#please like if helpful! even if just for random fc scouting
swornking · 6 years
hey! i’m a big fan of the cruel prince and i was wondering if you had any fcs ideas for other characters? i love who you chose for cardan! sorry for bothering you, i just came across your blog and fangirled a little
ahhhhhHHHHhh you and my both , fam !! also first of all don’t feel like you’re bothering me because i actually had a lot of fun putting this together !! and secondly omg thank you so much for that little bit of validation ?? i love ( 1 ) !! anyway below i’ve just attached some options !! i’m sure i could fine more and honestly i will continue to add more but i need to sleep now tbh .
disclaimer: when i personally look for fcs of canon characters i don’t just look at the big obvious physical traits . i like to look at the attitude and how they carry themselves as a whole . so below ( especially considering that they’re fae ) are mostly very loosely based on their book descriptions . anyway , hope this helps !! feel free to ask me any more questions pertaining to this particular post or anything else regarding tcp !!
** words in brackets lead to links !! please click them !!*** in case you haven’t noticed i am one for underused fcs !!
jude / taryn
“ shaggy brown hair and heart-shaped faces ”
odeya rush ( my fave choice tbh )
naomi scott ( attitude-wise )
adele exarchopoulos ( soft , rounder features )
blu hunt ( same as the above tbh )
mai mitchell ( she’s a bit too over-used imo so eh )
lee pace ( this gif is a mood )
mahershala ali ( love this man )
cillian murphy ( always a good one to consider )
harry lloyd ( there are two looks tbh !! both work !! ) 
oscar isaac ( i mean )
matthew goode ( sure )
ashley moore ( her eYES her everyth iNg )
riley voelkel ( that fiona goode aesthetic !! )
yvette monreal ( cat eyes and attitude tbh )
hayley law ( she has cat eyes ish ?? )
eleanor tomlinson ( she’s pretty fae looking )
caitlin stasey ( i just uh love her !! how could you not ?? )
penelope mitchell ( idk idk idk )
willa fitzgerald ( she looks kinda like a pixie ?? but also eh )
“ his hair the precise color of fox fur ”
keiynan lonsdale ( not exactly the “fox face” but his aesthetic !! )
josh whitehouse ( honestly this one’s a pretty good one )
rob raco ( them eyes !! i like him for locke tbh ?? )
timothée chalamet ( my son of many months and now he’s growing big ! i think he’s a def locke contender )
dean geyer ( fox eye ish ?? that’s a big ish )
george mckay ( innocent ?? until proven guilty ?? ) 
tobey regbo ( reign aesthetic )
rj king ( foxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy )
aneurin barnard ( yOooOOO )
santiago segura ( y EP )
robbie kay ( he’s got the evil fae aesthetic to a T )
amadeus serafini ( distrustful white boy )
logan shroyer ( another white boy i wud not trust )
michael fjordbak ( that random suggestion i throw in )
“ hair is the blue-green of the ocean ”
ivana baquero ( seriously my TOP choice !! look !! not only does she got the fae aesthetic bc of the show but also !! gays !! )
chloe bridges ( get it girl )
ana de armas ( uhm hot )
camila mendes ( she’s probs overused be hey )
bianca santos ( gorg )
malese jow ( she could stab me and i’d thank her )
the bomb 
“ tiny, delicate girl, her skin the dappled brown of a doe, her hair a cloud of white around her head, and a minature pair of blu-gray butterfly wings on her back. she’s got at least some pixie in her, if not imp. ”
rosa salazar ( she got that pixie look )
zoe kravitz ( AIN’ T THIS THE LOOK )
sophia lillis ( cute !! perf !! )
pom klementieff ( the hair , and she looks pixie !! )
the ghost
james paxton ( that hair tho )
prince balekin
andrew lees ( do you trust this face ?? i don’t )
dan stevens ( specifically from the guest , a diff vibe / he could also work for prince dain tbh )
riz ahmed ( MY MAN / he could work for dain too tbh )
prince dain
bradley james ( i didn’t even try with this one i was la zy )
older oak
lucas jade zumann ( cute )
“ her skin is the bluish colour of skim milk, and her hair is as white as fresh-fallen snow. she is beautiful but unnerving to look at, like a ghost ”
kirsten kruek ( not that description at all but i trust her ?? and her eyes ?? )
queen orlagh
katie mcgrath ( she’s great okay ?? damn this look tho )
asami zdrenka ( need i say more ?? )
princess elowyn
jodie comer ( period piece )
other random semi underused fcs that i didn’t place initially but you might want to look into them:
seychelle gabriel
diego luna
saoirse ronan
sarah gadon
jessican barden
alexandra ship
brianna hilde
sydney park
courtney eaton
bella heathcote
logan browning ( cat eyes )
lauren german ( cat eyes )
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inarpworld · 7 years
Tumblr media
Friends, enemies, coworkers a crew. Braving the unknown and figuring out how to space.
This is the crew of the Military Scout Ship SSS Viper. It's a crew of diverse people with diverse ideologies, they don't all get along and more often than not they end up arguing and fighting each other more than they do scouting. At the end of the day though, they are a crew, and no matter how much you hate your crewmates, the only people allowed to hurt or bully the crew is each other and they'll stand in the way of anyone who's looking to jeopardize that.
 The esteemed captain of the SSS Viper. Except not, he only recently has taken over the ship, and has been struggling to keep order and making his crew respect him. Turns out being a Gold is not enough to gain everyone's respect in the real world, and now he has to work hard to prove he's not there just because of his family's influence. The placeholder face is Corentin Huard, but the FC is negotiable.
The cheerful navigator has the happiested family life you'll ever see and he's often found around the ship bragging about either of his 5 children. Recently, he managed to get his youngest daughter a trainee position on the Viper, and he couldn't be happier to have her so close to him. The placeholder face is Liam Neeson, but the FC is fairly open.
The Viper's blind pilot whose favorite past time is to piss off everyone he meets. He's not biased agains any color and will insult them all regardless of rank. Face claim is Matthew Goode.
She is the navigator's daughter, and recently she got a trainership on the Viper thanks to her dad's influence. She's eager to learn more both about navigation and piloting, though the pilot is less than eager to give her any kind of help, much less letting her pilot the ship. The placeholder face is amandla stenberg, but the FC is fairly open, preferably biracial though.
The genius mechanic who makes sure The Viper is always in its best shape. She takes care of anything mechanical that starts to cause problems. The only issue is that most of the time she likes to dismantle everyday appliances to fix or build things instead of using the standart stuff, and the worst part is that somehow she makes it work better than brand new stuff. The placeholder face is Gina Rodriguez, but the FC is fairly open, preferably latina though.
 Newly appointed security specialist on the SSS Viper, Danya is outspoken, energic and very loyal to her bunch of Grays. She's a lesbian, and everyone knows that. She loves to be her friends' shoulder to cry on, only to later break the bones of whoever wronged them. As her friendships and loyalties run deep, she's very protective of her Gray friends and the ship's crew if any outsider tries to get into a fight with them, and she'll be the one to let everyone know that onlythe ship's Grays can bully their crew. Some might say she's a little possessive of her gang, she tends to get jealous if her friends make other friends, especially if they might threaten her spot as a bestie. Face claim is negotiable, but Samira Wiley, Zoe Kravitz or Ruby Rose are preferred.
 One of the three of the newly appointed Grays on The Viper. She's a very private person, possibly one of the most reserved of the Grays and would like to remain that way. Being a Gray makes people automatically wary around her, even if it's more of a two-way road with this one. She also tends to gain a liking for jerks. Many dont know what to make of her views on the color caste or her character, and she likes to remain a mystery rather than risk having people find out about her...color problem, or family status, for that matter. If stains of paint or random little artsy crafts show up around the ship, at least no one knows to blame her for her Violet tendencies. Face claim is Margot Robbie.
Everyone knows him as Benji, though his name can be anything from Benjamin to Bernard to whatever you can think of to match the nickname. He's known to be a follower, not a leader, he listens to all orders and tries to keep himself out of trouble. People mock him for being a little slow, but he's a good guy, really. Benji believes in the color caste system, what people call a purist. Everyone but him know that he has a heavy crush on his fellow patroler. He's fumbly and clumsy around her and always offers to help just to spend time with her, but alas, there are no signs of his crush beingknow, much less reciprocated. For some reason, he also feels the need to have a sort of "manliness competition", also known as a dick measuringf contest with the pilot whenever his crush is around. Preferred face claim is Matt McGorry, but it's negotiable.
This is the man who makes sure The Viper is spotless. He's always going around scolding people for their messes, especially the wackjob mechanic who leaves crumbs and grease stains everywhere she goes. He has a certain air of authority in him, everyone in the ship respects it and even outsiders mistake him for the captain more times than he can count, much to Vanic's horror. The placeholder face is Robert de Niro, but his FC is open. 
 As the capitain's personal pink, she has a lot of privilege even if, technically, she's not part of the crew. As such, power sometimes goes up her head and she likes to to give orders around to the rest of the crew. Vanic is very lenient on her, letting her do whatever she pleases, but the crew is not so eager to accept her authority. The placeholder face is candice swanepoel, but the FC is fairly open. 
 GREEN >> ENGENEER: First Last, age, gender, open. 
 YELLOW >> MEDIC: First Last, age, gender, open.
 ORANGE >> BOT SPECIALIST: First Last, age, gender, open. 
 BROWN >> COOK: First Last, age, gender, open. 
 And any other role that is not mentioned here but could be found in a ship is also welcomed.  
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ffrandomrpg · 5 years
The Beginning
I’ve been toying with this idea for a long time. Soccer has been a part of my gaming library since my parents bought me International Superstar Soccer 64. I used to put Sol Campbell at forward and thunder goals in on the easiest difficulty because he was inexplicably my favorite player simply because his first name was Sol.
Fast forward a little later and I started back up with my soccer playing obsession when I finally scrounged up the money for Fifa 2002 (with my boy Henry on the cover) and a PS2, learning to love the game more and more with each annual release.
I’ve come to expect certain things from the series, and though I flirted with other competitors like PES briefly and even gave Football Manager a go, it always comes back to Fifa.
Still, I always wished there was more involvement and immersion in the Manager mode the game offers. There’s the expected features every year, but very little in the way of expanding the ideas present within.
Other offerings in EA Sports’ repertoire put tweaks on the Career mode here and there and some are pretty interesting. Briefly, Live the Life in whatever NHL that was even had some more fun text-based RPG elements but the shine really wore off quickly when it became apparent there was little to no depth and it was horrifyingly repetitive.
This is my attempt to inject the monotonous year-in year-out sameness that we’re sure to endure for the foreseeable future since FUT has proven to be a huge cash cow for them. Why would they bother expanding other modes?
So! Let’s get started.
Manager Mode with a Twist
One of the older Fifa’s used to limit your manager offerings at the start of your career mode and I always thought that was interesting. Sure, players may be disappointed they can’t immediately helm their beloved Chelsea or Barcelona, but there’s little challenge in that.
Instead, I wanted this to be the first randomized element to one’s career. Since we can’t simulate a smattering of job offerings from smaller clubs, I instead use Random’s List Feature to get myself a job from one of these areas:
Australian League MLS Liga MX Chile China PR Colombia Denmark League 2 Germany’s 3. liga Japan K league korea Norway Ireland Saudi arabia Turkey
I hit the randomizer and it spits out China PR for my destination. I go into a Kick Off to randomize my team assignment and get Heibei CFFC.
I name myself with a Star Wars name generator and become Jorgunn Pitfar. The name sounds vaguely Scandinavian so I select my country of origin as Denmark for no real reason and then pack my bags to head off to China.
I barely keep up with soccer news, but I have seem some news of older prominent players packing their bags for huge wages in China. It doesn’t necessarily directly fit with my ‘small club’ objective considering I have over 20mil to spend on transfers if I wanted, but it isn’t one of the biggest leagues and the Star Rating given to the teams by Fifa seems rather low so we’ll go with it.
Heibei China Fortune F.C. was founded in 2010, playing their games in Langfang somewhere about halfway between Beijing and Tianjin. Their stadium houses a modest 30,000 despite the city being home to over 4 million residents and those playing on the ground are lucky to experience the air pollution ranked among the 10 worst in all of China.
As Jorgunn Pitfar makes his way to Langfang (not by plane since the city doesn’t have an airport), perhaps he mulls over what his goals for his career as a manager will be. It’s the first of what may be many jobs at the helm of various clubs and it couldn’t have been farther removed from what he’s probably used to in Denmark.
I again turn to the Random List to decide what Pitfar’s objective is, pulling from this list. You could, of course, add more.
Finish career at home country Promotion master Finish w/ prem/seria a/liga/bundes job Finish with starting club Grow game journeyman
There’s little explanation needed for the options. Do I want to return home once my career is in its twilight years? Do I shoot for the moon and hope to get a shot at Champions League football, or specialize in helping lower level clubs climb to great heights?
I hit randomize and Pitfar’s fate is sealed; he will finish his career in his native Denmark. Depending on how long the career mode goes, this may be impossible but we can get creative with a solution.
Now, the last bit of setup we need to do involves our transfer policy. Club expectations be damned, what does Pitfar want to do with the assets at his disposal? What sort of club does he aspire to run?
I make another list and plug it into the randomizer:
High Profile Signings Sign from Club Nation Sign Young Players (<23 yr old) Develop from Youth Team Sign from competitors in same league Focus on Asia focus on North America focus on Central America focus on South America Focus on Euro continent Focus on British Isles
I hit randomize and get Develop from Youth Team. Not bad considering the average OVR rating of the team is low enough that some promotions from the Youth Team might be able to slot right into the matchday squad.
I use some of my transfer money to buy 3 scouts and they are sent out on their journeys immediately. Ito will spend 9 months in Japan finding me Wingers, Fang for a 9 month stint to find anything he can in Brazil, and Brown to England to find me a (hopefully) big Playmaker for 9 months. They better get comfy out there cuz they won’t be coming back for some time.
Pitfar looks ahead to the preseason Invitational Cup held domestically in China this year. The prize money is the best of the lot, at 2.9m, but that really matters very little considering Heibei won’t be seeing any real marquee signings as long as the Danish manager is at the helm.
Still, it offers a good opportunity to see what the squad depth is like. Two team sheets are assembled: the through-and-through first team selections and the rotational, fringe players starting. Since there’s little importance to this competition, the fringe will receive all the playing time.
We advance to the first game against Wellington Phoenix FC and sim it. I’m pleased to find Huaze and Tianyuan both make their way onto the score sheet and the fringe boys manage a 3-0 win.
As if this performance sparks interest in Heibei, teams start to come knocking. I loan out the wonderfully-named YangYang for the year and counter an initial offer for Hongbo and sell him away for over his value at 950k. I don’t need the money, but the thrill of getting more than I should from Necaxa for him is all the satisfaction I need.
I sim the next two games, losing to Dalian Yifang 2-0 which is to be expected considering the low OVR of my squad, and then draw with TEDA 0-0. Somehow, maybe, we’ve used up all our good luck on the first game.
Looking ahead, a loss spells elimination for Heibei in this tournament and we can kiss that 2.9m goodbye. Al Hazem Sports Club waits on matchday, and perhaps because I have little knowledge of this club, I don’t rotate any players despite all the down-arrows denoting poor form trends among almost all the players.
We lose 2-0. No goals save the first game, but also no injuries to any of the players so there is some silver lining. As if to drive home the idea that Chinese clubs have more money than they know what to do with, the club rewards Pitfar’s efforts with 1.45m just for performance which (obviously) was quite poor outside the first win.
Moving forward to deadline day and there’s very little that needs to be done by the club considering our randomly-assigned position on transfers. Still, not all of it is bad. First, I sell off my starting GK for 670k. He’s 32 and though GK’s have a pretty good career length generally, I don’t really care. I can sign someone near to his OVR or grow a prospect from the youth team into the mid-60s quite easily.
I take my prize money to drop on a release clause for an 18 year old GK named Rebollo. For some reason, these younger players are afraid of a Crucial team role so I offer Sporadic and they like that far more even though they’ll immediately go into the starting 11.
They do, however, seem to want a 1.9k wage and when I offer a young winger named Keelan O’Connell only a thousand, he and his agent immediately walk. So, then, Keanan Bennetts is offered 1.9k and Sporadic and he and his agent immediately agree. Little does he know he’ll go right into my starting 11 and play every game so long as his stamina allows.
A couple low rated players in my rotational squad are sent out on loan and there’s very little action for Heibei on the rest of deadline day. Once my scouts come back in for their monthly check-in, I weed out the sub-60 OVR projected prospects and they go back out. A fleeting taste of ‘home’ for them before they have to return to the far reaches of the globe. Though I’m not sure if Langfang is more desirable than ending up in Japan or England.
The first two games of the Asian Continental Cup arrive, and perhaps this is Heibei’s equivalent to the Champions League so I put my first team in play and am greeted with a 2-1 win from the main boys only to have them crumble against Australia’s Newcastle United Jets somehow. Lavezzi and Mascherano have never before seemed so fallible.
As if to cheer myself up, I sign a young scouted player named Onishi to the Youth Team since his projected rating is relatively high even given the early stages of the process. Is it a gamble? Yes. Does Jorgunn Pitfar’s interest in management end at Heibei? Definitely not.
Moving forward, we will play out the month of March as standard Fifa Career mode before implementing the final Random aspect of this journey. More on that later.
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