#please my ask box is open for anyone to dump their blacklist thoughts ANYTIME
loslotharios · 3 years
Okay I’m gonna ramble in your ask box lol.
Lots of people who are in Liz’s favor seem to place complete blame on Reddington for her death. What do you think of this? I personally don’t want to blame him completely because, while not coming into her life could’ve prevented all the tragedy and chaos that defined Liz’s life from happening, we also wouldn’t have a show if he hadn’t come into her life.
The people on Team Liz say that Red asking her to kill him is incredibly selfish. While I can see the logic in that argument, I don’t think that Red’s intentions were selfish.
What I think is that he basically gaslit himself for three decades. He said as much in his monologue to Dembe. But I do think it’s fucked up, nonetheless. Asking your pseudo-daughter to kill you and your pseudo-son to help is not right, even if you ARE dying.
(Why didn’t Dembe and Liz fight against this? Like really fight against it? I would have!)
To be completely honest, the episode really fucked me up. I don’t know what to think. Red is my fave, so how could I blame him? On the other hand, the Liz fans also have a very good point. Aaaaaaagh!
This show, man. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Never in my life has a TV show fucked me up so badly.
You know what’s REALLY hilarious? I actually have a WIP where both Liz and Tom have died at the hands of Ian Garvey and Red swoops in to raise Agnes himself. Never did I think that Agnes would actually become an orphan in canon.
Speaking of which, that poor girl. Agnes is gonna have to go to therapy when she’s older, mark my words. Red would pay for the therapy himself.
Omgggg I will take any opportunity to rant about the blacklist! Thaaaaanks
I think Red is definitely to blame for setting it all in motion by reintroducing himself into her life.
But also at some point we have to acknowledge that she played a big part in her own death. She continously ignored Red's warnings and was told time and time again how dangerous it was to look into her past. Yet she did it anyways. She started opening all these doors that put her (and all the people she loved) in danger.
In my opinion the characters are BOTH extremely selfish and stubborn. Which is a bad combo for one character to have let alone the 2 main characters lmao. Makes for a good show tho.
I can totally see how people view Red's proposition as selfish. I get it.
But I also understand why he did it. Like you said Red is 100% a spy first, person second. AND THIS IS SOMETHING IVE WANTED TO TALK ABOUT FOR SO LONG. I HAVE EXAMPLES.
He views life as one big mission. He has fully committed himself to that mindset of "the mission comes first". When Madeleine Pratt gave information up to spare Red from being tortured. He said during his talk with Cooper after something along the lines of "in a moment of weakness, she gave me the coordinates." Most normal people wouldn't see concern for another person's well-being as weakness. But he does!!!
Same with that conversation he has with Tom when they're being hunted by Ian Garvey. He calls Tom unreliable. Tom says "I fell in love" and he responds "that's no excuse".
Reddington was fine with asking Liz to kill him and asking Dembe to help bc if he was in either of their shoes HE WOULD HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT!!!
Its fucked up but like.... he's a fucked up guy. I don't know if redarina is true or not, but either way its obvious that his past is full of darkness and tragedy.
And to an extent (this is me going off script btw bc maybe I'm just feeding into my own headcannons) I think Dembe was more willing to go through with the plan because he's been in Red's world longer. He's bound to be at least a little fucked up and mission oriented because of how much time he's spent around Red ever since he was an impressionable youth.
As much as Dembe has influenced Reddington's life by helping him see the good in the world, it works the other way around too. Sorry but I could talk about Red and Dembe's relationship ALL DAY LONG BRO.
This show has me really messed up and honestly I'm still obsessed with it. I cant wait for s9!!
PLEASE YOUR FIC 💀💀💀 Atleast you might have some actual material to inspire you next season lmao. Cant wait to read it, if you post it!!
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