#please just let our boy be happy gosho
lunaajade · 5 months
Okay so. The movie revealed that Toichi is alive. Along with the KaiShin cousins reveal, these are all things I’ve been theorizing for at least 5+ years (the former mostly because of the fact that Gosho Aoyama hinted at it in an interview).
Everyone in the fandom from what I can tell now wants to strangle Toichi for all the pain he’s caused his son. Even if it later turns out he’s been in hiding for a good reason, the fact of the matter is that he’s still letting his son put himself in danger to avenge him.
As I was thinking more about the fact that the movie chose to make this big reveal, my mind wandered to another theory I’ve had for the past 5+ years, ever since I saw the interview answer where he hinted at Toichi’s fate.
(Just to clarify this is all me rambling and wanting to share my thoughts that have been rattling in my brain for years. I’m not trying to convince anyone of this theory or discuss how plausible it is, nor do I even think all parts of it make sense/are logical, I’m just sharing these random thoughts I’ve come up with and wanting to see what people think.)
Now let me clarify that I don’t know WHAT early high school me was thinking in order to come up with this theory. I don’t even remember how I came up with it in the first place. I think I just sorta…thought of it. Nor do I have any idea why I still kinda sorta believe in it a little. With the way he just dropped this reveal for the first time in a CONAN movie (not…y’know…in Kaito’s own series…), I now have no idea if Gosho would ever try to pull something like this, but still, my mind can’t help but at least consider the possibility:
What if Toichi is a part of or leads the Magic Kaito organization. He started off genuinely as Kid wanting to protect Chikage. But eventually he learned of Pandora. At some point he came into contact with the organization. For whatever reason he eventually wanted to retire from being Kid. So he just decided to eventually let his son someday do his dirty work for him. Like. Just to further add on to how messed up it is that he never revealed to Kaito that he’s actually alive.
It’s a super messed up theory, I know. And look, I also hate seeing Kaito in pain (just let my boy be happy, please—), but I can’t deny that I’m at least a little interested in how a plot line/twist like this would play out. And again, because Gosho made the big leap to reveal Toichi is alive in a CONAN movie after hinting at it years ago, at this point I don’t really know what to expect anymore. Anything could happen (if only he’d show a little more love to MK…).
But I’m just rambling and wanted to share the thoughts I’ve been sitting on for years. And honestly, no matter how plausible you find this theory, no matter how likely it may or may not be to happen, at minimum, Toichi is now canonically alive and god knows how Kaito will react when he finds out. May the gods of manga have mercy on our boy’s soul… 😢
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