#please hop aboard my robin/tammy train
mowgliscode · 4 years
Tip Jar
This is my first time writing fanfic (or really any complete creative work) so constructive criticism is welcome. The main pairing in Robin/Tammy because I think it’d be nice if the lesbian gets the girl for once. There is side Harringrove but it’s sort of blink and you’ll miss it, though if this goes well, I may write the Harringrove sequel to this.
Robin heard Steve grumbling as he headed towards the back, dragging the ratted up cardboard box of returned VHSs. Huffing out a sigh of annoyance, Robin turned back towards the front counter to hopefully engross herself in the stylings of Emily Dickinson once more. Unfortunately, her plans were once again interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing at the door as a new customer walked in. She proceeded to press her nose further into the seam of the book.
“Welcome to Hawkins Video! Let me know if you need anything,” She said. Luckily, the video store had a more lax policy for employees that Scoops did. Keith didn’t really care if she was polite to the customers as long as people were still spending money.
“Hi, Robin!” A familiar voice rang out. Uh oh… It was a very familiar voice. Robin pulled the book from her face.
“Tammy!” Robin’s voice sounded kind but her face did not echo the same message.
“How are you? I haven’t seen you since graduation!” Tammy approached the counter with that classic toothy smile of hers, plump lips stretched thin across her face.
“I’m good…uh, you?” Robin responds tentatively
“Great, actually! I opened up a business over in that strip next to Melvald’s?” Tammy gripped the strap of her bag and kind of shrugged her shoulders.
“The fabric store? Mrs. Byers was telling me someone finally bought up that space, I didn’t realize that was you,” She also remembered Mrs. Byers talking about how pretty the girl who owned the store was.
“Yup! It took a while but I finally got it opened! I was a bit nervous about opening it first but after the mall… you know… I figured now would be a good time since there weren’t too many other clothing options,” Tammy runs her fingers through her blonde perm, twirling a curl or two around her finger. 
Robin shrugs, “It is what it is. Might as well make the best from a shitty situation,” Tammy huffs out a laugh. Oh good, she didn’t scoff.
“So, I actually came in to look for a movie, it’s called St. Elmo’s Fire, do you guys have it?” Tammy asks, cocking her head to the side.
“Uh yeah, I’ll get it just uh… just give me a sec,” Robin replies, quickly running to the back.
Following the scent of cheap hairspray and flowery shampoo, Robin quickly finds Steve bent over as he restocks the horror section. His face twists up in confusion as Robin pushes him away from the box of returns.
“Hey! What’s the bi-”
“Shh! Sh! Shut up! Stay here and don’t go anywhere until I say so,” Robin whisper-screams as she digs through the pile, dropping VHSs on the floor as she goes. She pulls up the movie she’s looking for and runs back to the front.
“Robin, what the fuck?” Steve calls out after her as she makes her way back to the register.
“Right here! It just got returned,” Robin smiles as she hands the case to Tammy.
“Oh good! I was expecting it to be out. My cousin’s in the hospital right now so I really wasn’t looking to let him down,” Tammy’s grin stretches from ear to ear as her glossed up lips shine under the fluorescents.
“Who’s your cousin?” Steve calls out from the end of the aisle as he makes his way towards the counter. Robin lets her head hang as he walks up.
“Oh, I don’t know if you’d know him, he showed up in the middle of the year last year,” Tammy says as she digs in her bag, her thick eyebrows scrunching up in concentration.
“Wait, Billy Hargrove is your cousin?” Steve says.
“Yeah, do you two know each other?” She pulls out her wallet and hands Robin a crisp five-dollar bill.
“Something like that,” Steve sighs out, leaning against one of the displays, only to knock over one of the cardboard cutouts. Robin hands a receipt and some change to Tammy as he struggles to set Freddy Krueger back where he was.
“Well, it was nice seeing you,” Tammy says, scribbling something on her customer copy of the receipt. She looks up to Robin and drops the handful of change into the tips jar.
“It was nice seeing you too. I’m honestly surprised you remember me,” Robin says reluctantly. Tammy smiles smugly and rolls her eyes, eyelashes touching her brow bone.
“Of course I remember you, we did literally every partner assignment together. Hard to forget someone like you,” Tammy tucks the VHS into her bag with a wink, “See you next week, Robin,”
“Yeah, see you next week,” Robin practically whispers as she watches Tammy leave the way she came, the sound of the bell ringing out behind her.
“Well, that went well!” Steve congratulates, holding up Freddy’s arm.
“I’ll go get the packaging tape,” Robin begins to stalk towards the staff room.
“Wait up, what she put in the tip jar?” 
Robin hears the rustling of paper and change and she continues forward.
“Uh, Rob?”
“What, dweebus?” Robin snaps from the frame of the staff door.
“Dweebus? Really? You’re gonna wanna look at this, you won’t believe what she left,”
Robin sighs and grabs the packaging tape from off of Keith’s desk.
“What is it?” She says as she approaches Freddy. Steve hands her the crumpled receipt and in loopy sickly sweet letters, she reads what Tammy left.
Call me ♡
Robin looks up at Steve with a crease on her forehead.
“You’re not gonna call her right?” Robin asks desperation in her voice subtle, but there.
“What? No, she left her number for you,” He responds as Robin crumples up the receipt in her hand. She huffs and tosses it out, shaking her head.
“No, if Tammy were gay, I would know,”
“She seemed pretty gay to me. I mean, I don’t know,” Steve pulls the roll of packaging tape off Robin’s wrist and starts to unravel it. 
“I’m not gay, but I think if she were into me, she would’ve looked at me like that,” Steve places Freddy’s arm to the back of the cutout slightly behind where it was originally.
“You’re not gay? After the way you were asking about Billy, I’m inclined to disagree,” Robin says poking Steve in the side and heading back to her station behind the register. Steve blushes before she leans down to grab her book.
“It’s not like that! I just… feel bad for him you know?” Steve puts the tape between his teeth and pulls, “And besides! You’re evading the topic!” He sets the tape down on the counter and brushes his bangs out of his eyes. “You should call her, I could see it in her eyes, the number is for you!”
“You could see it in her eyes? Need I remind you of our scientific discoveries? You suck at getting girls,” Robin assures.
“Whatever, but I cannot wait until I get to say I told you so,”
Robin rolls her eyes and turns her head back into her book.
A week had passed since Tammy came in and things at the family video were just as boring as always. Robin was filling out a crossword puzzle “like an old lady” as Steve had put it. Whatever, it passes the time.
The doorbell rings again. Steve’s in the back helping another customer so Robin lifts her head, bringing the customer into view.
Fuck. It’s Tammy.
“Hi,” Robin smiles timidly.
“How’s work been?” Tammy says as she begins to dig through her purse.
“Uh, good, nothing interesting happened. How are things at your store?”
Tammy makes a face as she rustles around in her bag. She makes a noise of dissatisfaction.
“Pretty good, I’ve been a bit busy with sewing classes starting up but it’s been going really well. Here!” Her face lights up with pride as she presents the rented copy of St. Elmo’s Fire. She could light up the room with that million-dollar smile. Robin takes the VHS gently from her hands, blushing when their fingers touch.
“You looking to rent any other movies?” Robin says as she flips through the clipboard to mark down item returns.
“I think Billy enjoyed the last movie, so sure! I’m not really sure what he’d like, do you have any recommendations?” Tammy leaned onto her elbows, over the counter. Robin’s eyes turned up a bit and could see right down Tammy’s shirt.
“Uh… has he seen The Breakfast Club?” Robin could feel her face heat up. Tammy’s bra was light pink.
“I love that movie! Molly Ringwald is so hot. I don’t know if Billy’s seen it but he’d probably be up to watch it again,” Tammy leaned back from the counter obstructing Robin’s view to her bra. “Are you okay? You look flushed, you’re not getting sick are you?”
“No! Just a little hot. Let me go get the tape for you!” Robin rushed off towards the teen movie section and passed right by Steve and his customer. She pulled the tape off the shelf from where she had placed it a million times to rush right back up to the front.
“I’m not in a hurry, hon.” Tammy laughs out. Robin’s face just heats up even more. Tammy’s already got her wallet out and she places the money on the counter. “You know, I always thought you had a really bitchin’ style,” 
“Thanks, me too. I mean- you have a cool style too not like-”
“I know what you meant,” Tammy grins. “Don’t be afraid to stop by the store, I’d love to see you outside of this place. You can just hang out if you want,” Tammy’s eyes shift away and she scratches behind her ear.
“Yeah, you too,” Robin says before quickly adding, “Like, for real,” She rings up Tammy and hands her the receipt. Tammy’s already got a pen out and is scribbling on the back.
“As much as I’d love to hang, I’ve really gotta run. I’ll catch up with you later!” Tammy snatched up the copy of The Breakfast Club and tossed the receipt in the tip jar again, quickly rushing out the door with the twinkling of the bells punctuating her exit. Robin is left with a furrowed brow and a confused look on her face. Did she fuck up? Does Tammy… did Tammy figure it out? Robin grabs the receipt from the jar once more and reads the note Tammy left.
Gimme a call?
Robin crumples up the note and tucks it into her pocket.
“You good Rob?” She hears Steve call from the back.
“Never been better.”
Once again Wednesday rolled around and once again Ms. Tammy Thompson made her appearance at Hawkin’s Video. This time Robin and Steve were playing go fish at the counter, one of the many ways they’ve found to waste time.
“Hi guys,” Tammy announced herself as she walked through the door.
“Hey, Tammy!” Steve waved. Robin smacked him in the stomach. She stared at him like it would make him melt. Steve pushed Robin on the shoulder and continued on.
“How’re things with Billy?” Steve asks and Robin rolls her eyes.
“He’s good, I think they’re gonna discharge him soon now that he’s walking,” Tammy says as she approaches the counter.
“Really? That’s great! You should bring hi- Fuck!” Robin managed to get her foot between Steve’s chair and the counter and pulled it out from under him, sending him to the floor.
“You looking for another movie?” Robin said, leaning towards Tammy. Steve groaned from the floor.
“Uh… yeah, is he gonna be okay?”
“I’m all good!” Steve stood up and brushed himself off like he hadn’t just eaten shit. “I’m gonna check on… a thing! In the back!” He announces as he marches off towards the staff room. Tammy still looks a little suspicious.
“So, what are you looking to watch?” Robin asks.
“Do you have Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?” Tammy says as she reaches into her bag.
“Did he really like The Breakfast Club that much?” Robin said as she accepted the VHS from Tammy. They brushed fingers again. Tammy laughed out loud.
“Oh no, he hated it. He said my taste in movies was shit,” Tammy is smiling now with those same glossy pink lips.
“Sounds about right,” Robin starts to fill out the clipboard before Tammy reaches out and places a hand on Robin’s.
“Can I ask you a question?” She asks as Robin’s cheeks start to burn.
“Yeah what's up?” She responds as Tammy leans in close.
“Are you and Steve together?” Tammy asks accusingly.
“What? No! Never in a million years!” Robin pulls back from Tammy and finishes the form before setting it back on the counter. “Nothing like that. We’re just friends,” She finishes before backing off to pull Tammy’s movie from off the shelf a few steps away. She places it on the counter and starts ringing Tammy up. Robin can feel her blood start to boil. She should’ve known better. “Why, are you trying to ask him out?” Robin says, snatching the money from where Tammy placed it.
“No, gross, I was just curious,” Tammy refutes quickly.
“Really? Then why have you been leaving your number for him in the tip jar?” Robin accuses. Tammy’s face turns bright red.
“Fucking forget it,” She says and presses her lips together tight. She takes the VHS and backs away from the counter. Robin can see her eyes get glossy before she turns to the door and leaves.
“Everything okay over there?” Robin hears Steve ask.
“I think I fucked up,” Robin said, placing her head in her hands.
Robin really hadn’t expected Tammy to show up again. After all, she had said that Billy was gonna be out of the hospital soon, She’d probably send him to bring back the movie if he wanted a new one. Surprisingly, Robin was wrong.
Robin hadn’t heard the door open when Tammy came in because she’d been on break but her voice was the most distinguishable Robin had ever heard.
“Hey Tammy, need help finding a movie?” 
Robin heard the telltale smack of a VHS on the linoleum counter.
“No thank you, Steve,” Tammy responded snipply. Robin could hear the sound of footsteps on the carpet turn into the clipping sound of heels as Tammy stalked into the staff room. Robin looked up from her turkey sandwich guiltily. 
“You’re avoiding me,” She accuses. Robin swallows her bite.
“You’re avoiding me,”
“No, I’m not,”
“Yes, you are,”
“How so?”
Tammy lets out a heavy sigh and leans on the door frame.
“It’s 12:30, I’m on my lunch break,”
“12:30 is the same time I’ve come in for the past two weeks,”
“My shift got switched with Steve’s, this is my lunchtime now. That doesn’t mean I’m avoiding you,” 
“Then why haven’t you called me?” Tammy says disappointedly. 
Robin coughs on her lunch. “What?”
“I left my number for you, twice, why didn’t you call me?” Tammy shifts onto her other foot.
“I thought you left it for Steve,” Robin responds honestly.
“Ah,” Tammy replies, blushing.
“You wanted me to call you?”
“Yeah,” Tammy’s blush started spreading down her neck.
“Oh,” Robin can’t think of a smart response. Robin hears Tammy start to sniffle.
“Um… Billy’s getting out of the hospital on Friday. So, he’ll come in for movies from now on. So… you know,” Tammy’s eyes get that glossy look like they did before.
“Are you okay?”
“C’mon Robin, don’t act dumb,” Tammy rubs at her eyes, getting mascara smudged beneath her lashes.
“Act dumb?” Robin says dumbly.
“I get it, you’re not interested, I’m sorry for making it weird,” Tammy’s wiping beneath her eyes but it only succeeds in making her makeup worse.
“Not interested?” Robin stands up from her seat. 
Tammy laughs bitterly.
“Please just don’t tell anyone I’m gay, Billy’s been through enough, He doesn’t need people bringing up his fag cousin too,” Tammy’s words start to get jumbled together as she avoids eye contact.
“Are you serious?” Robin groans, “Wait no! I mean- for real? You’re gay?”
Tammy doesn’t respond, she just stares from her spot next to the door, makeup smudged across her face. Robin moves away from the seat.
“I had the biggest crush on you! I still do! I thought that you were into Steve,” Robin announces. “I thought you were still into him, that’s why I was acting like an asshole… I’m sorry about that,”
“You’re not making fun of me are you?” Tammy responds sharply, “I’ll kick your ass if you are, I’m not joking,”
Robin just smiles.
“You really are Billy’s cousin, aren’t you?” Robin approaches Tammy and pulls her away from the door, closing it behind her. “For real, you can ask Steve, I hated him when I first met him because you’d always stare at him in history class,” Robin proceeds to the window and closes the blinds behind the desk. 
“What? I wasn’t staring at Steve, I was staring at you! He was just the closest thing to look at whenever you’d catch me,” Tammy corrects her. “And don’t compare me to Billy, that’s just weird.”
Robin can’t help but smile. Tammy smiles back, shy, but still smiling nonetheless.
“You were jealous over me?” Tammy asks.
“Yeah, but it’s okay now,” Robin pushes Tammy up against the desk. Even with heels on and hair teased to hell, Tammy was still a few inches shorter than Robin. 
It was Tammy who leaned into the kiss first. Robin, of course, followed suit. It was inexperienced, and messy, and their teeth clicked together but it was still perfect. Tammy pulled back, placing her hand over her mouth, face still tinged pink. 
“Could you write your number down for me again?” Robin asked.
Tammy let her hand drop and nodded, leaning in for a quick peck.
“You didn’t give my number to Steve, right?”
“Of course not. He’s not allowed to call you anyways, bro-code and all that,” Robin responds, grabbing a notepad and a pen from the desk and handing it to Tammy.
“I have to go soon, my lunch break is almost over,” Tammy says, scribbling down on the notepad. Tammy leans up for one more kiss, tucking the folded up paper into Robin’s pocket before pulling away and heading out the door. Robin follows behind her, abandoning her turkey sandwich and her break. She pulls a random movie off the shelf and hands it to Tammy.
“Oh yeah, that’s kinda what I came in to get, wasn’t it? Cinderella?” Tammy giggles, examining the VHS case. She shrugs, taking it to the counter, pulling out the change from her pocket and handing it to Steve. She pulls a box of Twizzlers from the snack shelf parallel to the cash register and immediately opens it.
“See you later, Tammy,” Steve says, handing Tammy the receipt. She looks around for a pen before pressing a kiss to the paper and tossing it into the tip jar.
“Later Steve. I’ll bring Billy by next time,” She says through a mouth full of candy, turning on her heel and leaving as confidently as she came in. Steve turns to Robin grinning from ear to ear.
“You got something right there,” He says pointing to his mouth. Robin rubs her lips to discover Tammy’s lipgloss smeared across her face.
“Shit, I’m gonna go wash this off,” She replies.
“Oh, and Robin?” Steve calls out as she heads off.
“What’s up?”
“I told you so.”
Robin scoffs, tucking her hand in her pocket, pulling out the note Tammy left for her.
You’d better give me a call this time! XOXO
-Tammy ♡
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