he followed without sparing so much as a second to think it through.
(Eddie plays with the ring on Steve's finger anyway, trying not to blush about it, but very much needing the distraction. )
Robin calls them out about ten minutes in, asking why Steve didn't just take the ring off. 
“Oh. I didn't think about that. Sorry Eddie.” 
“Don't apologize man, this is better."
Steve nods like that makes perfect sense, and Eddie refuses to elaborate further.
Robin wants to choke them both because they're fucking romance-blind idiots.
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chervbs · 2 years
platonic adoptive big bro Steve w/ a ex-experiment reader if thats ok. thx uwu (sorry if my english is bad)
I love platonic fics 🥹 here you go my love ❤️
hold on tight
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dynamic-power · 4 months
Steve is walking down the hallway towards his math class when it happens.
Someone bumps into him, a girl he only vaguely recognizes, and she reaches out and grabs his hand to steady herself.
His vision explodes with what he knows must be color. Bright shades assault his eyes, shades he doesn't even have names for. His classmates' clothes, the tiles beneath his feet, the homecoming sign above him. Even the lights have taken on a new hue, washing Steve's entire world in something completely alien.
The girl looks as shocked as steve feels. Her eyes are wide, and her mouth drooped open as she spins in a slow circle. She's pretty, he thinks. Short hair, soft features, an unusual sense of style. She's clutching an instrument case, and he thinks that's why he recognizes her.
"Uh," he says, catching her attention. "Hi."
Her mouth opens, closes, opens once more, and then she dashes away from him, disappearing into the throng of students.
He spends the rest of the day cataloging colors. By the time he's climbing into his car (which is a color he still can't name, but has decided he likes) he's found at least a dozen different shades, and he wonders how they all fit into the seven colors he's been told are in the rainbow.
He tells his mom when he gets home that day. She is ecstatic. When Steve admits he doesn't have anything to tell about the girl herself, his mom turns her attention on naming colors for him.
It becomes quickly apparent that something isn't quite right. He'd been so focused on everything that was new that he hadn't realized what was the same. He still sees a lot of grays. Blues, purples, greens,and violets are all still lost on him.
That doesn't make what he can see any less spectacular, though. Oranges, reds, pinks, yellows. The yellows are his favorite.
He'll meet his other soulmate, his mother assures him, as they sit in the backyard, admiring the rich golds and reds of the trees that he can now see, standing out against the gray of the sky he knows should be blue.
He does, about two years later. He's picking Henderson up from school one afternoon, but instead of Dustin climbing into the front seat like usual, the back door swings open violently and not one but two figures scramble into the back seat.
"Henderson, what the fuck?!?"
"Drive!" Henderson screeches, his head popping up between the seats. "Go, go, go!" A hand, not Dustin's, reaches out as the stranger tries to sit himself up and fingers graze his temple as he's peeling away from the curb.
"Motherfucking assmunch-" Dustin is saying, "thinking he can get away with that shit-"
But Steve isn't paying attention, because the trees are green and the sky is blue and the world is suddenly right.
Steve looks into the rearview mirror and meets the gaze of a shocked-looking Eddie Munson.
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rogueddie · 4 months
Steve, who didn't come out to Robin when she did in the Starcourt bathrooms bc he didn't want to take away from her moment, entirely forgetting that he never came out to her and subsequently gives her the bitchiest look when she almost chokes to death at his casual "god I want that guy to rail me"
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lazylittledragon · 1 month
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mombin pt 6 and look who showed up
(1)(2)(3)(4) (5)
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donttellunclesam · 14 days
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girls night!!
(close up under the cut)
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