#please I love owen y’all he doesn’t deserve the amount of hate he gets
Owen, peacefully existing: “Hey guys! It’s me Owen 😋-“
Owen: “😦..”
“I-I can’t have fucking shit here.”
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puckyess · 4 years
Love Her Like I Didn’t | Owen Lindmark
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See if you can pick out which paragraph @penaltbox wrote! & In case y’all didn’t know, I hate angst.
Words: 1.9k
Owen leaned against his headboard with his head tilted up, staring at the ceiling. He wondered how he had gotten to this point and whether or not it was the right move to do what he was about to do. He switched apps to look at the photo once more, sucking in a breath just like he had the first time he’d seen the picture of you with your bright smile and his arms wrapped around your shoulders from behind. Sure, he’d assumed you’d move on from him eventually, to some douchebag guy who he could hate, but he’d never expected it to be with his teammate. He closed his eyes and tried to level his breathing out, feeling like he’d been sucker punched. It was a Friday night, they had a bye week, he should be out with the boys and not wallowing. And yet here he was, feeling like he had the first day of the breakup, if he could even call it that. Technically you two had never officially been together.
Shay was a good teammate and all, but Owen wasn’t sold on you not being with himself. Shay didn’t know you like he did. He’d buy you food and expect you to eat it, not knowing that you were picky as hell, but you also wouldn’t want to make him feel bad so you’d force yourself to eat it anyway. He wouldn’t appreciate the way you mumble, he’d just tell you to speak up instead. He wouldn’t think the baseline between your neck and face is beautiful the way Owen always did. Shay sees the many knots in your hair and thinks ‘my god she’s a mess’ whereas O would say ‘my god she’s perfect’. He’ll notice that you wear the same 5 tshirts and sweats and chirp you for it but Owen always loved it, especially when they were his. He should have told you it more often, too. Owen hates the thought of Shay getting to put his lips where O first let his own drift and explore across your soft skin. He doesn’t like that he won’t get to hear you singing all around the apartment anymore or in the car, which he adored even when it was off key. He’ll miss the playlists you always made and hearing you rap all the songs from middle school. He won’t hear Morgan Wallen the same again after all those times you belted the lyrics every chance you could. He won’t get to see you at 8am all grumpy over being up that early or grinning over a stack of pancakes at brunch. Shay won’t know where your scars came from or why it is that you flinch when he’ll spread his hand out on your stomach. How long will it take him to notice that you smile even when you need to break down because you’re always so strong for everyone? Owen can tell with one glance these days. Is he going to wipe the corner of your mouth or your shirt every time you two go out to eat? You’re clumsy, that was no secret, but Owen always just helped with a soft, ‘it’s okay, baby; it happens’. Owen hates the thought that one day Shay could know you that well, or worse, better than he does. You were his girl, his person. He could go on and on about things he doesn’t want Shay to know, ways he doesn’t want Shay understanding the real you. Every thought that rolls through his mind is like a knife twisting in his heart.
He’d done this to himself though. He told you from the beginning that he hadn’t wanted anything serious & you were fine with that, never really expecting to tie down a college hockey player turned future NHL’er anyway. He’d repeated the phrase every time he felt himself getting butterflies. The first time was when he was having a conversation with the boys in the middle of the bar and he’d known you’d just arrived because he instantly felt warm. Turning around, his intuition would be right. He was drawn to you and your presence. He’d say it when he was around the boys playing video games and you’d be in between his legs and he’d lose track of the game, watching you. He’d repeat it when his eyes searched for you in the hall after every home game and when he made it a point to call or FaceTime you on the way home from every roadie, even the bad ones. No, especially on the bad ones. And he’d really repeat it when he couldn’t sleep because you weren’t there curled up next to him. He’d repeat it to his mom and brothers and cousins and anyone who would listen because if he said it enough times, then maybe he would believe it.
You could tell things were getting to be different, a little more than just friends. The looks he’d give you, the nights you’d spend in each other’s arms just talking, and the amount of time you would spend together. But you didn’t push for more and he was appreciative of that.
The final straw had been when he’d drunkenly almost told you he loved you after you forced him to go out with his team. A decision they had regretted when they spent their night consoling him for you not being there, only made better by FaceTiming you. They delivered him back to you in one very drunken piece and he’d almost let it slip past his lips after you had washed his face, claiming he’d thank you for it in the morning, and tucked him into bed. He got as far as “I lo-“ and even in his drunken state, he could see what it did to you. How hopeful you’d looked. He’d gotten too comfortable and leading you on wasn’t fair. He was leaving soon and you were going to go back to your life, to achieve all of your goals and forget about him. He was doing this for you, or at least that’s what he kept telling himself. Never mind the fact that he’d let himself for a split second think about what he was feeling and how real and terrifying it was. He couldn’t give you what you deserved and he knew that. So he closed out of the picture and reopened his notes app, hoping that he could give some words of advice to his teammate so that he could. He didn’t even know where to begin; you deserved the world and then some.
Shay, I’m writing this because I need you to give Y/N the very best and if you can benefit from my fuck up then so be it. She doesn’t deserve to be broken again and though I know she’s strong enough to pick herself back up, she shouldn’t have to. Please love her the way I never showed her.
Don’t make her pick the restaurant, it stresses her out because she doesn’t want to choose something that you won’t be happy with.
She’s not herself when she’s hangry. She doesn’t know what she wants to eat and she doesn’t mean whatever insult she throws your way. Just make a list of her favorite foods and offer them to her, even if it’s all the way across town. You’ll thank me later. 
Let her control the music. The songs she picks will often be a sign of what she’s feeling. If you’re lucky, you’ll see a whole new side of her.
Don’t make fun of her singing, she’ll never sing for you again
Family is important to her, make sure you earn her mother’s respect 
Don’t let her go to bed without washing her face, no matter how many times she tells you she’s tired or it’s fine. It’s not fine, she’ll thank you the next day. 
Compliment her all the time, even when she doesn’t accept them. She really needs to get better at that
Take her out of her comfort zone every once in a while. She loves to try new things but rarely does so on her own 
She loves to have her hair played with, especially when she’s stressed or can’t fall asleep
Don’t make her feel second to hockey. Ever. 
Don’t make the age gap a big deal, because it’s not. 
Defend her especially when she’s not around. Don’t you dare let anyone speak bad on her name. She doesn’t deserve that. 
Talk hockey with her, she loves that but doesn’t want to bother you with that in case you’re tired of it 
Don’t entertain any of the girls that slide in your DMs. Don’t even like the picture. You can let her know or even show her your DMs but don’t rub it in her face either. 
Trust her. There will be other guys that try to steal her. She’s a catch, but you can’t let that get to your head. She’s loyal to a fault. 
She’s going to doubt herself, that’s just how it is. You just have to do everything in your power to let her know you only want her. 
Really let her get to know you. All your hockey stories, why you got into hockey, what that guy on the ice was saying. Not the bullshit “it started at a really young age “stuff either. She won’t judge you. Open up to her.
Chirp her. She can handle it. 
Treat her right, I mean it. Don’t fuck this up. She’s the best thing that will ever happen to you. I mean that. 
Tell her you love her. Say it 100 times over and say it with purpose. Tell her the second that you realize you love her. Don’t make her wait for it like I did. Don’t make her ever question whether or not you love her like I did. Don’t be too proud to say it because she deserves to hear it and I was stupid enough to think it didn’t mean anything, that it wasn’t a big deal and I lost her. Maybe this should be #1 but I didn’t want you to fucking forget it.
Finishing his list, he took another deep, steadying breath & lightly chuckled to himself. This was it. He was really giving his teammate advice on how to keep his girl. He cursed himself. This wasn’t about him and you weren’t his girl anymore. You deserved more and if this is what his part was now, then to hell with his own happiness.
His thumb hit send as he shared the list with Shay. He threw his phone across the room, his hands running through his hair and pulling in frustration, a pained groan falling from his lips. Minutes later his phone was playing Whiskey Glasses, your ringtone and your picture flashing across his screen. He hadn’t heard from you since your ”breakup”, much to his disappointment. He flew across the room to retrieve the phone and immediately picked up.
“Hello?” He answered breathless, craving the sound of your voice.
“What the hell, Owen?! You can’t just...what am I supposed to…” your voice was raw and you were at a loss for words besides the burning question in your mind. Even though you were terrified of the answer, you forced the question past your lips.
“Did you— Do you mean it?”
There was a pause on the other end of the line and your breath hitched in your throat.
“Ohmygod”, he said in realization. Putting you on speaker he opened his notes app and looked at who he’d shared the list with.
Shared with one person: “Y/N”.
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howtosingit · 4 years
Things that make “Yee-Haw” a great episode of Lone Star:
The Bird Box Call - i.e. the best emergency of the season and Carlos Reyes’s big BAMF moment. Y’all, I cannot tell you how much I love that scene. It is so. damn. good. Acting, directing, SANDRA BULLOCK. The best. 
Actually, you know what? I’m giving the “Sandra Bullock” joke its own bullet point because it tells me SO MUCH about Carlos Reyes and it’s one of my favorite moments of his. Rafa better get more comedic moments in the future because he does deadpan/dry-wit humor so freaking well and the writers need to play to that more. We deserve our sassy and sarcastic Carlos!
Also, I love that Paul and Marjan team up with Carlos to take the guy down! MORE OF THAT TRIO, PLEASE!
Judd’s PTSD therapy session with Grace. Y’all, they are marriage goals AF and I love the way that they love and support each other wholeheartedly. That scene with him counting at the end? I AM SO FRAGILE AND THEY ARE PERFECT.
There’s a nice amount of Carlos in this episode. I mean, it’s still less than 4 minutes, but he at least doesn’t feel sidelined and they get a lot of mileage out of that time - he’s got the Bird Box scene, the curandera intro scene, the two tarlos moments. Rafa delivers on all of them. 
“Sure ma’am, but just so you know, I am a homosexual.” ‘Nuff said.
I mean, the Tarlos hookup scene is just... fantastic. Sure, I wish it happened under different circumstances and was more of a lead-in to a relationship, but it’s still some quality visuals. I’m not about to complain.
TK with his quick thinking on the Overlord call - I love how both he and Carlos get key successful work moments in the same episode, it’s a nice parallel. (Lol successful at work, terrible at love - can’t have it all I guess...)
Judd is pretty damn great in this episode. That’s all.
I have a love-hate relationship with the Tarlos dinner scene: I love it because it is beyond well-acted and is such an important moment in their relationship (they say multiple sentences in the same scene, what a concept!) and I hate it because my heart breaks for them every single time (TK’s definitely a little harsh and Carlos did NOT have to go so hard on the sad puppy face and destroy my whole heart...)
Things that make “Yee-Haw” a not-so-great episode of Lone Star:
Owen’s incredibly self-indulgent hair loss storyline. Seriously, 7 scenes about it? An entire nightmare sequence? It’s the most Rob Lowe thing to ever exist -- well, until episode 5, I guess (that’s arguably more annoying) -- and I say that as a person who has watched a lot of TV featuring Rob Lowe. I like the guy well-enough, but not at the expense of the other 8 main cast members. 
(Full-disclosure, I also skipped all the Iris-related stuff. That storyline has never interested me, and I thought it was another self-indulgent arc written just for the show’s other lead to have something to do. It is truly so weird to me how this season was written, not at all like an ensemble show...)
(Also, because I’m a little petty, I do not vibe with Carlos calling TK “Tiger.” That never needs to happen again, truly.)
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