#please send mental strenth
dearweirdme · 10 months
Hi anon who sent me an essay.
I'm not gonna post your whole ask, because it's clear you have not spend any time reading my blog. Most of your ask does not apply to me, and it does not apply to many of my followers, so please go and send stuff like that to places it does apply to.
There is one part of it I'd like to adress though, because you are pretty wrong about it, so let's go through that part together for a bit.
Through out the years, Jimin and Jk have found solace in each other. They’ve depended on each other and been there for each other.
Yes, as have all members. I agree that Jm and Jk have established a great bond. You are however mistaken if you think they do not share that closeness with others. Jimin and Hobi, Jimin and Yoongi, Jimin and Tae... all very strong bonds. All very evidently strong, and Jimin has even mentioned and specified those bonds as being special and important to him. Namjoon 'Hoseok is always nr 1 to Jimin'. Jimin who knows Yoongi will always pick him. Tae and Jimin being soulmates. Jk and Tae (shiping aside), Jk and Namjoon, Jk and Hobi, Jk and Jin. All very strong bonds, and all persons Jk finds strenth, comfort and solace in. All members have their preferences amongst members for different things I believe. I agree that Jm and Jk are close and share a lot of time together. They have found solace in each other, but they are not the only ones they find solace in.
Jimin has always been the first one to run to Jungkook when he felt Jk needed him (but i honestly cannot say this about Tae towards Jk). Jk has always run to Jimin first when he wasn’t ok.
You are being very selective here, and also very dependend on situations we have seen. And more importantly... you are presuming to know exactly when Jk wasn't feeling okay. What you do here, is take a few easily identifiable moments in which something happened and it was obvious that Jk was feeling off. You do not take into account that Jk's feeling off (and this goes for all members really) was probably not always showing (at least not in full force). I think all members probably had many moments in which they had to "act" as though they were fine. It is actually my believe that for some of their 'tougher' moments Tae and Jk were actually seeted together, or joined each other more. Festa 2022 for instance, Mama 2018 was striking, Golden Disk 2020, the 2020 Grammys. You take some moments when they were physically unwell and take that as evidence of them always running to only each other, yet you fail to realize that physically unwell can perhaps be less impactfull than being mentally unwell. Being mentally unwell does not always obviously show though.. so how do we know? How can we place any value at all on which member they go to first when feeling unstable if we are probably not even always able to identify when that unstableness occurs.
They have always in their own way protected each other and been there for each other when it mattered the most. Emphasis on “mattered the most”.
See the above. Your "in their own way" and your "mattered the most" are your thoughts about this, not actual factual thoughts.
This isn’t about going snowboarding or together, or going for concerts, or being cuddly, or hugging each other at concerts while vibing to songs.
With Jimin and Jk, it’s always been them two showing how much they value each other by showing for each other when it MATTERED. Jk falling on his back during AHL, Jimin being the first one to run to him and tell him he was cool.
Okay.. what does this say about the relationship between other members when they react when someone falls down?
Jk crying about missing his mom, jimin being the one who finds him and tells him it is ok to cry. Jk being sad and going to the bar alone, jimin being the only one who realizes that jk is not around and goes looking for him. Jk feeling sick and collapsing after concerts, Jimin being the one who doesn’t leave his side. Jk choosing to spend a majority of his downtime with Jimin (nights). Jk choosing to give only Jimin a birthday present until he is called out by the other members. Jk doing things for Jimin that he doesn’t do for anyone else.
Again selective. BTS members care and take care of each other. Jk cries easily, Jimin to a lesser degree as well. They get comfort more often in general because of that. I have a few examples for you to ponder on.. Jm comforting Tae when he cried on and off stage and in Bon Voyage Malta. Members taking care of Jin when he had his hand injury. Tae drying Jk's tears. Jk clinging to Tae as soon as he arrived in BV season 1. Jk wanting to be roommates with Tae at their house. They all (!) comfort each other, if those moments you mention mean something.. then what makes them different from all other moments (and there's plenty!).
Jk himself saying that Jimin is the one who knows him the best. Jk himself saying that Jimin gives him the best comfort. This isn’t about looks, skinship, or friendly hangout (the things u taekookers hang unto to prove ur ship).
Ah, anon! You're talking about quotes from 2014/15 here. It very much shows how Jm was being a hyung to him. That says nothing about how their relationships evolved from then. They were also very clear about Tae being the person who helped Jk out of his shell, which is not something to be ignored, since that takes a lot of trust and closeness. You will find that members' answers will vary from time to time. From various instances though, it becomes clear that Tae and Jk do have a knowledge about each other that other members do not. The other members were for instance not aware about the text Yoongi sent to Jk and Tae.. but Tae and Jk did know about them getting that text. Tae and Jk know more about details in their lives, like Jk knowing exactly how tall Tae is and correcting Jm. Like Jk knowing Tae had his nails done. Like Tae being able to easily summ up things Jk likes. Like Jk knowing Tae's favorite food and whether he has beer in his fridge.
This is about Jimin and Jungkook being each other’s number one person when it matters most. They have proven this time and time and time again but y’all continue to look away. Y’all look away from the fact that at those moments when it really matters, Jimin and Jungkook just somehow find themselves at each other’s side ALWAYS!
You don't get to decide which moments matter most. They are importnt to each other, I absolutely agree, but there certainly is no ALWAYS! at play here.
Jk will choose to play games with V, will choose to interact with him more on stage, will cling to him during concerts, will seemingly smile at him more, but at the end of the day, Jk will choose to spend hours on end in Jimin’s room.
Again a selective use of moments. Just because it is mentioned that Jk hangs out in Jm's room doesn't mean that's what always happens. They are talking about a specific period, so you should use this moment only when it comes to taht specific period as well.
At the end of the day, Jimin is the one who Jk will openly sit his ass down for, for hours watching and missing. At the end of the day, Jimin is the one Jungkook will gravitate to when he is done goofing around with his friend and bandmate. If you don’t get this by now, i’m afraid you never will.
Ofcourse I never will, because it is just not true and evidently so. I very often hear that Jm and Jk treat each other differently... I think the only way in which they do, is that they spend more time together than they do with other members (except Tae). So there are more moments of them together, which to some (jkkrs) makes it seem like they're in a relationship (quantity above quality). But when you look at the way they act with others (quality) there is not actually that much of a difference. Jm will hug and comfort anyone. He is physically close with many members.
Jk will cuddle easily with Hobi, Jm and Tae. He is an emotional person, so he needs comfort often.. and many members will give him that. Jm being one of the main comfort givers, and also his close friend, means it will often be Jm.
So where do Tae and Jk differ? Tae and Jk though do treat each other different from other members. I have not seen Tae talk about any member as often as he does about Jk and I have not seen Tae touch any member the way he touches Jk. Tae touching Jk is exploring, calming, it's long in daration, it's intimate, it's without it meaning to be playfull or edgy or funny. Jimin does not touch Jk the way Tae does, and neither does Jk let anyone else touch him like that. When Jm and Jk touch there will very often be with a humorous undertone. Their moments are shorter in duration. You will see Tae and Jk basically hang on each other for minutes.. but Jk and Jm less. Those moments are usually shorter. When Tkkrs talk about Taekook no space couple... it's because Tae and Jk do sit next to each other more closely than Jk and Jm do (in general). Jkkrs also say this about Jk and Jm, but when you compare those moments they're different. It's posing for pictures, it's standing aside each other. It's not the relaxing into eachother Tae and Jk do. So look for the quality of moments and not the quantity. Jk will way more often search for where Tae is than he will with any other member. Even when Jm hangs of him, Jk will often focus on Tae (I cannot proof this though, because there simply is too much footage in general). Jk leans into Tae's touches and will usually not pull away, with Jm he does though (not in a "I hate it way" just in a "I need my personal space" way).
Jk does not look at Jm like he does at Tae. We've talked about this live (watch at 9:17), but that stare lasts 6 seconds! People brush past this so easily, but 6 seconds is super long to stare in someone's eyes. Seriously try staring directly into someones eyes for 6 seconds and see how that makes you feel.
The ease with which Tae and Jk get physically close without even flinching is really something.
(excuse the edit, I'm lazy today). I have no explanation for Tae and Jk at Dream premiere. Jk's flustered nervousness, Tae's pride... the way they look at each other... this was a moment for them, and I cannot come up with a platonic reason for why that would be.
All of the above is so much more than anything between Jm and Jk. And it's not like these moments are the only ones like this, it's an ongoing thing throughout many years.
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pleasebenakd · 2 years
sorry lorde but i am NOT my mother’s child. unfortunately i’m the eldest daughter so i am my father’s child and i hate myself for it.
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