#playing around with formatting and colors who gonna check me boo x
weelittleweasley · 4 years
Friendly Game | Draco x Reader
Prompt requested by anon: You and Draco were both stars on the Slytherin quidditch team, but after getting too aggressive in a game, you find yourself taking a nasty blow, causing Draco to get a little too overprotective.
Warnings: Reader getting injured, fluff
Word Count: 2.1k (short and sweet)
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Standing in the tunnel to the field, you can hear the crowd cheering and chanting, your adrenaline pumping as you fiddle with your broom in your hands. You just wanted to get out there and start the match against Gryffindor. This match was something you’ve been looking forward to for weeks. “Awfully fidgety today, aren’t we, darling?” your boyfriend says, standing next to you. You roll your eyes at Draco before he gives your hand a squeeze, placing a kiss to your knuckles through the glove. “No need to be anxious. You’ll be brilliant.”
Smiling sweetly at Draco, you lean over, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before you hear Lee Jordan call out your team’s name, the Slytherin section going absolutely mad. The tunnel opens and all of you run out, yelling, before hoping on your brooms and taking to the skies. Playing quidditch was the one time you felt like you were truly free at this school. You could zip around, flying as fast as you wanted, not to mention, you could “accidentally” knock into a few Gryffindors and get away with it. 
Today’s game was big or at least it was big to Draco which made it big to you. Everyone knew about Draco’s vendetta against Harry Potter which meant that you had a vendetta against him. Draco knew that the competition between him and Potter was always on, but heightened on the field.
As you looked over to Draco, he glared at Potter who glared back just as intensely as him. You smiled at the sight, your heart racing, waiting for Madam Hooch to start the game. Shortly after that, the game starts with a roar, everyone zipping along the field, you focused on getting into an open spot on the field to making a successful pass to another Chaser on your team.
The match was not an easy one. Gryffindor players were very skilled and played a fair game. But that didn’t mean that Slytherin had to. Over the years, you learned a few tips and tricks from Crabbe and Goyle about a few moves you could pull during the match that wouldn’t be considered a foul. 
During the game, you watched as Ginny Weasley started approaching the Slytherin end of the field, approaching the rings. You glance over to Zabini, who nods, having the same idea as you. The two of you start to zip over to the Weasley girl, narrowing in on her from either side. Ginny looks at the both of you, anxiety settling in, trying to escape from what she knows is inevitable. You laugh menacingly before you and Blaise physically knock into her from either side, forcing the Quaffle out of her grasp, body blowing her . As it falls to the ground, Ginny groans, almost being knocked off of her broom. 
Ron Weasley yells from his keeper position, “What the bloody hell was that all about?” You just give him a look and shrug before noticing Harry who just watched the scene that unfolded before his eyes. Ron looks at Harry who looks at Ginny, who struggles to regain her balance on her broom. Harry then abandons trying to capture the golden snitch and zooms to Ginny, making sure that she’s alright.
You don’t waste any time, fleeing the scene cause the longer you stay, the more guilty you look. You continue along with Zabini, checking other Chasers, twirling to avoid Bludgers. The game was not dying down in intensity, instead only rising with each passing moment. Players were getting more and more aggressive, treading a fine line between basic fouls and trick moves. Bludgers were zooming, past people, hitting others, attempting to knock others off their brooms, players skillfully dodging them. Things were going so quick, you couldn’t keep up, slightly overwhelmed. 
As you fly in formation behind Zabini and next to Crabbe, you keep your head low, hands firmly gripping your broom. Merlin, Malfoy, can’t you capture the snitch already so we can end the bloody game? you think to yourself. Too enthralled with your thoughts, you don’t even notice the Bludger that is hurling towards you at maximum speed that an opposing player had hit towards you. 
“(Y/L/N)! Watch out!” you hear a voice yell. You turn toward the Bludger, it hitting you right in the ribs, knocking you off your boom as the wind gets knocked out of you. Everyone stops where there are on the field as they watch you take the nasty blow, dropping off of your broom at least 4 meters from the ground. The crowd gasps as you hit the ground, crying out in pain. You curl up into a ball, grabbing your ribs in pain. If the Bludger didn’t break a rib, the fall definitely did. 
Madam Hooch blows her whistle, bringing the game to a halt. Meanwhile, Draco and Harry stopped where they were, chasing the snitch, hearing the whistle. “What’s going on?” Harry looked below him, seeing a green robed quidditch player on the field, laying on the ground with Hooch and other hovering over the player. “It’s one of yours,” Potter sneers.
Draco gives him a look before squinting to see who exactly it was who got themselves injured, disturbing the game. His eyes quickly recognize your figure and his heart drops, fear setting in. “No, no, no,” Draco says before zooming down to the field instantly, flying at the speed of light. Within in seconds, Draco is off his broom and on his knees next to you. “Darling, are you alright?” he holds one of your hands, the other brushing your hair as he inspects your face, scanning for any blood or bruises that stick out to him. He then notices your face contort in pain as you clutch onto your left side, you shaking from the pain rippling in your rib cage. His worry grows as he sees you writhe in pain. His worry then turns into sheer anger when he knows this was a Gryffindor doing. Draco rises from the ground and demands, “Which one of you blokes did it?”
Other Gryffindors turn away, leaving Jimmy Peakes standing there, gulping in fear about what the Slytherin was going to do to him since he was the one who delivered the blow to his girlfriend. “I didn’t mean it, Malfoy, I swear, I’m sorry. We were having a friendly game,” Peakes tries to reason with the blonde haired boy who has steam coming from his ears.
Malfoy stomps over to Peakes, grabbing him by the collar. “Friendly game?! I don’t think so. And it’s too late for excuses, you bloody twat. She’s hurt still, isn’t she? You think an apology is gonna mend a broken rib?” he spits in the Gryffindor’s face. “Since you broke her rib, that means I get to break you.”
Before Draco can even raise his fist, Madam Hooch stops him. “Oi! The last thing we need are more unnecessary injuries on the field,” she demands as Draco lets Peakes’ collar go, giving him a great shove before Draco returns to your side on the ground. “(Y/N), we’re gonna get you to Madam Pomfrey right away,” Madam Hooch tells you as you nod your head, in far too much pain to speak anything other than groan in pain or suck in a sharp breath which only causes more pain to erupt from your ribs.
You look next to you as Draco offers you a sorry smile, brushing you hair as Madam Pomfrey tells the teams playing that the match will have to continue at another time. The crowd boos in disappointment. The pain in your side is so overwhelming that you see your vision becoming spotty. “Dray,” you manage you speak as he nods, attentively listening to you, ready to get you anything you needed. Before you can talk to your boyfriend, your eyes feel heavy and the sounds around you begin to die down. You can feel yourself actively losing consciousness from the pain, slowly letting your eyes fall shut.
This only makes Draco go into a full panic. He looks around at his teammates watching you lay there. “Well, don’t just stand there, you stupid blokes! Get her a medic!” he yells before turning his attention back towards you, giving you hand a little squeeze. “You’ll be alright, darling. I promise.”
Slowly peeling your eyes open, you rub them to focus them, taking in the change of environment. You’re in a bed in the hospital wing, white sheets covering you and your entire chest is wrapped in beige colored gauze. You turn to your right and see Draco sitting on a stool next to your bed, making you lightly smile. Of course, he was next to you the entire time, making sure you were safe and sound. You attempt to sit up straight which only disturbs the pain again, waves shooting up your left side. You wince as Draco jumps to his feet, helping you sit up gently making sure that you don’t shift anything out of place. “Easy there, tiger,” he speaks, a teasing smile dancing across his lips. “There we go.” You peel the covers off your top half as Draco drapes a Slytherin jumper over your shoulders, making sure that you were staying warm. “Madam Pomfrey took good care of you. But she said that you’ll be out of playing for the next two to three weeks,” Draco informs you, making you groan. “You need time to proper the heal.”
“Brilliant,” you groan. “We would have won today if it weren’t for bloody Peakes,” you complain, pulling the Slytherin sweater around you tighter. A small smirk plays on Draco’s lips as he looks at you. “Oh, no. What did you do to the bloke?” you ask him to ‘fess up.
Draco raises his arms in defense. “Nothing,” he tells you as you give him a look knowing that Draco didn’t let the kid walk free after what happened. “Maybe a bloody nose. Maybe it broke in the process of me punching him...” he trails off as you slap his shoulder lightly. “What? That was generous of me. If I had it my way, he would be sat in the bed next to you.”
You shake your head. “You can’t get into fights over me, love. It’s sweet, but I can defend myself. Besides, if Madam Hooch finds out about your alteration with Peakes, you could face suspension from the team,” you tell him, reaching out to stroke his cheek with your hand as he leans into it, kissing the palm gently as if to not hurt your fragile state. 
He sighs, “No, I won’t get suspended. But I did get a month of detention.” Your gentle smile drops into a knowing look and you let out an exasperated sigh. “It was well worth it though.”
No matter what you told him, Draco was always protective over you. He knew well enough you could protect yourself and fight your own battles, but he liked avenging you. He like the power trip he would get when he would put someone in their place after messing with you. You showed more mercy than Draco did, of course, but after Draco had his way with the person, they never seemed to bother you again. It was an odd way of expressing his love, but it was sweet to you nonetheless. Although the situation at hand was crummy, at least you knew Draco had your back and would be the first person to jump to your defense. 
Scooting over in the hospital bed, you pat the space next to you as Draco smiles like a child on Christmas morning. He climbs in next to you, careful not to touch your sides in fear that you would shriek in pain. You laid your head on his chest, draping your arm over his torso. He rested his head on top of yours, carefully wrapping his free arm around you, drawing small circles on your back. You took a steady breath in, inhaling his perfume, the scent immediately washing over you, calming you. Draco pressed gentle kisses to your head, allowing himself to relax into the bed, knowing you were safe at his side. He would stay here as long as you wanted him to, not bothering to go back to his dormitory where his friends waited for him. He would stay right here by your side in case you needed absolutely anything. 
“You know that I would do absolutely anything for you,” he says as a statement rather than a question. “I would run to the ends of the world if you asked me to.”
Lightly laughing, you look up at him. “I know you would,” you assure him. “And I would do the same for you.” He smiled down at you, kissing the tip of your nose. You cuddled back into his chest, knowing that in this moment this was the safest you have ever felt.
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