#please it was so unnecessary and unexpected like what😭
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Lmaososjs i saw this in a fic im reading and i just lensndj, please it gagged me so bad like it was sooo unexpected 😭
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passionanddarkness · 3 years
Oh my god I totally loved your idea (I mean it I’m not saying just because lol) it’s just sooo sweet 😭
My initials are EA, I’m a taurus and my pronouns are she/her. I would like the second option, please. (romantic relationship related)
Thank you so much 💕💕💕
Girll you hit the jackpot.
Major soulmate energy!!
He'll be your best hype man 💕
He'll be so supportive and so damn proud of you ✨
Life is full of unexpected changes, and love is no different. your relationship, perhaps one that you didn't see coming. These aren't necessarily bad things, but adjustments may have to be made.
So maybe you'll meet him during a time, you were planning on being in a relationship but here he comes 🏃
What does he thinks of you
He considers you to be a mother-figure who is caring and empathetic but also someone who should not to be messed with.Moreover, they may consider you to be beautiful in your countenance. Royal savage energy
What does he feels about you
In his eyes you are the best person he ever met. He puts you on the pedestal. He is sure you are his soulmate.
What does he think of the relationship
they have found a soul mate but they are trying to stay balanced. 
The feelings are normally balanced about love - and they are wondering if the relationship is worth the “time taken” on their part. There is a focus on weighing up of emotions as they can be rather analytical in the approach to internal feelings. 
There is a focus on a person trying to approach a situation with the right intentions but they are worried about messing it up. They are trying to hide their lustful emotions and come across as more formal in their approach. So, in essence, they are weighing up various options of a serious relationship. But are all the same cautious?
What do you think of him
He may have shown himself to be contrary to what you have expected. His actions may seem unpredictable. He may challenge your inner belief systems. It may refer to the way he entered their life or how he have changed as a person. He'll transform you spiritually. He may change your point of view of him and life in general.
I guess he didn't make a good first impression. At first you may think of him as someone Hotheaded with an explosive temper and very domineering.
What do you feel about him
You have deep feelings for him. You can feel there is a soul connection between both of you. You might understand each other almost telepathically or feel as if you have known a person for a long time, even if you just met. You'll feel deeply connected to him.
What do you think of the relationship
You think this relationship is unhealthy for you given how much you are attached to him. You'll feel this relationship has many up and down. Many up and down of emotions. You will feel like he came in and turned your world upside down. Many truths may come out during it. You'll feel like you are always in for a surprise. I admit it can be very overbearing. In the end choose yourself if you can't handle it. Your mental health is main priority.
Keep a positive attitude. Stay focused on what you want – and have faith that it will work out.  The Universe rewards a positive mindset.
Listen to your instincts.
Step back and look at the positives and the negatives. What is your inner voice telling you? 
things will be slow to come to life. If you want to speed up the situation then you need to be positive, but accept that things will take time. The main point here is to “go with the flow” do not make things unnecessary and eventually things will happen. There is a danger to want to push a relationship so it is perfect, and trying to create an “ideal” relationship. Something that you have dreamed of all your life but you need to focus on the here and now.
I'm so happy for you 💜
Since it was a long reading. I'd appreciate if the feedback is minimum 10 lines.
Have a nice day .🐧
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