rowans-thoughts · 10 months
Is it late? Yes... do I care? No.
Anyways I had this haikaveh headcanon that I must share.
Alhaitham comes home one day and to his surprise there is a random cat in his home, followed by a kaveh running into the living room since he heard alhaithams arrival.
"alhaitham I swear I can explain!!"
Alhaitham just looks between the cat and kaveh for a moment before responding.
"kaveh you can't just bring random animals into our home. Especially not without discussing it with me first"
Kaveh looks up at alhaitham with puppy dog eyes "but she was abandoned!! I couldn't just leave her!!"
Alhaitham sighs and looks at the cat again. "Fine... But if that cat causes any trouble it's out of here."
Kaveh is pleased with this turn of events and he decides to name her pita, because kaveh was eating a pita pocket when he found her.
Alhaitham always acts like he hates that they have a cat now be he secretly loves her. Kaveh sometimes catches pita snuggling up to alhaitham and him just sitting there petting her as she does. Kaveh sometimes complains that pita likes alhaitham more than him and that's it's not fair since he was the one that rescued her.
About a month later alhaitham is very used to having a cat around. But he comes home one day to kaveh sounding desperate as he says "now don't be mad alhaitham but I couldn't leave the poor thing out all alone!" There was now a dog in the living room.
"kaveh. you can't bring a wild dog into our home!!"
"he's not wild! Look he's so tame and sweet" kaveh says this while petting the dog on the head.
Alhaitham sighs. "Are you sure he isn't someone's lost pet?"
"well... No I'm not sure but what was I supposed to do? Leave him there?"
"kaveh... Actually nevermind." And alhaitham turned to leave without another word. Kaveh wasn't sure if this meant he was fine to keep the dog but a little while later alhaitham returns.
"I asked around and I found the dogs owners."
Kaveh looked up slightly disappointed. "Oh... You did?"
"yes. They're coming by in a little while to pick him up."
And so kaveh had to give up the dog back to it's owners. And alhaitham told kaveh not to bring any more animals home and kaveh slightly protested but ended up agreeing.
Not even a few weeks later and this time it was a rabbit with an injured foot. That alhaitham ended up taking to the vet, leaving them to do the rest.
The time after that it was a fox. And alhaitham scolded kaveh for bringing a wild animal like that in their home. This kept happening for months where kaveh would feel bad for any lost or injured animals he found and alhaitham would be the one having to actually deal with them.
Finally after yet another animal alhaitham had reached his limit "kaveh. For the thousandth time I don't want you bringing animals in here!!"
"well what else am I supposed to do haitham? I can't just leave them there when I see them..."
Alhaitham loved how kind and caring kaveh was but sometimes it was too much. But he knew no matter how much he tried to reason with kaveh that just leaving it up to fate is the best option that he wouldn't listen. And so alhaitham came up with an idea
"kaveh what if I asked the akademiya for resources to build an animal rescue center. A place where lost or injured animals can be taken care of."
Kavehs eyes immediately lit up at this "really?! And you think they'll approve it??"
"only one way to find out"
And so with that the project did end up being approved and it was named "pita's rescue" and now whenever kaveh found animals, he had a place he could take them that wasn't his and alhaithams apartment. And kaveh was allowed to visit the rescue whenever he wanted and he also would help out when he was there. Alhaitham drops by every now and then but he mainly just goes to play with whatever cats are there at the time.
(i came up with this because I was explaining kaveh and alhaitham to my friend and I was talking about the desert event where kaveh ended up helping the foxes to his own detriment. and from what I remembered I think he almost passed out trying to help them. And then I had the thought he would definitely be the type to bring home animals and so yeah that's where this came from, hope y'all enjoyed it!)
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rowans-thoughts · 10 months
Some more Lokius headcanons I had in my back pocket!
They enjoy discussing theoretical situations with each other and always end up bickering over their viewpoints. (Loki’s usually the one to bring these topics up) This especially happens whenever they sit down for their usual key lime pie. Because Loki can't stand silence, there has to be something going on or his brain gets bored. so he starts these debates to fill the silence. (Also because he enjoys riling up Mobius)
Adding onto this, they both always think they're right and neither will admit when they're wrong when it comes to these silly debates. Usually, it ends with them slowly getting closer to each other until one of them decides to shut the other up with a kiss. (This doesn't always end the debate because Loki will usually say "I'm still right" as soon as the kiss is over)
Loki enjoys doing things like painting his nails and occasionally wearing makeup. (Loki mainly wears black or dark green nail polish but isn't opposed to doing other colors once in a while) Loki has also managed to get Mobius to let him paint his nails, Mobius thought it felt weird wearing it but overall was pretty neutral on the idea. (He absolutely loves it when Loki wears it tho because he thinks he looks hot)
Ever since Mobius got Loki into sweets, Loki has just developed the worst sweet tooth ever and Mobius is scared that he has created a monster with how much Loki eats candy/desserts. It seems she always manages to have a stash nearby with how often she'll appear with a piece of candy in hand. (They always offer Mobius some)
Loki loves his life at the tva but he does still get homesick every now and then. Usually, when he's feeling like this he'll hop down onto the timeline to keep up with how Thor is doing, tho they never actually manage to work up talking to him they'll just watch from out of sight.
Mobius can always tell when loki is homesick even if he tries to hide it. And he knows he goes to visit his brother. But he never asks Loki about it. Never even asks if he's tried speaking to him. Because Mobius knows if Loki wants to talk about it then she will. In the meantime whenever Mobius can tell he's feeling homesick, Mobius will be a lot gentler with Loki and try to find ways to subtly comfort them.
Alright that's all my headcanons on them for now
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rowans-thoughts · 10 months
Starting this off with some lokius headcanons I came up with. we'll just ignore the ending of the show ok? K good.
1. Loki and Mobius are both neurodivergent and pick things up from eachother. Loki especially does this, Like whenever Mobius does a thing towards Loki whether it be a certain phrase he'll say or some type of physical affection/action Loki will just subconsciously start doing it back to Mobius. (Neurodivergents just picking up traits from eachother is my favorite thing)
2. Mobius always tries to stop or hold Loki back when he's being mischievous but Mobius is low-key loving it the whole time and absolutely adores when Loki is being a little shit (he'd never let him know that tho)
3. Loki would have a bunch of collectibles in his office if he gets one or his room. (Most of which are just stolen items from the timeline) He absolutely just pockets anything he thinks is cool or shiny. Mobius also gifts him stuff because he knows Loki likes knick knacks. Loki also has a miniature mjolnir somewhere on a shelf or desk that he had someone from the tva make for him in honor of Thor.
4. Mobius also collects things but it's much more specific than the chaotic randomness that Loki collects. For instance he probably has a collection of miniature jet skis or something. And they're all neatly lined up.
5. They both loveee physical touch, they do it casually in public but when alone it's just all the cuddles. Loki especially inniates a lot of the time. He does it similar to the way a cat would, Most likely just plops down on Mobius when he's in the middle of something and starts nuzzling into him.
I do have more but alas it is late so I shall stop here for tonight.
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