#played arceus earlier and my love for sinnoh continues to expand i just
ferahntics · 2 years
Sinnoh Starter Headcanons
I have Sinnoh starter brainworms so here we go, Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup headcanons, their evolutions included!
You know the drill, under the cut!
Turtwig are natural pacifists, and this is a trait that is further emphasized as they evolve. Because of this, many Pokemon make nests in Grotle and Torterra’s backs, and they welcome it wholeheartedly. With Torterra however, as much as they avoid conflict, they don’t have a long fuse either - if one of the Pokemon nick a sensitive spot on their backs, it can earn them a nasty growl back.
That being said, Turtwig are very anxious about exposing their undersides. Similar to most animals in real life, the stomach is a very vulnerable spot, and if they get knocked on their backs, it can get them to panic. Ironically, this doesn’t happen in scuffles exclusively. Their stubby legs make them clumsy, so sometimes they knock themselves over on their backs and get stuck. But if they’re in a group, the other Turtwig will gather together to help them get back on their legs.
Their health can be determined based on the soil of their shells and the leaves on their heads. If the soil is dry, or maybe even cracked, this is a very tell-tale sign of dehydration - maybe even a fever. If their soil is moist to the touch, that’s a classic flu-like symptom for them, or some other illness. They also require sunlight to channel their photosynthesis - this is quite essential to their well-being!
Should anyone get lost in the forests where they dwell, they will most likely help guide the lost soul back out - they’re aware of their surroundings and can find themselves out of the thickest woodlands.
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These Pokemon are physically incapable of sitting still. They are absolute children and will cause chaos out of pure and utter entertainment. However, if they do break something, or if they spot their trainers being upset, they’ll regret it immediately and will try to make up for it with small gestures, like giving berries.
And on the topic of berries, these little guys can be gluttonous. Not to the extent of Skwovet or Greedent, but still - they have quite the appetite, and many have got a major sweet tooth. And as they evolve, that craving gets worse, so be prepared to cook loads of food as they’re guaranteed to want seconds, especially as Infernape.
They love a challenge and will rarely back out of one, but don’t confuse this for being violent. Despite the vicious appearance Infernape have, they’re very calm Pokemon and love company of others, even themselves they form in groups. If they find a Pokemon struggling, the Infernape are quite likely gonna protect them or maybe even adopt if they’re in big danger.
Like most Fire-type Pokemon, they are very much in touch with their emotions, displayed by the flame they have. And similarly, they can regulate the heat of them so they’re able to give physical affection with zero issues.
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In terms of aesthetics, you’ve met your match with Piplup and its evolution line. They take pride in their appearance, their status and their display of strength, so sometimes they can show off in a fight - or they can make prime contest challengers for coordinators. 
Now their pride can blind them, and may make them just a tad-bit overconfident so reckless charging is a given. And they also tend to bite more than they can chew and set unrealistic expectations for themselves - and once they inevitably fail, they beat themselves up about it very harshly. Try to give them all the support they need, because as they become Empoleon, this habit gets more intense - so reassure them it doesn’t affect their worth at all and need to take this more slowly and step-by-step - rather than do a direct penguin slide into challenges.
They hate the heat with a passion and can get quite whiny regarding it.  If you have a pool or a cellar, expect them to be cooped up in there, they’ll do whatever to keep cool - and if you have ice cream anywhere, it will be demolished without a single scrap left.
Empoleon tend to grow out of this pettiness, but still keep their pride in tact. Though they’re less likely to charge head-first into trouble like Piplup just because something looked at it funny, they’re still very much ticked if they spot something that bothers them. They can also take it upon themselves to keep their trainers’ appearance top-notch and will help preen any loose hair strands - though beware, some know how to be gentle. Others? Not so much, so. Ow.
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