#pls don't worry about matching length
dramatisperscnae · 5 months
closed starter for @bruz3r's superheavy arc >w>
Once upon a time, Dick had thought he'd never put on the cape and cowl again. Once upon a time, he'd actively avoided doing so until there had been no other choice; Bruce was gone, a murderous pretender was aiming for the title, and it had been a choice between stepping up and going against orders or seeing the legacy Bruce had worked so hard for - the legacy he'd given his life for - completely destroyed. And then Bruce had come back, and Dick had given the legacy back more than happily.
How times have changed.
And yet how they haven't.
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The cowl still feels strange on his face, the cape too heavy on his shoulders, but what choice does he have? Gotham City needs Batman, and in the absence of the real one Dick is just going to have to do. Like hell he's going to let anyone else do it [excepting maybe Damian, once the boy is old enough, but that won't be for years yet]
At least this time Bruce isn't entirely gone. Not physically, anyway; mentally…well, the man is still there, but he's not the same. How can he be, without the memories that shaped him? And without those, how can he be Batman?
He can't.
Such are the thoughts on Dick Grayson's mind as he runs the night's patrol. It's been an easy one so far, but in Gotham that can change in the brief pause between heartbeats. And so it does now. He's known the Wayne Foundation was holding a benefit tonight, a fundraiser for one of the Foundation's many child welfare projects, but he'd hoped - in vain, but hoped nonetheless - that it might go off without a hitch.
No such luck. The moment the word of shots fired comes over the Batmobile's radio he's turned the car around while the tires squeal in protest, flooring the accelerator and all but rocketing through the city streets, all with one thought foremost in his mind.
Please don't let Bruce be there…
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somethingbcrrowed · 5 months
(@musesreunite continued from here.)
CONTENT WARNING: This thread contains dark themes that may be triggering to some people. Please do not continue if your triggers include imprisonment, kidnapping or being bound. Mind the tags!
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Klaus really hated waking up hungover.
The sensations were just too much- sight, sound, taste, touch, smell and spiritual, all six of his senses raw like an exposed nerve ending in a broken tooth.
The first of his senses to get its shit together and function properly was smell. The place smelled like mildew, cleaning supplies and the scent of bitter metallic underneath. Like blood. His heart fluttered, and his stomach twisted with unease and curiosity.
The second sense to get its shit together was touch, and he could feel the cold hard flooring underneath him. It felt like it was made of cement or cold tile or metal bed. He definitely wasn't outside and no bed outside of a morgue felt like that. But a morgue smelled clean and sterile, almost like a hospital with an undertone of blood beneath. The stench of mildew was heavy in the air- there was no way he was in a morgue.
Was he in someone's house? In their basement? Okay, maybe he'd partied a bit too much last night and had gone home with someone from the club. Passed out in the basement or something. No biggie.
His head gave a throb as he attempted to turn onto his side, eyebrows pulling together as he found he couldn't properly move his legs. There was also.. something.. rough and itchy wrapped around his wrists that felt kinda like rope...
Was he... bound?
He was torn between excited anticipation and blind terror at the realization. It wouldn't be the first time he'd woken up bound in someone's basement, but that had been by choice and he remembered making it. He didn't remember choosing this. His eyelids fluttered open and he groaned, wincing in pain as his vision swam and his head gave another throb.
"… Oh shit... Wha..." he uttered as his wide eyes looked around frantically and took in his surroundings. A room with metal walls and a tiled floor with a drain in the middle. The light, a fluorescent nightmare hanging from the ceiling. He couldn't see any doors or windows or...
He let out a surprised grunt as his gaze found the other occupant of the room, and his expression transformed into one of pained desperation.
"Shit... H-Hey-- Hey man, you scared me. Do-- do you happen to know what the fuck's going on around here, or? D'you know how we got down here-- who-- who's doing this, are ya-- are ya still aliiiiive--- y'know, anything that-- might help--" His words seemed somewhat disjointed, almost like he couldn't focus on them, and they were interrupted completely as he looked to his left and stared at an empty spot next to him silently for a few seconds.
Then he said to the empty space beside him, "Y'know, people who can't untie the ropes because they can't actually touch anything don't get to have any opinions on what sort of escape route I should try..." as he began to wriggle his way into an awkward as hell sitting position.
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jacobklee · 8 months
— SETTING: the midnight club ; evening — AVAILABILITY: closed starter for HYUN WOO SEONG | ( @seongxhyunwoo )
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Whenever he had to have a late night meeting due to this world's beloved timezones, Kyung Hoon liked coming to The Midnight Club. Not only was the environment cozy enough to make him feel more at ease, but also, there were outlets near almost every table, so he wouldn't have to worry about his laptop dying mid-meeting. Besides, people seemed used to coming here for that exact same reason, especially students wanting to write their papers, so the place wasn't loud enough to bother him.
When he heard about Hyun Woo being in San Francisco, through the man's brother and one of his clients, Kyung Hoon was slightly confused, but he didn't say anything on the matter. Maybe Hyun Bin had gotten confused? Or maybe something had gotten lost in translation? Either way, it was none of Hoon's business, so he focused on their meeting, because he was, in fact, going to see the other Seong child soon.
Funny how timing worked, actually... because as soon as Hoon closed his laptop, the other man entered the coffee shop.
"Ah. Hello, Seong Hyun Woo-ssi." He said in Korean as he got up from his seat and bowed in greeting. "How are you doing?" He'd always liked talking to Hyun Woo more. Maybe because they didn't deal with work per-se whenever they did speak? But the man was always nice to him whenever Kyung Hoon visit Seoul and one of their family's buildings in the capital. "I was actually just talking to your brother. He... seems to think you're in San Francisco?" Hoon chuckled. "Please. Have a seat. Your coffee's on me."
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tynscott · 2 years
where: the franklin institute
when: mid-day
who: @philly-starters | anyone, please assume connections!
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[ tw: brief mentions of domestic abuse ]
Tyndall stuck out like a sore thumb in a place like this. In places like this. Maybe it wasn't as obvious to everyone else that she lacked the finesse, or interest and understanding, to enjoy a center of science and education. But to her, her appearance screamed out-of-place, no matter how gussied up she'd tried to appear before she left the house. Today, as part of the hours that she spent at the women's shelter, she was playing chaperone to a young man whose mother needed some time with a medical consultant, and local authorities.
Things that the boy didn't need to be privy too.
Luckily he'd taken to Tyndall right away, giving her the opportunity to take him out and treat him to a nice day. Something his mother was infinitely grateful to her for. The institute was the place he had chosen, having an affinity for all things science and mathematics. The entire institution was a wonder in and of itself; and in some ways, left the woman in total awe. She had long grown used to the side-eyed glares, and questionable glances.
The building was for everyone, not just the bougie and elitist, and that was how she'd convinced herself to walk through the door without immediately minimizing herself.
"Look, LOOK, TYN!" the boy, barely 9, yelled as he grabbed her hand and tugged her along. "Did you see the sign? This way to Space Command!" It was up to her now to make sure the two of them didn't plow over anyone and everything in their path to outer space.
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blackflcgs · 1 year
He’s been checking his phone so much it’s starting to get pathetic. Except the longer the radio silence goes on, he’s not so much upset as he is concerned. It really isn’t like Tig to bail on plans. It’s even less like him not to call, or at the very least, text if something’s come up.
Ugh. Whatever. Probably more of the same stupid bullshit the pack of white trash fuckheads Tig rides with are constantly embroiled in. Nothing to be done about it now, he supposes.
Fortunately, Ed’s never had any problem with chatting up strangers. He’s just been mingling with the other people at the bar and even having a decent time doing it, but he’s taken a moment to step away to check his phone again. This time because he’s considering calling Izzy to see if his second in command and closest he has to a real friend is free.
But... that’s probably shitty, right? Only ringing Izzy to hang out once his dick appointment has fallen through?
Ed doesn’t have much time to consider it, as his phone is almost knocked from his hands when someone collides with his shoulder. He looks up, scowls when he sees the same prick he’d noticed earlier in the night mean-mugging him. No one Ed recognizes. The fuck that’s all about, anyway? He reckons it could be Ed’s cut he’s got on, displaying the pride flag colors of Queen’s Revenge motorcycle club, ruffling feathers. It’s happened before.
Had it been even just ten years ago, Ed probably just would have swung on the guy immediately. Sometimes he likes to dabble in de-escalation these days, though. Ed grins, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Hey, mate. Gonna let that slide. Why don’t you fuck off before you get in over your head, yeah?”
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mathcs · 2 years
ANOTHER WAY / @unborderedreflection The way back felt long. The rest before it was almost a blur, with just a few reminders here and thereー At the first sound of his ringtone, Jude flipped the GHS shut to silence it. Again. It didn't matter which one of them was calling. What else could he possibly say at this point that could make things right...?
To make any of this right? He still didn't know. That's why he hated it. All those early instances of his hesitation, worrying about what they were doing, but not thinking too hard about it all, not knowing what else could be doneー what had already been done. Because all this fractured dimension hunting business came with a little thing called complete and permanent destruction, as far as they all knew. Of course, he was one of them.
And then, Milla. Pulled away from said destruction at the last second after everything had already happened (in this order: everything fixed, then destroyed), all while Jude Mathis was doing his absolute worst at looking away.
Now she's here. As if to say, how stupid can he possibly be? And only now did the sheer weight of realization start sinking in to crush him. The answer: he hadn't stopped at stupid.
Because it wasn't just about Milla and her being 'saved miraculously'. All this time, that could've been anyone else (it didn't matter if he knew them or not. it's just worse when he does). Except, those people weren't saved, they were as good as dead, just like their worlds. And, if anyone, if Milla hadn't been so lucky? No, if it'd all went accordingly, the usual resultー then she'd be gone, too. Like clockwork. As it should be? Was that how it was to Jude? And then to keep believing, to keep hiding behind platitudes like, They're not real, at least not in the exact way we are.... It was another possibility. And it's his job... for better or worse. That can hurt, and it's a hard truth to think about, especially because this time, for you.... she'sー
' Just shut up!! '
Because he just didn't want to hear it anymore ('Then who the hell is she for all of you?!'). But the sound of his own voice was worse. Jude winced to stop the memory, but the feeling persisted with dull guilt in his chest. The real truth was that they'd never even tried to find a different way, not in any way that mattered so far. And that made him sick. He'd snapped some more, and it proved to be too much, but kept going anyway, since all of them were hypocrites (he was the worst one), and how none of them had learned a single thing this entire time. So this was why people told him to let his emotions out once in a while (because he wasn't always freakishly level-headed. or as mature as some of them praised him for).
This was why he was alone. That's why it was just him and her for the moment. But even now, all of them were, still, ultimately heading in the same direction. Partially, anyway....
Jude came up to her quietly. There was a pleasant breeze, but he waited for it to pass, just standing there with his back to it.
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"Milla...... hey." He wondered if he even had the right to say her name (not because of who she was, but because of what he'd done). ".... How're you holding up?"
That, too. It wasn't really a question.
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my-timing-is-digital · 11 months
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Starter for @starsplaced
You will be assimilated... We will add your biological distinctiveness to our Collection... Resistance is futile... The eerily phlegmatic string of words enunciated in unison by their cyborg adversaries still reverberated in the abysmal clefts of his mind. An unanticipated invasion, an ambush, transport inhibitors, the jamming of communication frequencies; successfully amputating the away team from the bridge. Astute, ruthless, inexorable, pragmatic... Inexcusable, inhumane, deplorable... With mathematical precision, the android’s phosphorescent optical components, chartreuse by design, accumulated information pertaining to their present environment; the away team stood huddled together, a congregation of hapless individuals ripe for assimilation.
Methodically, the android proceeded his analysis. A dozen Borg stood sentinel at the circumference of the imperfect blotch configured by unique organisms, Starfleet officers. A green hue illuminated the craniums of the 18 crew members assigned to sampling soil for scientific purposes, all of them had been appropriated from Starfleet, from themselves, abducted. The stench of grease infiltrated his olfactory sensors; the temperature was 39.1°C, with a humidity of 92%, which precipitated beads of perspiration on the countenances of the others, infinitesimal pearls of transparency inevitably trickling down their foreheads and temples in squiggly streaks. Intriguing...
Silence prevailed, perpetuating while everyone pricked up their ears, hoping their collective stillness would empower them to register the signature sounds of photon torpedoes annihilating, disintegrating, breaching the hull of the Cube, part of it. But the sole noise they could perceive was that of engines and technology, machinery, the design of which lay far beyond their comprehension, droning, vibrating the ground beneath their feet. The Commander sought the Klingon, and found him five heads away from him. Worf’s gaze was stark, inscrutable, engrossed, trained on something situated outside the android’s peripheral vision — unless he would rotate his head. A muscle in his jaw was twitching incessantly, an indication that he was tense, vexed, ruminating, governing his emotions, conserving his equilibrium. Inquisitive what elicited such a stalwart sentiment, Data opted to trace Worf’s line of sight and discover the genesis of his agitation, his disconcertment.
Careful not to promote alarm in the drones, with unexpected and provocative movements, the android craned his neck, elevating himself by shifting his weight to the front portion of his feet, the heels of his boots hovering several centimetres above the ground, as he peeked over the scalps of two, relatively tall Lieutenant junior grades. Within seconds, he discovered the source of Worf’s perturbation: an assimilated Klingon, swaddled in the gear, the abhorrent apparel that marked the warped quintessence of being deprived of individuality, of a sense of self; they were one and enhanced to serve together — the culmination of being Borg.
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This might complicate matters, an annotation recorded in the margins of his positronic brain. Whatever Worf’s sentiments were prior to their becoming stationary in this claustrophobic intersection, they might have undergone astronomical alterations since...
The impromptu immobilisation of the drones was yet another mystery to him — why? He had assumed the Borg would introduce the away team to their notorious assimilation procedure the second they materialised on the titanium grating. Evidently, other affairs had earnt the Collective’s priority.
Quietly, the android retrieved himself to his former position, running multitudinous scenarios, computations in his mind — perhaps one contained an adequate solution for the conundrum they had involuntarily been exposed to. This was his away team. As Lieutenant Commander, he outranked every single one of them. They were counting on him, and he was determined to bring them home.
A chime. Soft, timid, drowned out by the interminable hum of Borg technology, but yet, audible, discernible, foreign in the monotonous, prosaic sounds encompassing them. His combadge. The bridge had succeeded in puncturing an aperture in the impenetrable layers of shielding and security, to transmit a message. Data anticipated a voice — the Captain’s voice —, but received a sequence of beeps, organised in a seemingly random pattern, instead.
Short, short, short — long — short, long — long, short — long, short, short — long, short, short, short — long, short, long, long. Pause. Short, short, long, short — long, long, long — short, long, short. Pause. Long — short, long, short — short, long — long, short — short, short, short — short, long, long, short — long, long, long — short, long, short — long. Pause. Repeat. Silence.
Morse code. Standby for transport. The message had not alerted any of the drones — at least not to the extend to which they regarded the nonsensical oscillation of noises as a threat —, but they would the moment the first officers’ molecules would disperse right before their eyes — or the synthetic ocular components substituting for one or both of their eyes. For all they knew, the noises were emanating from within his chest, to indicate a thermal overload was in progress, or that his power had been depleted and he required to regenerate himself by ingesting a certain quantity of energy.
Within 5 minutes and 39 seconds, the first 4 officers vanished in an inverted cascade of scintillating light. And, as extrapolated, this did garner the drones’ attention. Their weaponised limbs, mechanical thus unyielding and deleterious to humanoid tissue when contact ensued, raised in one swift motion, operating as one.
They continued cantillating their song. Resistance is futile, resistance is futile... Data assumed a defensive stance, prepared to protect the others by neutralising as many drones as he was physically able to take on. The remaining officers emulated the example he had set for them, all but Worf, who still appeared oddly transfixed by the Klingon drone. A problem, indeed.
When the majority had been peeled off of the Borg Cube, and only Worf and Data embodied the final vestiges of the abduction, the android took the liberty to subject his friend to a meticulous, and somewhat extensive examination. They were shaking off the residual of Borg in their immediate proximity, but more were incoming...
‘Commander, I request we provide asylum to the Klingon drone,’ Worf said apropos of nothing.
Data canted his head to the side in a quizzical fashion, unable to fathom why. Why was he incarcerated in this particular sentiment?
‘I sincerely question if that would be a judicious determination — the Captain most certainly would not approve of such a course of action. Apart from that, it is a decision unbefitting the head of security,’ the android commented stoically, his conjecture warranted him a lethal scowl from the Lieutenant.
‘Commander, this is Captain Picard, prepare for transport.’
‘Aye, sir,’ he said affirmatively, tossing an apologetic glance at Worf. ‘We are ready for transport...’
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
@resolutepath​ | the starter call was lost bc i took too long asdf
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     “ hey, megumi. ” of course hyouka breaks the silence between them, amber gaze trained on the clouds above. she looks... pensive, which is a little unusual on the teen’s face. “ do you think it’s selfless or selfish to wanna protect everyone? ” 
     she’s always thought satsuki just doesn’t understand her motivation, that their opinions simply differ, but she’s not so sure now. a letter from her younger brother, filled with questions about her classes and if he can teach him anything, has hyouka thinking differently -- she doesn’t want him to grow up as a sorcerer like her, much like satsuki didn’t want her to pursue this path, either. if little satoru does, he’ll risk his life. he’ll experience loss. though he’s familiar with the holes kaien and their parents left behind, it’s different so close to the fighting.
     is that selfish of her? is it selfish to want to be the only one risking anything if it means her loved ones are safe? is it selfish to want to be the one helping their family so satsuki and their grandparents don’t have to worry so much? maybe. hyouka kind of gets it. she’s trying to take the weight of choice from them and shoulder everything, but is it all that bad? she’s doing what she wants, but it’s for them. she can’t really see the harm in that.
     still, she waits for megumi’s response. he’s a better thinker than her ( which isn’t really saying much ). maybe he can help her understand, or at the very least, maybe talking about it will make her feel less unsettled so she can actually focus on sparring.
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Read ur NSFW alphabet for johnnie and was wondering if u could write smth inspired by the dirty secret section? like the reader walking in on him while he's jacking off to pics of her or smth? also idk ur boundaries so I'm sorry if this is overstepping or smth😭<3
pls don't worry anon you're fine 😭
Johnnie Guilbert X fem!Reader SMUT (she/her pronouns used)
Pls lmk how I did! This is my first real fic!
for context you and johnnie have been dating for close to two years now, and you moved in w him and his best friend Jake webber, who is a fellow YouTuber/musician like johnnie. You were going about your day doing your usual house chores when it came time for laundry, you walked into you and Johnnie's shared room without knocking and holding a basket full of yours and his mixed clean clothes. When you opened the door all you could see was johnnie sitting in his gaming chair, phone in hand on your Instagram while the other hand held onto his rather large boner. You immediately dropped the clothes and that's what got his attention. "Oh my gosh baby I am so sorry" johnnie profusely apologizes and dead ass chucks his phone at the bed, which didn't work well for him because it landed face up, showing you exactly what he was looking at. You looked at his phone to see your latest Instagram shoot where you looked extra good in your halter top, miniskirt, fishnets and Platformed boots (you can imagine something else if you'd like) you smiled and looked up at his nervous expression and sauntered over to him. Kneeling in front of him. "aw sweetheart, don't apologize I'll help you" you smiled up at him lovingly before putting your hand on his face and kissing him to which he hungrily kissed back before nodding. You kneeled back down and took his gorgeous cock in your hand before licking the tip and easing his length into your mouth and beginning to Bob your head around him. He can't help but whimper and moan as you do so. As you continue to suck him you look up and make eye contact with him as he let's out a rather loud whimper, signaling he was close. You doubled your efforts and pushed on and kept going and eventually increased speed and that's exactly what he needed to finish, you soon feel his hot seed shoot down your throat. You swallow it before he grabs your face and pulls you onto his lap so you're now straddling him in his chair, and he kisses you hungrily. He tugs at your shorts and you get off him for a second to take your shorts and panties off before getting back on his lap and grinding on his length as he kisses you feverishly again. You then take his cock in your hand and guide it through your folds, earning a moan from him. You line him up with your hole and sit for a moment to adjust to his size. "Always so tight for me babygirl" johnnie moans out as he holds your face and looks into your eyes. No matter how many times yall had sex, you always needed a second to adjust to his size because he's a bit bigger than average. You both moan out loud as you begin to increase your speed in riding him, as speed increases so does the moaning and groaning. He's got his hands around your waist with a death grip. He then leans up and starts leaving hickies and bites in very visible places, which he knew she loved. You moan out at this and increase speed even more to which he responds by pounding into your wet cunt with more speed. "Ooooh johnnie baby 'm close 'm close" you can't help but moan out as you hold his face as he continues fucking you. "cum for me my love" he says as he continues matching your speed and fucking your cunt. And that was all you needed to finish. You finished on a very hard leg shaking orgasm. He followed shortly after "where do you want it baby?" He asks on the edge of orgasm. You respond by fucking down on his cock even more, to which he also came very hard shooting his hot cum Inside you. He kisses you after he finishes, cock still inside you. He picks you up from the chair and lays you on the bed before going Into your shared bathroom and grabbing a wash rag and coming back in to press it to your sensitive and recovering pussy before discarding it in the hamper and crawling into bed with you, pulling the covers over you both and pulling you close into him "I love you so much y/n" johnnie says in his sleepy voice, to which you respond with "I love you too Johnnie, more than you could ever imagine" you say before kissing him again and falling asleep on his chest.
(also pls don't mind any spelling errors💀)
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kenny-the-ken · 1 year
kyle as a sub omg pls. He comes over after a stressful day and you decide to surprise him by tying him up and relieving some much needed stress from the both of you
Release Me
ALL AGED UP CHARACTERS!!! Warnings - bdsm, bondage, edging and a very flustered Kyle 🤤
Enjoy guys, it's 4:19am and I just busted this boy out, so sorry if there's any spelling mistakes!!
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Stress. One word that everyone hates to hear, and when you put Kyle and stress in the same sentence, it never ended well. Kyle always did have a quick fuse, he couldn't help it.
And he was extremely stressed, he had a university final today, and you knew that soon all that stress would turn to worry, but before it did, you were determined to release all that pent up stress for him.
You'd noticed over the years you two have been together, that Kyle had a kinky side. I mean, who didn't. And while he enjoyed being the mostly dominant role, there also came a time for him to submit, and you had a feeling it would allow him to finally let his brain rest, because you were in control, if even for a short time, it's allowing his brain to fully indulge itself in the sheer amount of pleasure you were about to give to him.
You heard the door slam, and the thudding of footsteps towards the living room, and upon realising you weren't there, Kyle called out to you.
"Hey babe, where are you?" Kyle shouted.
"In here, baby." You replied, taking a final glance at yourself in the floor length mirror. Kyle gripped the door handle, stepping into your bedroom, his eyes landing firmly on you, his laptop bag falling from his shoulder to the floor, mouth open and eyes wide in shock.
"What's all this? Is this all for me, babe?" Kyle asked, his brow cocking, and you nodded, walking to him, his eyes watching how you moved, wearing a corset and matching panties, a smirk on your face as you cupped his cheek with your hand.
"I had a little plan for today baby, will you let me do that?" You cooed, seeing Kyle's eyes going soft already, nodding his head and you smirked at how easy he was to crack.
"Good boy. You wanna strip to you boxers for me and lay on the bed?" You spoke and Kyle just nodded obediently, and once he'd peeled his clothes off, he lay on the bed, and you crawled on top of him.
Your lips were pressed together already, hands roaming each others body's, and you gripped the ropes sat atop your beside table, lips never leaving Kyle's once, your hand already palming his clothed cock through his boxers, and you'll pulled away to fire him a quick wink before moving his hands above his head, binding his two hands together, pulling the final knot into place, you smirked at your work, your boyfriend's face almost the same colour as his hair.
You pressed a deep kiss on his lips once more, and after making out for a few minutes you moved down his neck, leaving dark purple hickeys as you moved lower, a smirk on your face, and you were gonna tease him till he broke, moving your way down his torso, licking a stripe from his waistband to his navel, causing a sigh of pleasure to leave his swollen lips.
Pulling his boxers down in one swift motion, took his cock into your hands, kitten licking the tip, hollowing your cheeks and taking him into your mouth and setting an agonisingly slow pace, making your boyfriend squirm.
"M-More." Kyle whined, and you gazed up at him, tutting before pulling away from his cock with a pop, and Kyle knew that look.
"Oh no baby, are you being a brat? You know what I do with brats don't you? They're punished." You spoke, licking the pre cum forming on the head of his cock, causing him to shiver.
"How about, I'm gonna suck your dick, and then I'm gonna ride you, and you're not allowed to cum till I say you can, understand?" You spoke, and Kyle nodded, knowing better than to argue or the punishment would only get worse.
And you reattached yourself to his cock, your pace a lot quicker this time, as your applied pressure from your tongue against the underside of his cock, a string of moans escaping his lips.
"F-Feels amazing." Kyle whimpered, gasps leaving him every few seconds, he really was a submissive little mess when he wanted to be.
You pulled away, climbing back over his body, and gripping his cock, rubbing the tip of it over your wet cunt before lowering yourself onto him, a gasp leaving both of you.
And you set your pace, not too fast, but not too slow either, and Kyle was a mess already, your hips rolling against his, he thrust his own hips against yours, diving himself deeper inside you, your hands on his chest to steady yourself, and your head hung back.
Kyle's wrists tugged on the ropes that imprisoned them. You knew he was close, you could feel his body beginning to tense up, and you upped the pace, your own moans starting to become uncontrollable, and you could feel yourself nearing your own climax.
"You're not to cum till I say so, remember?" You spoke, and Kyle nodded quickly, his bottom lip caught on his teeth as he kept thrusting himself inside you, raising your hips enough for his cock to move in and out of you.
And you felt it hit you, your orgasm came out of nowhere, and you could tell Kyle could hardly hang on any longer.
"Cum for me, and I'll cum for you." You spoke, both of your climaxes hitting you at the same time, your pussy pulsating around Kyle's spurting cock, both of your moans filling the entire room as you both called out for each other.
And you practically collapsed on top of him, just having enough energy to untie him, his arms coming to finally touch you, his head pressed against your breast, a sigh leaving both of you, and you pressed kisses to his flushed face, both of you trying desperately to catch your breaths.
"Damn... I wish I did finals more often if we get to have sex like this after every one." Kyle joked, both of you giggling together, smiles on both of your faces.
"I love you baby, thank you for helping me de-stress." Kyle spoke again, pressing a kiss to your cheek, and you smiled sweetly back at him.
"I love you too baby, and it was my pleasure. I love having you like that beneath me all whiny and bratty." You gushed, Kyle's cheeks lighting up red once more.
"Now let's get a shower and we can go for round two." Kyle spoke, earning a laugh from you as Kyle took your hand within his own, leading you to your bathroom. You were both in for a long night.
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hungryyheartarchive · 2 years
i am just thinking about how dumb matching para lengths are in replies. i think there's more obvious tells for when someone isn't vibing with something as hard as you are... i don't want you to worry about hitting a word count when you're replying to me. i want you to be excited to reply to me!! i want you to have a good time. that's all that matters. pls have a good time.
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margotw10 · 1 year
Crashing on Crush. JJK (m)
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Pairing : crush!Jungkook x Female Reader
Synopsis : You are forced to work with Jungkook but it's actually the best thing that could happen.
Words : 4.7k
Warnings : explicit language; (not on this chapter)
A/n : Hi! So many things are going to happen, especially regarding Jungkook's past! Pls check the previous ones :) Don't hesitate to comment. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language. We love Mathilde for fixing my grammar mistakes <3
Ch. 1---- Ch. 2---- Ch. 3---- Ch. 4---- Ch.5---- Ch. 6---- Ch. 7---- Ch. 8---- Ch. 9----
As much as you hate it, you do find Jungkook handsome and your heart has been pounding as soon as you noticed him. And you hate that you missed him - the last time you saw him was two weeks ago in the club. You are surprised to see him but also to see he has cut his hair. You can’t help but missing his puffy shoulder-length hair and you want to slap you in the face for that thought. His black locks are now shorter in a mullet-style hair cut with a bang and are lightly curled. But gosh, he looks good. A little too good for your heart’s sake. 
You forget to how to breath when Jungkook stops a few meters from you. You feel your cheeks burning as well as your whole body and it’s not because of the hot and suffocating July of Seoul because the A/C is on inside the art gallery. It’s definitely because of Jeon Jungkook, the devil manifesting in a handsome man figure. 
"Hi, uhm, I have an appointment with Aecha" He says after clearing his throat
"Follow me"
Even if you invite him to walk with you, it looks like you want to run away from him. Fortunately, you quickly arrive to Aecha’s office. You knock and enter, Jungkook by your side. Your colleague offers him a way better smile than you.
"Jungkook, hi! Nice to meet you in person! We are so happy to work with you" Aecha’s voice is warm and magically relaxes Jungkook
"Same here"
He tries to sound cheerful. He is really happy and proud that the gallery has approached him for the project, it will surely help him for his career but he does feel tensed to see you. He can’t deny he hesitated to accept the job but then he saw it as an opportunity to set the record straight with you. He has been so grumpy that even Mina has stopped asking for his attention and let him work in his office at home. Jungkook has imagined hundred of scenarios of what happened between you and the guy after you left and every single one of them ended with you in his arms. By anger and frustration, he even broke his Apple Pencil and had to buy a new one. 
"I am so sorry but I don’t have time to talk details with you personally" Aecha continues, genuinely annoyed "But don’t worry, Y/N is very professional and I’m sure you’ll get along"
Your eyes widen and you throw distraught gazes at Aecha. ‘Please, don’t make me do that!’ You silently beg her. But she doesn’t get it or chooses to ignore it as she hands you the file. You do know the artists and the theme of the exhibition, as well as other details about the events related but you don’t want to work with Jungkook. You know he is supposed to provide different visuals and supports, which means that you are going to deal with him for days. You’re not sure your heart can handle it and you fear your determination to hate him will fail you - to be true, it has already began when he first appeared in the lobby. 
Yet, you have no choice but to take the damn file with shaky hands and ask Jungkook to follow you in the meeting room. 
A feeling of pain and jealousy fills you when you realize that his girlfriend has got to see him everyday and you have no doubt that he has looked damn hot every single day of these two weeks. Even now, in front of you, he is ridiculously handsome in his matching Calvin Klein denim jacket and pants, a white t-shirt finishing his perfect look. You can’t help but wondering if his underwear is also signed CK, which makes you blush. Jungkook is fucking hot like that - would you dare to say that you are aroused by the absence of his usual all-black style? 
You shake your head to erase those filthy thoughts and you sit down. You open and read the file, which gives you a good excuse to not look at Jungkook.
"Did you sleep with him?"
Jungkook’s voice is neutral despite his pounding heart. He couldn’t help but ask you. Even if it breaks his already broken heart, he has to know. His look-the-other-way part argues that if he knows, it’ll get easier to let you go. 
You immediately look up and open your mouth but no sound escapes it. Just by seeing you blushing hard, Jungkook knows. His fists clench and he is angry. Not at you, but at himself. You left with another man, you slept with another man because he pushed you away. He tries to convince himself that the pinch in his heart is due to his bruised man pride but deep down he knows that it’s his feelings for you that have been rattled. 
"It’s none of your business" You eventually decide to answer "Let’s not get personal and stick to a professional behavior"
Jungkook doesn’t say anything but nods, poking on his inner cheek with his tongue. 
Weirdly enough, you both concentrate on work and are able to have a peaceful conversation. Some details are discussed and Jungkook notes some ideas that get through his mind while you give him more informations. 
"Can I see the art pieces? It’ll help to get fully in the right mood" Jungkook asks at some point
You both walk through the art gallery and you can see that Jungkook truly appreciates the architecture of the building. You see his doe eyes sparkle with inspiration and you can practically see all the ideas that are currently filling his brain. Witnessing his passion melts your heart. 
You enter the code of the storage room and motion Jungkook to step in. You explain that you haven’t receive yet all the pieces but you add that he can look at them of the website of the gallery. His back facing you, a sketchbook and a pen in his hands, he is already quickly sketching a few visuals. You are quite intrigued by how fast his brain works and you move forward gingerly. You strand on your tiptoe to look upon his large shoulder and sneak on his sophisticate drawings. 
"Wow" You whisper, almost in his ear, unintentionally 
Jungkook was so focus on his work that he didn’t notice you, but when you opened your mouth he startles and turns his head to your face suddenly. You are so close that your breathes are mixing. His eyes look right into yours but can’t help going down to yours pretty lips. He gulps, a vivid memory of your several passionate kisses coming to his mind. He knows how you taste and he is dying to feel it again on his tongue. He wets his pierced lips with his tongue and the move attracts your glance too. A spontaneous wave of arousal goes straight to your lower belly. 
Thankfully - or not -, staying this long on your tiptoe causes a cramp in your left calf. You immediately step back and wince, holding on the painful leg. 
"What’s going on?" Jungkook asks you, alarmed
"Cramp" You hiss
It doesn’t take long to Jungkook to kneel down and massage your lower leg. You blush hard but convince yourself that it’s due to the pain and not to Jungkook’s warm palms on your skin. But why do you mentally praise you for wearing a yellow wrap dress and not your usual slacks?
"It’s okay, you don’t have to-" You speak up, weakly trying to push his hands away
"Let me do that for you"
His eye is so intense that you only manage to gulp and nod, letting Jungkook rubbing your calf to relax the muscles. You hiss as his fingers palp your aching leg, instinctively grabbing on his large shoulders to not fall. Feeling your hands on him, even through the thick fabric of his denim jacket and under this circumstances, Jungkook feels good. So fucking good. His whole body, that has been tensed for weeks now, softens under your touch. It’s like he was physically missing something that your hands give him back. Someway, it’s the first time you wish your cramp was lasting longer. 
"It’s gone" You say unsurely and, with regret from both sides, Jungkook stands up
"I’m sorry-"
"Don’t. Please don’t" You close your eyes in pain, not willing to remember once again what he did because you surely didn’t forget
You hate him for breaking your heart but you don’t hate him. Quite the opposite actually. You still love him, so fucking much. You can’t change the past and you surely can’t be best friend with him but you can make this professional relationship work. You want it for the gallery but also for Jungkook because you still think he is very talented and deserves the contract. That’s why you take a deep breathe and start talking:
"Look, I know things have been… weird between us. Let’s just put that aside and concentrate on work. I really want to feel good here so let’s not make things more awkward. I think it would be nice if we could be colleagues"
Jungkook looks at you for a moment, surprised. He doesn’t really know what to say when there are so many things that he wants to say - if that makes any sense. He runs a hand through his fresh cut hair.
"I’ll work hard then, for you"
He doesn’t specify if ‘you’ refers to the gallery and all your colleagues and artists involved or just you. But your heart doesn’t care about the difference and skips a beat. You try to put a - weird - smile on your face to look relax.
"Welcome onboard then, Mr. Jeon"
Day 2 of working with Jungkook and you have to say that you are surprised how things go smoothly. You and Jungkook really get along - on a professional level - and your two brains seem to share the same ideas and vision of the project. 
When he went home, Jungkook went straight to his home office and started sketching some visuals. On the one hand, he wants to work slowly only to get the chance to spend more time with you. But on the other hand, he has so many ideas for the different supports. The project clearly excites him and he hasn’t been this motivated for a long time. Moreover, your cute yellow dress of the day seemed to be another reminder that you are like sunshine is his life and that everything looks better when you are around. 
This morning, he has joined you in the same meeting room and gave you a cup of latte - he knows it’s your favorite beverage - that he has bought on its way to the gallery. The sweet gesture didn’t go unnoticed by your weak heart and your cheeks did redden. As soon as you two have sat down, Jungkook put his sketchbook and graphic tablet on the desk and explained the different concepts. You were so impressed by his work and how much he has done in just one evening. You couldn’t help but being worried that he had not slept well and the dark circles under his beautiful eyes proved you no wrong. 
You don’t even notice it was lunch time until you hear a knock on the door. You look up and meet a sweet and cute familiar face. 
"I didn’t want to bother you but I’ve been waiting for fifteen minutes so I thought that you might have forgotten me"
Jongseob seems embarrassed and is blushing hardly. Your heart immediately melts and your smile widens. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook who wonders how many men have stolen your heart. He can’t help but feeling jealous. When will his possessiveness stop? Especially when you’re not his.
"It’s okay. Actually, I lost track of time. Please come in, Seobi" 
You get up and give a big hug to Jongseob. The young man is quite impressed by Jungkook. His black outfit has returned and his tattoos are showing up under his oversize t-shirt. He does look intimidating and Jongseob feels a wave of protectiveness towards you, hoping that the stranger didn’t give you a hard time. 
You have no idea of what is going on in Jongseob’s brain and you turn back to Jungkook.
"Let’s meet up in two days so you have time to make the changes we’ve talked about. Then, we will show everything to Aecha" You say with a smile and Jungkook simply nods.
You notice the way he is staring at your young friend and realize that they don’t know each other.
"Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce you-" You are cut off by Jongseob
"I’m Kim Jongseob"
You are surprised by his confident and quite cold tone. It’s so not like him. You even feel his arm easily wrapping around your shoulders. When did he get this tall? You look at him, asking him with your eyes what the hell he is doing. But Jongseob is completely focus on the black-hair man.
"Jeon Jungkook"
Jongseob’s eyes widen and immediately turn to you. Your face expression confirms what he thinks: it’s the man who broke your heart. If you didn’t say a word on your Graduation Day, you couldn’t lie when a few days later Jongseob has asked you about how it went when you confessed your feelings to your crush. Even if you tried really hard to not cry in front of him, you couldn’t stop a few tears. Jongseob was so heartbroken for you and has spent the day with you at your place, eating ice-creams and watching Disney movies. 
The body of your usual so cute friend tenses immediately and he leaves your shoulders to step in front of you, protectively. His eyes narrow when he gazes at Jungkook. 
"I hope he hasn’t done anything to you" He says with his jaw clenched, talking to you but looking at Jungkook
A scoff escapes Jungkook’s lips. Who the hell is this kid? He doesn’t know anything about him and yet, he is judging him. Only if he knew that at his age, Jungkook was… No, it’s better if he doesn’t know, otherwise you would know too. And he surely doesn’t want you to know. 
"Jongseob" You say softly, a hand on his shoulder "Jungkook is working with me, everything is fine"
"Can’t someone else deal with him? Why it has to be you?" His voice is more gentle now and he is looking at you, finally
"No, and it’s okay. I promise"
"What are you going to do about it, uh?"
Your eyes widen in surprise while Jungkook smirks and then pokes his tongue in his inner cheek in a provocative way. He doesn’t even know why he opened his mouth in the first place. Maybe he was just tired of everyone treating him like shit or maybe he wanted you to know that your little guy couldn’t compete with him. ‘Stupid fucking ego’ he thinks. 
"What did you say?" Jongseob responds aggressively, taking a step further and Jungkook does the same
"I said, what are you fucking going about it?" Jungkook articulates each single word, his jaws clenched
You start to panic and take place between the two men.
"Stop it now, the both of you" You try to be firm but your voice is a little shaky 
"You were right, he’s a fucking asshole" Jongseob goads
"What did you say?" Jungkook barks this time, ready to throw punches in this little fucker’s face
"Jongseob!" You shout "Go wait outside, now"
You are so tensed that your whole body is shaking with adrenaline. What are you going to do if they start fighting? But you release the air of your lungs when Jongseob does as you say. You look at Jungkook to try to know what he is thinking but his features are too neutral, except for his gritted teeth. 
"Jungkook, I-I never said that" You try after a moment of silence
"It’s okay" He sighs, trying to relax the tension in his body "Even if you said it, you had every reason"
You stand in front of him, not knowing what to do. You are unsettled when a little sneer escapes Jungkook’s mouth. You look at him, questioning him with your eyes.
"At least you have people to protect you"
"No, it’s okay. I see you on Friday with the finished visuals and support designs"
Jungkook grabs his stuff and goes away, leaving you breathless and heart pounding. 
"Noona, I’m sorry"
Jongseob has spent the whole lunch apologizing but you haven’t said a word. You are so disappointed in his behavior but you are also destabilized by the way you feel angry at your friend for attacking Jungkook. You shouldn’t feel that way, it’s true that Jungkook broke your heart but why do you still want your friends to have a good impression of him? It doesn’t make any fucking sense and you sigh in frustration.
"Stop apologizing. What you did was wrong Jongseob"
"I know but he… he was just there and he broke your heart! Are you really okay working with him?!"
You take the time to think. Are you okay with it? Honestly, yes. And more honestly, you are happy to work with him. You wish the reason of that was because Jungkook works well but it’s not: the reason is that you want to be with him, in anyway possible. 
"Yes, so please stop. Maybe you don’t want to hear it or you don’t understand but Jungkook is nice"
"How can you say that?!" Jongseob gasps 
"He is, really. What he did to me was wrong but beside that, he has been really nice to me"
And it’s true. Objectively, the cheating-on-his-girlfriend-with-you part put aside, Jungkook has been nice to you. The two days you have spent working with him showed you a new face of him: the passionate yet so considering of other’s opinions side. He has carefully listened to you, has taken the time to explain to you technical things about designs and has worked hand-in-hand with you to provide the perfect visuals. Even beside that, the morning coffee and the way he has hold the chair for you to sit down or the way he has turn off the A/C when he noticed you were cold, proves he is a good person. Maybe a little selfishly too, you want to believe that you have fallen for a good guy and not a shit head so the whole story wasn’t you being completely wrong about him. 
"Look, I’m a big girl. I know you’re worried but everything’s fine, Seobi" You smile at Jongseob, trying to calm him down
"Okay…" He sighs "But if he tries anything, please tell me and I swear I’ll punch him in the face, just for him to know he can’t mess with you"
Your heart softens at his pouty face and you promise. You know Jongseob just wants to protect his Noona but deep down you know Jungkook won’t try to hurt you again. 
You haven’t heard of Jungkook until he shows up on Friday for your expected meeting. You have sweaty hands, not knowing how will be things between the two of you. You give him an unsure smile when you welcome him and you feel released that Jungkook is back to his old and nice self. He shows you the final project and everything is perfect. You compliment his work and you may notice a slight blush on his cheeks. 
You waste no time and you two head up to Aecha’s office so she can approve, what she definitely does. Your colleague is really impressed and praises the both of you. Your chest is full of pride that you managed the situation. You are really excited to be more involved in one of the gallery’s projects. 
To celebrate your success, you invite Jungkook at a nearby coffee. It doesn’t surprise you anymore that Jungkook orders you a latte but it’s appealing to your weak and soft heart. Coffees in hands, you sit down at a table.
"I’m so happy that your visuals have been approved! I can’t wait to see the posters in real life and on the big screens of the gallery!" You tell him excited, which makes him giggle. 
"I’m glad too. Tell me if you need help with the printer guy, I know that sometimes they can be a little hard to handle and delete things until you lose your mind"
"I’ll sure do"
You feel so good joking with Jungkook. It feels like before you discovered about Mina, back when everything was so natural and delightful between you two. A small wave of nostalgia washes over your body and a small part of you wishes you didn’t know about the girlfriend. However, the bigger part of you feels better to know that he didn’t cheat on his girlfriend with you more than that. 
"I have to tell you something"
Jungkook’s serious tone and face make you stressed. You wonder what other bomb he is going to throw at you and how you’ll manage to survive. ‘Please, tell me there is no other secret girlfriends!’ You pray
"Mina" He starts and your heart sinks by hearing the name, you still feel so guilty towards her even if you didn’t know "She is not my girlfriend"
What the hell?!
Your eyes almost roll of your sockets by surprise. You are speechless. Does he lie? But he is looking straight into your eyes and you don’t see anything but pain. But if she is not his girlfriend, why did he lie about lying to you? It doesn’t make sense!
"She is my best friend, well at least back in Busan"
"But, why?" Is all you manage to say, your brain is completely upside down
"It’s just an old habit of us, saying to other people we’re dating. When we were younger, we were so close that most people thought that we were actually a couple. At some point, it was kind of a joke to confirm it" 
Jungkook’s nostalgic smile is not happy but quite sad and your heart squeezes. You wonder what caused him such pain but you don’t want to push him. 
"Maybe, back then, there were more than friendly feelings between us but it’s not the case anymore. I just want you to know that nothing happened between Mina and I"
"Why'd you tell me that?"
Jungkook’s eyes grow big in surprise. He doesn’t really know why he tells you the truth. Perhaps he just doesn’t want you to hurt because of this, because of him. 
"I don’t know…" He sighs "I just wanted you to know"
You don’t know what you feel. On the one hand, you are relived that he didn’t cheat on his girlfriend with you, but on the other hand, you are still heartbroken because he has still rejected you - and the reason was not him having a girlfriend but just not wanting to be with you. And that hurts like hell. 
Jungkook looks at you with his big doe eyes, biting on his bottom lip, while he waits for you to say something. But honestly, you don’t know what to say. So he keeps going:
"I haven’t seen her in years but she came up to me. She needed some help. Things are-were complicated. I’m sorry if I hurt you, I really didn’t want that"
"I understand" You don’t but what else could you say? 
"Y/N" He says gently, grabbing your hand at the other side of the table "I am really, really sorry"
The warmth of his hand goes straight to your heart and cheeks. Why does he have to do that? It’s so hard not to fall for him when he acts like that! You want to hug him and tell him you forget everything as long as he is with you. But you can’t do that, so you smile instead. 
"I wish I could go back and do things right with you. Maybe… maybe you could be friends or something?"
Jungkook winces at the way his thoughts have turned into words. It sounds so dumb and it’s not really what he wanted to say. He wanted to ask you if you would accept to see him again, like before. Like when you were supposed to have a date at the Lotte aquarium. 
"I guess we could be friends" You say in a small voice, almost a whisper
Jungkook’s heart jumps in his chest and he knows he’ll try everything to make it up to you. But first, he has to deal with Mina. 
Since you have done a great job with the communication campaign with Jungkook, Aecha sends you over to meet the print firm. You are walking around in Seocho, a district of Seoul, but take the time to follow the Han River boardwalk. The heat and humidity is almost unbearable but the view is so beautiful. The sun is mirroring on the water. You close your eyes, feeling the D Vitamin entering your body. You hum in contentment. 
Nevertheless, the universe couldn’t let you in peace for five minutes. Your blood runs cold when a familiar but non welcoming face appears right in front of you. Mina. You don’t really know how to act in front of her now that you know she isn’t really Jungkook’s girlfriend. 
"Hi" You tell her with an unsure voice
"Hi, Y/N right?"
Mina’s smile is bright but not really friendly. Something in her behavior makes you uncomfortable. 
"I’m sorry, I can’t stay long, Jungkook is wanting for me at home" She takes a dig at you
Her little scornful tone drives you crazy. Before you can even think properly, you open your mouth:
"Jungkook told me the truth. You are not really together"
For one second, Mina seems unsettled but she hides it quickly. You feel your heart beating faster and your hands freezing, just as if you were ready for a fight. It might not be a physical one but it will surely be punches with words. 
"Did he?"
You stay silent, waiting for her to set the mood. You don’t have hard feelings for her. You could be friends, if she wants to. 
"Look, you seem like a nice girl" Although it doesn’t sound like a compliment in her mouth "But I’m not sure you are the good person for Kookie"
"I think he’s old enough to decide for himself"
"We might not be an official couple but we do share something special. We’ve been best friends for years, we have been through so many things, you won’t ever be able to understand. I know him but I’m not sure you can say the same"
You are taken aback.
"I-I do know him" You sound less confident than you wanted
"Oh, really? Did he tell you about his past?" Mina smirks and you frown, confirming what she was thinking "I just don’t want you to be hurt, Y/N. Jungkook and I are meant to be together. It might take some time but it will happen eventually. If you stay in between, you’ll only get your heart broken"
Your watery eyes blur your vision. You don’t know how Mina manages to do it but her words are so sharp that you could swear she is telling the truth. Maybe it’s a result of her magnetic aura. 
"I love him"
It’s the final blow for you. An intense squeeze hits your cardiac muscle. You don’t even know who you are anymore. You have read too many books, you have seen too many movies not to know. All along, you thought you were the main character of the story. But you’re not. You’re the second female lead in Jungkook’s story: the one who only exists to make him realize that his true love has been in front of him since the beginning. There is no better destiny than two best friends finally aware of their true feelings. Fate, cruel as ever, put you on Jungkook’s path for him to acknowledge that Mina is the right one for him. 
And that fucking hurts. 
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nobilisflvmen · 5 years
     How many times was Velia going to go to a new city and there would be a festival not long after her arrival? Festivals were so common in her life, she knew at some point they wouldn’t be as exciting anymore. She would what she could do to enjoy her festive days, not wanting to ever grow tired of the festive mood. Still, she didn’t dress to the new culture she was in. Dornish fashion and Rhyonar fashion were similar but still different and she refused to assimilate to Dorne; not after the history between the Dornish people and the Rhyonar people. 
     The blue and gold contrasted against the average wear, the usual aesthetic being amongst orange, red, and yellow. Blue reminded her of the waters of the Rhoyane River, and she would rarely ever wear any other colour. She walked around, not minding how much she stuck out, the light blue veil trailing behind her. Her walking was endless, having no purpose other than to explore and know where she was; mainly to find the secret places where she could practice her magic in peace. Turning corners, peaking her heads into empty spaces but not finding the right one. A sigh of defeat fell past her lips as she ducked out of a shower area. That room would still be too public, even at night. 
     Velia found herself at a populated garden, the festival bringing more attention to the beautiful area. The Chroyane princess took steps closer to the pond, looking at the water, watching the fish swim around. She heard someone come near her, but she didn’t turn to face them, eyes focused on the water and the fishes. “Don’t you wonder about all the stories and truths that fishes hear? The things they could tell people if they could talk?”
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badcompanys · 2 years
( @likesouvenirs / raleigh. ) one place you don't want to be when your pack breaks is in the middle of the road. camila huffs out a few expletives under her breath as she bends down to pick them up, leaving her exposed and in a bad position, at that. there is a group of walkers coming her way and she doesn't have time to start gathering things into the makeshift cart she'd been pushing along when the sound of a gunshot rings through the air.
glancing back, she notices a young female, not far off, seemingly watching her back. a squint in the opposite female's direction - she is someone unknown to camila, but  that doesn't mean she won't take the gift given to her in a bit of spare time to clatter around and grab what she can before the rotting flesh on legs make their way over towards her. scrambling for her machete when one gets too close, she sinks the blade into its skull and pushes it back with her foot, gore glistening on the metal in the bright sunlight.
"listen, i don't know who you are, but if you're willin' to help me, i'll share the supplies with you," 
she calls out. all the confirmation she needs is another series of gunshots to take out the remaining biters. as camila shoves the used machete back into it's holster on her hip. a sigh of relief leaves her lips. that was a close call. she usually didn’t do runs on her own, but her last partner got infected and was left for dead after she placed a bullet in his brain. she’d been on her own since then. had a little spot a few miles back where she could hold up. 
it wasn’t the ritz, but it would do for now. kept her safe. out of the elements. that’s all that she would ever ask for in times such as these.
"name's camila," 
she says, a gloved hand reaching up to swipe through the baby hairs that collect on her forehead, wiping a bit of sweat from her brow. "you didn't have to do that, but i'll be damned if i don't repay my debts. take your pick a'what's there, whatever you want, it’s yours." 
she says, gesturing to the various canned goods and different oddities that would be useful to anyone in time such as this.
"you look like you can handle yourself, you out here all alone?"
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faunazhu · 2 years
with @fvlsewaves​ ( closed. )
Responsibility. Responsibility. My responsibility. It shouldn't have felt like that, but that was the way it had been. Their pack strayed from 'societal' norms, sure, in the sense that there was not one great hand that ruled them from the shadows, but rather, they'd mostly governed themselves. The exception of course, had been their leader’s ruthless demeanor, whether he came rolling in pissed off or simply pissed drunk... the latter of which a habit that he was supposed to have subdued. It was a long, difficult struggle. But after Saint Patrick's Day? Faun couldn't find the courage to tell him no. Instead of harping on whatever he might have indulged himself in after the chaos, she'd hung back; kept her opinions to herself. But there came a point where his actions- his absence- had started to have an affect on Fauna. Whether or not he lamented the responsibility, he was her Alpha, and she relied on that tether, much like the rest of them. It had taken her hours to find him. Hours that she would never get back, and that had grated angrily on her patience with each passing moment. When finally she'd found him at the bar of no-name, overserving for next to nothing, she'd hissed quietly as she moved into his side. Careful not to put her hands on him, lest she set him off, she'd balled her fingers into fists at her sides, her own sharp nails digging into the flesh of her palms. "You're fucking with me, Beck? Right? Because this has to be a jest." 
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teegcn-blog · 7 years
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teegan was more than aware that this day, and the days going forth would not be easy; there was so much uncertainty, hatred, and an array of other negative emotions in regards to those like herself being reintroduced into the world. albeit, the stoic female thought she’d handle it better than this, but it seems that even in DEATH --- her short-temper followed her. at this point in the day, she’d snapped at three different people; one of which was literally because they LOOKED at her wrong. emotions were high, so upon finding a small, quaint coffee shop, the slender girl didn’t hesitate to duck inside and away from the bustling streets. contact-colored hues stared directly at her fingertips, touching against a coffee cup bought purely for the purpose of being a prop. ( it’s not like she could drink it ) a small crease seems to form between her brows, it somewhat STILL frustrated her that she couldn’t feel the heat radiating from the piping beverage. seemingly, she’d been so caught up in her own head; teegan completely missed out on what had been spoken toward her --- chin raising to eye them. “what did you say?”
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