#please reblog im sacrificing my grades for this bs
foryouthegays · 4 years
thinkin bout technos voice again
also the end of this turns into an,,.,.,.,.analysis(?) of his ‘But i’m the traitor’ speech, i saw someone say that it was phil who killed the cows but like....techno thought it was new l’manburg, u cant blame me for paintin it that way in this. also i just lvoe that speech so much its sO GOOD
When you know what to look for, technos voice is incredibly expressive and varies greatly in pitch, tone, and speed. It pains me to see people calling him monotone or boring with how he speaks, because he really just...isn’t. Yeah, a good example of this is his skywars videos, where he often yells, laughs, and is confused, but that isn’t it. 
You can also see it in Dream SMP. During his speeches, you can hear the emotion, the hurt, but it’s almost like there’s a layer of concrete in front of it, keeping most emotion from being fully expressed. Only in intense situations does he show more emotion in his voice. 
A good example of that is the Theseus/Hero speech, but everyone knows of that speech and I prefer "but I’m the traitor” (cow speech) because it’s fun. If you want to listen to it yourself, it’s at 14:35 of “the fallout (dream SMP)” stream. 
Listen to him! When he starts speaking, he sounds tired. He sounds beat. He just wants the government to stop hurting him, for people to leave him to his cows and his horses, and they just won’t, why won’t they leave him alone?
He continues, trying to find a reason for their actions. He helped them, didn’t he? Why wouldn’t they help him back? 
He realizes what they do to him, every day. They cast him aside, they scorn him. They call him a traitor for sticking to his beliefs. 
He realizes as soon as he says ‘but I’m the traitor.’
They’re a government. They hate him, because he opposes their power and all the corruption that comes with it. He’s almost mocking, when he says it, almost sarcastic in his sorrow. He’s obviously sad, using a softer voice, speaking slower, but when the pieces click and he knows that the only reason they hate him is because he wants to destroy the government, he laughs. 
They’re the traitor in his eyes. He joined to help them, and they agreed on getting rid of the leader, of the government, but as soon as they did so, they threw him out, called him a traitor for continuing with his goals. I’m not sure if he finds it funny, or sad, or a mix of the two, but he’s definitely amused by their trust in government.
He moves to what they did, and not him. He talks about his stolen items in his base, he talks about everything he’s lost, and his anger builds and builds until he finally comes back around to laughing at why he’s considered the traitor. 
I want to talk about the line ‘they ransack the base that I showed them out of friendship’ for a second. He paints New L’manburg as the villains, but when did he tell them that they couldn’t keep coming back? New L’manburg is a growing country, it needs resources, supplies, and they know where they can get it easily. He shows himself as the kindhearted, generous person, giving them supplies and armor, only to have them steal everything he’d worked on. I’m not saying I agree with New L’manburg, but by putting a clear line between good (Techno) and bad (New L’manburg/government), Techno is showing that at this part of the story, he doesn’t see any good or redeeming qualities in the government. 
The next line also shows that Techno thinks New L’manburg sees only in black and white. The first paragraph is from his point of view. Nearly every sentence starts with ‘I,’ and it goes through what he did and how he was treated. It ends with “But I’m the traitor.” He knows that while he is a traitor, that doesn’t mean he’s bad. 
The second paragraph, on the other hand, is from New L’manburgs’ point of view (at least, how Techno sees it). Nearly every sentence starts with ‘they.’ He talks about what they did, and it ends with “But I’m the bad guy.” He thinks they see only in bad and good, loyal and traitorous, and scoffs at it.
At the end of the two ‘But I’m the ___’ paragraphs, he’s accepted it. He knows that he has to go against his friends, is former allies, and he stops seeing them as family, and instead as just another government. It’s how they function, he reasons with himself, they see him as inferior because he’s the few, and they’re the many. He talks about silently standing up for himself, refusing to let them walk over him, slaughter his hard work and betray him right before his eyes. 
He turns angry quickly. They aren’t his friends, they hate him, they killed innocents, they took away one of his only sources of food and XP.  What crimes did my cows commit? 
He turns calmer for a second. They did get murdered, lives taken before they were ready and their bodies were probably not even prepared properly. 
honestly, at this point, the speech becomes less about the cows and more about the citizens of L’manburg in game. if they would kill all those cows, why would they have anything against killing innocent citizens? He’s defending the guiltless, the people who joined L’manburg to live a peaceful life only to be killed by their former leader. 
He leaves the pit. (it doesn’t stay in the pit. this isn’t a duel, this is ruthless, this is heartless, and it solves nothing.)
He thinks to the past. He knows that there’s no way a new government won’t rise from the ashes, he knew they would turn corrupt as soon as they set foot on the stage. 
He calls himself a hero, but not in the modern sense. He calls himself exiled, hated, scorned for doing the right thing, for protecting the people he loves.
He’s accepted that New L’manburg will hate him. He knows that nothing can stop them from killing and torturing everything he cares about. He has to do something about it, but first, he has to prepare. 
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