#playing zelda games in my childhood/adolescence changed me as a person
feliaes · 7 months
it’s insane how it actually mentally hurts when i think about this one specific video game bc i have so many bittersweet memories attached to it
i can’t even play it bc it just makes me so so sad for no reason and it’s not even a sad game what is even going on with me help
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a425app · 5 years
Interview 07
Interview Questions
How are you?
Pretty good! It’s been a nice morning so far. Woke up at my leisure, had some coffee, conducted an interview with my father-in-law, and now I’m here
What is your name?
Cory Timmons
What is your age?
What gender do you identify as?
Female. I’m a transwoman, and I make that distinction. I can’t deny that I lived as a man for most of my life, although, that’s not how I felt inside. Many transwoman do not like to make the distinction between being a woman and being a transwoman, but I think it’s the most accurate way to describe me. I’m still very early in my transition, and expect to change a lot in the next 2-5 years.
What are the things that have been on your mind today?
Getting my interviews done is really stressing me out. I’m very nervous that I don’t know enough people to properly conduct the required number of interviews.
What's been the most enjoyable part of you of your day so far?
My coffee and chat with my husband this morning. I love him so much.
Is there something your looking forward too?
I’m looking forward to checking some things off my list today so I can reduce my stress. I know what I have to do, I took some time before bed to make a list of things for the weekend, so now I just have to GSD- get shit done!
What is the most important thing that matters to you at the moment?
Completing my degree.
Do you work? If so how many hours a week and what sort of job is it? / do you work on site or at home (or alternate location)
Yes. It varies. I work between 5 and 20 hours a week. I make posters for the music department, and occasionally do administrative work for an occupation/physical therapy company who helps kids with special needs in SF. I work at home for both jobs.
What are some things you like to do on the weekends?
Lately, working on homework. My husband and I like to have morning dates.. so we go out thrift shopping and have a nice lunch together. I like to just be cozy, so I immediately put my pjs on after we get home. If I have time, I clean the house, organize/work on little projects to make the house a little easier to live in. Every few weeks, we get brunch with my mom. If I perform in drag, I usually do so on the weekends.
What is your living situation like?
We live in a spacious house surrounded by trees with our pets. We’re very near a park, and near to amenities in town. I’m very very lucky.
is your living space organized to help you accomplish your tasks or goals, whatever they may be?
I think so. I have a dressing room/private lounge that’s just for me. It’s my own little haven in the house. We also have a nice art studio that’s set up for physical and digital arts. The rest of the house has a great flow, lots of pocket doors and things so we can close off parts as we need to. I love this house. It’s very well-designed.
What kinds of chores did you do during childhood/adolescents?
Very few. Basically just cleaning my room to the point it wasn’t a fire hazard, but even then, my parents were incredibly lenient about my chores. My mom did all of it, and I still feel immense guilt about it. That’s probably the most “male” part of my up-bringing—I was waited on hand-and-foot by my mom. I ultimately suffered for it. I had none of these skills, yet I was often in the position of being asked to do those tasks because of the dynamics of my relationships. I basically taught myself housekeeping from martha stewart, and then tried to come back down to earth to a more practical style of keeping house.
Would you say you actively seek out new things to try?
Oh totally
What are some of your goals for your daily life?
I’d like to walk the dog more consistently. I’d like to get in the habit of writing for thirty minutes every single day. I would like to be better about my makeup removal/getting ready for bed routine.
What are some of your goals in general?
I want to make Salem more comfortable fore queer/trans folks. Our city can be very hostile and cruel toward people with deviant genders and sexualities, and we don’t really have a ton of resources considering our city’s size. So that’s a big focus of my life. In fact, I’d say it’s what I’d identify as my purpose for the time. Besides that, more short term, I want to graduate and get a good job making a difference in the world. I’d like to work for a non-profit or some other kind of business/entity that improves peoples lives. I want to keep my art-making practice outside of school—it’s changed my life for the better and I don’t want to lose this power and passion I’ve developed.
What are some things that make you feel proud of yourself?
When I complete an art work that accomplishes my content and formal goals I feel very proud of myself. I feel proud of myself when I survive harsh and cruel situations and still keep my head up. I feel proud of myself when I speak my truth, not fearing the reprisal or consequences.
What activities give you the most satisfaction?
At home, DIY projects and gardening are probably the most satisfying. I get to see it change from A to B and it lasts—something that I can continue to witness over time.
What kinds of things do you to relieve stress?
I listen to guided imagery. I find it helps immensely with my anxiety and PTSD symptoms. I used to self medicate much more with alcohol and marijuana, but I’ve cut back a lot on both of those things, but still use. Not the best way to relieve stress, so I’m trying to be more mindful about it and use healthier options. Meh. No one’s perfect.
What is something you wish you had more time to do?
Making art, particularly digital art. I dream of making a video game. Some kind of RPG, like Final Fantasy or even action-adventure like Zelda. I’d love to have more time to devote to that.
What kinds of things take up most of your time?
Homework right now, and miscellaneous administrative tasks. Honestly, my schedule is so tight right now that it’s all kind of a blur.
How do you feel after you have completed a task.
How do you reward yourself?
This is a step a rarely do. I only really reward myself for BIG things. When I quit smoking cigarettes, I saved the money I had been spending on that and bought myself a game console.
How much time do you take just for yourself?
I spend a good hour and a half each morning waking up, drinking coffee, listening to podcasts and doing my shower/makeup/dressing routine. At night, I spend about an hour listening to music/podcasts, playing video games, or reading.
What are the most frustrating aspects of your daily activities/ day?
Driving. I love it and hate it. I like the ability to drive, but I hate commuting. So it’s a a weird dynamic! I would love to have the ability to ride a bus or trolley or something to work so I don’t have to think about it. But I’d still want a car because I enjoy driving. Weird, huh? I guess it just feels like I’m losing about an hour of productive time each day.
What time of day do you tend to do your work/chores/ homework
Any time I have, I spend it on that. So, usually 4-9 MWF, 12-9 T/R. All day on the weekend.
Do you feel like you have a good balance between work and personal life?
Not at all, but this period of my life is not about that at all. I’m doing all this work so I can have a personal life again. I absolutely do not intend to keep this pace. It will destroy me and my marriage if I do. I intend to be a more normal “adult” when I’m done with school.
How consistent is your schedule?
Parts are very consistent, other parts are variable. School obviously doesn’t change, but I have counseling/therapy appointments at various times of the week/alternating weeks, evening events, etc.
Can you describe a typical day for you from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed?
7:15 wake up, glass of water, take pills
7:30 coffee, read news, listen to podcasts, homework if needed
8:30 Shower
9:00 Makeup/dress
9:25 Leave for school
9:30 McDonalds
9:55 Arrive at school
10-4 classes
4:00 leave for home
4:25 get home. Drink water, take dogs out
4:45 use the bathroom
5:00 start dinner
5:30 hug mike when he gets home (our main ritual), then feed the dogs
6:00 eat dinner
6:30 dishes
6:45 watch tv/chit chat catch up with mike
8:00 Homework
9:00 alone time in my lounge: video games, music podcasts, drawing, etc.
9:30 remove contacts/makeup, night cream, take night pills
9:45 alone time again
10:15 – 10:45 slip into bed. Read in bed until I pass out.
What time of day do you feel the most alert/happy
Mid-day, 2-6
What do you think having a routine means?
Doing stuff without really thinking about it.
Do you have a daily/weekly routine(s) If so, What are some of your daily/weekly routines?
My days are pretty routine in the way I describe it. Not a lot deviates from that. The main consistent routine centers around school and caring for my dogs.
What tools do you use to plan or remind yourself of activities or a routine if any?
I have a family calendar  mike and I share to keep aware of our day-to-day. We have a chore chart for those kinds of things. Other than that, not realy.
Do you think having a daily routine would/does benefit you? Why or why not?
I think some of the things that’d be good for my skin/body would definitely benefit me. I’m pretty inconsistent about makeup removal, and I’d like to be better about caring for my skin in that way.
Have you done any research / read articles about having a routine?
How often would you say you search for things involving lifestyle: blogs, articles, magazines etc.
Would you be interesting in learning how to best establish and stick to a routine?
What would that look like to you?
Yes. I think it would be positively encouraging and would try to keep me going if I fuck up. I think a lot of times it feels like “all is lost” if I miss a day or don’t do something quite right. So I’d want something to hold me accountable but still keep my interest? Maybe some funny content, connections with others. Tricks on how to get your brain to re-wire.
Do you use technology for planning and/or reminders? If so, what are your favorite tools/programs.
Why are those your favorite?
Yes. I use the apple calendar, and mike and I share it. It’s pretty intuitive, it’s native on the phone, and I can share with hubby.
What are some of your favorite apps to use? Why those? How do you use them? How often do you use them?
I don’t use a ton of apps, but I like the adobe apps for iPad a lot. I think they have the right amount of features for me to draw or do whatever. It’s like JUST what I need… no bloat. It doesn’t feel hard to learn. You just kind of open it and it’s obvious what to do.  I use them to make vector drawing sketches that I pull into illustrator and refine. I use adobe capture a ton to make cool shapes and illustrations, too. I use these almost daily.
If you could make a app for keeping track of a routine what would be some of the features you would want?
I would want to sync up with others doing it too. Social really helps for me. I’d want it to keep track of what I’m doing, maybe remind me of the benefits of what I’m doing. That was something that really helped me when I quit smoking… your lungs are x better and your risk of x is x or whatever really helped me to see the benefit of continuing something that was fucking sooooo hard I wanted to quit a million times day. Six years later it’s hard to imagine that, like it really worked for me. So, I guess getting through the shittiness of starting and then reinforcing after I’ve picked up the habit.
Have you ever failed to stick to a routine? If so, why do you think that was?
Yeah, I can’t tell you how many diet and exercise routines I used to try. I think I always wanted to go whole hog instead of just accepting that a little bit at a time over time is better than a quick burst all at once. I think it has to be something that will fit into my normal life..,. I shouldn’t have to plan my whole fucking day around a routine just to stick to it. I don’t do well with anything regimented or with negative punshiment. Fuck that. So it has to feel good, be easy, and feel positive.
Do you have any medical conditions that you think might affect your ability to stick to a regular schedule or routine?
Not really. Allergies maybe.
Do you think your profession has an impact on your routine?
Yes. I think being a student puts me in a position of forcing myself into a certain structure of time. In my old job, I had a very consistent schedule and no work to take home. My husbands job is not like that. We have different routines. SO I dunno, maybe it’s profession, maybe it’s the level of job, maybe it’s personality.
To what degree do you think other people impact your routine?
A lot routines and things need support, and I think if someone else is against the change, it can make the change very hard to deal with. I think everyone in a household kind of has to be on board.
Would you be more likely to do something if someone else was holding you accountable?
Maybe, but not in like an authoritarian sense. Like not like a directive, but more collaborative, like we’re in it together. Like… my bestie and I like to walk, so we often encourage each other in that way, but the same is true… she’s my bestie so it’s just as easy to say “fuck it” because we know neither of us REALLY wants to do it, ya know?? So maybe it’d need to be someone I was less close to so the social pressure to maintain the habit was a little higher.
If we came back in [x number of] years to have this conversation again, what would you like to be different?
I think I will have a pretty routinized daily life that is hitting all the boxes of things I want to work on and accomplish. Ithink I will have built more “down time” into my schedule because right now I’m working way too fucking hard and I know I can’t keep this up.
Is there anything I’ve missed?
Maybe what inspires a change. So I want to walk more for the main reason of my health: I’m very sedentary and I’m worried that as I get older I will miss my “easy” chance at starting to exercise and incorporate something health related into my lifestyle. To be honest, my disconnection from my body is not surprising. It never felt like home to me. It felt inhospitable and like someone else’s body. Now that I’m on the path of having the body I want (through hormone replacement) I’m feeling a much deeper connection to my body and the way that it cares and provides for me. So, in many ways I regret the apathy and neglect I demonstrated toward my body during my youth. It’s hard to know that I did so much damage to my body in my younger years and that I can’t take that time back. So maybe some motivation for wanting to change. I’m starting a new life, and I need to think about what the life means and what I want out of it, if that makes sense. And the health of my body is central to my ability to live the life I want. So that’s why I want a better routine.
Is there anything you want to tell me?
Thank you for being a good friend. : )
Any questions?
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