#please note i don't speak a lick of danish
swearwolf-writes · 3 years
A Bond Between Villains
A Bond Between People and Villains 2019 crossover (thanks @walkxthexmoon)
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- you should’ve left while you still could
begins after the end of ABBP so be warned of spoilers immediately after the cut
so Adrian survives with the guilt of having dismembered a man - ptsd is a bitch
Victoria has the baby and it turns out to be a girl, Patricia, but Victoria died in childbirth, poor love
Adrian stays on the straight and narrow bcs he’s not gonna endanger his little girl with all that shit but it’s hard to keep a regular job while being a single father and ex-con so sometimes his neighbours look after her while he works and in return, he cooks and cleans for them
They like the kid but he’s an ex-con so they still don’t trust him
Meanwhile, George and Gloria are on holiday in Denmark in 2012 - it’s said to be a lovely place yk
ik the movies both came out in 2019 but let’s pretend Patricia was born in 2009 for sake of ages and shit
George and Gloria heard about a beautiful little girl who no one would miss - after all, living with a married couple in America has to be like heaven compared to living in a lil apartment with just her father
See The Monk knew some shit had to have gone wrong with the old man bcs he disappeared out of nowhere and so spread the word about a kid being on the market bcs child trafficking is fucked up and so is he so thank the Lord this is fiction
George and Gloria go and take Patricia from the neighbours, calling themselves Adrian’s uncle and aunt and saying that they were there to grab her - the shitty neighbours honestly felt better giving the three year old to a pair of strangers than her own father
Adrian sees them with her and chases them for as long as he can but he’s running and they’re in a car
He gets home and writes down their licence plate and car type bcs I hc that he’s got a good memory
Then he sketches their portraits so he can remember what the fuckers looked like bcs another hc, he loved drawing and it kept him going through prison bcs idek how long he was there but it still sucked ass
He takes a plane to South Carolina bcs SoCar plates
He finds them after two years (2014) and pulls a gun on them bcs he lost 2 years with his baby girl bcs of those fucks but he’s one guy in the middle of a country he barely knows so he’s kinda screwed
He ends up begging to stay with them - he’ll cook, clean, do whatever but he just needs to be his baby girl
So they let him and he is also usually chained up in basement but he’s got nicer clothes bcs he has to actually go upstairs (plus his chain is longer; Gloria made George make it long enough so that he could reach Patricia when she has nightmares bcs they don’t wanna hear her cry, it’s annoying apparently)
He’s not allowed to be in the main part of the house when George and Gloria aren’t there to supervise bcs he could try to escape and if he escapes, they kill Patricia so he knows not to try that
It’s been 5 years since Adrian’s been stuck there but he gets to be with his daughter so he can’t complain too much bcs at least she’s alive
Then along came Mickey and Jules and he hears two sets of footsteps but it’s not familiar and then they can hear crashing so it’s definitely not George and Gloria
He tells Patricia to keep quiet bcs if George finds them with the intruders, they’re dead
M+J find A+P and try to help them escape only for Adrian to say “it’s no use - leave while you still can, please” bcs it’s not like he hadn’t tried to undo the chains but to no avail
He tried to tell them about the keys being in George’s room (bcs in this ver there’s no way he’d keep the keys any place A can get to them)
M+J are kept separately and Adrian knows the shite Mickey’s going through unfortunately (i’m sorry for giving you more ptsd, buddy)
Adrian is kept in the basement while M+J are there bcs no way is he going to be allowed anywhere near the key
Adrian explains the situation to Jules quietly and swap trauma stories
He can’t help Jules but he fixes the bandage on Mickey’s leg and says he’s sorry for Gloria, he knows how that is
After Patricia tells them about the laundry shoot, he tells her that it ends up in Ethan’s room and Ethan’s a creepy doll not a child so get out asap and call for help
She escapes and meanwhile M+A are tortured slightly to tell George what’s going on (Adrian: luk dine øjne, kæreste (close your eyes, sweetheart)) and Mickey escapes
Meanwhile Jules ran up the road and kept running
Meanwhile Adrian can hear G+G talk about killing them bcs if they escape and snitch everyone’s screwed
So they make Adrian OD a little (‘no one’ll question a foreign ex-con ODing’) except Officer Wells came over so he ends up in the gym alone
He finds their coke and he feels sick bcs he remembers the old man but then remembers his daughter and knows he has to do something so he takes the shit and pretends to escape by doing the shoe-toss-and-hide thing
Jules called the cops and Officer Wells knew something was sketchy so they go on their way to the house with more than a couple of officers considering it’s a multiple hostage situation
He grabbed the keys while G+G were in the woods and frees Patricia and they grab the car and go bcs he already knew where the garage door clicker was and they gun it, pun intended, and get shot at but he just gets nicked on the shoulder
They meet up with M+J and G+G get arrested after the cops see the state of A+P plus when they find the recording of the other couples they killed
M+J go to prison for 3 months and get it reduced to 2 for good behaviour
A+P write them letters almost everyday (but they don’t send them all) and somewhere along the line, they realise they’d fallen in love bcs you don’t go through what they did together and not form some kind of bond
A+P are waiting for them when they get out and they go to Florida together and there it is born, Lykke Seashells (lykke meaning good fortune and happiness, that which they had found in each other’s company)
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