#please. do not feel afraid to message me. i am a scaredy-cat myself
clankitsfanfiction · 4 years
would anyone want to beta-read a disco elysium harry x kim fic I’m writing...    👉👈 by beta-read I mean I send you a link, you read it, and let me know if anything sucks... message me if interested  🥺
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
When your boyfriend decided to make it up to you
a/n: requested and certainly not based on my own experience lmao, this is the continuation of this Seonghwa drabble
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"Don't talk to me"
Those words haunted Seonghwa continuously for days. He tried reaching out for you but all his calls went straight to voicemail. Even his messages were left on read.
Why the fuck does he have to be so stupid. You matter so much to him, promising you that he won't hurt you, and yet he still did.
Currently, he hasn't contacted you for 2 days. The fear of rejection eating him inside and out. Not knowing what to do and digging for solutions inside his brain is deemed useless as he didn't even get any.
'Such a scaredy cat, how could she even forgive you if you can't find ways to prove yourself to her.' he thought.
He gripped his hair tightly, wanting to fall asleep but the constant voice in his mind reminded him that if this continues, you'll be gone for good.
No. That can't happen. He can't bare the thought of losing you. Just thinking about it makes him want to vomit.
Seonghwa immediately got up from his bed, wanting to straighten everything up and be with you once again. He doesn't care even if it's late, he'll go to you and tell you how sorry and guilty he is.
You were about to fall asleep when you heard small taps from your window. Thinking that maybe it was just an animal trying to get inside your house, you paid no mind to it and closed your eyes.
Not until you heard someone's voice quietly calling your name outside. Shooting up from your bed, you grabbed a lamp from your night table before cautiously approaching the direction of where the sound came from.
Your went to your window and checked who it was, upon opening, your eyes widened when you saw the last person that you're expecting.
Seonghwa smiled in relief when you dropped the lamp you were holding and opened the window for him to get inside, turning to you to answer your question about why he's here but stopped and cupped your face instead.
Your face is puffy, nose a bit red and your eyes are kind of wet.
"Y/N, were you crying? Why? Was it because of me?" he asked you, concern and pain etched across his face at the thought of him being the reason for your tears.
Embarrassed at being caught, you pulled away from him, discreetly wiping your face and looking away.
"I'm not,” you sniffled, making Seonghwa’s eyes soften, “and answer me first. What the hell are you doing here? Didn't we already broke up?" you repeated your question.
Now it was Seonghwa's eyes that turned into saucers. Was that the reason why you were crying? Because you thought that your relationship with him is over?
You felt warm arms wrapped around you, "No, baby, god, we're not over. Nothing is over and I'm here because I wanted to fight for you." Seonghwa murmured, burying his face in your hair and inhaling your scent that he missed so much.
"But you stopped contacting me already, what does that mean then?" you quietly replied, not reciprocating his hug but not rejecting it either. You did yearned for him after all, and you don't want his comfort to go away after feeling it once again.
He pulled away for a bit, only to lean his forehead into yours, noses touching and damn it, if only the two of you are in good terms, he'll kiss the hell out of you.
"Listen, I didn't reached out for you because I was busy looking and thinking of ways on how could I make it up to you. What I did was bullshit, I admit I'm wrong, and I am ready to do anything and everything to make you believe that you are the only thing that I care about."
You were looking at him dumbly, not really having the strength to talk and he took that as a sign to continue.
"I am so deadass afraid that you'll leave me, and I can't bare the thought of living without you beside me. You are the most important person to me, the only one special enough to matter the most. So please, please give me an another chance. I'll improve myself and make sure that you'll get the treatment that you deserve," he paused, gathering all his power to say his last words.
"I love you, Y/N."
After his little speech, tears were ready to break out, how could you not forgive him after this?
You pushed him away, turning your back on him and he was ready to kneel, thinking that you still won't forgive him, that was until you spoke.
"Just promise me that you won't do it again. Make this relationship your priority, move on from your past and just live happily and freely with me. Make me feel assured, then I'll forgive you." you said, a small smile forming in your face as you felt him backhug you.
He nodded, gently rocking you in his hold, "I promise. I will do as you said, I will never make the same mistake again. Thank you so much, angel."
The soft moment was cut short when he suddenly lifted you up, making you squeal, he then proceeded to throw you gently in your bed before kissing you passionately.
"We didn't see each other for days, and I missed you so damn much. I want to make the most of it tonight, baby, will you let me touch you?"
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crybabytoy59 · 5 years
“Crybaby gets some Emotional Tear time.”
I was so aroused that day, looking through all the as I had found on Craig’s list...sat on my favourite wee leather kneeling stool in my pink pvc maids dress,pink cartoon disposable Nappy on with the pink popper nappy cover then my huge frilly silk pants I had custom made they had Huge frilly heat at the rear,the layers of silk and lace stood outward around six inches! With the nappy under them my butt looked huge, the hem of the pink maids uniform only just hid the bulky Sissy Pants....I decided to place an ad of my own working on a small window of who I was as a sissy Abdl/bondage play Thing....posting it my heart was racing...
I went back to my usual internet bank of clips and pictures,feeling more and more aroused, as I was going to have the weekend to myself to play my selfish bondage games taking myself further each time I played....
But this was interrupted by a ping from Craig’s list..I had a reply to my ad?...it was from a couple they had read my ad and felt very sad for me that I felt I would never get to be who lived inside of me, they also said they had followed the link to my tumblr and that my stories were very good....We need to talk “Baby”..was all they put ..a link appearing to a WhatsApp page...this I followed I typed in Hi I found your reply to my ad ...would you like to talk?....I waited but nothing came back, I went to close it and noticed someone was typing...
A reply came ! “Clever Baby...that was your first Little step...Now as it Friday night are you playing with your self? ( my ad told of my self play at weekends to
Fuel my Kink) I sent a simple Yes...how long do you play Baby? Am off this weekend so am going to play the whole weekend 😜....Well you have read our ad would you like to meet for a drink and a chat?....Eh yes please but it’s getting late? ...Don’t fret we stay Very close to you....I was very confused by this as there ad said a different area..so I typed a message back...
I think we stay in different areas? ...it’s ok Baby our ad is old we have moved..Ok you have 30mins...are you dressed? If so put on something to cover up..if Not get dressed...we will see you in 29mins at  M* ,*******y,s in the car park we will be parked under the sign...park up then come to our Car....28mins “Baby”...
That was it even though I sent an Ok ..nothing more came back,so I rushed to get one of my boiler suit’s on as the bulk was so large I could fit nothing else on!...driving there I felt very nervous also my adrenaline was pumping so hard I felt I needed the toilet but time was ticking away... so I took Breaths through the need to go...they passed..as I drove in there was a 4x4 under the sign! But only one person in it?... I parked up but was hesitant so thought to myself I would simply go over and ask for directions that way if I was wrong no harm..
As I got to the car the door opened to my surprise a man got out opening the back door...as I walked up he spoke “In the back Baby”. I did as I was Told,there was a girl in the back she spoke to me....”In Baby Kneel on the floor face me...Clever Baby..Open Wide!” I felt something being put around my ankles & I panicked slightly..”P,p,please are we not going for a chat?” Suddenly my mouth was pulled open from behind as the girl pushed in a rubber ball gag with a face harnessing this was pulled Very tightly! My arms were pulled behind me and locked In cuffs! I was spun around and a hood pulled over my face, next I was at in the seat with a seatbelt put over me, the door shut then the second door shut as the car started up.....she spoke to me.... Clever Baby Sit Still just a short drive and we will be home....Then Cutie The Fun Will Begin....Baby we Are going to make Your stories seem like a soft fairytale.....tell me Cuteness are you a bit of a scaredy-cat right now? (I nodded) Clever Baby...You Have Good reason to be Afraid....what’s this all under here Eh you can Hardly Sit !...don’t fret Bay we are going to make sitting Very uncomfortable for You!” They both laughed but not a funny laugh ...a Deeply wicked laughter.....That’s us here Baby let’s get you inside so we can have a better Look at You Babyslave!!”....I was taken into there home...the hood was Not removed... they put a spreader bar on my ankles then he spoke “Now Baby I want you to wet and mess yourself in a moment so kneel down for us...Eh Now Babyslave!”..... if any of you have knelt with a spreader bar on its quite difficult, I collapsed to My Knees, The hood was bellowing in and out over my face as I gasped, she spoke to me “Ok let me explain what is happening as You potty for us....(the hood was being unfastened as she spoke to me) My Name is Mistress M....that is Master D when we allow You to talk you will talk with a lisp like the Little You Are....a Three year old girlie Got that ?” I nodded as the hood came off...I was blinking due to the fact there was a bright light in my face I could see her but only a shadow figure, she continued “Baby we are going to have a weekend together if after that you would like us to keep You we will take that next step... should you wish to leave your free to do so...Ok? You can answer past the gag we will understand You...” I told them Yes lisping best I could past the gag, she spoke again.......”Now The Hard Part Babyslave!....You will have Now Safeword & No limit....We will not hurts you permanently or leave you scared in any way...Only perhaps mentality...Now Babyslave Master D is going to uncuff you if you want to leave put your arms up...if You fully understands what I just told You & are the person in your stories I Want You to put your handies behind your head keeping them there..Ok Babyslave Toy..time too choose..” I could now start to focus on her she was stunning! Long black hair in a ponytail she was very slim around 5’6” tall smiling down at me...
I put my hands together behind my head interlocking My fingers.....
Clever Babyslave Ok lets begin Get her up on her feet Master D..I was hauled upright! She unzipped the suit as Master D pulled it down I felt a tug at the side then a ripping sound then a second tug followed by a second ripping sound..
I now stood before them in my pink maids uniform with the huge Nappy on, Master D lifted the dress at the sides then spoke “My my Mistress M look at this Sissy is already dressed to go to work for us!...” Mistress M spoke “Yes indeed Master D...But She has her very first test to do ..Don’t You Crybaby! Do it Now!....push hared I want too see that Crybaby Face go red with Effort!,”
They both came around to watch the spectacle as I went Potty’s in front of them both ! I felt so Very ashamed but strangely I found i was Very turned on at the same time...she spoke to me “Clever girlie Crybaby is that it all out? ...then turn the fuck around so we can get a good look” as I turned in the spreader bar I couldn’t believe my eyes I was in a dungeon!! It had every bondage Toy around....
She patted my rear lightly Sit Down!” As I bent I could feel the mess Suddenly my hips was held and I was slowly lowered onto something? It was a knee, Mistress M came around in front of me then bent forwards “Bounce on Master Daddy’s Knee Crybaby! ....this was something I knew about them from there page..they were both heavily into Humiliation!! As I bounced I felt a smack to My rear! Then Master Daddy Spoke taking my hips again “No Crybaby like this !” He forced me up & down getting more & more forceful as he did, Mistress M spoke “Clever girlie Crybaby that’s better isn’t it!..yes ? (They both giggled) Louder Crybaby! Say it !..Clever girlie you bounce for Master Daddy as I get your first punishment set up....its time too see You Crying....
She wheeled over a large box it was black the top had a hole around 8” Mistress M opens the top inside was what looked like a saddle with a back to it, this had straps on it, Master Daddy was still Bouncing me at this point he then stopped. I still had my hands behind my head as I was genuinely afraid to move them, Master Daddy lifted me up the mess was spread everywhere I could now smell it, he pushed me forward till at the box then took the spreader bar off.
Mistress M spoke to me “Ok into the box for us Crybaby leggies Down the side of the saddle for Mistress Mummy..Clever girlie Crybaby arms down the back so Master Daddy can strap You in..Clever girlie Crybaby..lets close this up” she positioned the top rear part then spoke “headie all the way backwards Girlie..Clever Crybaby Hold Still” Master Daddy pushed closed the front part then locked the two half’s together now only my head was out the box, Mistress Mummy had a rubber hood this one went on tightly it covered my head but left my face open framed by black rubber, Master Daddy had what looked like a large helmet in two half’s with buckles all over it to join the two half’s, at the mouth it had a short oval tube, Mistress Mummy spoke to me “Open Wide Crybaby! “ as I did the tube was forced into my mouth i had to open really wide to accept it...I whimpered as he pushed it on Very hard pulling the two half’s together strapping it on tightly! I heard pumping as the inside of the helmet Got tighter!.. it was inflatable, Master Daddy put a tube from the back of the box to the helmet at the rear, then patted my head walking off, Mistress Mummy squatted down at my side as she spoke “Ok Crybaby Master Daddy and I have to get something set up for you so sit here till we’re Ready for you as there was not much time to prepare Your punishment equipment...so as you Sit here contemplating what we’re going to do to You Crybaby here is a wee taster so too speak “ Master Daddy came over with a red funnel this had a tube from it around six inches long, handing it too Mistress Mummy she started pushing it in my nose hole! Next Master Daddy did something too the box and it tilted backwards! As she held the funnel he lifted A condom full of a load ! Without warning he pored it into the funnel! I could feel it go down the back of my throat, it was still warm! I started to tear up as I knew this pair meant every word of there Dominance over me...with her other hand Mistress Mummy pushed a cock gag into my mouth making me hold it! “Clever girlie hold that until we get back...Clever girlie Crybaby cock sucker!” She removed the tube then pulled a flap over the nose part..I Suddenly heard a sound like the hollow tubes as a kid we would spin around our heads to make different sounds..but this tube echoed to my Breaths as I slowly started to smell my own rear only much stronger !!!
They seemed to be away for ages, with me sat in the box kneeling over the saddle smelling my own mess!.. when the door opened Mistress Mummy was first to walk in she had changed into a black rubber skirt and white rubber top it was sleeveless she had on black rubber tights and hold ups...She strode over with out a word then picked up an item a strange two foot long tube, it had a shaft from it with a handle the inner and outer shaft were threaded at the base of the inner it looked like an oval leather pad...Mistress went behind me screwed it to the back of the box....as Master Daddy came in he had on a black rubber shirt and rubber pants on the front of these was a pouch...He stood in front of me then spoke “Now Crybaby we have everything set up for You so now let’s give You a look at what Is ahead” ..then Mistress Mummy Spoke “Right Crybaby look back at me..Clever girlie Crybaby Keep looking at Me!!” Suddenly I felt something in my back pushing me forward into more of an arch....”Clever girlie Crybaby Keep looking at Me !” It started to hurt being bent the more I moved away the less movement I had till I could simply Not move! I started crying....
Awww Clever girlie Crybaby...tears already look Master Daddy real tears seems Crybaby has very low limits poor thing”...Master Daddy just chuckled as he took the pouch off his shorts, he was already swollen as He straddled the box pushing into the mouth hole..”Right Crybaby lets give You a good skull Fucking...then we can take you to get cleaned up for your Obedience Training!”....he started fucking my mouth!!....mistress mummy held my head backwards looking down at me as I gagging for air as I was being fucked, “Clever girlie Crybaby work it nice and you get air if not..No Air cuteness...that’s a girlie!” Master Daddy withdrew as I gasped for air, he spoke “Clever girlie Crybaby just like that suck with your cute Baby tongue under Master Daddy’s Dummy, Clever girlie Crybaby here we go Deeper this time though cuteness ! Hold her nice and tightly Mistress Mummy, she needs to learn To sallow !”....Mistress mummy forced me on his shaft as I wrenched I felt him swelling then the first spasm! Mistress mummy barked at me “Don’t You Dare pass out Crybaby!! Swallow! ..Do it every last drop of Master Daddy’s gift!” ....they both giggled as Master Daddy withdrew to me gasping for air..... Mistress mummy straddled the box “Now Crybaby get to work ..as I did I realised she must have had sex with him before they got changed!! As I could taste it.... what had I gotten myself into!! I burst out crying as she spoke “Clever girlie Crybaby that’s the way in Deep...poor girlie Crybaby You have such a weekend ahead All of it with no sleep as were going to use You both physical and emotional pain sweetheart...by the time we’re done you will beg to be Obedient....trust me Crybaby tears won’t stop us....we love seeing genuine tears Crybaby” just then she gushed into my mouth....”That’s a Clever girlie swallow it all down .....Now Crybaby clean me up....The we can get You through so we can get our New girlie cleaned up...your such a wee stinky pants aren’t you? Louder Crybaby! We want to hear Our girlie admit too what she is !!” As I lapped Up lisping Out the words they both giggled kissing...Master Daddy pushed the box & it moved it was on wheels !.lets get you to the wet room Crybaby!..So we can clean you up for Your first Crybaby punishment session.....Mistress Mummy I think Crybaby like her own smells “ they both giggled.......to be continued..
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tsukishima44 · 5 years
Promise Me
Zenko and Ashiya rushed to their friend's body, lying on the grass. Zenko stood beside Ashiya, while the employee tried to rouse his employer with no avail.
or the missing scene from episode 8 of Fukigen no Mononokean (SPOILER ALERT)
Zenko and Ashiya rushed to their friend's body, lying on the grass. Zenko stood beside Ashiya, while the employee tried to rouse his employer with no avail. His face was pale with worry for his collapsed friend. With trembling hands Ashiya placed the tip of his fingertips to Abeno's neck, hoping to feel the thud of a pulse. He didn't care if Abeno complained about his cold and sweaty hands. He would even be happy his usually cold employer scold him. He wasn't used to seeing Abeno in his vulnerable state like this.
After several minutes, his numb-from-stress fingers finally felt Abeno's sign of life. Ashiya gave a sounding sigh which gave his other friend a big relieve too. Then Ashiya and Zenko looked at each other and nodded. They knew what to do.
-chapter break-
"Please be careful"
She said as Ashiya jostled Abeno's body on his back and tighten his gripped on the blonde's thights.
"I will. I am sorry I can't send you home, Zenko"
"It's not a problem, Hanae. Abeno's health is much more important right now"
Ashiya turned his head back a little bit to see a tuft of yellow natural hair tickled his cheek.
"You are right" he smiled sadly.
"Are you going to miss school tomorrow?"
"We will, if Abeno-san's health doesn't improve in a ni- No, I will make him take a rest"
Zenko smiled in understanding.
"Okay, I will come to your home tomorrow"
Ashiya hummed.
"Alright, I will see you tomorrow, Hanae. Please be careful on your way home."
Ashiya nodded since he couldn't wave back at his friend. When he could no longer see Zenko, he turned back and started walking back to his home. Mojya strutting beside him. Every 10 steps, the fluffy youkai turned to see its employer's body.
A sigh left Ashiya's lips.
"I just wish he would tell us, you know"
Mojya tilted his body, confusion painted its face
"Abeno-san's work, I mean. I thought... I really thought that I was dependable enough. Apparently I am not there yet"
His eyes gazed to the earth along his path.
He wished he could be trusted by Abeno. He wished he could be strong enough to help Abeno. He was a fool to believe it.
He wondered what he should do to gain Abeno's trust enough?
A groan sounded from behind Ashiya.
Ashiya's feet halted.
The head on his right shoulder moved. Then a face appeared below it.
"Are you okay, Abeno-san?"
His answer came with a head thumping back to his shoulder and another groan.
"I want to sleep"
His voice muffled on Ashiya's festival's clothe.
Ashiya gave a small laugh. That's his employer alright. With a knew fervor, Ashiya starting to walk again.
"Where are we going? Put me down. I can walk by myself"
Abeno asked when Ashiya didn't say anything else. His answers came with Ashiya's arms tightening themselves.
"My house"
"And no you are not allowed to decline"
Abeno startled at the sudden break and strict tone his usually silly employee has. That was not how Ashiya used to talk and he wondered whether he did something wrong.
"You had just collapsed, Abeno-san. Collapse. That's because you summon the door twice, wasn't it?"
Abeno shutted up. Their journey stopped, now resume.
"I just....I just wish you would tell me, you know"
Abeno completely understood what it meant. He didn't know what to say. So he did what he thought was right.
"I am sorry"
Ashiya was completely silent, bringing an awkward silence around them. Not even mojya did anything other than trotting forward. The atmosphere was tense while the cicadas singing behind them. Until-
"Promise me"
Abeno looked up to Ashiya's nape.
"Promise me that you will tell me if we have another work. You might think that I am still afraid of the Executive. I do. But if it was between your health and my fear, I will always choose your health. So please, tell me. I will help you as much as I can"
If Ashiya could see him, Abeno would deny that his eyes had widen comically and he might look stupid. But since Ashiya couldn't he took his time to think about it.
"-even if I might not be much of a help"
Ashiya added sheepishly
"Afterall, I am the employee of the Mononokean and Abeno-san is my employer"
Abeno smiled.
It seemed like he chose his employee wisely.
"Okay" he said " I promise you"
Abeno didn't need to see to know Ashiya was smiling happily.
"Thank you, Abeno-san"
-chapter break-
Ashiya had been cautious, extra cautious. After a little bit of heart to heart with his employee happened in their way back home, with a good ending, Abeno literally fell back to sleep in 5 seconds. Ashiya hummed lightly all the way to his home with mojya by his side dancing along to his hum.
When they gotten near, Ashiya realized that the light was off. He had expected it. His mom was the greatest mom ever in his dictionary. She didn't let her sadness from her husband missing suddenly caught up with her life. The petite woman immediately searched work here and there and managed to maintain their family's life. All this time and she didn't complain or grumble about it. She also didn't left her post as Ashiya's mom too. Everyday she always saw him out with a smile.
'I really have a great mom' he thought. Her mother pain and effort brought tears to his eyes.
Mojya, suddenly heard of its friend sniffed, quickly snuggled to Ashiya's ankle.
Ashiya realized it and the initial tears was blinked away.
"I am fine, mojya! Sorry to make you worry"
Mojya wasn't entirely convinced, but nodded regardless.
"Now ssshhhh. We have to be silent or mom ia going to wake up"
As he said it, the gate of his house had creacked loudly, making his body startled in reaction. Coincidentally, Abeno's body in his back also jostled and Ashiya had chant sutras in hoping Abeno didn't wake up.
As a result the blonde hummed but resumed his sleep. Seemed like he was bone deep tired.
Ashiya sighed.
Then with one arm holding Abeno's body, the man was quite light despite his figure, he used the key to open the door. Again, the door made a creack which was quite loud in the silent of the night.
He stopped. Ears trying to catch any hint of his mom awaken, not like his mom a light sleeper. But one should always be on his guard.
When his ears heard nothing, he asked mojya to closed the door and slowly they walked. As they were about to pass the living room, just a couple feet and they would be saved, almost uncaught by his eyes he saw a vague black figure right beside the light switch.
Ashiya stopped. His whole body trembled. Cold sweat starting to drenched his clothes.
'Please don't let it be a ghost, please don't let it be a ghost, please don't it be a ghost' his mind looped it again and again and again.
Slowly, miniculesly, he turned his head.
And suddenly-
The light was turned on and there stood his mother in her pajamas and home slipper. A smile caught in her lips fondly.
"Ahahahah, Hanae. You are still such a scaredy cat"
He groaned.
Apparently the figure was none other than his mom.
"What were you doing in the dark? A-and it's midnight!"
"Don't you use midnight excuse, young man! I was worried because you haven't come back home and you didn't send me any message either. So I'm sorry if I am worried about my own son and where is your uniform and- oh my. Is that your friend?"
As his mother mentioned this, Ashiya finally acknowledge the body on his back has been squirming to be put down.
Ashiya internally apologized and complied to his employee's silent request.
"I am sorry for disturbing you, ma'am. I'm-"
Abeno's word slurred as the man's body sway. Ashiya immediately propped the blonde's body to lean on his.
"I-is he okay? Sick? Hanae, let him sleep on your bed first!"
"A-ah yes!"
Shocked and confused from the sudden onslaught order, Ashiya carried Abeno in a bridal carry and laid him carefully on his bed.
Not a second later, his mom came in with a varient things she placed here and there and everywhere.
After that....
"Oh, it seemed like you don't have a fever. But your pallor still doesn't look good. So please take a rest tonight while your clothes are being washed right now. If you need anything, please ask Hanae. I will leave you both now, have a good night"
Silence was the only thing left and two figure stunned to the spot
"You have a good mother"
Right at that time, Ashiya didn't know whether it was a compliment or not.
"What should we do with these?"
He gestured to all things brought into Ashiya's room. There was bucket with warm water plus a small towel on the floor, a variety of medicine on the desk, a bowl of ochazuke and a glass of water, a vase of flower, and on top of the bed was Abeno almost engulfed by 5 blankets and a cooling pad on his temple. It was definitely too much for a man whose problem was tired.
Ashiya sighed
"Let me get everything away"
The employer started to put unnecessary things back to where it belongs. Since it was his house, he didn't need much time to fumble with everything.
When he went back, the only things left is the food and drink, the vase, and two piece of blanket - one for him and one for Abeno.
Then he placed a futon on the floor and readied himself for sleep. He went back with his pajamas and a towel handing on his shoulder for his hair. When he got inside, he was confused that the light has been turned off. His eyes also lingered on the empty bowl and glass and his employee's body was turned on his side, so the back faced with Ashiya. But there was no soft snore to indicate that Abeno had already slept. The bluenette chuckled and settled on his makeshift bed.
"Goodnight, Abeno-san"
Ashiya went to sleep with a smile.
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