#please why couldn't we have domestic lokius
rowans-thoughts · 10 months
Some more Lokius headcanons I had in my back pocket!
They enjoy discussing theoretical situations with each other and always end up bickering over their viewpoints. (Loki’s usually the one to bring these topics up) This especially happens whenever they sit down for their usual key lime pie. Because Loki can't stand silence, there has to be something going on or his brain gets bored. so he starts these debates to fill the silence. (Also because he enjoys riling up Mobius)
Adding onto this, they both always think they're right and neither will admit when they're wrong when it comes to these silly debates. Usually, it ends with them slowly getting closer to each other until one of them decides to shut the other up with a kiss. (This doesn't always end the debate because Loki will usually say "I'm still right" as soon as the kiss is over)
Loki enjoys doing things like painting his nails and occasionally wearing makeup. (Loki mainly wears black or dark green nail polish but isn't opposed to doing other colors once in a while) Loki has also managed to get Mobius to let him paint his nails, Mobius thought it felt weird wearing it but overall was pretty neutral on the idea. (He absolutely loves it when Loki wears it tho because he thinks he looks hot)
Ever since Mobius got Loki into sweets, Loki has just developed the worst sweet tooth ever and Mobius is scared that he has created a monster with how much Loki eats candy/desserts. It seems she always manages to have a stash nearby with how often she'll appear with a piece of candy in hand. (They always offer Mobius some)
Loki loves his life at the tva but he does still get homesick every now and then. Usually, when he's feeling like this he'll hop down onto the timeline to keep up with how Thor is doing, tho they never actually manage to work up talking to him they'll just watch from out of sight.
Mobius can always tell when loki is homesick even if he tries to hide it. And he knows he goes to visit his brother. But he never asks Loki about it. Never even asks if he's tried speaking to him. Because Mobius knows if Loki wants to talk about it then she will. In the meantime whenever Mobius can tell he's feeling homesick, Mobius will be a lot gentler with Loki and try to find ways to subtly comfort them.
Alright that's all my headcanons on them for now
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mimisempai · 3 years
You are my most precious treasure
Loki is mad at Mobius and Mobius does not know why...
20th day of my 30 Days of Domestic Fluff. - 20: Heated argument List here : X I am unable to write them really angry with each other, so I focused on reconciliation of course... https://archiveofourown.org/works/33748549
793 words - Rating G
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"Come on Loki..." Mobius sighed, "How long are you going to stay mad at me?"
Since he had come home, Loki had only answered him with one syllable or none at all, ignoring him completely.
Now he had joined him in the kitchen and was watching him prepare dinner.
Loki just shrugged his shoulders.
Mobius could tell by the way the utensils and dishes were making noise, by the way Loki was opening and closing the drawers, that he was still extremely angry with him.
"Please talk to me, sweetheart," Mobius said softly.
Loki turned to him and replied, through clenched teeth, "Give me time."
But Mobius couldn't obey because he hated being at odds with Loki. He couldn't stand conflict, especially with Loki, so he asked, "What are you so angry about? That I went on a mission alone or that I came back injured?"
Loki threw the wooden spoon he had in his hand onto the counter and turned to Mobius.
He said to him with an exasperated voice, "Is it because you're human that you're so stupid or are you just pretending not to understand?!"
He was about to pick up his spoon again and was turning away when Mobius grabbed his arm and said, "That's enough Loki, talk to me."
"You want to talk? Then let's talk."
He approached Mobius, fury in his eyes.
"You went on a mission when HB told you it was dangerous and that you should wait until I got back. But apparently Agent Mobius, who thinks he's invincible, decided he could do it himself."
Loki moved even closer and unbuttoned Mobius' shirt as he continued, "And as a result, you came back with this!" He pointed to the bandage Mobius had on the left side of his abdomen.
Mobius bit his lip, he knew he had screwed up. He had been doing administrative work for so long and the call of field work had been so strong that he had gone without a back-up. Without informing Loki, while he demanded that Loki inform him as soon as he went on a mission. As a result, the person they were supposed to apprehend had taken him by surprise and attacked him with a knife.
The wound was superficial and he didn't even need stitches so he tried to appease Loki, "I've had much worse injuries you know."
"I don't want to know!" exclaimed Loki clearly annoyed, "Mobius... do you understand what it did to me when HB told me you were in the medical wing after a mission went wrong. When I didn't even know you were on a mission. You are always so reckless when it comes to yourself. Mobius, the day Revonna had you pruned in front of me, I realized for the first time how fleeting human life is. Your life! Do you have any idea how devastating that was for me when we weren't even a couple! If you don't think about yourself, at least think about me and all the people who love you!"
Mobius understood at that moment the heart of the problem and was upset by his own insensitivity.
He approached Loki, whose eyes were stubbornly fixed on the ground, and lifted his chin. He felt a pang of remorse for the sadness he saw in Loki's eyes.
"I am truly sorry, sweetheart. I have no excuse. You're right, it was stupid. And all I can do is promise you I won't do it again."
He pressed their foreheads together, and with his eyes in Loki's repeated as sincerely as possible, "I'm sorry Loki."
He saw that Loki swallowed several times before answering him, his voice heavy with emotion. "Okay... okay... But Mobius, I beg you to be more careful. I couldn't bear to lose you."
Mobius took Loki in his arms and continued to whisper apologies over and over again.
A little later, Loki was lying between Mobius' legs, his head resting on his chest, indifferent to what was playing on the TV.
He said, a smile in his voice, "You know you don't need to keep asking for forgiveness" after Mobius whispered for the umpteenth time that he was sorry.
Mobius tightened his arms around him and kissed his hair before replying, "There's one thing I hate more than you being mad at me, and that's hurting you.  So I guess you'll have to put up with my apology until I don't feel guilty anymore."
Loki shook his head and kissed Mobius' hand that was on his chest before leaning against him.
"I love you Mobius, I just want you to never forget how precious you are to me."
Mobius just nodded and kissed Loki's head once more telling himself that he wasn't nearly done apologizing.
30 Days of Domestic Fluff - Lokius
Next day : 20- Road Trips
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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mimisempai · 3 years
All you need is love and more coffee
Every morning, Mobius steals his coffee from Loki because it is perfectly to his taste...
11th day of my 30 Days of Domestic Fluff. - 11: Coffee and/or Tea List here : X
1017 words - rating G
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"Hey! Not again, Mobius! If you want a coffee you can have one, but don't steal mine every time!"
Loki protested when Mobius stole his coffee mug as he left the meeting room and didn't see his smile as Mobius took the first sip of black coffee.
He turned around, winked at Loki and said, "Have a nice day Sweetheart!" and waved as he left.
Loki rolled his eyes and sighed just for the sake of it. It was like this every morning after the debriefing meetings, without exception.
A small smile formed on his lips as he walked to his desk.
As annoying as it was, there was something about the familiarity of this scene that warmed the heart.
"Well, I'll get the coffees, guys," Casey said as she got up from the table.
Exceptionally they had managed to eat together in the cafeteria, which was extremely rare given their respective schedules.
"Oh Casey how generous!"
Casey rolled his eyes at Loki's ironic comment and asked, "The same as usual for you two?"
Mobius and Loki nodded in perfect sync and Casey went to get their coffees.
Loki sighed as he rested his head on Mobius' shoulder.
They avoided displays of affection in the workplace, but in this case there was hardly anyone in the cafeteria, given the late hour they had been eating lunch and Casey was well aware of their relationship.
"Tired sweetheart?" asked Mobius as he gently ran his hand through Loki's hair.
Loki nodded, "Yes, but nothing that won't pass with a nice hot bath tonight and a good night's sleep."
Seeing that Casey was still not returning and no one was looking in their direction, Mobius pressed a gentle kiss to Loki's head and said softly, "I will take care of you tonight."
Loki just sighed in contentment and then straightened up because he saw Casey returning with a tray of coffee.
"In the meantime, a good dose of caffeine will perk me up."
Casey set the tray on the table then handed Mobius the first coffee, "For you, a black coffee"
Mobius inhaled the aroma coming from his cup with delight and blew on it a little to cool it down.
Casey handed the next cup to Loki and said with a smile, "For mister sweet tooth, cappuccino, sweeter than honey!"
Mobius looked at Casey and then at Loki, "Huh? Sweet tooth? Cappuccino? Since when?'
It was Casey who answered, "Since always Mobius, here he only drinks Cappuccino with two sugars."
Mobius looked at his black coffee and then at Loki whose cheeks reddened slightly.
Loki shook his head and replied, his voice clearly embarrassed, "Not now Mobius, tonight if you don't mind."
Mobius was curious, but did not insist and nodded.
They finished their coffee, Casey watching them with a curious look, and then each went back to their work.
"Well go ahead Mobius, ask your questions."
They were sitting at the table and had just finished their dinner.
Loki, obviously embarrassed, was obstinately staring at his hands refusing to look at Mobius.
"Cappuccino then?" asked Mobius.
"Um... actually this is the only way I like coffee, with milk and lots of sugar."
Mobius shook his head, not understanding, "But, every morning when I steal your coffee it is..."
He paused and realized, "...exactly the way I like it."
Loki with his cheeks now completely red with shame, buried his head in his hands.
"Hey sweetheart..." Mobius laid his hand on Loki's arm and continued, "Don't be embarrassed. But explain to me how you got this idea and why?"
Loki shook his head.
Mobius increased the pressure of his hand on his arm, "Loki please look at me and explain."
When Loki lifted his head and looked at Mobius, biting his lip, Mobius grabbed one of his hands, intertwined their fingers and waited for Loki to speak.
Loki breathed in before he began, "You probably don't remember, but the first time you stole my coffee, well more like unintentionally because you didn't know it was mine, it was before we were even... uh... together. You took it, took a sip and made a horrible face saying you hated sweet coffee."
Now that Loki was talking about it, Mobius vaguely remembered that scene.
"But Loki, you force yourself to have a black coffee when you don't like it?!"
Loki blushed again and shook his head.
"No... that is, I... I know you said to avoid using magic for personal use in the workplace... but..."
At Loki's stammering, realization fell on Mobius, "You're transforming your coffee before I take it, right?"
Loki nodded wordlessly and wanted to bury his head in his arms again so embarrassed was he.
Mobius stood up, walked around the table, caught Loki's chin, preventing him from hiding and leaned in to kiss him tenderly.
Straightening up and pulling Loki against him, he said softly, "There are no words for how adorable you are."
Loki buried his head in Mobius' neck and muttered, "I'm not adorable, I'm a god, I can't be adorable."
"Yes you are, you are my adorable mischievous god."
Loki harrumphed against Mobius' neck then muttered again, "Wanted to do something for you, you are always full of care for me and I wanted to do the same."
Mobius pushed Loki a little so he could take his head in his hands and say against his lips with a smile, "That's what I'm saying, you're my lovely, mischievous, caring god."
Mobius couldn't resist kissing Loki's pouting face again, but his lover wouldn't let him. Wanting to regain some semblance of dignity, Loki turned him around and pushed him into the chair, then sat astride Mobius and captured his lips in a passionate kiss.
When they caught their breath, Mobius pushed a stray strand behind Loki's ear and couldn't help but try to get the last word in, "That's what I say, A-DO-RA-BLE."
Planting his lips on Mobius', Loki shushed him again and within the next hour, he set out to show Mobius that many more adjectives than adorable could be applied to him. _________
30 Days of Domestic Fluff - Lokius
Next day : 12- Cooking together
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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