#please don't be dickheads to strangers on the internet
dkettchen · 2 years
“I don’t even have a name in my own story”
ok but in said story’s defense: neither does Cinderella. Cinderella as a name is smth the english came up with for their translation, Aschenputtel is a (derogatory) job description, not a name
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barcaatthemoon · 1 month
say it back || lia walti x reader ||
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you try a tiktok trend, and everything goes very wrong.
you were known as the tiktok influencer of arsenal. you spent hours making all sorts of tiktoks and little videos for the internet. you loved giving the people a little look into your life and some of the things you did at practice. of course, you were no stranger to the occasional trend, and unfortunately for lia, you found one that you really liked.
the first part of it was the most difficult. you needed to get to training on your own and set up a couple of little cameras for the footage. lia usually took you to training most days unless one of you were needed earlier. today was a normal day, so lia was suspicious whenever she noticed your car was not in your building's parking lot.
"good morning lia," you greeted her happily. lia smiled as you pulled her in for a kiss. a couple of your teammates were around, but it was nothing that any of them weren't already used to.
"good morning gorgeous. i was thinking that you could come stay with me tonight to make up for our lost time this morning?" lia suggested. you nodded, honestly wanting nothing more than to be around lia for a few days. you just hoped that by the time you were finished with this little tiktok thing, she'd still want you.
"i like the sound of that. now, if you don't mind, i need to fill my bottle before i go on the field," you told her.
"okay, i love you." lia pressed a quick kiss to your cheek as you left. you were glad that you weren't looking at lia when you walked away because you knew that she was frowning and pouting at you.
"hey wally, what's wrong?" beth asked. she wrapped her arm around lia's shoulders as lia stared sadly at you.
"it's probably nothing," lia mumbled.
unfortunately for lia, it wasn't just nothing. you continued to just brush past all of the little 'i love you's and compliments that lia gave you. it was hard not to jump into her arms and cry about how much you loved her, especially when she looked so genuinely hurt all day. still, you wanted to finish the video, and you knew that you'd make it up to her by showering her in all of the love you'd been holding in all day.
"oi, why are you being a dickhead?" katie asked as she grabbed you by the back of your neck. it was lunchtime and lia had immediately gone to sit with leah, beth, and alessia. you sat down at a table by yourself, unable to bring yourself over there. being around lia when she was sad felt unbearable to you.
"i'm not being a dickhead katie, piss off," you grumbled. that evidently wasn't the right thing to say as katie's hand hit the back of your head harder than she had ever hit you before. the smack echoed a little in the cafeteria, and despite drawing attention, nobody made a move to break up the two of you.
you and katie were close, but everybody knew that things tended to get heated between the two of you. this didn't look quite as bad as when you found out and katie and caitlin after consoling lia for an entire week, but it was obvious that neither one of you were in a good mood. there were eyes watching you, but aside from caitlin being prepared to step in for katie, nobody looked like they were going to interfere.
"oh yeah? is it some kind of weird foreplay making your girlfriend miserable all day? damn, i get why m-," katie was promptly cut off as you stood up and grabbed her collar.
"finish it mccabe. finish the sentence, please," you told her. katie, who was usually never someone to back down from a fight or challenge looked genuinely scared. several of your teammates came over to break it up, but none of them were lia. you didn't wait for anybody to come talk to you before you were storming out of the cafeteria towards the locker room to get your things.
you made it all of the way there without anybody disturbing you, but it was lia who stopped you on your way to the parking lot. kim and leah were in the hallway with her, but they kept their distance. you knew that leah was protective of your girlfriend, and that she was there in case you lost your cool like with katie, but kim was there for you. it wasn't like you to cause problems like this, not in the decades that kim had known you.
"training isn't over, you can't just leave," lia told you.
"i just want to get out of here, please let me go." lia's face fell at your tone. she shooed kim and leah away as she walked you into one of the empty offices to talk. "we're going to start from the beginning, and you are going to tell me what is going on with you today. why did you leave so early?"
"to get cameras for a tiktok," you told her. lia pinched the bridge of her nose as she sighed, immediately knowing where this was going. "it was for a trend where one partner doesn't say 'i love you' back."
"that's stupid," lia stated as she crossed her arms over her chest. "it explains a lot of your behavior today, but it's still stupid. now, what happened in the cafeteria? why didn't you come sit with me?"
"you kept saying it, and i couldn't say it back because of the video. then, i'd look at you and you looked sad, so i felt really bad and got down on myself. i didn't think i deserved to sit with anyone because i hadn't made it up to you yet, and then katie came over. she gets on my nerves sometimes, and it's worse when she's mad at me because she knows how to hurt me. i hurt you, so she took a low blow at me, and i lost it."
"give kim your keys and go wait in my car," lia told you. "now!"
you rushed to find your fellow scotswoman and handed over your keys. leah was glaring at you, but obviously didn't trust that you were calm enough not to get into it with her as well. you walked back towards the parking lot, now without your keys, but before you could get all the way out of the doors, lia stopped you.
"come here." lia opened her arms for you. immediately, you let yourself sink into her embrace. lia could definitely feel your tears on her shoulder as you started crying. "hey, i love you. you know that right? just because you did this stupid thing doesn't mean i don't love you any less."
"i love you too," you managed to get out through tears. lia pressed a couple of kisses to the side of your face before she gently pushed you through the doors. you knew that there would be absolute hell to pay whenever you came back to training later in the week, but you were just glad that lia wasn't actually mad at you for today. katie would probably have your ass the next time she saw you, but that wasn't anything you couldn't handle.
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anthroparis · 1 year
I'm going to continue this bit because honestly the way people are interacting with me is getting significantly more and more annoying.
thinking about tti occupies like, half an hour of my total day, and I didn't even think about it at all when there were no updates.
this blog represents a very tiny, insignificant part of my life and making judgments based off of how I post here is extremely weird. even making assumptions about me based on my main is weird!
I once had a complete stranger reblog one of my joke posts and literally tag it as "no offense op but I have learned everything I need to know about you as a person" like you guys realize why that mindset is extremely creepy and weird, right?
would you say those kinds of things in a conversation with a classmate? a cashier? a new coworker? a distant relative? no! you wouldn't, because that would come off as extremely invasive and stalker-y!
so when you send this blog weird jokes on anon, I can only assume they're jokes, because again, you might joke around with your friends about being homophobic but I don't with mine. so I can only guess that you're kidding and referencing an internet humor thing I don't understand because I'm an adult and don't really use social media anymore.
and what happens in these parasocial relationships you build with internet personas is that you put someone on a pedestal as this untouchable force, you start believing that you are entitled to their time and kindness when these people don't owe you anything. you crave their attention so badly you start sending them dumbass asks either kissing their ass or trying to provoke them because it makes you feel better about yourself, I guess?
but then when the person in question does something that catches you off guard, or that offends you, or that you just don't like, you feel betrayed and hurt, and you turn to attacking them or vagueing them or whatever it is.
this kind of behavior is what leads to these incredibly uncomfortable situations like what happened with mod courtney.
like when I was around 16 years old on an old personal account, I started receiving some pretty inflammatory comments getting mad about the way I was criticizing a piece of media I didn't like. eventually, over private message, a mutual IN HER 20'S admitted to sending them because she felt personally hurt that I was criticizing something she liked. this grown ass woman, who I had never had a conversation with before, had grown such an attachment to me that she took me not liking one of her interests as a personal attack. I was 16 years old and expected to be responsible for the emotions of an adult woman because I made her feel rejected.
this also goes the other way around btw like I have been idolized by minors and it makes me so uncomfortable. PLEASE be safer online, you have no idea who's going to turn out to be a terrible person.
anyway. just because someone is online does not mean it's okay to act like an asshole? I'm so sick of you freaks thinking it's all fine and good to be dickheads because it's words on a screen. you understand that you're talking to real people, right? they're probably reading your asks while taking a fat dump on their grandma's toilet. they have faces. people faces. and lives outside of the internet. and it's disturbing watching you treat other people like entertainment just because they post sometimes.
there's a certain threshold of time between following someone and becoming friends that you need to learn to be respectful during. it's perfectly okay to mess up sometimes and it's okay to feel upset when someone sets a boundary because of you. rejection sensitivity is hard, but expecting everyone else to cater to you instead of working on your internal reactions to perceived rejection and social slights is manipulative.
also purposefully sending people annoying asks to get a rise out of them really isn't funny. are you my five year old little brother now. are you going to sign off each anon with "problem, officer?" can you just call me fat like the good old days. can we just bring back rickrolling instead.
no tldr you read the post or you don't.
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hardestgrove · 2 years
like not to get too deep on my stranger things shitposting blog but like, people being so rampantly anti billy but lacking and thought or nuance to that argument or trying to moralize their dislike of his character instead of just saying "i just don't like him" (which is literally a valid reason all on it's own) is in part directly because challenging material being removed from school curriculums, the increasingly poor quality of the american education system and the focus on standardized testing. Also a cause of this is places like tiktok which are finely tuned capitalist time sinks that create addicting doom scrolling echo chambers built to both make you feel bad and spoon feed you validation of a limited point of view so they can make money off of you.
In elementary school my art teacher was a ww2 survivor, sometimes he would gather us all in the projector room tell us stories from his childhood instead of showing us slides of Dali and Rembrandt. Not all of them were happy, some people would argue should not have been told to children our age even thought they happen to him in his real life when he was around 12. But these stories are foundational to me and my understanding of the world now. I loved this man deeply and he helped to inspire my love of art and creativity and helped art be the field I want to work in to this day.
I read Maus in high school which people have recently spoke of banning and watched Persepolis. I took a class about the literary use of the "Monster" and the "Other" where we read things like Frankenstein and watched Bladerunner and talked about the groups these monsters where metaphors for. We had a whole class discussing how many "monsters" are just people with conditions that were then demonized for their otherness (did you know the insult "pinhead" originated as an insult/slur against people with malformed skulls usually from microcephaly who were then exploited in freak shows?). I took a course on satire where we read A Modest Proposal (which is a slam against the English landlords who were treating the irish horrifically at the time, not a dude proposing they ate babies).
In college I took an entire mandatory course in my freshman year at art school called critical inquiry where we went through all the different kinds of theory-- Marxist, feminist, queer etc.
All media has a message, even dumb popcorn blockbuster shows. In some ways it is all propaganda. Critical thinking is important to understanding the world around you. Being able to understand multiple points of view is critical to interacting with the world. Schools are more and more less likely to teach these skills for reasons ranging from no time to actively suppressing them which leaves children open to getting a lot of info online with very little way of engaging with it in a way where they can think for themselves and pick it apart. This fandom skews young and it shows because there's very little genuine thinking, discussion and analysis of the text and a lot of frankly poorly considered takes and dickhead behavior.
I urge younger folks to engage with problematic content and listen to video essays and podcasts and whatever that explain critical thinking concepts and different kinds of theory used in analysis. If it feels like your school isn't teaching you how to be able to really seriously think for yourself please use the nightmarish hellscape that is the internet to find people who will and even when you find those sources be critical of them and never completely assume they're right, always ask "what's their angle?". Learn about dog whistles and indoctrination tactics. Learn how to protect your brains and how to engage with texts more completely for your own growth, entertainment and education and so you don't get blindsided by fucked up subtexts you didn't even realize where there and accidentally let shape your thinking.
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therainbowgorilla · 4 years
You don't have a gender but you're a lesbian? No. Lesbians are homosexual/homoromantic women. Wanting female friends is not being a lesbian but I guess y'all will claim anything for the oppression points, won't you.
Call me back when you wanna marry, move in, and spend the rest of your life with your "female friends" ya dickhead. Ya sound like a terf.
Just cause you don't know the joy of a queerplatonic relationship don't mean you gotta come be a dick to me about it.
The joys of just vibing together in the same room while playing separate games... Or playing a co-op or competitive game together. Cooking for each other, cuddling maybe, and just enjoying the company of one another. Having a movie night watching so-bad-it's-funny horror movies. For me, it's about the sweet little domestic things. I don't want kissing, sometimes not even hand holding or cuddling! I just want to be with the other person. Possibly forever.
If you think all that sounds romantic, then that's your definition but not mine. I don't really want a lot of the blatant intimacy that is usually common in romantic relationships, so I don't call my orientation romantic.
I'd be willing to MAYBE try sex, but I am usually sex repulsed in person.
Please understand that you don't get to define my romanticism or sexuality. You don't know me. You are an internet stranger. I don't have to justify myself to you. I explained myself in the hopes that I might get you to see another perspective.
With that in mind, a few questions:
1. Mind telling me how what I identity as has any effect on you?
2. Genuine question: what does romantic attraction feel like to you?
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So excited you asked for requests! I can't gush about your corner of the internet enough! I would love any combo of SPN/Hiddlestons (which includes the character crew) ... May I request the Winchester rolling up in Detroit to go after a reported vampire den, but when they burst in it's just our buddy Adam chilling with his guitars and popsicles? Please don't kill my baby Adam.
“Here We Are...”
Dean Winchester x reader, Adam (OLLA) x platonic!reader, Sam Winchester x platonic!reader, Eve (OLLA) x platonic!reader
Summary: After mistaking Y/N, Adam, and Eve to be bad vamps, Dean and Sam take you and Adam to kill the real murderer
Warnings: mild cursing, murder, sex is brought up, murder of a child, and fluffy ending
Word count: 1,547
A/N: FIRST OFF, you are awesome for requesting this. I enjoyed it very much! Hope you do too! Second and last, thank you so much for the kind words 💚💚💚
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“The Hell..?”, I whisper, carefully getting out of my room. I tip-toe into the dark hall hearing the voices of strangers. “Get your ass up, vamp!”, I hear a rough voice say. “What the fu-“, I hear footsteps behind me. Turning around, I see a tall man with long ass hair. “Hunters..”, I gasp. “Yup.”, he grabs me, and takes me to the living room. I kick and punch, but he does not let go of me.
“Y/N, no!”, Adam yells as I am pushed into the room. Long hair McGee still has not let go of me. “Adam! Eve! What are they doing here! We didn’t even do anything!”, I growled towards the hunters at the last part. The blonde hottie gives me a weird look. “You said killing people isn’t anything?”, he asks, still pointing a gun at Adam. I glance at him and Eve, hoping nothing bad happens. They have taken me in, and have been extremely nice to me. They are like my surrogate parents and siblings in one. I look at the blonde again,”We don’t kill people. We trick a doctor into giving us blood. If you don’t believe us, then eat me.” “Y/N, language.”, Eve smirked. I rolled my eyes, then glance at the giant that was pressing a gun to my side. He let go a little bit. Does he believe me? Huh. That’s a first. “Sammy?”, Dean looked at him. “I- I think they are telling the truth. “Fuck yeah, we are telling the truth.”, Adam growls. Dean and Sam give him an annoyed look. “Then who in the Hell is suckin’ these people dry, and hanging them?”, the blonde rolled his eyes.
The two men look at me. “What?”, Sammy asks. “I-It’s Gabe.. Adam, why is he here?!”, tears well up in my eyes. I force them to stay put, not wanting to show these hunters my weak side. Gabe always kills like that. “I- I don’t know, darling.”, his British voice that usually calms me does not stop my insides from twisting with fear and pain. “Who is Gabe?”, the blonde asks me. I notice the two have put their guns down. “He- He turned me..”, I whisper,”He turned me after killing my mom and- and my little brother. He- he- he’s here. He’s in Detroit.” My voice raised when I speak of my family. “As long as I am here, nothing will get to you.”, Adam walks towards me and rests his hand on my shoulder. “Thank you..”, I look down.
Gabe’s stupid, sadistic grin comes to mind. I know what he’s trying to do. He took everything from me. My mom, brother, and my mortality. I am not letting him take me from my new family now. “I am coming with you two.”, I say matter-of-factly. “What? No!”, Adam’s eyebrows furrowed. “I am. He wants me. I’m going to kill him by telling him I’m giving myself up. That will be the only way we get through his men.”, I walk towards the door. Before I open it, I say: ”Well?” The hunters hurry to walk past me, and Adam kisses Eve on the lips before following me. As we get to the car, Adam gets in the back when Sam tells him to. Of course he grumbled something as he did so. I tried to join him, but Blondie stopped me. “You are up front. Don’t want you and Edward over there to plan something in the back where we can’t see you.”, he states. I shrug, and get into the beautiful car. “Nice ride..”, I whisper, mainly to myself. “I know.”, Dean pats the Chevy proudly. “You do know where he is... right?”, the taller one asks me. “Yeah, I have an idea..”
I get bored five minutes into the drive, so I try to make conversation: “What are even your names?” Dean glances at me, then the road again. “I’m Dean. Back there is Sam.”, he answers. I nod,”So, what’s you two’s love story?” Dean nearly chokes on the air he is breathing. “We’re brothers??”, Dean and Sam say at the same time. I chuckle, glancing at Adam. He is looking out the window with his sunglasses on. “Dude, it is eight o’clock at night.”, I tell him. He scoffs,”Why don’t you just shut up?” I roll my eyes with a smirk,”You first, dickhead.” “Fuck off, shitface.” Adam and I share a chuckle as the brothers give confused faces. “What are you to to each other?”, Dean asks. Why the Hell does he care? “She’s basically my daughter and sister in one, so I suggest you quit checking her out up there.”, Adam replies before I could. I look out the window, trying to hide my blush even though it is dark outside.
“Let me through. I am here to give myself up for Gabe. And I have presents.”, I tell a guard. I gesture to Adam, Dean, and Sam as I said the last part.. He looks at me, then to the boys, and back to me. “Sure thing, sexy.”, he winked at me. I wink back, trying not to puke in my mouth. Adam and Dean are tense, making me chuckle. Adam’s tension, I get. Dean? Not sure why.
As me and the men following me enter a dark room in the large house, a chuckle echos around it. I look toward the sound, seeing the monster I have hated for most of my decades on earth. “Gabe.”, I curtly greet. “Now, baby, don’t be so stiff.”, he walks closer,”We both know that I won’t like that.” I resist the urge to rip his head off as I purse my lips. “You’ve killed more families, I see.”, I tell him. “Well, you know how it is, baby!”, Gabe smirks as he slides a finger into my belt loop. He brings me closer to him, making Adam growl. “Don’t touch-“, Adam was interrupt my Gabe’s men putting a machete to his throat. I gulp as more did the same to Sam and Dean. I set my gaze back on the monster pulling at my belt loop. “How about we dance like we did back in the day, before you left, huh?”, he let out a cruel smirk. “Yeah, okay, that’s enough!”, Dean pushes the other vamp away from him, but they end up fighting. Sam and Adam joined in with their guys, leaving me with Gabe. “Aw, how cute.”, he chuckles as he looks back to me. The smirk was wiped from his face once he saw what I was holding. “Dead man’s blood.”, I smiled at him fakely before pushing the dark red blood into his neck. “NO!”, he yelled, then dropped to the ground. I grab a machete from his collection, and cut his head off. Then, I plant the sword into his chest. “That’s what it feels like to have a sword go into your chest. Except he was nine, you monster.”, I whisper, then feel presence behind me. I turn around swiftly to see Adam looking at me with pity. “Finally did it, Adam.. I did it..”, I hug him. He snakes him arms around my waist. “Yes, you did.”, he kissed my forehead.
“Sorry, I um, almost killed you.”, Sam chuckles as he rubs the back of his neck. I smirk,”No prob, giant.” He chuckles, then walks out of the house after giving Adam and Eve a nod. “Hey, you going to tell me goodbye too?”, Dean teases. I roll my eyes,”And why would I do that? So you could check me out one last time?” He looks away with a grin on his face. “Well, yes and no.”, he looked back at me,”I wanted to give you this.” I look at his hand to see a paper with numbers on it. His number? “Bet you never thought you’d be giving this to a vampire.”, I smile after taking the paper. “Yeah, no, I um.. Never would have thought that, but here we are.” “Here we are..”, I repeat his last words.
“Thanks, but please get the fuck out of my house.”, Adam ruined the moment. I rolled my eyes,”Really?” He nodded before picking up a guitar and strumming it. “See ya, Y/N.”, Dean winked. I smiled,”See ya.” He walks out of the house, and I hear Eve giggle. “What?”, I ask her. “He likes you a lot. I can tell. And I can also tell you like him too. Well, I don’t blame you, Y/N. With that face, I mean, come on.”
“Don’t worry, Adam, you have the best face.” “Thank you, but…”
I tune out the rest of their conversation as I peer out the window. The boys are still here, I see. Sam is doing the movement that people make when they are saying they are making out with another. A grin takes over my face. Dean looks at the window, feeling eyes on him. He smacks Sam’s head, then points towards me. Sam looks into the window, then hurries to get into the Impala. I giggle as Dean winks at me for the last time tonight.
Hopefully, I can see it on more occasions.
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@lovesmesomehiddles @marshyrebelcloud @peasant-right-here @blackeyedangel9805 @an-adventureland
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