#please help i saw someone body shame the g3 draculura and tell i random person “of course youd like the new monster high you look like them”
c4ch04w · 5 months
I gonna be real fucking stupid here cuase like a month ago I was complaining about g3 ss4 clawdeen with braid relaxed thing. But why does there have to be g1 v g3. Okay you like g1 I do to it's nice I grew up with it however there are a lot of issues eg: the body being only one skinny mold, glue seepage, at times horrible fabrics, and bad or supar hair fibre mixes. Like g1 wasn't the most amazing thing ever. Like g1 Clawdeen and Cleo were voiced by the same white women, there would be nothing wrong with that if both chacters weren't POC or MOC (Monsters of colour).
g3 still has some issues like the poly problem, unleaded details and wonky screening being a little to common. However both gens have something good going for them. Like g1 cool chacter concepts, great at queercoding (Wether intentional or not) and was able to explain tough and complex topics for a young audience. G3 has great autism rep and other desirable rep from main chacters, pretty cool designs for the most part, cool non villain explicitly queer chacters and a big improvement on the varying body types. It's really nice and refreshing. Can we stop dicks to each other and not shame each other.
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