#please add more ideas if you have any my brain is going brrrrr
dragons-dice · 8 months
ranger’s apprentice / protector of the small crossover thoughts
idk who is in what world and when in the timelines these are but:
halt obviously adores kel immediately. she's reserved, has the poker face of a true ranger, has given her whole life to a realm she's an outsider in and which doesn't take her seriously at first
also she's quietly funny and very lethal
horace and kel get on like a house on fire. horace teaches her more sword tricks and kel tries to teach him the glaive, but he prefers the sword
will is annoyed with both of them for being so tall
alyss reminds kel of her parents, and she takes to the glaive immediately. they spar in the mornings and alyss coaches her through making diplomatic moves as a lady knight commander
kel and will respect each other, but will is shocked at how talented and accomplished kel was at 15 when he just started ranger training. kel half wishes she had the relationship between lord wyldon as will does with halt, but then pushes that off as silly. she had lord raoul and that's more than enough.
neal and gilan swordfight and commiserate abt the expectations placed on noble kids; neal from the perspective of having left a mage's place to try for knighthood, and gilan from the perpective of having left a knighthood to try for an oakleaf (which seems like magic to most people)
horace doesn't get neal, but halt's dry wit match with neal's sarcasm immediately and they both delight in torturing horace
lalassa is afraid of jenny at first (that ladle is heavy!) but then helps her learn new self-defense moves and becomes a regular at jenny's tavern
tug and peachblossom bond over their loyalty to their riders. peachblossom is like the halt to tug’s will
lady pauline and lady ilane have tea almost every day. (everyone is scared of what they're planning.)
neal teaches horace some poetry to woo cassandra with and cheers him on from the sidelines
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unchartedcloud · 3 years
Okay, first off, I am a huge fan. I have absolutely fallen in love with your writing and have read legitimately all of it. I’m not the most interactive fan, but I’m branching out here because, again, I cannot get enough of your work. The serotonin levels I get make my brain go brrrrr.
That said, idk if you guys like to get suggestions/ideas for new chapters, but I have one idea that I would kill to read in your style bc I think you guys write possibly the best domestic Clexa I’ve seen, and I think this would be absolutely mint.
For the modern Clexa AU, a chapter where Lexa isn’t feeling well and Clarke takes care of her while Lexa stresses bc she’s not used to being cared for. You guys seem to have alluded to the fact that she had a rough childhood already, so I think maybe her feeling awful because of her period would be interesting. Maybe she’s extra tense about it bc she was always chided for showing weakness like that? Idk, I’m spitballing. If it’s before the break up, maybe have it so Clarke comes for one of their normal flings and then, when she realizes Lexa is struggling, instead spends the night taking care of her. A little sign that their rules are starting to break about keeping it casual. If it’s after, maybe she notices Lexa struggling in a meeting and Clarke is the only person able to convince Lexa to leave work and take care of herself. In my head I see them arguing over it and Lexa only caving when Clarke calls her “baby” or something similar (maybe for the first time).
I’m sorry for the rant lmao, I’m just obsessed with yalls work and need more vulnerable/flustered Lexa fluff.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this, and to write what you do. You genuinely have fans and I hope this doesn’t make you feel like you have to rush.
When I tell you I could not SLEEP last night because I was too busy brainstorming different versions of this scene. Maybe our fics make your brain go brrrrr but that's precisely what this idea has been doing to mine for the last ohhhhh 48 hours or so.
We don't necessarily take requests, insofar as we're not in a place to guarantee any kind of timely turn around, but suggestions and ideas are always, 100% welcome. Please send them. They're a super quick way to get the creative juices flowing, and interaction from folks who like our stuff is a surefire dose of dopamine - so thank you for reaching out! And please please please don't ever apologize, we live for this shit.
(Tabby edit: we certainly take requests, we just can’t promise we’ll actually do the thing or do the thing in a timely manner — but getting a request from a reader makes the odds of us writing it about 200x better :P)
Brain rot (and spoilers?!? maybe??) under the cut.
EDIT: link to the fic here, fic is rated E.
Full disclosure: I haven’t had a chance to work this out with Tabby yet, which I emphasize because she always finds a way to take my humdrum ideas and add a twist to make them ten times better (cough cough grilled cheese cough cough) BUT I think my favorite version of this so far is a post-break up situation. I like the meeting setting, I like Lexa refusing to slow down until Clarke pulls the Power of the Petname on her. (There are so many things to love about this pairing, but seeing Lexa's world-shaping will bend to Clarke's affection is one of my absolute favorites. I'm sure that doesn't show in any of our fics at all.)
I'm seeing it as a pale, somewhat spacey, just visibly (to Clarke) unwell Lexa sitting in Arkadia's offices for one of their regular meetings, trying to force herself through her day while patently avoiding the Looks Clarke is trying to give her. She gets up to use the restroom and Clarke follows a few minutes later to check in, leading to Lexa stubbornly insisting she's alright to a Clarke who can see through her like wet tissue paper. They bicker, the temperature rising, until Clarke (who always has a Doctor Mode tm, even in a universe where Abby isn't a medical professional) goes to touch her forehead to see if she has a fever, and Lexa - who is a) very unused to touch in most situations, b) very unused to the idea of being taken care of, and c) is now extremely overstimulated - recoils and snaps at her. Enter that fun moment of realization as her overreaction breaks the tension, and though she stubbornly sees out the rest of the Arkadia meeting, Clarke catches her quietly calling Elena to cancel the rest of her appointments for the day.
Of course, Clarke doesn't trust Lexa as far as she can throw her when it comes to stopping work, so she heads to Lexa's apartment after work. she now has a key of her own it's fine. Commence domesticity and hurt/comfort.
I should be doing work, but instead I'm losing it over this idea.
I can make no promises that a version of this will ever see the light of day - and if it does, it'll probably be so far in the future you'll have forgotten you sent this, lmao. (though you will, of course, be credited) But I am positively buzzing about this and am about to go bother Tabby about it again. Might even have just the right title for it...
The idea of having fans is so beyond me, but we remain incredibly grateful for all of y'all who a) read our stuff and b) let us know that you've found it meaningful in some way. That's what makes all the work worth it!
The best domestic clexa. I am cry omg
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