#please we're worth negative money already
the-firebird69 · 11 months
We're looking at what happens to him on a daily basis and we are not pleased keeps touching the Frying pan, it's kind of sick all the time doesn't have any money. And we're very angry at you people you're very obtuse you want something for absolutely nothing plus negative and he's a grown man and you're ridiculous. It look like any of you are interested in dredging and it was said before and a bunch of times it's worth a lot of money.
You can like you can make a lot of money by growing food and out here in Florida and they don't seem to want to everything is right about the fertilizer you just mix it with soil and it's already lost a lot of acidity and most of it in the river is clean from debris and animals and other and each shovel falls worth money in China they're going nuts pulling it out probably spread here A bunch of into that kind of thing and figure out what to use it for so it was used for before it's a whole bunch of co-ops and other 10 miles 20 miles away from lake Okeechobee and they could get together and pull out tons of it there's so much of it there the day would never even scratch the surface if they worked on it for 10 years in a row you need huge machines it'll take a huge machine like a week a 20 mile machine you can't put too many in there instead it's going to all blow out the sea you can go out there and grab it the morelock wants them to be isolated here by us with no food and stuff and forced to fight us when they're going to be done on an island subjugated by everybody thinking it's a good thing and everybody is just going to be beating them to a pope they're very stupid people
-I tell you these people are so dumb it's raunchy I got to get him out of there anyways we got to get some work done it's terrible here
-it's a whole bunch of things wrong so they're trying to make some things right the morlock are evacuating they had like we're talking about just them about 8% left this morning and 5% just got to the island out of the 8% 3% are heading to the cities and that's it for them they're out for the most part the rest are clones. Gospel singing it in a song was last night and it looks like the building from LA but they tend to look the same the projects and someone thought they brought it here and they didn't so I got people's interest he said where are we and they're going we're not here and he said we're probably in Madagascar Haiti some other places and they checked they're not in Haiti there in Madagascar parts of Africa too and they're getting their asses handed to them Africans hate them trying to carve a place out of Australia and no good and BJ won't have it says he probably wouldn't tolerate our friend here why would he tolerate you and it's true cuz we could a****** and come take much for him to get diluted but is it hurtful person anywhere going to hurt him if he tries to do anything it's probably trying to kidnap you but can't let that happen
-additional to the 3% leaving would be about 7% clones and 7% of the clones made 7% of the populace and they're on their final round too and they have about 3% left after this no it's about seven or eight didn't get a decimated different way but the 3% is heading to the city and the 7% clones are going there speedily and trying to intercept them and become them and take over the island and the island is hell right now. It's a huge number of people who are trying to get there at this time from here and they're going to the airports and they're wondering why they're not walled off and my son says you don't want to feel trapped and you want to be able to go there and we want you to go there cuz you walking around like big jerks and you need to go somewhere else or Matt can come pick you up so they don't mind it and they're out there in the waiting and they're saying it sucks but it's better than dying some people are wailing crying so you shouldn't have crossed the plans you don't know what we're doing and he's just a boy and he tried and we failed and didn't even listen it all sounds right.
We're going to publish this is huge news he says it's true
Thor Freya
I've never seen the pile of sorry sex like this in my life no you're walking around like weirdos still I don't have to understand you don't have they don't really have a plan and see where their pants crab but okay I think they'll go there and Life goes on that's the way it is with these guys
Odd. Persicuted and they're psyche is very weak they take it out on people right away and they turn on others it's not even massive hardship yet will be tonight if they going to Big ships and it will be tonight because the clones are heading in
It's going to be a fight it's going to be big there's going to be a lot of people involved. You don't need any help but we see that we're out of control and he's calling for people to control it and that makes sense can't have any wildfires stuff like that
The Big Hawaiian you have a name
It's not as different
0 notes
keyenuta · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland: Eng Release Ground Rules
First of all, after 84 years of waiting and hoping we've finally got it. An official, Twisted Wonderland localization is arriving in a few agonizing weeks!
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Now then, with that out the way, let's get some ground rules set up for the oncoming storm.
Translations, translations, translations: Ok starting off, let's all agree to be calm about differences we see in translations. I know we've all gotten used to fan translations, which speaking of, y'all are the true MVPs. Literally without y'all doing the Herculean task of translating all this text, the fandom would be barely a twinkle in any of our eyes so thank you all so much for your going on 2 years of work. But for the rest of us, let's not get mad if things aren't exactly how we pictured it, some things will have to be changed, some jokes will not work in English.
-Tsunotaro is a big one, they will have to change the joke or translate it directly people
-We've already seen Dormleaders-Housewardens, and Headmaster-Headmage. These are things we will have to get used to like it or not. Now then, since we only have a limited scope on other changes let's move onto
2. Fandoms will Fandom: I know many friends and other people in the community are worried about new people coming into the fandom and being toxic. And as much as I hate it alongside you, if this comes to pass, we must accept its a natural state of the internet. I don't have a solution to this, other than stay to your friend group, ignore the toxic people, or try and spread more positivity that outweighs the bad. And finally, we have to be open minded about new people entering the fandom, not everyone will be a toxic little gremlin, nor will everyone be a perfect angel. We must take people as they come and not try and generalize new people. Because if we act uppity and give new people the wrong impression of us, they will feel jaded and then spread more negativity. Basically it's good to be worried, but let's not be gatekeeping people, we all enjoy the game and the characters so let's allow others to enjoy it too like we did.
3. Spoilers: This is gonna be the shortest one, but it's important as well, when the game is officially out for English, we have to be careful not to spoil new people as best we can. We don't know how they'll release the chapters yet, but assuming it's like Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 at launch, as hard as it will be, just please be careful with spoilers of future chapters. New people deserve to go in fresh like we did.
4: Just don't be Toxic: This is a general rule but it connects to everything else, just don't be toxic as we're all here to just enjoy ourselves. If you see drama you don't wanna be a part of, or see a person who's toxic, use the block button and treat yourself to what you enjoy in the fandom. No one toxic is worth your time and mental health.
5. Gacha rules: This is just be careful with your money, this is still a gacha after all so just be responsible. Only spend when you can afford to, and stop yourself if you're spending too much. You don't need everything at the cost of you paying rent or affording food and basic necessities. I'm sure you can get some things again at one point or another, Disney doesn't need anymore money, especially your own.
Soooo, yeah these are my 5, don't be jerks list for when the game gets released, thanks for coming to my ted talk!
And if you have anything to add, please reblog and add what rules you'd want to see as well!
Pre-registration begins Dec 21
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Smoking doesn't make you skinny: a rant
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So I keep seeing this as "advice" on how to suppress hunger and as a smoker myself, I'm begging you to stop and stfu! If you think smoking is worth it just to lose weight, I'm sorry, but you're wrong (and spreading dangerous advice) and I will explain why.
I started smoking because it was the only coping mechanism I had to deal with trauma and mental health issues. I've been smoking for years, since I was a teenager and into adulthood so I've pretty much seen most of the aspects of it - more importantly, the negative ones. I'm sure you're aware of lung disease, cancer, and other health risks involved with smoking, but if those aren't enough here's more things that suck about smoking.
- Smoking in combination with an eating disorder is dangerous. Smoking on an empty stomach especially. It fucks with your blood pressure and there were several times when I almost fainted because I had a cigarette on an empty stomach. If I fainted outdoors in an area that isn't busy with people, I could've easily died without anyone finding me and getting help. Your body is already weak and subjecting it to smoking only makes it worse, and I'm talking chronic illness and death, not aesthetic suffering.
- You will stink. Not "sMeLl Of SmOkE", stink. Most people don't like the smell and won't hesitate to tell you so. My boyfriend doesn't want to kiss me after I have a cigarette because of the smell and taste, and I honestly don't blame him.
- Your teeth, fingers, and nails will turn yellow from nicotine. No amount of brushing will remove it. I brush twice a day and my teeth are still yellow. Say goodbye to aesthetic long fingers with perfect skin and nails and beautiful smiles.
- If you smoke indoors, the stench will eventually become more and more difficult to air out, and it will stain your walls. If not, good luck going outside in all kinds of weather just so you can have a cigarette.
- Your social interactions will suffer. You will either have to leave your friends several times for minutes at a time to have a cigarette in a separate area, or be anxious for hours because the situation doesn't allow you to have one.
- ... Unless your friends are smokers too. In that case, you will smoke more because of social smoking. My friends who smoke and I go through several packs of cigarettes in a single evening of drinking when we're together. After that, you wake up with your mouth and throat feeling like sandpaper.
- It is very, very, very time consuming and mentally exhausting. You will get to a point where you will plan your days based on when and where you can have a cigarette, how to organise that, how to get there, how much that will take etc. If you're a student and/or employed, you now have to plan your smoking breaks into your already busy schedule.
- Even if you don't develop a deadly illness (which you most likely will, especially in combination with an ED), you will chronically suffer in some way. Whether it be the smoker's morning cough, damaging your vocal chords (goodbye singing), or just generally feeling like shit, it will happen.
- This one stings: WEIGHT LOSS FROM SMOKING ISN'T EVEN TEMPORARY! Studies have shown that people lose a little bit of weight when they start smoking and then gain it back, even if they continue smoking, and especially if they do the right thing and stop. So if you're thinking about smoking "a little bit" and then stopping so you can kickstart weight loss, just forget about it.
- It gets addictive quickly. It becomes a comfort and a habit and it's very difficult to control yourself because it doesn't feel like a big deal even though you're harming yourself. It's also a very nagging thought to have in your brain, especially if you already have urges and obsessive thoughts because of your ED.
- It's EXPENSIVE. Holy fuck, it's expensive. Packs cost a lot. Buying tobacco to roll your own cigarettes is a bit cheaper, but still costly if you're smoking regularly. Most smokers I know and myself resorted to finding less legal ways to get cheaper cigarettes and tobacco, but that's another hassle in and of itself. "But I can just buy the cheapest kind!" I mean, if you want to smoke something that tastes like bitter ashes mixed with hot asphalt, go for it, but as someone who's been there I can promise you you won't last long.
I don't want to wag my finger at you, but please, if you're not smoking already - and ESPECIALLY if you're a minor - don't even start. It's not worth it.
And please, don't spread harmful "advice" like this to already vulnerable people and teenagers/kids. Smoking is not romantic. It's not an aesthetic you can wear when it suits you, it consumes your entire life and affects your body, mind, health, bank account/allowance, time management, and social life. It has so many downsides people never mention and there are better things to do with your body and money. And again, IT WON'T MAKE YOU SKINNY IN THE LONG RUN, so it's not even worth it.
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gaylorswiftvibes · 4 years
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I am caffeinated and quarantined and ready to lay out all of my thoughts as to why Taylor has yet to come out, the obstacles that will have to be addressed before she comes out, and therefore create a timeline as to when she will come out and what that will look like. I don’t know about all of you, but I find myself constantly questioning why this is all happening. Why has Taylor not come out yet? Why does she purposefully leave so many clues if she doesn't want to come out yet? Does she enjoy making us feel insane like the sick masochist that she is? Why has it felt like she’s about to come out several times but then she backtracks? What’s complicating this process? How long will we have to wait? Over the years, Taylor has enjoyed watching other people attempt to piece together the story about her love life and understand who and what she writes about. However, when she comes out I do think she will want to set the record straight (ha) in as many ways as possible without damaging her reputation or the reputation of anyone with whom she has had any sort of relationship. However, before she can come out, she will need to be in an optimal situation with her masters, the best timing possible for maximum impact and best optics, and Karlie's reputation/life to not be destroyed in the process. 
This MANIFESTO of a blog post does presume several things. 
Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss are both either bi or gay and both desire to come out publicly at some point.
They had a relationship.
They are likely still together. If not, they are still friends who care about the wellbeing of the other person and they are also in communication about koincidences. 
If they are together, they purposefully made their relationship private to protect both of them (mainly Karlie) and have more control over their public narratives after kissgate and significant public speculation that their "friendship" was something more. 
Karlie's relationship with JK is fake. Their marriage is not legal and there is likely a contract that provides prescriptive guidance for how she publicly portrays and discusses their relationship. This contract was likely made to provide Karlie with career opportunities and to provide JK with a beard- I do not believe that it is directly financial but it could be as well. 
It’s clear that Taylor first started wanting to come out after she had already reached incredible success. It is unclear how this timeline occurred. Was she already out to herself and her family before her career even began? Did she originally intend to remain publicly closeted for her entire career? Did she go through a period of denial about her sexuality? I think the closest thing to answers we have to questions like these are clues within her music. I do believe her motifs of blue, darkness, shade, and secrecy mainly lead back to being closeted while her motifs of gold, sun, daylight, and public affection reference being out and proud. Interpret what you will from her writing and the timeline of her albums. To me, this does point to Taylor originally wanting to remain intensely closeted (hence beards and their massive publicity and the potential for some of those relationships to have been “real”, although this is a conversation for another day), later on wanting to remain quite secretive about her relationships with women, and most recently yearning to not be secretive any longer. It seems like her music points to wanting to come out- so why hasn’t it happened yet?
She knows that coming out is going to generate attention and sales. It would make the most sense that she wants to own her masters at the same time that she comes out. This is a major factor of why we're still waiting and will likely be waiting until the rerecordings come out or she makes a deal to get ownership of the masters. The clues along the way are a way to maintain some level of authenticity, to create buzz, and to create The Story that will undoubtedly one day be highly scrutinized and publicized. I do believe that The Story (as I will be referring to it) has been in the works for quite some time and that Taylor does plan to shed light on it at the time that she comes out. The Story will include as much truth as possible about her relationships. After Miss Americana came out and Lana Wilson insinuated that there is more of her story to tell, I do think it is possible that she will release another documentary alongside her coming out. However, this is pure speculation and an extremely biased view as I personally believe that would be very sexy and cool of her.
Part of this marketing scheme does come off as distasteful, but I do think it's less about her wanting more money and more about her wanting SB to not profit off of this or have any control or say in the message that she wants to communicate. Ultimately, a large piece of this unknown timeline will be revealed before or in November 2020. If they haven't made a deal for Taylor’s ownership by then, I assume she will publicly reveal if she is rerecording and potentially begin to promote her rerecordings. Worth noting, it is my belief that if there is follow through with the rerecordings that they will be copycat records intended to sound as identical as possible. I am hopeful for the "original" versions to come to light one day (I want her midnights and she never loved me deserve premium recordings), but I don't think it would make much financial sense to release these instead of the copycats (we can hope for alongside, but it doesn't seem too likely). At the end of the day, the masters situation will resolve one way or another by the rerecording date.
We should also generally be aware of timing. Taylor is going to want to create maximum distance between her and any direct negativity before she comes out along with any other major events (pandemics, elections, big news stories, etc.). This is definitely the point I will harp on the least, but something to keep in mind if something happens that harms her public image down the line (please god not again). I’ve considered that she may want to keep her coming out to “use” when she starts to get less popular or when society stops “tolerating her being successful”, but I don’t think that will happen anytime soon. I do believe that it will coincide with an album release just because that would be sickening.
This is not to say that once the optimal situation for her masters is obtained, Taylor has no other reason to not come out. It doesn't matter whether she and Karlie are currently still together, The Story includes Karlie in an undeniable way since it is clear that they were in a relationship for a few years at the minimum. I really don't think Taylor would want to come out without being able to address their relationship. However, the narrative would completely depend on if they are still together or not. If they are no longer together, that may be more incentive to consider a possibility of her coming out without addressing Karlie. Since I personally believe they are still together, I will be addressing the potential narratives for Karlie from that perspective. 
One option to consider beforehand is the storyline that Karlie and Taylor were close friends but never together. They each have their own relationships that eventually end for unrelated reasons (meaning eventual JK divorce and oatmilk disappearance), then they rekindle their "friendship" and "start" a relationship around the time that Taylor comes out. I don't like this idea because it, in essence, defeats the purpose of The Story. If this is the time to come clean, be vulnerable, be honest, this is a significant lie to keep. And at the end of the day, the truth is in Taylor's discography. The albums point to a secret relationship, not just pining for a friend or whatever that storyline is.
The way I see it, once The Story is laid out, the two major narrative avenues are decided by claiming whether the Karlie JK relationship was real or not. If the choice is made to support its legitimacy, they could spin this relationship in a number of ways.
They could choose to portray it as on again off again. This would leave a partial timeline open for a relationship with Taylor. They could cite infinite believable reasons for the JK relationship being this way (K*shner/Tr*mp family issues, distance issues, typical relationship issues, etc.). This narrative allows Karlie to not be portrayed as a cheater, JK to not be portrayed as a horrible person that would put a vulnerable 19-year-old at the start of her career in a long-term bearding contract, allows JK’s sexuality to not be questioned, and allows their relationship’s authenticity to go unquestioned. I do think this is the most likely narrative if it is chosen to portray Karlie and JK’s relationship as legitimate even after it ends. After all, Karlie has already stated publicly that they have “been through a lot together” and that “it hasn’t been easy” and they met it 2012 when it was “a different world” (WWHL, January 2020). They could also take the tangential route that they were not exclusive at the beginning of their relationship, but I am not sure when it was definitively publicly confirmed that they were together; although it is confirmed that they met in 2012, they could emphasize that they were friends at first or not exclusive. They were interacting with each other online on a routine basis by 2013. This included them liking each other’s posts, posting pictures of one another, posting the same picture, or posting in the same location (many of these have been proven to be latergrams and don’t seem like natural relationship posting, but that’s beside the point). In June 2015, Karlie posted a photo of them together with a caption wishing him a happy birthday and thanking him for “three years of love and laughs”. However, there was still speculation in the comments at the time over whether they were a couple or close friends. Their engagement was announced in 2018, so there is potential to create a storyline in which JK and Karlie were just friends since 2012, Taylor and Karlie dated, then JK and Karlie dated and married, JK and Karlie divorced, and then Taylor and Karlie got back together. I don’t think this is likely but I think it is worth considering since in hindsight the announcement of their relationship seems to have been kept purposefully vague, specifically when it comes to timeline. Maybe that was intended to keep their maximum options open when considering their likely eventual separation narrative.
They could choose to portray Karlie as someone who cheated on her relationship with JK with Taylor. I do not think this is a likely option as it would damage Karlie’s reputation, although they could attempt to make a sympathetic appeal. Karlie has been "with" JK since she was 19, and I don't think they would purposefully promote the narrative that she cheated on the man that she later married. As I am racking my brain for all possible options, I suppose they could make an appeal that they had an open or polyamorous relationship, but that would be low-key insane considering their largely girl-next-door personas. But hey, you cannot say that I am not thorough and thinking outside the bun.
They could choose the narrative that their relationship was partially authentic and partially inauthentic. They could use the storyline that they “fell out of love” (ha) but chose to remain close friends and not go public with their break up. This is highly unlikely because their “marriage” occurred after her and Taylor were so publicly close. There is also no clear motive for doing this other than bearding so it does call into question JK’s sexuality.
They could also choose to reveal the JK Karlie relationship as fake. However, this would put JK in a difficult position and it’s almost unimaginable that he would be okay with it. I think there is an extremely unlikely possibility that he would want to publicly come out and create some sort of best-friends-mutually-bearding-without-any-contract-narrative. 
So, what are the other options? Well, she could tell (what I believe to be) the truth. She signed a contract in order to boost her modeling career, her marriage wasn't legally legitimate, and they never had an actual relationship. It certainly makes her choices and The Story make sense, but it would have endless ramifications. We have no way of knowing what the contract terms look like. It makes JK look like a terrible person, it puts his sexuality into question, and it makes Karlie look inauthentic (even though she has done a great job of mostly separating him from her public persona). I would genuinely not want to make an enemy out of a Kushner for fear of the safety of myself and my loved ones. It's a scary thing to make an enemy of someone who has so much power that they are virtually above the law. However, if there's anything we learned from the sale of the masters or the call, it's that publicity and public perception changes the options that are on the table. If Karlie and Taylor come out with the full (what I believe to be) truth, the world might see them in the way that most of us see them. Karlie was young, and was taken advantage of, and trapped into something she did not want. They were both struggling with and deciding if/how/when to come out publicly. Taylor was dealing with intense public scrutiny and the sale of her masters. They had no options to be honest about their relationship publicly. This option makes everything known, including their fear of the revenge JK and others might take against them, financially or otherwise. This results in anything they do in revenge receiving public backlash. If we're being honest here, this is my favorite narrative option purely because it's not a narrative; it's the truth. At the end of the day, we all love Taylor and her music and therefore want to know her and understand her on a deeper level. We all want the BRILLIANCE of her closeted writing to be properly admired for what it is. I think we all also want Taylor to feel loved and understood for who she truly is and what she's truly been through. Part of this is going to happen through being as honest as possible.
There is also the issue of oatmilk. Since she has literally never confirmed that they are actually dating (other than the sarcastic “she asked my boyfriend”, and the NME kiss (?)), she could take the route that they were always just friends. From this, should could take credit for the purposeful bearding, say that she just let it happen and let the media interpret their friendship that way and it didn’t bother her, or blame the media for spreading misinformation (which would be annoying because she clearly encouraged it). She could also break them up and legitimize their relationship, but that obviously takes away from the authenticity of her music and story. Either way, I feel like getting rid of oatmilk will be the easiest part of this process.
IN CONCLUSION, there are still many important issues to consider when we wonder why Taylor hasn’t come out yet and we shouldn’t use our impatience as reasoning to say that she is not gay. I believe that all of these issues would have to align or resolve in some way before she comes out. With any luck, it will be with TS8. However, the major wild card to consider is Karlie’s relationship with JK. We truly have no idea what this contract looks like, especially after the predicted end date last year was acknowledged by Karlie (instagram freedom post, seven long years tweet) and then still continued. We can hope that the public separation has been outlined in her renewal or that she would be safe in an exposé process, but nothing is certain. Ultimately, we all want the both of them to be happy and feel loved and appreciated for who they truly are, and to have control over the narrative they want.
Fuckin hell this is way too long but feel free to DM me with any questions because I clearly have too much time on my hands!! Peace and blessings
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