#please check out Thunder Croft's fanfictionnet account!
twin-books Β· 2 years
Fanfic ask game πŸ˜­πŸ˜œπŸ…β˜€οΈ
Thank you for the ask! 😭 Have you ever made yourself cry writing a fic? Yes, actually. It was when I was younger and still writing Sonic fan fiction, however. I'm not proud of all my old writing but I still thank it for where it brought me to today so I'm fine talking about it. I really liked Scourge the Hedgehog when I was younger (evil green Sonic from Archie, not the one from IDW) and I actually hadn't read the comic about how he got the 2 scars on his chest so I thought it didn't have an origin like a fool. XD So I was going to write a whole story of how he got them and it was called Behind the Scars. It was also to explain why he hated Sonic so much. It was basically giving him siblings like the Sonic from Sonic Underground (my favorite Sonic show at the time) and it was a very sad, depressing origin story. It made me cry writing chapter 2 when his mom died because I was a very depressed kid and I decided to write this very depressing fic which I immediately regretted so I never continued. It's honestly a bit of a sore spot for me and even though I got a positive reception and desperately wanted to force myself to continue for that... I'm glad I didn't. That got a bit depressing. I'm sorry. XD I'm not really proud of the story anymore so I won't be linking it but if anyone is curious about it, my fanfictionnet account is Twin-books, though I hardly post there anymore. The site really is pretty much dead. XD TW: Mentions of death, hints at self-hatred and possible self-harm. Please do not attempt to find or read it if this makes you uncomfortable as it does me now. 😜 Describe a current WIP without using character names. (Points if your followers guess who the fic is for.) Oh boy, here we go... um... Local superhero refuses to ask for help or change things to fit them in their new role. Purely based on the past. This leads to the overwhelming catastrophe of their partner losing their identity in order to protect them and the consequences that follow as the few who know their secret rush to help. Hope that's good. XD Somehow I feel it is still obvious what it is. πŸ… What is the fic you’re most proud of? Um... wow... that's a bit hard. But I think I know. Here, I'll link it because I'm actually proud of it. Just an Umbrella. It's still not perfect, mind you... but this one makes me happy to read almost every time. And I think it's a good thing to be able to read your work over and over again without cringing. XD It's a Miraculous Ladybug oneshot based on @edorazzi's Mentor AU. I highly recommend checking her work out but the thing you need to know to understand the fic; The mentor AU is the idea of the PV versions of Marinette and Adrien (Bridgette and Felix) were originally ladybug and cat miraculous holders before they grew up and gave them back to Master Fu. They soon become mentors to Chat Noir and then later, Ladybug (after Master Fu basically leaves). My oneshot is written before season 4 so it's a tad dated but it was wonderful to write from Marinette's perspective for once and it actually made me very excited to write more stories from her POV (since I had mostly kept myself locked in a bubble of Adrien with some Felix, Chloe, and Bridgette on the side). The story was actually inspired by a conversation I had in the PV server with edorazzi and a few other friends where he came up with the funny idea that Bridgette would just collect umbrellas. I had previously written a fic for edorazzi's Mentor AU before but that was for Felix and Adrien and that was back before Marinette even got a mentor herself because we all previously thought Fu would remain her mentor. I had been wanting to write something about her newest addition of Bridgette being Ladybug's mentor. I really enjoyed it. It's completely fun and wholesome. ^^ But what is the story truly about? It's a story about giving up an umbrella. It's just an umbrella after all. : )
β˜€οΈ Has anyone ever left you a comment that made your day? What did it say? Hm... it's been a while I'll need to think. I can think of 2 that really made my day. First, edorazzi's comment on my fic was amazing. If you don't know, she does amazing, hilarious liveblogs on miraculous in the PV server. For the Felix episodes she always does them on her Tumblr. (I highly recommend them, they're hilarious). She doesn't liveblog every episode but it's always a pleasure to see whatever she liveblogs next.
I mention this because she made a liveblog for Just an Umbrella and I was completely surprised. I would share it but that would be spoilers. ;P But it was just as funny and as fun as her episode liveblogs. And she was super nice. I was so shocked and it truly did make my day. Second... okay, this one may make me cry. I haven't heard from them in years but I had a friend that went by the username Thunder Croft on fanfictionnet. They had a completely unique style to how they wrote their mystery fics. I adored those. I would leave them absurdly long comments just live reacting to everything. And when I say long...
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I mean long. So long I couldn't even take an entire screenshot of the comment. The reason why it has sections of "1967", "1994", and "2013" was simply because of that aforementioned unique way of writing a mystery they had. The entire story was spread out between 3 stories in entirely different time periods that all connected into one big mystery and the goal was to try and connect every clue from the different eras to solve the mystery. They also left little riddles and stuff like that to even figure out. They were a Sonic fanfiction writer and they had written a previous story like it that was actually finished (this one sadly hasn't been) called Timelock House. The story this comment is referring to is called The Children of Lilliwell. I could not recommend these fanfics more, purely for their unique experience. But enough about that, I'm getting a tad off-topic. I'm very good at that. The reason I bring this up is because of the fact I left such long comments they always told me it made their day and we started becoming friends. So when I wrote my fic Behind the Scars (heh, it all circles back), a story I was very proud of at them time, they left wonderful comments on it that I still treasure despite I don't care for that story anymore.
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Not only were they my friend but they were a writer I very much respected and I still respect. If I read their writing now it may seem a tad dated but I think I would still love that unique style they had. I'm sure there are others that have had a similar style but theirs was the first and only time I encountered it so it was very special to me. I cannot thank Thunder Croft enough for helping shape me as the writer I am now. I hope they are doing wonderful now and are still writing. They have a gift and I would hate to see them give up on it. But, of course, I was never mad when they stopped producing chapters for The Children of Lilliwell. Or when they stopped talking to me. Life happens, kids grow up, people move on... It's a bit disappointing but the facts of life. The important thing is to treasure what I got and I got to know an awesome writer and become their friend for a decent few years or so and that... that's what matters. Sorry to be all sappy and/or depressing. Thank you for the ask anon! Feel free to ask more if you want! I'm always happy to interact with anyone. I hope you're having a wonderful day, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever time it is where you are. <3 Fanfic Asks Here
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