#pls give me a warning if you're planning to drop a bomb on me
moocheesee · 2 months
Bucchigiri?! x Reader
Some silly hcs when you're his s/o
Part Two w Outa and Matakara<3
Reader is GN!
✓ I actually imagine you were a freshman at the school when you met Shindo ✓ you only knew him from afar since back then he liked to keep to himself, always shy and quiet around everyone ✓ things changed when you joined Minato Kai ✓ you were training with the other members when Ken came around with a new member ✓ you instantly recognized Shindo ✓ making your move on getting to know him you two spend a lot of time together (you constantly pestered him) ✓ he slowly opened up to you and you helped him woth becoming stronger as well ✓ when the incident happened where he got banned from Minato Kai you two lost contact even though you tried to find him again ✓ a while later Shindo showed up before you one day, completely changed ✓ explained his plans to you bc you still have a special place in his heart ✓ you tried to warn Ken but it was already too late when the fight started ✓ after the fight (and Shindo getting his ahh handed to him) he surprisingly stuck around you ✓ but not in a nice way, that mf was everywhere you went (or you swore it was a curse and you were the one constantly running into him) ✓ you knew everything that was happening with Senya and Ichiya because Shindo doesn't keep his voice down while ranting about them every chance he gets ✓ from then on you two were a duo (unintentionally)
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✓ plssss the only way you'd (hopefully) ever fall for this guy is when you knew him before ✓ like you were chilling with Matakara and Arajin everyday when you were kids ✓ watched them train to become Honki people omg ✓ but that day young Matakara got beat up by this group of kids you weren't around because of a family emergency ✓ you only ever heard Matakaras side of story of why he suddendly moved without saying goodbyes ✓ you two missed him everyday from them on but you had quiet a lot on your hands with rebel Matakara anyways (can't blame ya) ✓ when Arajin moved back and joined your school you were actually ecstatic ✓ you finally had your childhood crush Back after all ✓ Arajins eyes lit up for a bit and you could see a blush on his cheeks when he saw you for the first time when you went to greet him ✓ his happiness quickly dropped tho and he was acting cold towards you, kinda like he's hella uncomfy in your presence (Zabu wanted to beat shrimps ahh everytime he saw you sad bc Arajin ignored you again ✓ and this is how it went ✓ with you (and Matakara) trying to talk to him but he blocked you both out help ✓ you never thought you'd actually be jealous of Mahoro out of all people srs ✓ "I need to find my darling husband. I'm so worried about him." "Honestly, what do you see in that guy?" "He makes me laugh." -Y'alls energy ✓ anyways, i believe you two come together after the whole ideal with Matakara and Ichiya is done. ✓ you were the first one there to hug him&taking care of him and the way he finally seemed to care about you and Matakara made you happy ✓ you have the old Arajin finally back ✓ he still tried to ask Mahoro out w the stone and she rejected (obv) you swooped in and offered him to go on a date. ✓ with no guilt haunting him he was able to see you as you and man was SMITTEN ✓ have fun with a sweaty and awkward diarrhea bomb crushing on you ✓ tbh prepare for him to stare and be interested in other women too (if you can't beat em join em and now you both look at women you find pretty but You're much more smooth with it) ✓ will gift you your personal carved stone with yours and his initials <3 ✓ wear his shirts plsssss he loves it sm ✓ he can COOK and this WELL! Definetly would spoil you with food ✓ he hates fighting but still will protect you (as much as he could) ✓ pls hit him when he tries those cringy romantic shit on you ✓ oh also his momma would absolutely ADORE YOU
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✓ HES MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE ✓such a sweetheart omg ✓ BUT he'll tease the shit outta you if you give him the opportunity ✓ he's so clingy and touchy so expect him to randomly hug you or hold onto you ✓ PIGGY BACK RIDES!!! Both ways! Prefers if you carry him and he'll compliment you sm💞 ✓ prolly has really funny pet names for you too ✓ he straight up asked you out a few days after meeting you ✓ is not above pestering you until you say yes anyways ✓ absolutely loves it when you hold his face in your hands ✓ greeting him every morning means running towards each other and him spinning you (or you him, it can go both ways) ✓ lots of holding hands and hugging to the point Zabu groans loudly out of
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Cat's Cradle
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Summary: After five years of back-breaking work under your hardass boss Min Yoongi, you can finally step back and live your life well with your son and his rowdy uncles. Opening a Cafe with your eldest brother Seokjin after so many setbacks was euphoric, but what happens when your ex-boss finds his way into your cafe? Will everything fall apart again or will your life finally piece back together?
Pairings: Panther Hybrid Yoongi x Single mom Reader, Sibling Kim line Feat. Best friends Hoseok and Jikook.
Warnings: Cussing (I mean who am I if I don't include cussing), mention of pervy old men, a deadbeat ex, angst between yoongles and Joon. Open but fluffy ending teehee 😈
Word Count: 4.4k
Surprise! I've had this in my drafts since April, so I decided to finish it up and post it. I hope you enjoy and pls look forward to the next chapter of ACR in the coming week or so.
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"You've done great tonight Y/n, I think we have the deal made with the Choi's."
You're sitting in the backseat of a luxurious sedan with your boss, Min Yoongi, heading back to the company after a dazzling dinner party for the most posh and elite members of Seoul's society. Having worked for him for five years now, you were well attuned to the Panther hybrids personality and high expectations. You knew anything and everything about him, and yet, you're pretty sure he doesn't even know your birthday.
Tonight is the night you're going to announce your resignation after years of dedicated work. Planning this moment for months at the encouragement of your family, having put it off until the breaking point.
"Thank you, sir." You reply, looking out the window and taking a deep breath to steel your nerves.
"You should tell me what you would like as a reward, that was good work, you deserve something nice."
"Sir, that won't be necessary."
"Don't tell me no Y/n, you've worked with me long enough to know I don't reward people often."
His retort had cut you off from revealing your intentions of resigning, and it only sets your nerves on fire.
It was way past midnight and he had forced you to stay for the after-dinner drinks, leaving you alone to fend off the grubby hands of inappropriate old men. You were tired in more ways than one and you had been skirting around tipsy grab-ass attempts all night while the love of your life was waiting for you to return home.
"Actually, sir, the reason why I said that is because I'll be resigning now." A hint of annoyance in your voice.
His ears perk in shock and then flatten, boring his eyes into you. ". . . What? What are you talking about?"
"I'll be handing in my letter of resignation on Monday, sir. I'm very thankful for the years we've spent together and everything You've taught me but, I'm leaving the company."
"I don't understand" He almost whines. "Did you get another offer? Is it the pay? Or the hours? Why are you resigning?" Firing off the questions in bewilderment.
"No, sir. I've just determined it's the best decision for me."
"In what way is it the best decision!?"
"I understand this may seem rash and unwise to you, but this is something I considered and chosen after a lot of thought. I truly believe this is what's best for me and I hope you can respect that."
"I... Okay, I-I wish you the best then..."
Your heart unclenches and a breath of relief releases from your chest. Giving him a soft smile, you thank him and turn your gaze back out the window. Unable to see the heartbroken look on his face when you turn away from him.
It's been two weeks since you dropped the bomb on Yoongi's heart and announced your resignation, and now he watches you smile brightly through the glass panes of his office as you celebrate your last day with the rest of the executive team workers.
He had never imagined that you would leave him one day, and now it's burning a hole through his soul.
At first you had just been a young girl so poor and in a mess, she had to settle for an assistant position despite having an elite degree. You had once told a coworker the reason was because you couldn't afford to go through an intern position in your career field. You had to sacrifice the life you wanted in order to do what you needed to survive. Overhearing the conversation between the two of you from outside the breakroom.
He had always held a deep-rooted annoyance and dislike towards you for skipping out on the hard work for your career in exchange for money. Clawing his way to the top of his own company as a poor orphan from Daegu. But listening to that conversation struck something in him and softened his heart, he understood what it was like to make sacrifices to your own happiness in order to live.
After that instead of being a hardass just to be one, he was a hardass in order to teach you and allow you to grow in the business world. Instead of being the meek woman behind the powerful CEO, you became the fortress around him.
No one worked in their society and didn't know your name.
Other assistants revered you and directors knew they could never get around you, handling the inner workings of Yoongi's company like a well-oiled machine. Nothing got past you or swept under the rug without you knowing, and no-one got the drop on him because you had already seen it coming.
Two years into your job with him and he treasured you as his most valuable employee and friend, never daring to think more of the relationship than that. But when you had single-handedly prevented the total collapse and takeover of the company from a rival, you stole the panther's heart irrevocably.
Now here he is three years later and you're leaving him when you weren't even truly his. He had no right to stop you and he knew he had no right to use his feelings to get you to stay. The same scent of another had always clung to you from the time he could identify it from your own. It had told him all he needed to know, you were taken and there was nothing he could do about it.
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Stepping into the café that night after bidding your former coworkers and boss a final goodbye, you had never felt freer.
"Eomma!" Your son yells, hopping down from his stool behind the counter next to your eldest brother. Bounding towards you like always.
"Hi my little kitten! Were you good for Uncle Jinnie today?" Wrapping your arms around him and looking at his cute face, his black cat tail flicking behind him in happiness.
"Mhm! He's teaching me how to make Brownies!" He chirps back at you, slipping from you and back over to his uncle.
As a working mom the best part of your day is coming into the café your family owned after work to hear the happy shout of 'eomma!' from your little boy. Now after five years of hard work you can step back and run the shop with your brother without any worries of supporting your son.
Years long before Yeonjun was born you had dreamed of opening a Café with your eldest brother, working hard to get a scholarship to Seoul National University and graduating with honors. But life had its ways of throwing wrenches into your plans, you had gotten into a relationship with someone you thought loved you and you loved them. But when you found out you were pregnant, he disappeared like a coward, and like a domino effect your life came crashing down after you gave birth to your little kitten when your parents passed in an accident.
They had left debts unknown to you and your siblings and being the older siblings; You, Seokjin, and Namjoon shouldered the burden of that debt to protect Taehyung while he was still in High School. The money Seokjin and you had saved for the cafe opening had gone to the repayment and had still only managed to cover half of it. Namjoon sacrificed his full focus on college in order to work part-time jobs to help. Jin got a job as a pastry chef and after Yeonjun was old enough to leave with a daycare you snagged the assistant position under Yoongi.
It had taken the three of you two years to pay off the debt, barely scraping by on the strictest of budgets, and two more years for you to save up to open the café. Thankfully the two of you had already bought the building before everything came to a halt, and you only needed the money to make it operational.
Your little kitten tells you all about his day at school with his teacher Mr. Park and helping your older brother in the café as you stand and walk around the counter to greet Seokjin, before heading through the kitchen to the stairs that lead to the apartment above. Despite what most people would think, the home is much larger that it appears on the outside, spanning two stories like a townhouse and equipped with 5 bedrooms and 3 1/2 baths. You send Yeonjun back downstairs so you can change out of your work clothes and get started on dinner, living with your three brothers and a five year old can be hard sometimes but you all work together to make sure things get done around the house.
Walking back into the kitchen in your comfy clothes you hear the door open to reveal your twin brother Namjoon and younger brother Taehyung.
"Hey, how was work?" you ask the two as you begin to pull ingredients out of the fridge.
Namjoon starts first as he plops down on one of the stools at the island, "It was good, I'll be able to release my mixtape soon." You beam at him, proud of his hard work as a musician while working as a producer for other artists.
"What about you Tae?" The youngest of the Kim siblings worked as an art teaching assistant at a local college, giving music lessons on the side.
"It was pretty good, Jungkook made a complete fool of himself again today by volunteering as the nude model for the freshman course, he got chased out of the class by our old professor with a ruler."
Both you and Namjoon laugh at this, picturing the scene in your heads of Taehyung's mischievous best friend, who was a vocal teaching assistant at the same school.
The rest of your day went smoothly preparing dinner and getting Yeonjun settled and ready for bed, grateful that you could finally spend time with him and see him consistently every day. You should have known your luck would run out again though when your former boss walks into the café the next morning.
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"Welcome to Cats Cradle Café how can I help- Mr. Min!?"
The both of you freeze as you stare with slack jaws, expressions mirroring each other.
"You decided to quit so you could... work here, Miss Kim?" He speaks the question slowly, as if trying to figure out if he stepped into an alternate reality.
"Um, well... I guess you could say that. I own this shop actually." You reply hesitantly.
You can see the gears in his brain turning as he stares at you in silence after you divulge the reality of the situation. He doesn't have the chance to respond to the revelation however, when your son knocks him out of his stupor, catching both of your attention when he opens the door to the café.
Taehyung and Jungkook hot on his heels as he runs to where you are behind the counter, "Eomma! Look what Uncle Kookie bought me!"
The boy holds up for you to see a pink microphone with a cartoon rabbit on it, wrapped up in a box.
"Oh, baby that's so cool! Did you thank Uncle Kookie like you're supposed to?"
Your son wouldn't notice the change of intonation in your voice, but you stab Jungkook a thousand times with your glare for getting a noisy toy like this for Yeonjun. 
Jungkook shuffles at your glare to hide behind Taehyung as Yeonjun thanks him for the toy.
"You're welcome, buddy! Uncle Kookie has to go now but I promise I'll teach you how to use it another day okay? Bye Noona!" Inching his way backwards Jungkook nearly sprints out the door when he finishes his sentence, hoping to escape your motherly wrath. 
Upon his departure you turn your attention back onto your nearly forgotten former boss, "Would you like your usual Mr. Min?"
You watch the way his black tail flicks nervously behind him as he nods, the black ears on his head flattened to blend in with his dark hair.
"Hey Ahjussi you have a cat tail like me." Yeonjun has reached up to grab Yoongi's hand to get his attention, and the both of you stare at your son in shock.
Thankfully Taehyung steps in for you, "Yeonjun, you know better than to touch people without their permission."
The boys' ears flatten as his tail curls around his leg, not yet long enough to curl around his body.
"Sorry Uncle TaeTae, sorry Ahjussi." He bows to Yoongi and takes Taehyung's hand to go sit at their usual table for his weekend music lessons with his uncle.
"Mr. Min are you alright?" He had been captivated with watching your son walk away, ears following the movement.
"Uh, yea sorry this is just a lot to take in." Jin walks in behind you from the café office where he was ordering supplies and takes over for you at the counter.
"Thank you, y/n." You take off the apron and grab the Iced americano you had made for Yoongi, walking around the counter to your ex-boss.
"You're welcome, Jin." Calling back to him over your shoulder, you stop in front of the panther hybrid and silently hand him his coffee, speaking up after a few seconds of awkward silence.
"If you have some time, would you like to sit and talk?" his ears perk up at your question and you almost giggle at the behavior, never seeing his hybrid features betray his calm façade often. 
After agreeing, the two of you settle at a table near Yeonjun and your brother so you could monitor their shenanigans.
"I never knew you had a son; I didn't even know you were married much less." Yoongi begins the conversation as he looks at the little boy, missing the frown that comes across your face at his words.
"That's because I'm not married." His head whips to focus on you, eyes wide in surprise, and he can see now the sour look that mars your features.
To you his reaction is just that of surprise, but in reality, it's a look of hope, being completely oblivious to the fact that your big bad boss has been harboring a crush behind his cold behavior all these years.
He decided to do his best to act like his feelings never existed all those years ago and he had been doing well for three whole years until the single phase 'eomma' nearly tore his heart out. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to assume, is the man at the counter your boyfriend then?"
You bark out a laugh at this, his cheeks heating up in embarrassment at his own question.
"That's my eldest brother actually, the man sitting with Yeonjun is my younger brother and my twin brother is at work right now."
If his cheeks had been pink before they're on fire now, his keen sense of smell had always identified three male scents lingering occasionally along with a constant feline presence. Now that you've explained it to him though, all these years of repressed jealousy are downright mortifying to him. Not to mention the fact that the male behind the counter isn't even a hybrid.
"Yeonjun's father actually isn't in the picture, it's why I never told you or anyone else in the office. You'd be surprised at how many job offers got rescinded when they found out I was a single mom." You speak quietly, looking out of the window to avoid Yoongi seeing the hurt expression on your face.
He doesn't have to see your face to know you're hurt though; he can tell by the change in your scent and the tone of your voice.
Not saying anything further on the topic to prevent upsetting you more, he notices the way your son locks his attention on you when he gets a waft of your sad scent in the air. 
The boy hops down from his chair, ignoring his uncles' protests and makes his way over to you, his hybrid instincts telling him to protect and comfort you.
He climbs into your lap and snuggles his face into your neck when you wrap your arms around him, letting out little purrs meant to comfort you.
Yoongi smiles at the scene before him and he selfishly wishes to himself that the boy was his own and watching the two of you was a normal part of his day. 
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Since your run in with Yoongi at the café he started to spend his weekends hanging out around you and your family in the shop. Even meeting Jimin, Yeonjun's teacher and the third troublemaker to your younger brother's friend group, and your best friend Hoseok. The only person he has yet to meet Namjoon, which is where this VERY awkward situation is stemming from as Yoongi unknowingly discusses with you a PR plan that he's been having trouble with to collaborate with your brother.
Joon had recently released his mixtape and it had blown up on the charts, leading to the marketing team suggesting adding him to the list of possible collaboration candidates. Unbeknownst to you, Yoongi had completely been sold on his music the second he listened to it, and now you find yourself in the pickle of whether or not to tell your ex-boss that the rapper he's gushing about is your twin brother. 
"Hell no." Joon blanches when you ask him that night.
You had gotten Jin to help you by requesting Namjoon take over the café with you for a little while so he could run some errands. Hopefully giving you enough time to convince the man, and if that failed you had hoped Yoongi could convince him when he stopped by for his regular visits.
Despite the rocky feelings you had towards the CEO while working for him, he had proved himself a completely different person outside of a working relationship. Even spending some of his nights after work learning to make various coffee drinks and sweets with you and Yeonjun; one of which ended with flour all over his designer suit, a very giggly little boy and a gummy smile from the panther.
"Please Joonie? Can you at least just consider it, for me?" he stops sweeping the floor to give you a look when the bell on the door rings as its opened.
"Uncle Yoongi!" Yeonjun jumps up at the sight of Yoongi, having grown closer to him over the weeks with the added help of both being feline type hybrids.
"Uncle?" Namjoon's deep baritone voice stops the panther in his tracks, slowly looking up to take in the tall beefy frame of your twin.
"Ahaha, Joonie this is Min Yoongi, the one I've mentioned that's been coming to hang out at the shop with us on the weekends. Yoongi this is my twin brother, Namjoon." 
Your ex-boss's posture is ramrod straight as he bows and introduces himself to the taller man, almost looking ready to bolt. Joon gives a noncommittal hum in response and narrows his gaze at him.
"What makes you think you have the right to come here and have a close relationship to him when you put his mother and my sister through hell?" The color in your face drains as you look at your brother in horror, Yoongi's face mirroring a similar reaction to your own.
"Namjoon!" You gasp out.
"What!?" He whips his attention to you. "Don't tell me his sweet behavior these past few months have let you forget the nights you came home crying from the stress. Or your own child's Birthdays and milestones you missed seeing while you were forced to work overtime or denied time off. Or even having to sit at work for hours on end while your son was in the hospital because this asshole didn't think a family emergency was enough of a reason to leave early!"
He then turns the focus of his ire on Yoongi, tears of frustration streaming down his face. "Do you even have the slightest clue of the misery you have caused this family? Do you even understand how heartbreaking it is to tell a child his own mother can't come home on his birthday? Or how gut-wrenching it is to see the guilt on my sisters face when she was finally able to come home hours after he had gone to bed? She spent five years watching her son grow up through the screen of a phone while she catered to your every whim, and you expect me to be okay with you kindly sliding into our lives like none of that happened?"
The tears are streaming down your face now, never knowing the hurt Namjoon had felt seeing you struggle. You had been so happy to be free and content with a relationship with Yoongi that didn't contain a superior-assistant balance that you had let go of the frustrations you felt while working for him. Seeing now that he had not let go of those negative feelings out of protection of the other half of his soul and his beloved nephew.
"Uncle Joonie don't cry." Your sweet little boys voice comes out muffled as he clings to his uncle in the biggest hug his tiny body can muster.
Namjoon crouches down to wrap his arms around the boy, tucking his face into Yeonjun's shoulder and bringing a large hand to the back of his head. "I'm okay bub, Uncle Joonie is sorry for yelling in front of you. Why don't you go upstairs with Eomma and help her make dinner, hm?"
He looks up at you then, an apology in his eyes that only the bond between twins can decipher, and you nod your head in understanding. Taking the boys hand when he comes to your side you give a look to Yoongi and bow your head in goodbye. Namjoon watches the two of you walk into the back of the shop and heaves a sigh when you disappear from his sight.
Yoongi watches as your brother gets up from his crouched position and levels his gaze back on him. "Let's go for a walk, Min."
Yoongi has never felt more intimidated by a person than your twin brother. Sure, the other two were both tall and by no means scrawny, but the sheer size of Namjoon's biceps makes him feel like the dude could pick him up and toss him like a sack of potatoes.
The hybrid shakes himself out of his thoughts and softly clears his throat before he responds, "Yea, okay."
Your brother takes off his apron and motions for Yoongi to follow him out of the café, turning the 'Open' sign around and locking the doors. He sets off down the sidewalk without looking back to see if the older man was following him. Namjoon stops walking after a while and lets out another sigh as he leans his head facing the sky, then lolling his head back to focus on Yoongi after a second.
"My brothers have been telling me about your new habit of visiting and quite honestly I don't know what to think about it. For years I've watched my sister come home exhausted and force herself to get up and go to work even when she was sick because of you. She's missed out on so many of Yeonjun's firsts and birthdays as a result of how hard you had her working and now all of the sudden, you're a different person?"
Yoongi doesn't know what to do, guilt is washing through him at the man's words, and he struggles to think of what would convince him that he truly cares about you. That he never intended to cause you misery and he never would have done what he did if he had known he was pushing you too hard. You had never let him see you were struggling, he thought you were thriving, he felt pride in the results of your hard work, and it made him think you were capable of that much more.
"I know you have your doubts in me. But I never intended to cause her such pain." He looked into Namjoon's eyes with determination. "I've admired your sister since I hired her, she was always capable and hardworking and after a while I saw a potential in her that others couldn't. I admit at first, I worked her like a hardass because I didn't understand why someone like her was skipping out on the steps of her career in exchange for money. But then I saw something in her that reminded me of myself, and I admired her for her sacrifices, and I worked her harder because I knew she was capable and that she could accomplish something incredible under the pressure."
"And what? You thought you could push her like that without checking in? You thought you could put all of that responsibility on her without the corresponding title? Or pay? Or benefits?" Namjoon fires back, skeptical of the hybrid before him.
The CEO takes a deep breath, knowing that the man was right. "You're right, and I know I'm selfish for it, but I wanted her by my side for as long as I could. I wanted her to continue to be the fortress around me. She kept me levelheaded and calm, and she protected the company silently and I took that for granted. And fuck- You're so right in that I just expected her to take my shit and still stay by my side forever, but I was blind and stupid and Naïve, and yet I can't live without her in my life even after knowing I don't deserve her."
He's looking into your brothers' eyes with the most sincerity he's ever felt in his life, and he prays that if there's a god out there that it will help him just this once. That your brother will believe him, that he will at least let him stay in your life if only as a friend, that he will get a second chance to do this the right way.
"How long have you been in love with her?" The response throws him for a loop, but he won't back away from his feelings anymore. He won't risk losing you again.
"Three years, but I think I loved her long before I realized it." Confessing the truth with confidence lifts a heavy weight off his chest for the first time in a long time.
"Do you still love her knowing what you know now about her? Knowing that she's a mother?" Namjoon levels him with the question like it's the final challenge, and he doesn't hesitate a second in his answer.
"More than ever."
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
He cant hold back any longer, he doesn't want to wait to only find out it's a dream and your heart isn't his. His kisses are feverish and his hands are hasty when he tugs at the button of his jeans and pulls the zipper down. He feels hot and heavy in his own hand, painfully hard and just needing to be buried inside of you.
So that's what he does.
Hard sand abrupt, reaching deep and stealing your breath. He thinks your eyes look beautiful, like a sky full of shooting stars when he buries himself as deep inside you as possible. His lips rest on yours unmoving as he grips your hips and slides out slowly just to as fluidly slide back in hard and fast. He keeps this up, jolting your entire body and continuing to steal your breath as he fucks you like you're his to break. He fingers press harder into your skin as he grows desperate, pressing against you and grinding in a way that has him bringing friction to your clit and making you cry out against him. "Look at me." He says. You don't even realise you've closed your eyes and when you open them they're wild, almost unhinged and he rests his forhead on yours, taking one of your hands to kiss your fingers and then lace them together, his other moving around your back to hold you close when he starts pounding into you relentlessly, hissing eyesonmeloveyesonme, reminding you over and over until he drowns you in that river of fire once more, burning you all over, making you swallow its flames and feel your insides singed. Tears spill from your eyes but still you don't look away. You seem to begging for something, but you can't really think what it is. He kisses you again, stilling against you as empties himself out. "I love you." Is muffled against your mouth but you cry out as you cum one last time, swallowing the words and letting them print themselves on the walls of your heart to live there forever.
(I'm so sorry I'm not guilt tripping imlowkeyprojectingbutthatdoesntmatter but anyway next time I'll have juyeon join and they can both give u the love you deserve :D and I'm hit or miss with smut, I'm usually better doing it like this that putting it together in a story 😭 anyway tis the end he finally came looool)
eye- sis- i- had you sent this to me if i wasn't on my period i think i would have felt even worse cause i'd be more clear-headed and had nothing to blame my hormones on (like now) so honestly thank god you sent this to me on my period and i can use it as an excuse LMAO
jeeeeeezzzzzzzz you're on a roll tonight sis TT and (thank god) you're projecting cause that tells me that you're not... delulu and actually imagining it with hyunjae lmao sheesh
thank you for writing this, thank you for tormenting me tonight and making me question my loyalty (which has been STRONGLY contested tonight i must say, with like at least 10 people attacking me in the last 6 hours wow)
and though it sounds like you're in an angsty time in your life where you're yearning (h*rny or not), i hope things get better for you, and that you get the love you want and deserve :< i know how it feels, being alone and empty and like- nobody with you LMAOOOO esp if you know how it feels first hand (which I'm guessing you do because you wrote all that in such specific detail, or you would've at least KNOWN some form of extreme intimate love).
when people write smut most of the readers just take it as it is, not knowing that the emotions are usually dug out from something the writer might've rather NOT remembered so thank you for baring some part of your emotions to us tonight (that sounds weird lmao but u get what i mean) and using it to torment me and #team suffer with dana
i hope you'll stick around for good (not JUST to torment me i hope LMAO) <3 and you have all my love
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