#please gege bring choso back
kamiversee · 5 months
I’m not gonna answer all the messages I got asking about Choso & how I feel but please know I am sad.
JJK is still (unfortunately) my favorite series and I’ve chosen to be delusional and tell myself that Choso will somehow return, just like my glorious white haired king will return!
No but seriously, I cried last night a little.
Even so, I always knew the story would end up like this— the manga literally starts off with Yuta’s story and my man (Suguru) was killed off early on so when I later found out tht jjk was inspired by Akame Ga Kill, I realized tht nine times outta ten, no one’s making it out alive :)
I’ll suffer through it tho! I love angst. (Im dying inside, genuinely) but hey, at least his death wasn’t… brutal (?) Like Nanami’s, Nobora’s………. Or Gojo’s :/
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This panel is making my stomach twist though. Look at that lil smile of his. Omg im crying again PLEASE CHOSO COME BACK I CANT DO THISSSSSSYCYX
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nyxypoo · 14 days
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goatyuuji · 14 days
JJK 269: 😐😐😐
*Sigh* i can't figure out where this story is going man, i just- i just wish it's going in the right direction man, please don't let them tokyo revengers jokes become a reality...........Moving on....
So karma....KARMA has been one of the biggest things in JJK, which i fucking loved. Gojo not cremating Geto properly, baam! karma in form of Kenjaku hijacking Geto's body, Miniko & Nanako thinking they can negotiate with King of Curses, baam! they dead, Mahito underestimating Yuuji, baam! instant karma. I fucking love Gege's pen work when it comes to karma and religious themes tbh. JJK really beautiful in a way where it potraits the concept of fucking around and finding out.
So why, pray tell me, does Yuuta not suffer the consequences of his actions when he decided to use his dead teacher's body to get back to fighting Sukuna. You are telling me he gets to go back into his body just like that??? no consequences whatsoever after he defiled his teacher's body to use him as a powerup??? man.......ok then.
One more thing that pissed me off this chapter is the way Kusakabe said 'Gojo should have executed Yuuji'…..huh? HUHHHH???? By that logic Gojo should have also killed Megumi because none of them (except gojo & sukuna) surviving a 1v1 with Mahoraga if Megumi summons it on their ass 😭😭… LIKE WHAT IS THIS LOGIC, how are you gonna blame your incompetency as a sorcerer on fucking teenagers who have no choices at all. Like instead of executing teens, how about training and getting strong enough to fight and win, ever thought of that…maybe Sukuna was right when he said these grade 1 mofos should not be allowed to say nothing. Kusakabe lucky that Choso ain't there with them when he said that shit, my man Choso would have fucked him up for saying that about his younger bro.
I won't even joke about the new shadow style school or whatever was introduced in this chapter...I didn't understand one thing and i won't even try to understand it because them saying 'simple domain is a secret among sorcerers' was a joke enough for me when ALMOST EVERY ONE IN THIS FIGHT KNEW HOW TO DO A SIMPLE DOMAIN and even used it against Sukuna, like dpmo with the 'oh it's a secret, oh we gonna monopolize on this' plotline I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. This is worse than Gojo bringing up Nobara's mom in last chapter, like where the fuck are we going from here man??????
In conclusion: Maybe Sukuna should have killed all of them, especially Mei Mei.
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My Kenjaku Theories !MANGA SPOILERS!
Today I’ll be taking about my Kenjaku theories, observations, and questions I have in honor of their death. I will be using they/them pronouns for Kenjaku to make it easier. (Apologies if it’s a bit too long) Please visit Jallomoth’s youtube channel!!!! I pulled and elaborated on some of their theories!
Golden Age
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This isn’t really a theory but an observation made. One of Kenjaku’s plans is to create another golden age of sorcery. They have many connections but the number of years they have been alive and lurking is alarming. Did they use their friendship with Tengen to see the growth in the modern times and to jujutsu society? Afterall, Tengen introduced many things and made jujutsu sorcery and Japan the way it is in the manga today. Maybe after Sukuna’s sealing Kenjaku finally decided to make a plan to bring back another golden age as powerful as the one Sukuna brought. But why?
“Mad Scientist”
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2. Speaking of Kenjaku’s goal, they would love to see the outcome of wiping humanity out and starting off fresh. They said it themselves that “I know I’d laugh.” This shows some mad scientist tendencies and how they enjoy experimenting and plotting. Yuji, Choso and their brothers are the outcome of their experiments. But what caused them to love experimenting so much? Were they like Yorozu who wanted to boost their abilities or boost their IQ? Or did they want to find ways to store more cursed techniques? After all transplanting a brain into someone elses takes a lot of thinking and time. Especially when you are taking control of your first body. Were they originally a scientist or experimenter in their original body or human life? The possibilities are endless.
Geto Suguru
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3. This one I pulled and elaborated from Jallomoth. Geto Suguru in the panel shown is talking about how Rika will be his “next time”. But did he know Gojo was going to kill him? My guess is probably since he knows Gojo very well and he knows he respects and will protect his students. So why did Geto say this? Could it be a binding vow for Kenjaku? I like to think there is no such thing as luck within the jujutsu world and only fate. Fate brought the six eyes, plasma vessel, and Tengen together. Could fate bring Kenjaku and Geto together? Even though most binding vows broke when they obtained Geto Suguru’s body that doesn’t mean the most recent binding vow will. Maybe this is the price for obtaining Geto Suguru’s body. His body is too perfect for Kenjaku and has to have some cons to it. Kenjaku is known for plotting ahead and lurking… so what if they watched and maybe interacted with Geto Suguru from time to time? Kenjaku is dead now and this might be a long stretch but it still sort of makes sense.
The Brain
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4. Cursed energy comes from the gut but reversed energy (or RCT) comes from the brain meaning cursed techniques are literally edged into the brain at birth. As seen in the gojo vs sukuna fight, they wear their cursed techniques out, so both do an extremely risky thing and crushed their brains. Then they immediately heal them so they can just restart the cool down on their cursed techniques. Could this be how Kenjaku switches techniques? Their technique only consists of stealing people’s bodies so maybe that’s how they tap into other techniques. I mean they have a very good idea of the anatomy of a brain and they can simply crush it and replace it with the new CT. They are a talented sorcerer and quickly regenerated back a few seconds after Yuki punched them. This could explain how two people can’t use two techniques simultaneously. Yuta however will be explained in the next paragraph. 
Yuta and Rika
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5. Geto Suguru only wants Rika and Kenjaku sees nothing in Yuta. Why is that? Gege states that Yuta’s technique is copying others AND Rika. But what if Rika is the one that contains his cursed techniques and is basically his weapon storehouse? Maybe that’s why Kenjaku and Geto see no use in him and only for Rika. Rika is his ultimate upgrade and basically powers-up Yuta.
And that’s all! Thanks for reading my whole ass essay and let me know if you want a part 2 since I have even more brewing in my head. Have some treats as your reward!
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hermitw · 17 days
I don't think this was included in any of my ending predictions (bc it's less lore heavy) BUT since there are 3 chapters left, fuck it
Takaba comes back. Idk if he's actually dead or just thought that it would be funny to appear that way after his dream performance (the way he's dressed as he lays on the ground the last time we see him is associated with death or ghosts). But whether he's just laying there to process the memory or he's in his own version of an afterlife / airport scene (note they Nobara had one of those and she did die, technically, but she's back), I think his CT would still work.
Takaba thinks "hey, wouldn't it be funny if I go back to Shinjuku and everyone is getting along?"
Like he would be seeing streamers (it isn't a party without streamers) etc, I think.
Idk how strong the phenomena caused by his CT can last for, and I'm not confident on any details here.
I still think Yuuji's cryogenic domain could bring Gojo and Choso back, at least (I cannot believe anyone is dead, even Gojo might be fine as things are rn). I think Yuuta's been helping Yuuji to understand his domain and that's what they're going to do at the end of ch. 268. (I could be wrong but I'm so attached to this theory bc enough about it was confirmed ok).
I rly wanted to see Takaba vs Sukuna - so PLEASE gege give me that. Plssssss
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thursdaysperson · 5 months
(juju k spoilies)
please why can't gege be nice. i miss my glorious king choso. gege bring back choso.
every day i think about him. and cry
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satsugus · 3 years
what if choso called yuki “brother” and yuki was like “actually i would be ur sister :)” what then
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bonsai62 · 3 years
Part 1: The Compatibility between Pisces and Capricorn
Hello everyone! Today, since I am hella bored and have nothing to do this fine evening, I am going to talk about the relationship between our two boys; Yuji and Megumi and how much they represent their signs so much.
Before I get started, I am not going to talk about their sex life even though it’s kinda important if you are into astrology, however, for this case I won’t because both of them are minors. But if you want to read more about their comparability then be my guess and look at the underline links. I will provide links in the discussion so you can have a better understanding on how the signs are and use manga pages for you to visually see it.
Also, excuse my English. I am very bad at it! Even though it’s my first language I still have lots of errors in my writing!
Also beware of manga spoilers too!!
Let’s get started on this very long essay!
Traits of a Pisces: Itadori Yuji
Positive: Compassionate (top), empathetic (middle), & creative (bottom)
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We also have: Warm/gentle, caring, intellectual, animal lover, and romantic
Here we have the positive side of a Pisces and let me tell you it screams Yuji so damn much. Yuji is such a compassionate guy. I don’t think I have never seen a character who is very compassionate like Yuji (I have but we are talking about Yuji here lol). He can empathize with a whole lot of people and no matter what the situation is he understands. Yuji doesn’t need to have the same experience as someone because he can feel and get in their head to make him understand what their going through. Which brings me to that he has a really high empathy level when it comes to people (I can relate a lot because I have the same thing). However, having a lot of empathy isn’t all that’s cracked up to be but I’ll talk about it soon.
A Pisces is also very creative and they love hobbies. One of Yuji’s favorite hobbies is, I have a feeling is sports but that just based on what his old school thought of him + the baseball game. Plus cooking! Cooking is an amazing hobby and it lets you get creative with your hands and skills! I like to imagine that he is the best cook throughout the school and loves to share with his classmates and have them rate his cooking lol! Cooking is also a relief of stress so I can also imagine him having a bad day and just ends up being in the kitchen.
Negative: Overly emotional (top), impressionable (bottom), closed off (middle)
I messed up the order lol
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We also have: melancholy, lazy, stubborn, moodiness, etc
Yuji is a very emotional person. We have seen him at his best and at his worse. He is such an emotional person that he felt bad for killing Choso’s brothers. His emotions gets the best of him when Junpei died, Megumi was hurt, seeing what Sukuna has done in Shibuya, and Nanamin/Nobara getting destroyed by Mahito. It’s an unhealthy feeling because we’ve seen Yuji get distracted with his injured friends and him kinda fucking up on his fighting. Another unhealthy trait that Yuji had is not talking about himself. We’ve seen him not talk about his feelings and I mean personal deep feelings that’s always going to be in the back of his head. Like when Megumi knows that something happened to Yuji but Yuji simple doesn’t want to talk about and closes it. He doesn’t really like talking about himself and rather hear other people/helping other people rather than face his own demons. If he’s facing his own demons, he rather be doing it on his own.
I also want to point out that many people think that he gets over people’s death hella easily. No... that is not true whatsoever. The boy has been through so much trauma that eventually you just get so tired of crying about it and you don’t have the energy anymore, you eventually start telling yourself “it is what it is” or “what can I do now?”. Noabra is a perfect example. He didn’t need to cry because he had the biggest mental breakdown when it happened. So when he asked Megumi about her status... he just had to say “alright”.
In my theories... she is definitely alive. Again, Gege is playing half of you guys. She is gonna pop out in the next couple of chapters or even the one coming up next.
Another things that I find interesting in Yuji which according to the links I put, Pisces tend to trust people easily:
Ease of being cheated: A desire to see the best things in other people makes the Two Fish very impressionable individuals. They trust others without any suspicions and often suffer from their frivolity. Any pressure of stronger people is accepted as a command for them and they easily agree with them without any doubts.
For instant, Todo and Choso. Those two mf were about to kill him but they didn’t because of what Yuji’s mind fuck did (I know Gege sensei said that isn’t a theory but still it’s mind fuck lol) He instantly call Todo his best friend like I can hear Nobara (Big sis) twitching somewhere lol. Whenever I think of Yuji and Todo’s relationship, I think of Vinny and Paula D from Jersey Shore haha!
Any who, while trusting people isn’t a bad thing, you still don’t know what their intentions are and everything. It’s a very naive thing to do.
But I felt for Yuji and Choso... Yuji didn’t have much of a choice...
I would like to know what changed Yuji’s mind into staying with Choso. I’m curious how Yuji “trusted” being with Choso after everything that went down. Yuji is a very forgiving character too (minus Mahito). But now, I think we can see that Choso has no bad intentions towards Yuji because he “might” be his brother. And their so cute too!!
On to our other boy!
Traits of a Capricorn: Megumi Fushiguro
Positive: Resourcefulness (top), discipline/patient (middle: also thank @pantherbeamish for the photos!), and reliability (bottom)
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We also have: Responsibility, loyalty, diligence, team player, etc
Megumi is a very interesting character. Whenever I see him I get more interested in him. He is exactly what you would describe a Capricorn. We have seen Megumi be resourceful when it comes understanding how curse energy works thanks to him. He is very detailed when it comes to explaining and also a very patient man when Yuji, who doesn’t know jack shit about the Jujutsu world. Never, not once, does Megumi call Yuji an idiot for not knowing all these things. That’s what makes him amazing because if it were other Shonen mangas, the “rival” would’ve called Yuji an idiot. The only time Megumi ever calls Yuji an idiot is when Yuji literally does or says something stupid. To me, that is normal and not being a dick about it because we all know that if we had a friend like Yuji we would’ve stared at him like “why are you like this...”
It’s me... I’m a lot like Yuji lol
But no, he is very patient and tries to explain everything to Yuji as best as he can. I have this thing where almost everyone relies on Megumi a lot because he’s a serious guy + very responsible with his tasks. We see Maki trusting Megumi too. Like the time when Megumi was hyping Yuji up saying he can beat everyone in the Kyoto school if they didn’t use curse energy (something like that lol). Yuji also can confirm himself that Megumi is very reliable. He mentioned it while back at the prison because both sibling duo thought they were lost.
Negative: Sensitivity (top), seriousness (middle), reservation (bottom)
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We also have: Unforgiving, criticism, suspicion, pickiness, etc
Just like Yuji, we have seen Megumi’s negative side a lot but it’s simply because he’s sensitive and thinks logically. Sometimes, I also feel like he thinks through his heart as well but that’s just me. That is where the sensitivity comes along. Megumi is hella sensitive he doesn’t need to show it because you can feel it.
In the article:
Sensitivity: It is better not to offend Capricorns who are very sensitive people. They can’t stand being laughed at and remain serious in public but feel badly deeply in their souls. Even a minor joke can result in resentment from their side!
In many, many occasions we have seen everyone fucking around or getting on Megumi’s nerves, especially in our recent Jujustroll where Gojo is saying a bunch of nonsense and embarrassing tf out of Megumi. His seriousness gets in the way and that’s what makes him sensitive.
On the side note: I also wanted to add something. As I was reading a few articles, some mentioned that Capricorns are... bland. Please, Capricorns!! No me ataques! I just find it interesting that someone, like Todo, who thinks Megumi is boring. Todo honestly thought he was boring since he first asked him what was his type and while Megumi gave us the best answer, Todo expected something more fun. But no, it was boring. Also, Megumi lives a simple life. Now, I’m not saying that Megumi is boring because as a matter of fact I like how simple he is. He likes to keep things neutral. Personally, on his activities he is considered “bland” and honestly, I can see why but I would still go out my way to enjoy it with him if I was his significant other lol I also feel like he has a good sense of style in fashion. I’m saying that judging from the official arts + “Lost In Paradise” because in that ED Megumi be looking like a bowl of fruits. A bowl of snacks lmao!
But, anyways! Megumi is also reserved to himself. He does not like talking about himself at all (hon hon does that sound like someone?). He doesn’t open up to a lot of people but I kinda feel like he does with Gojo but that’s just because Gojo raised him and he just knows when Megumi is feeling a certain way. Also, I bet Gojo just knows when Megumi is having a bad day too. We witnessed him just being in his own bubble in the current arc that is happened in the anime. Yuji and Nobara calls him out about him being so reserved to himself. He does eventually tells them what is going on, but it takes a lot for a Capricorn to open up and it’s totally understandable. I feel as if you want a Capricorn to open up, you have to let them give you time for them to get to know you. Give them your intentions and put in the effort to make them trust you.
Now in to the fun part!!
1. Trust:
Articles 1: They will often understand each other well enough to respect their relationship and keep it clear of dishonesty
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I’m a use this imagine again btw because this speaks their relationship clearly
I think what I truly love about their relationship and love the idea of them being an endgame is the trust that they have for one another(even though someone is gonna die). They barely knew each other for 2 months and their chemistry is off the mf charts.
The picture above isn’t just them having an eye opening moment but the fact that they trust each other to save one another.
Megumi had saved Yuji so many time
Yuji had also saved Megumi so many times
Tbh, when I was thinking about Megumi coming in to save Yuji from Yuuta and Naoya, I thought it would be the same as when Yuji saved Megumi and Maki from Hanami, but we got something better. We got to see Megumi never doubting Yuji and always making sure that he gives him as many chances as he gives. I hope that sparks a realization for Yuji because sometimes I always felt that he doesn’t really acknowledges Megumi doing a whole lotta things for Yuji. I’m still complaining about it because if he can say “thank you, best friend” to Todo or “thank you, Kugisaki, for letting me know that I am not alone” to Nobara, then he should definitely see how much Megumi gives a fuck about him.
I expect a “thank for being by my side and never doubting me” for Megumi.
Articles 2: Pisces, who prefers to hand off important decision-making to dominant Capricorn, feeds into the goat’s need to be in control. On the flip side, Capricorn trusts Pisces to attend to its emotional needs—something that can be very difficult to allow at first.
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This is interesting because a lot of the time Megumi is always making the plans and the choices. I feel like Yuji tends to rely on Megumi a lot because Yuji respects the way Megumi thinks (I’m not saying he doesn’t do that with anyone either).
Another thing is that:
“Capricorn trust Pisces to attend to its emotional needs-something that can be very difficult to allow at first”
I want to use Yuji asking Yuuta to kill him if Sukuna comes out especially for Megumi’s sake as an example of “emotional needs” because we see that Yuji does not want to be anywhere near Megumi because of Sukuna. In Yuji’s emotional state, he would rather have Yuuta kill him than Megumi. A lot of people also have this head canon that the reason why he asked Yuuta to kill him instead of Megumi is because Megumi already has a lot on his plate or something. I forgot the theory lol
But... I have a feeling that Megumi is gonna end up killing Yuji at the end because it should be him...
But yes,
Let’s see where things end with the current event that is happening now.
But unfortunately, I have to stop right here because Tumblr only allows 10 images in one post. Tragic!
I do hope you guys enjoy and please comment if I’m missing anything with them! Let’s hope I won’t take long with part 2 because I’m hella busy at times! Overall, tell me what you guys think!
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questcat44 · 4 years
JJK Chapter 142
Choso really shines this chapter. He gets to show off some awesome moves and all the brother talk is interesting. Choso and Naoya are set up as foils for each other with Naoya being the younger brother who hates his “inferior” older brothers and Choso being the older brother who has made it his responsibility to protect and guide his younger brothers.
Naoya bringing up Touji in comparison to his brothers is also interesting. It makes me wonder if he’ll rag on Megumi (and badmouth Maki ugh) for using weapons and maybe bring up Touji to Megumi. If Megumi ever shows up and we get a confrontation between the two. Maybe that’s how Megumi will find out he fought Touji in Shibuya. Or maybe he was already told sometime during the time skip idk
It’s a bit of a bummer that Yuuta just shows up and KOs Choso after all his hard work. But maybe Choso isn’t really down for the count. I also wonder why Gege has taken one OP character (Gojo) out of play only to bring in another (Yuuta). I mean, Yuuta isn’t quite as OP as Gojo, but he’s up there and the text has already made multiple comparisons between the two. It’ll be interesting to see what Yuuta’s role will be moving forward.
Also, I’m back to wavering on whether Yuuta is really fulfilling the higher-ups orders or is secretly on Yuuji’s side. Certainly, he seems to be acting as executioner dragging Yuuji’s dead(?) body around. But, I’m wondering whether he’s stepping in to help Naoya to have someone else the higher-ups will listen to confirm that Yuuji’s dead. Before Yuuji secretly comes back to life (again). Or maybe Yuuta’s gonna kick Naoya’s ass because he did hear Naoya say he wants to kill Megumi. Yuuta shows up with quite the menacing aura at the end there while he points out how hurt Naoya is. Although, we don’t know how close Yuuta and Megumi are, so I’m not sure if he feels as protective about him as he does the rest of the second years.
I feel like I say this every week, but I can’t wait for the next chapter. There are just so many unanswered questions. What’s Yuuta up to? Is Yuuji really (temporarily) dead? What’ll happen to Choso? Why was Sukuna smiling last chapter? When will we see how the people who were at Shibuya are doing now? (It seems like we won’t get this answer for awhile. Nobara, Maki, please be ok T^T) Will Megumi ever show up??
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writerofcreativity · 4 years
I created this a two months ago. A Jujutsu Kaisen fanfic and my first one. I went over this and I think it's okay. Will people care to read this? I don't know. I just post this.
All Jujutsu Kaisen characters belongs to Gege Akutami.
I will be having a crossover with my characters from another project.
Right now, this doesn't contain any spoilers.
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Itadori Yuji found himself being surrounded by dead corpses of Curses and humans. Screams can be heard echoing throughout the crackling flames. "What the hell is going on?" He asked himself, wanting to help those in need but his body stood. As if his feet are rooted to the ground.
He felt a hand pulling at his pants. It made him looked down and his eyes widened in shock. The deceased are pulling him down.
"Please help us."
"It hurts."
"Kill me."
Yuji can not help but scream "this has to be a nightmare!" He shouted.
"Wake up."
The teenager shuts his eyes, hoping that this will end.
"Wake up, Brat!"
Yuji got kicked in the face and it made him jumped out of bed. "Was that just a dream?" He can feel himself sweating and his heart pounding. To be honest he felt relieved, it means that it was not real and those corpses are still alive.
"We have a problem on our hands." Yuji hears Sukuna talking to him and looks at his hands to look for the mouth, but he did not see any.
"Over here." Sukuna spoke.
Yuji got startled to see Sukuna standing in front of him "you bastard, you brought me to your Domain Expansion again? You want to settle the score? I can give it to you and make you cry!" He yelled.
Sukuna sighed "look around you, ya moron." He said.
Yuji was not going to fall for it but he still look and see that they are inside his room. "Either you're trying to trick me or I can do the Domain Expansion too." He said and feels excited to pull that off.
"As if I would do that. My Domain is much better than this pathetic excuse for a room. Also you can't do that." Sukuna shot down those two ideas "like I said, we have a problem on our hands." He repeated, as much as he hates it.
Yuji still remains on guard "you mean I have a damn problem now that you're out." He said.
"True. I would've been so happy to get out of your body but reality just wants to bite me in the ass. I will get to the point already, my powers are gone meaning I am powerless." Sukuna spoke in a serious tone of voice.
After being told that he is powerless, Yuji immediately went to find his friends and his teacher but Satoru is no where to be found, no surprises there.
"This has to be some kind of illusion." Megumi spoke.
"But he's really there. This time in person without Itadori being possessed." Nobara said.
The two first years were really surprised when Yuji called them over, and they saw Sukuna. They thought he was not real but it is revealed that he is physically there.
"Why is that bastard here? I thought that he needed a vessel to be here since his real body is just a corpse buried somewhere." Nobara looks at Yuji.
"I don't even know myself but the good news that he is powerless." He said.
"How can we believe Sukuna? He isn't an honest person, like all Curses. Most likely he is lying right now and strike at the perfect moment." Megumi is still on gaurd and is ready to summon his Shikigami if Sukuna makes a move.
"I would had killed the Brat the moment I manifested. I would had killed the two of you as well, if you were boring and the girl wasn't my type." Sukuna said "I discovered that my Curse energy is not what it used to be." He added.
Nobara puts her hands on her hips "would that mean Itadori have your Curse energy?" She questioned, sounded a bit curious at the idea.
"Oh! Then that means I am the new king!" Yuji spoke, brightens up.
"I wouldn't blame you, considering you ate my fingers." Sukuna muttered.
Megumi looked at his friends "we have to at least talk about this to Gojo sensei." He said.
"Talk about what with me?"
Speaking of the Devil, Satoru is now standing with his students and Sukuna. His students were startled by that sudden appearance.
"Gojo Sensei, where had you been?" Megumi asked.
"I was getting things ready. It was really hard to make that kind of arrangement with those shitty Elders." He answered, waved his hand up and down "you wanted to talk about Sukuna being out with me?" He already have his eyes on the King of Curses.
Megumi nodded "we initially thought that this isn't impossible for Sukuna to be out. Itadori have his body that is his to control and Sukuna is here in the flesh. He's not an illusion." He told him.
Satoru smiled "that is interesting. That means we don't have to kill Yuji but there is a little Curse energy that can be detected inside Sukuna." He spoke.
"Then we can get rid of him right? Clearly he's not a threat and is much more easier to kill." Nobara spoke.
"Nope. As much as we want to, we can't do that now. Sukuna still have fingers that are not eaten by Yuji yet and the deal was to let him eat all those fingers before we can kill him and Sukuna. However, this changes things." Satoru looking at both Yuji and Sukuna.
Yuji looked at Sukuna, particularly his hands. He has ten fingers on him "are you sure you're not playing with us, saying that you have no powers?" He questioned.
"You're still alive, aren't you? It's bad enough that I'm weaker than before, even without my remaining fingers but now my appearance matches yours for being too God damn long inside you." Sukuna muttered.
Yuji questions himself if he looks hideous, but since it was Sukuna, he just ignored it.
A loud clap is heard that filled the room. Satoru was the one who clapped his hands that loudly. "Alright everyone! We need to pack up for our trip! Two pairs of clothing and other important items!" He said loudly.
"Where are we going?" Megumi asked.
"It's a field trip and it'll be fun!" Satoru answered.
Yuji and Nobara now wearing faces of joy "what kind of trip will it be?" Nobara looked at Yuji "I don't know but I hope it's fine like Sensei says it will!" Yuji looked back at her. The two of them are very excited.
"Ah, Sukuna, you'll be going too." Satoru said to him.
"Hmph. It's not as if I have anything better to do now." Truth to be told, he can not help but feel excited. He had been absent for over millions of years. The world is now evolved, better or worse. He questioned if he caught Yuji's childlike curiosity while being trapped in there.
Satoru had taken his students to the airport without any problems at all, although there were a few Curses but those can be handle by others who will not have any difficulty. He did not say he was only bringing his first year students, so he brought the second year students as well.
"Gojo. This trip better not be a waste of our time." Maki looked at him.
"This trip will be worth it." He grinned.
"Even if this trip won't have Curses for us to exorcise, it would be good to unwind a bit." Panda spoke, grateful that the principal allows him to go.
"Tuna tuna." Toge muttered, agreeing with him.
Yuji immediately heard Aoi's voice calling to him but before he can escape, he got pulled into a hug by him.
"I knew it you would be on this trip too!" Aoi laughed, squeezing the poor boy.
"Muscle head is here too." Nobara muttered.
"Yeah." Megumi agreed.
"I thought you would stay behind, Maki."
The older Zenin daughter noticed her younger twin sister who is standing with her classmates. "And what? Miss out on all the fun?" Maki retorted.
"Gojo. What is the meaning of bringing Ryomen Sukuna with us?" Questioned Yoshinobu.
"Sukuna isn't much of a threat anymore. Just like with Yuji Itadori, I'm keeping an eye on him." He smiled.
Yoshinobu scoffed "you are being too careless, even if Sukuna poses no threat." He muttered.
Others were surprised to see him joining the trip. They thought he would stay in the school. Perhaps it was because of Sukuna's appearance, or it could be Satoru.
Most students from both schools questions why they are all here together. Satoru was the only who is speaking, not letting the Kyoto school's principal speak. "Think of it as a collaboration. We worked well together when fighting against Curses and all of us had so much fun when we were playing baseball. So, I want us all to enjoy our trip." Satoru said.
"Where will we be going?" Asked Noritoshi.
"To Atela." Satoru answered.
"You looked happier than normal, is this a special occasion?" Jogo saw how happy Mahito is.
The young Cursed Spirit chuckled "I had only thought that Japan only have Jujutsu Sorcerers but I found out there are more interesting people outside of Japan." He smiled.
"Cursed Spirits are everywhere. They are not restricted but that includes those of different races." Suguru spoke.
"That is why I want us all to go to Atela!" Mahito shouted.
"Why go to that place?" Jogo asked. He do not have any knowledge about that area.
"Because they have interesting people who I had heard about. I just it'll be fun." Mahito answered.
"I don't really care about those Sorcerers. We will kill them anyway." Choso quietly spoke.
"Si ti yrassecen rof su ot og?" Hanami asked, speaking backwards.
"Yes. Besides, I think we will meet new friends." Mahito said.
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