#pleaseee check it out i swear its gonna be so good
artistictyme · 1 year
hiiii ~~
im just popping in real fast to say im sorry for being so inactive but life's been super busy. Im preparing for my second year design exams AND ALSO LAUNCHING A MAGAZINE WITH MY FRIENDS!!
Its called Lelygaan Magazine
im gonna link the subscription list for whomever wants to get it once its out (15th of june (ONLY 2 WEEKS AA)).
our whole concept is a magazine by young people for young people. my friend shave written some fucking amazing pieces and theres some really cool interviews,, also a bunch of my art is gonna be featured hehe.
n e ways gtg back to working TT TT ,, wish me luck.
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This is my second story on here.
Context: Law x F Pregnant reader
fluff, some violence, pregnancy
You find out your pregnant then get captured by Captain Kid
"Lawwwww I dont feel that good" you whine as you hold your stomach. Looking at you he places his paperwork down and walks over to you.
"It has been awhile, guess it's time for a check up" stating simply.
"Are there gonna be needles???" you wonder. He locks eyes with you saying
"Yes but I'll be gentle"
"Okay but hang on" you rush to the bathroom emptying your stomach. You feel a hand on your back rubbing it. After you clean up you follow Law to the med bay for your check up. Laying down on the bed you wait for your lover to prepare everything.
"I'm so sick" you say uncomfortably. He glances back at you then brings over a rolling doctors small table with a syringe on it.
"Okay ready?" asking as you nod then look away.
"Count to three please" you plead as he sterilizes your vein on your arm. Preparing the needle.
"3.2.1." and he inserts the needle into your vein extracting your blood. After filling the vile he takes out the needle using a gauze to put pressure on the hole then putting a bandaid on it.
"Yes finally done" you sigh while your husband inserts the vile into a medical machine. Now he gives you the rest of your check up. Once done he looks over to the monitor that the blood machine is attached too and you see his eyes widen and push his chair back slightly. Seeing him like that scares you so you ask
"Oh god what is it, is it bad?!" blurting out. Typing up something on his computer he glances at you again then back to the screen.
"What is it Law? Tell me" you squeel. All you hear is a long sigh as he then rolls over to you intertwining his hand with yours he says
"(n) your pregnant" Confused since you take birth control you say
"I uh what now?"
"your pregnant (n) you have our child inside of you right now, your 9 weeks pregnant" Law says gently knowing your state of shock. Slowly it sinks in until you go
"Oh so that explains a lot. Um are you okay with this?" He looks you in the eyes.
"I'm going to be a father. I'm sure we can work it out. I'm glad actually. I've been noticing your symptoms and had a feeling that's what this was" Trafalgar says briskly.
"No alchohol and no weed for you until our little one comes out" He states to you. You whine cross your arms and then sigh a long sigh.
"Fineeeee I promise I will keep the baby healthy" you reluctantly say as he kisses your forehead.
"Wait what about the withdrawals?" you quizzically ask.
"You didnt smoke everyday it should be fine just minor withdrawals. I'll give you something for them" he says sweetly.
"No fighting either. Were lucky you didnt get hurt last time. I dont know what I would do if something happened to you" he says into a whisper.
"Let me guess the Polar Tang is gonna be my prison for the next nine months?" you say bluntly.
"The next eight months (n)" Trafalgar says firmly.
"Better get used to it (n)"
"Wait can I at least buy something on the next island pleaseee I swear I'll go insane otherwise" you plead. Law stares at you for a moment.
"Its going to be a small town so it should be fine. I know your mental health is important too" He states bluntly. You beam at him and hug him close.
To the next island
He looked away from you for a second then you were gone. He was distracted by Bepo who asked him a question. Where could she be you looked away for a second and she's gone. He searches the town asking around but to no avail. He starts to mentally panic as his now one month pregnant wife is missing.
Trafalgars POV
"Bepo let's go back to the sub now" you say with concern in your voice. Once in your office you search your nightstand to finally find (n) viver card and its moving fast too fast. You raise your tattooed hand
"Shambles" to the main control room and place (n) viver card in the clear box which is on a pole.
"Adjust the course to match this viver card were departing immediately" you say loud and bold for all to hear.
"Yes captain!" a uniform nod by all in the room.
(n) POV
You couldn't see anything at all you could hear was lots of pirates around you. You managed to figure out you were on a ship from the sound of the waves. Your Sea Prism handcuffs draining you of power from behind your back.
'Please rescue me Trafalgar' you think quietly to yourself unable to do anything else. You knew he still had part of your viver card but hopefully he finds it.
After quite a lot of time has pasted but not a full day
"Get going you wentch!" you feel a kick to your back.
"I cant see where I'm going!" you yell with a bandana around your eyes and the crew mate just picks you up and carries you instead.
"Forget it we have to get going the boss doesnt like to wait" he says carrying you off the ship onto an island you assumed.
You feel the time passing but are unsure of how long it's been. All you know is that your now chained to the floor next to this supposed boss still blindfolded. Some of the crew had tried to rape you and torn your clothes so your bra and panties were exposed. The boss had stepped in
"Dont touch her you imbeciles! Do you want the wrath of a warlord on you?" you heard a booming voice which sounded slightly familiar. Your hormones were up and down when it happened you tried not to cry, not wanting anyone besides Trafalgar to defile your body.
Some time later
You suddenly hear screams from outside. Pirking up you suddenly feel a sharp jab to your stomach spitting up a little blood, as that familiar voice picks up your chin.
"Dont get any hope sweetheart, hes going to die here and you'll be mine forever" Swiftly the doors are kicked in as the boss let's you go, you shake your head violently and managed to get one eye to see from the blindfold.
" Soo you finally made it here" you look over to your right to see Captain Kid. Turning your head back you see Trafalgar at the doors cutting up lackies.
"Trafalgar!" you yell straining against the chains feeling super weak from that punch and the Sea Prism handcuffs. You prayed that the baby was small enough that it didnt get hurt, your abs were strong.
Laws POV
"Trafalgar!" you hear (n) yell from across the room. Catching a glimpse of her you see her battered, bruised, chained to the floor blood dripping from her lips. Your eyes turn red as you confront Captain Kid.
"What have you done to her!" you yell enraged. Captain Kid sucks up metals on his arm preparing for battle.
"We just had a little fun" Captain Kid smirks.
"Keep your guard up Traffy!" She yells then you see him give a swift kick to her gut, chains holding her in place spitting up some more blood then falling forward, being caught by the chains now choking.
"Shambles!" you say quickly.
"Keep your guard up Traffy!" you see (n) yell as Kid kicks (n) in the stomach which pisses you off even more but you cant let anyone know she pregnant or he may do the unthinkable.
"Shambles!" you yell as you teleport behind Kid
"Scalpel!" stating as you eject his heart, grab it then squeeze it hard.
"ARGG! YOU BASTARD!" Kid gargles on his blood. Kid swings at Law.
"Shambles" Law says missing the attack, then reappear in front of him. You swing again this time cutting off his metal arm. Grabbing his collar you yell
"Where are the keys or I'll kill you where you stand" Law coldly yells. Admitting defeat Kid says
"In my left pocket"
"Dont you want to know how we did it?" Kid laughs spitting out some blood. Trafalgar looks at Kid and gestures.
"You see one of my men has a invisible devil fruit, he can make anything invisible, and hes super fast"
"He picked up your little girlfriend here and ran off quick as can be covering her mouth" Kid laughs at the idea.
"Wife" Law states as he swings Kikoku again straight down the middle of Captain Kid then decapitating him. His heart is put in your pocket as his head you take and say
"Shambles" teleporting outside on the Polar Tang you throw his head as far as you can into the sea as you hear
"Nooo!!" from Captain Kid.
"Shambles" teleporting into the base again you dig in Kids pocket for the keys then quickly release (n). Shes passed out. Must have been when she got kicked. You check her pulse. And a sigh of relief comes to you. Taking off the Sea Prism handcuffs you feel weakened too but head over to kid grabbing each hand but not the body you shackle him with the cuffs, then chain him to the floor.
"No one messes with (n) and gets away with it" you look over to (n) and swoop her up into your arms.
"Shambles" now inside the Polar Tang you set her on the med bed.
(n) POV
Gasping awake, your eyes flutter open. Scanning the room you breath a sigh of relief. "Trafalgar?" you question loudly.
"Yes I'm here" Law says quietly as you hear clicking of a keyboard. You turn your head to see your lover. "What happened to him?" you quizzically ask.
"I took care of him" Law pulls out a heart and squeezes. With tears starting to form you say
" Thank you I never expected that to happen I let my guard down" you start to sob as he pets your head.
"Shh it's okay your safe now" he coos to you.
"You were out for awhile dear. Look what I have for you though" he gets up grabs something then comes back to you. It's a crochet needle and different colored yarns.
"Awee you went back to that island for me" Then it hits you in a panic.
"Traffy what about our baby?!" you squeel. He just shakes his head.
"The baby is fine I did all the necessary tests and check up on you while you were out"
"Here to put you at ease let's do another ultrasound" He prepares the required devices then puts the gel on and you shiver. Pointing towards the baby you see on the screen a little bean of a baby with its heart going pitter patter.
"So it's all right thank god for my abs of steel" you say quietly. Getting up slowly you feel the pain all over.
"Owww.." you complain and he pats your head again.
"Well now that your sitting up, here take these" handing you two white pills and a cup of water. You take the pills and swallow. "Thank you dear" you say as you had just noticed that your wearing your pjs.
"You changed me?"
"I had to, your clothes were torn and you were bloody" Law states as he holds your hands helping to stabilize you as you get up. You fall just a little but he catches you.
"Let's just do this" he picks you up walks into your shared room and places you on the king bed. He lays next to you with just the nightstand for light.
"I love you Trafalgar" you whisper in his ear causing him to shiver. He wraps his arms around you and says
"I love you too (n)"
"Your not leaving the Polar Tang it's too dangerous, Eight more months " He states holding you closer.
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stardew-saloon · 4 years
Could I have the framer with Sebastian in a rainy day? Pleaseee
Y’all tryna make me cry?? I love asks like this,, they’re so cute I can’t.
But I gotchu!!!
I’m just gonna assume they’re married here, but I can do one with them dating if you want!
Also sorry this is so late, I’ve been swamped with schoolwork lately. Should be back on a regular schedule soon!
Sebastian and the Farmer on a Rainy Day
When you woke up, it had been raining. Absolutely pouring. You could ever hear claps of thunder every few seconds. Your first thought was about the trees and the crop. Not to mention the animals, too.
Slowly, you sit up, glancing around the room. Huh, that’s weird. Sebastian wasn’t in bed with you. It takes an embarrassingly long time of wondering where he could be on a rainy day at the crack of dawn before it hits you.
Sebastian loves rainy weather. He loves walking around in storms, blasting music in his headphones and ignoring the world. You smile to yourself, the thought of him filling your heart with love.
Eventually you clamber out of bed, changing into your normal outfit, now with a raincoat and matching rain boots. You noticed Sebastian’s rain boots (yellow ones with frog faces) were gone as well, so he’s obviously outside somewhere. You figured you could find him later. Checking on the animals is more urgent. Your chickens always got scared during storms.
After all the chores on the farm are done, you walk towards the beach, where you suspect he’s at. Sebastian was allowed to be independent, obviously. You made sure to let him know that you don’t need to know where he is every second of the day. He has as much free time as he wants, even though a lot of it is spent inside with you or hanging out with Sam and Abigail. Marriage didn’t change a thing about their friendship.
Once you arrive at the docks, you walk over, spotting your husband sitting down, legs dangling over the edge. His boots are on, waves occasionally crashing in to them, the water not reaching very far. He feels rather than hears you call him, the boards underneath him vibrating as you walk over.
He perks up, taking out his headphones. You can hear music blaring through them, despite being a few feet away. You smile as you take a seat next to him, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Morning, Seb,” you say happily, smiling at him. He wraps his arms around you, despite both of you being soaking wet, and mumbling a soft “good morning” back to you.
“How long have you been out here for?” You asked, after waiting a pause. He thinks for a minute, staring off into the sea. You only began understanding how pretty it was when you were out here with him the first time. Or maybe you just realized that you associate the sea with Sebastian, and that was what made it so beautiful.
“Couple hours. I stopped at Sam’s to say hi. Well, I wasn’t allowed in. Jodi just cleaned the floors and she didn’t want any mud here.”
“I swear she says that everytime I walk in. Almost like she doesn’t like us.” Sebastian laughs at your comment, leaning back with an arm loosely around you.
“I dunno, I wouldn’t be too happy if you marched in with your muddy boots if I had just cleaned the floor-“
“Since when do you clean the floors?” You ask, nudging his shoulder playfully.
“I do! You just get dirt all over!” Sebastian’s face flushes as he turns away, clearly embarrassed. He’s so cute when he’s like this.
“I know,” you say, wrapping your arms around him.
Sebastian turns to you after a moment, leaning in to place a kiss on your lips. He rarely takes the initiative. When he does, you almost always feel your heart jump out of its chest.
“I love you.” He mumbles, arms wound around your waist.
“I love you too,” you reply, a smile on your face to match his.
You’re both soaking wet with mud on your boots and water dripping down your face, but there’s no where else you would rather be. You know that you’ll probably end up with a cold after, but at least you and Seb will be sniffly together. It’s romantic, in a way. Probably.
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