#please I’m begging please please piss fic 🥺🥺
omorard · 2 years
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Opposites Attract
pairing - stefan salvatore x fem!reader
type - fluff, angst
note / request - requested by anon “AHH ok a concept- you and stefan are both show/movie nerds and you find out he watches the same stuff you do and all but you're from a hunter family so you're supposed to hate him and all but you really don't want to break contact with him so you guys call each other while watching a show or smth together and then banter over each other's opinions over the phone and this routine goes on till days until you guys decide to have an actual sleepover at your place and then you fall asleep on his shoulders while watching some drama show and arguing about it 🥺” okay so obvs I added more to this. honestly I’m not really caught up w the tvd hunter lore but from what I’ve seen it’s kinda impossible for a hunter to love a vampire if their mission is to kill them… but let me bend the rules for this fic lol
summary - you’re a hunter and stefan is a vampire, so why do you two fall for each other?
warnings / includes - mild language, violence, steamy make out sesh, food and alcohol consumption
*gif isn’t mine*
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You knew you should hate him. You should want to kidnap him, drag him into the forest, stab his heart with a stake. But you couldn’t. The first time you looked at him and into his eyes you couldn’t.
You were one step away from ending his life. Your hand was around his neck, your foot on his chest as to hold him to the ground. You had already used wooden bullets to penetrate his skin, weakening him with each shot. Now he was bleeding on the ground, begging you to have mercy on him.
“Please, I-I have a brother that you will be happier to kill. He’s an asshole and —”
“Ratting our family? Now you really deserve to die. For real this time,” you remark.
You hold the stake up in the air, ready to plunge it into his dead heart. But you stop at the last second as your eyes meet his. Something about them makes you halt all your movements. The sincerity in the and the true fear they held. The kindness and softness that was knitted between his eyebrows, although he looked scared shitless. His eyes were pretty green, matching the color of the pine trees you were surrounded by. His pupils were wide and you could see your reflection in them. You didn’t realize how ugly you looked with the face of a murderer.
“Are you going to kill me or what?” He asks.
You snap back to reality, stumbling backwards. You allow him to get free and you expect him to try and kill you, but all he does is get up slowly, putting his hands up in caution.
“What are you doing? Is this some game you’re playing?” Although he puts on a brave face, you can hear the panic in his voice as it breaks and shakes.
“I…I…” you fail to make words. You can’t stop staring at him. Even though he got free and had the chance to kill you, he didn’t. There was something so different about him. You could feel it.
“Are you okay?” His body relaxes and he takes a step over to you.
“You’re asking me if I’m okay?” You scoff. “Well, you were just about to kill me and you didn’t. Now you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he explains.
“I just… I don’t know. I know I should kill you. I should want to, and I do, but I can’t,” you say.
He raises his brows. “Is this some kind of trick to catch me off guard?”
You shake your head. “No. I’m just as shocked and confused as you are. This has never happened to me before.”
“I don’t know much about hunters, but I’ve never heard of one breaking their mission.”
“Me neither,” you say. You then groan, running your hands all over your face. “My dad is going to be so pissed. He’s expecting me to come home with your head on the stake.”
He chuckles, “well, that sounds like a great reward.” “Yeah, to him,” you sigh. “Look, I don’t know how long I’ll feel this way, so I’ll just leave. You can thank me for sparring your life. Pray that you won’t run into me again.”
You spin on your heel, walking a few steps before he stops you.
“What’s your name?” He asks. You laugh sourly. “Why do you want to know?”
“You showed me kindness which means there’s more to you than meets the eye.”
“You always use cliché phrases.”
“It’s kind of my thing.”
You turn around slowly, smiling at him. “Like ratting your brother out is your thing?”
“If you knew him, you’d know he deserves it.”
Something in you wanted to invite yourself to his home, meeting his brother only to get to know him more. You knew that the fact you didn’t kill him meant something. The sick feeling in your gut meant something.
Could you afford to be selfish and seek it out?
“I’ll take your word for it,” you chuckle. “I gotta get home. See you never — probably.”
“Wait, don’t go,” he frowns. “Do you like being in the company of danger?” You raise your brows.
“That’s another one of my things,” he smirks.
“Well, good for you, but I don’t like mixing business with pleasure. If you want to keep living, then I should go.”
“I can keep living if you stay.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“You won’t know if you don’t try.”
“I’m not willing to take that chance. Look, you’re a nice guy, anyone can see that. You don’t deserve to die, and I really wish I wasn’t who I was because, admittedly, I am interested in you. I don’t know why, but there’s something about you that pulls me to you. But we’re so different and nice people don’t deserve bad things.”
He smiles, “you’re interested in me, huh?”
You roll your eyes. “Don’t let that go to your head.”
“I won’t.” He crosses his arms against his chest. “But it does make me optimistic.”
“About what?”
“That you’ll say yes to having lunch with me tomorrow.”
You snort, “fat chance.” “C’mon, it���s been ten minutes and you still haven’t killed me. Do you feel an urge?” He asks.
“No, but —”
“So take a chance! I know the circumstances are weird, but, you meet the best people in the most unconventional situations.”
He wasn’t wrong. You let out a sigh as you thought over your decisions. You could say yes. You two could potentially develop a friendship, maybe even a romance if your feeling for him became that deep. But on the other end, you could say yes and eventually kill him. Not on purpose, of course, but your instincts could suddenly kick in at any given moment and you wouldn’t see him as the man you would get to know. You would see him as a vampire: vile, dead, a menace to society. And then you could say no. You could never see him again and always have him in the back of your mind as the man who changed you for a fraction of time.
“You don’t have to decide now, but if you do say yes, I’ll be at The Grill at noon tomorrow. Show up if you want. No shame in not showing up, though,” he says.
“Okay,” you nod slowly. “Alright,” he smiles. “I’m Stefan, by the way.”
“Y/n.” You give him a small smile. “Hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says.
“Don’t count on it.”
Oh, but he did. That night you couldn’t stop thinking about him. He was the last thing you thought of before you went to bed and the first thing you thought about when he woke up. You decided that it was a sign and that you should at least take a chance. And so you did.
You walk into The Grill, looking around for Stefan’s face. You found him in a corner booth, sipping on a glass of bourbon.
“You day drink a lot?” You question as you walk up to him.
“Nah,” he shakes his head. “I just gotta settle my nerves, you know.”
“Oh, are you afraid I’ll kill you?” You grin. “Nope. I’m just nervous. You’re a pretty girl and I want this date to go well,” he explains.
Your face warms and you look down shyly, sliding into the booth. “A date, huh?”
“What did you think this was?”
“Mm, hang out? Chilling with a friend? Getting free food.”
“Oh, you think I’m gonna pay?”
“If you’re a gentleman,” you smile. “Lucky for you, I am,” he smiles back.
“It’s okay. I can pay for my own food,” you say. “No please, I insist. I was the one who invited you,” he says.
You nod, “alright. Next time I’ll pay then.”
“Oh, next time?” He grins.
“No promises,” you wink.
You two have a great time. No surprise there. You spend two hours at the restaurant before you realize what time it was.
“I gotta get home,” you say. “Is your curfew this early?” He asks.
“No, I just have something I need to do for my dad.”
“Let me guess, I don’t wanna know?” He asks. You chuckle, “probably not.”
“Okay. Well, when can I see you next?”
“Who says this is gonna happen again?” You smirk. “You always give people a hard time?” He raises his brow.
“Only when I like them a lot,” you remark. He smiles, “great to know, then.”
You force yourself to leave. It was honestly painful. You wanted to stay and talk to him. You wanted to get to know him more, laugh more, smile more. This was the first time in a while you had actually felt like yourself. You felt free and safe. You felt like you could be someone else than the hunter your father raised you to be. It was refreshing that someone saw you in a different light for once.
You and Stefan decided to continue your friendship in secret. If your dad found out, then he would literally kill you. If Stefan’s friends found out, they would also kill you. It was better to live your lives in secret for a good while.
You two usually hung out either at The Grill, in the woods, or sometimes if you two were lucky, you would be able to sneak him into your ranch house for a few hours during the day. You two would just talk for hours on hours on hours about everything and anything. You learned so much about him. You could retell his stories like you lived through them, too. You weren’t much of an open book, but you slowly told him bits and pieces of your childhood and your life growing up with your family until he was also able to tell your stories like they were his own.
Tonight was a special night, though. Your father was out of town and your brothers and sisters were either at friends’ houses or with your father. You had the whole night to yourself, which meant that you were finally able to have Stefan over in your house.
“This is the kitchen,” you say as you walk him around.
“This is nice,” Stefan comments. He runs his hands over the marble finish of your counter tops. “It looks really neat. Do you guys clean a lot?”
“No, our kitchen is just never used,” you chuckle. “We’re always eating out and stuff. The only homemade meals I’ve had are from my grandma, and she’s dead, so.”
“Right,” he nods. “What if I make you something?”
“Oh, it’s okay. My dad will come home and smell the food and definitely know you were here.”
“But you deserve a home cooked meal. And you’ve tasted my past. You know I’m a good cook.”
You smile, “you are. But I’m just worried that —”
“You, worried? That’s not an emotion I ever picture you feeling.”
You laugh, “I know I put up a front, but it’s different with my dad. I don’t want to take a chance at exposing you and us.”
“I promise I’ll be quick and I’ll clean everything. It’ll be as if I was never here.”
You hum in thought. “Alright. Please don’t make a mess.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
He makes you your favorite dish. You sit on your island table and watch him cook. He was so skillful and graceful with each movements. The way he cut the vegetables, seasoned the sauce, even poured the wine. You realized that there was never going to be a better sight than him cooking. He was in his element.
“This tastes amazing,” you say with a mouth full of food. He smiles, “I’m happy you like it.”
“Oh, I love it. You should cook for me more. Can I hire you as my personal chef?” You ask.
“I’ll be whatever you want me to be, baby.”
You grow shy at the pet name, ducking your head down and taking another bite of food.
You two weren’t an official couple. Despite almost kissing and always cuddling and holding hands. You two never saw other people, either. You didn’t know what you were waiting for. You weren’t the type of girl to wait for the guy to make the first move. You were assertive and bold and didn’t like to waste time. But like with everything, it was different with Stefan.
You enjoyed taking it slow. If he was someone else, you would’ve already slept with him. But you liked talking for hours, holding his hands, sitting in silence. You relished being in his arms and spending uninterrupted time with him. It was heaven.
“When will your dad be back again?” He asks. “Tomorrow around noon, but he might come home sooner, so you’ll have to leave earlier if that’s okay,” you answer.
“All good,” he nods. “Can I, uh, see the upstairs after you’re done?”
“Yeah, of course,” you nod. You finish your dinner, washing the dishes quickly before you have a tour of the rest of your house.
“This is my dad’s room,” you slowly open the door.
“Wow, it’s big,” Stefan says. His breath catches in his throat as he sees heads mounted on the walls.
“Yeah, he’s real proud of his work,” you mumble. You hold Stefan’s hand, pulling him away to the next room. “This is my brother’s. He’s the oldest.”
You walk down the hall, showing Stefan everyone’s room and the bathroom before going to yours. He smiles as he sees the picture of you and your mom on front of your door.
“You look cute in this picture,” he says. “Thanks. I was seven,” you reply. You open your door, stepping in and letting Stefan see all of it.
Your room was similar to the others, but also different. It was lighter and smaller. Stefan could feel the homeliness in it.
“Your room is really you,” he comments. You chuckle, “thanks. I try.”
“These your siblings?” Stefan points to a big family portrait on the wall.
“Yep,” you sigh. “We get family portraits done every year to show our “growth”,” you use air quotations.
“You have some from when you’re a kid, then?”
“Yeah, and no, you can’t see them.”
“Aw, why not?”
“One, it’s embarrassing. Two, I don’t know where they are.”
“I see. Well, looks like I’ll have to bring a search party in here.”
You smile, “good luck getting past me.”
“I think I’ll survive,” he smirks. “So, what do you wanna do now?” You ask.
He shrugs, “whatever you want. We have the whole house to ourselves.”
“Wanna watch a movie then?” You suggest. “Sure. You can pick,” he nods.
You two go back downstairs and you put in your favorite movie. You pop some popcorn, snuggling into Stefan’s side.
You two cuddled in silence for half of the movie. You began to feel tired and you put your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his middle and using him as a pillow. He smiles down at you, his chest warming at the sight of your pretty face snuggling into his shirt. Your scent immersed him, making him focus on you instead of the movie.
He hugs you closer, gently resting his cheek onto your head. He starts to play with the hem of your sweater, shamelessly staring at your lips.
“Y/n?” He says a little bit above a whisper. “Yeah?” You hum, looking up at him. You notice where his eyes are and best begins to rise to your cheeks.
“Thanks for not killing me yet,” he says. You smile, “it’s not hard. You don’t make me want to kill you.”
“I’m glad,” he laughs.
Your eyes flicker down to his lips and you find yourself wondering how he tastes, how he kisses. Would he feel as good as you imagined? Would it be as magical as you wished?
“Can I kiss you?” He asks.
You look up at his eyes. Those beautiful, kind, green eyes you love so much. You don’t verbally answer him. You just lean in, closing the gap between you two.
One of his hands wraps around the back of your head and cradles your neck. His other arm supports the small of your back, pressing your chest up against his. You wrap your arms around his neck, running your fingers through his soft hair. You hum in content as he moves you onto his lap. You straddle his waist, pulling him towards you to deepen the kiss.
It felt better than you had imagined. It was even more magical than you could wish for. He kissed you gently, but you didn’t miss the passion behind each movement. He held you like he was hugging you. Like he never wanted to let go. His lips fit between yours perfectly, just like a kissing puzzle piece. And he was one hell of a kisser, too.
You pull away, your lungs begging for air. You rest your forehead against his, a smile lighting up your face.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he breathes out.
“Me, too,” you laugh.
“I wanna do it again,” he says. You nod against him. “Let’s take it to the bedroom, yeah?”
He grins, “that would be a dream come true.”
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all-about-kyu · 3 years
Ten, 53 and 62 from extra smutty prompts pleaseeee 🥺🔥
here you are dear <33
Pairing: Ten x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, fluff MINORS DNI MATURE CONTENT AHEAD
Warnings: insecurities, fuck buddies to lovers, unprotected sex
Word Count: 639
You’re currently pinned under Yongqin begging him to do something, anything. He had been lightly running two fingers up and down your heat. He just smirked at you when you whined and buck your hips into his touch. This had to be going on for a good five minutes, he switched between gentle touches of his fingers and grinding his length against you. Not once did he dip himself inside you, not even for a split second. You feel his finger focus on your pulsing clit for a moment causing a loud moan to erupt from your lips.
“Yongqin, please, do something, I can’t take it anymore. Hate it when you tease.” you beg again.
“If you don’t like my teasing, then why are you moaning? Do you want my cock inside you?”
“Please, please!” you beg, without a second thought he was as naked as you and inside you at last.
He began thrusting at a slow pace, even with him finally inside you, he still continued to tease you. You smacked his shoulder trying to get him to move even a little bit faster. He finally picks up the pace and you feel yourself getting a knot in your belly warning you about your impending high.
“I-” you went to warn when his phone began ringing.
He sighed looking at the screen, still thrusting into you, “I gotta take this one, it’s Kun.”
He answered the phone not stopping his ministrations, you did your best to keep your noises down. He seems to be having a completely pointless conversation with the other male slightly frustrating you. He should be focusing his attention on you, but no, his chat with Kun is more important. You kick at him trying to get his attention back to you, his cock now simply resting inside your heat instead of giving you any friction at all. He hisses at your kick glaring at you.
“You okay man?” you hear Kun on the phone.
“Yeah, I’m hanging out with a friend and they kicked me.”
He’s technically not lying but you’re beyond pissed off, “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it!” you yell at him getting up immediately and start getting dressed.
You are halfway out of his apartment when you hear him quickly end the call with his friend, “Y/n, come back, you know I didn’t mean it.”
“Didn’t you though?” you ask half crying, “Whenever I come around it’s when you know you won’t get any surprise guests or you don’t have plans. You treat me like a princess behind closed doors but as soon as we’re in public you act like I’m just some random friend to you.”
“You know damn well that I care about you more than just some random friend.” he sighs pulling you into a hug, “You mean so much to me, I really really like you y/n, I really do.” he holds your head against his chest as he speaks.
You couldn’t help but let the tears crying into his bare chest, “You mean it? Why won’t you just date me then if you care about me so much.” you didn’t care anymore, you needed answers.
“Baby,” he wraps his arms tighter around you, “I thought you were okay with our arrangement. If I had known you wanted more I would’ve asked you sooner.”
“S-sooner?” you sniffle looking back up at him.
“You want to be mine, actually mine now? I won’t treat you like I was before. I promise.” he smiles at you.
You nod finally smiling back at him, “I’d really like that.”
“Good, now, can I show you how much you mean to me?” he smirks.
“God, you really can’t keep it in your pants can you?”
“With you, never.” he laughs dragging you back into his bedroom.
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chateautae · 3 years
ahhhh!! okay, i know i said i’d start with firefighter tae but i’ve honestly have been having back to back exams and yesterday was super frustrating bc one of my members from my group project was completely slacking so i had to do their part of the assignment for them at the last minute 🥴🙂 so when i saw your new fic i couldn’t help myself and indulged. i must say, it definitely ended my night on a much higher note!!! now shall we discuss about demon king tae bc WTF SAMMY😩😮‍💨 i always say this and i mean it with EVERY SINGLE FIBER OF MY BEING, you are literally the master of building and creating tension. SAMMY, I WAS SQUIRMING WHEN OC AND TAE WERE HAVING THEIR LITTLE MOMENT OF BICKERING AND INTENSE EYE CONTACT. when i tell you i squealed when they kissed and then oc pushed him off her and bound him to the throne AGDKSHALADHS. I genuinely thought she was just gonna bind him, tease tf out of him and leave him there until he starts begging, BUT WHEN I TELL YOU THAT I WAS PLEASED WITH HOW SHE TORTURED HIM IN THAT SCENE😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 ALSO I WAS ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT (in a good way ofc) every time some of the rope broke from Tae trying to break free and when he did, my jaw was on the ground throughout the rest of the fic. IT WAS HOT AF. also when tae draped his cape around oc i was so soft 🥺 i also thought it was gonna end there and was pleasantly surprised with another smut scene which was also equally as HOT. Sammy, you have out done yourself once again and have blown me away TWICE!! 👏🏼 you are my favorite author for a reason :) COME COLLECT YOUR FLOWERS RN BB💐💐💐
I’m also super curious about how Tae found out that any of his beings who touches oc just disintegrates💀 when i read that scene, i just imagined them having a meeting somewhere a little after they first met and someone touches oc and just goes *poof.* i was defs giggling a bit picturing Tae just being like 😧 and then just being afraid to piss oc off💀 MY GOD I LOVE THIS COUPLE AND THEIR DYNAMIC SO MUCH😭
P.S. i fully recovered from covid and am okay now :) i hope you’re staying healthy, getting enough rest (bc i know how much you tend to push yourself and overwork yourself), and are happy bb! 💜 pls take care of yourself both physically and mentally! MWAH 💜💜
"the mastER of building and creating tension" HELLO?? SATURN!! ANON!!! Oh gosh this message is, I'm so stunned 🥺 FIRST OF ALL i'm so glad you're over with that group project it's the absolute worst when someone doesn't do their part 💀 i hope things have lightened up for you babes!! AND PLEASE thank you so much for reading despite your crazy schedule, it means the world! NOW YOUR FEEDBACK... MY GOD i wasn't proudest of this fic because I though it was boring so READING THIS HAS UPLIFTED ME TENFOLD!! Your favourite author I swear I'm going to cry, AND I KNOW YOU'D GIVE ME PEONIES TOO!!
DOHENODIEDNEO PLEASE you're so right saturn anon imagine demon king tae telling one of his subjects to escort her and then POOF, the dude disappears and oc just goes "i can escort myself" sksksksks. I bet tae was shocked as hell and vowed to be careful around her, she's a queen after all 🤪 AHHH i'm so happy I could make you feel better babes, it's all I ever want and IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR YOU'VE RECOVERED!! THIS CALLS FOR CELEBRATION WOOT WOOT! We love a healthy saturn anon <33 Thank you for thinking of me, I have been pushing myself further than my limit lately so thank you for the reminder bubs and being so wonderful and being a light in my life, I love you 💓
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