#pls look at her she looks so good in the chest piece aaaa
lloth · 2 years
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Obtained the Hypostatic Mail of Fending and it looks so nice. C’:
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yourhero404 · 6 years
i know requests are closed right now, but could you possibly do this like when you have time for it?? or when requests are back open? aaa maybe have reader really insecure when she sees uraraka and katsuki hanging out more than usual? and she misinterprets it as him cheating on her?? fluffy ending pls !! aa also super angsty! thank you so much
A/N: Aaaa i’ve been out of town and I keep having to put this piece down and revisit it so hopefully its okay and makes sense !! I left it as a fem!reader this time around ^^
She stood across the hallway from the 1-A classroom, standing on her tiptoes to see through the swarms of students walking down the highway. The hallways started to empty out, it was well after school now, and she rocked back and forth on her heels. Maybe her boyfriend just had some extra hero-sort of work to do- she was just in the support course, after all, she wouldn’t be surprised if he had.
What she was surprised about, however, was how he didn’t come through the door alone.
She had seen her a few times, wasn’t her name Uraraka or something? The one with the zero-gravity quirk? All she knew for sure was that this brunette was cute, and certainly had a much bubblier personality than she did; She also knew she didn’t like the feeling boiling in her chest.
The way Uraraka moved so lightly with a giant smile, it made (Y/n)’s feel unsettled. She didn’t look towards her boyfriend, her focus chained itself to the other girl; The laugh she let out made (Y/n)’s chest feel hollow- light, soft, a laugh that would normally be pleasant to her ears drove knives through her heart. Suddenly, she felt so small, insignificant, so… abandoned. She couldn’t even bring herself to look at her boyfriend in fear of what she might see- it made her instantly feel so pathetic. How was it possible to feel so negatively so quickly? Was something wrong with her? She hadn’t stopped to think about how strongly she truly felt about her boyfriend- perhaps this is what it felt like to truly trust in another person. Did he return that smile? The soft upturn of the corners of his lips, the gentle dip the subtle dimples in his cheeks give, the secrecy and confidentiality the two of them silently share each time she’s blessed with the chance of seeing the corners of his eyes crinkle in such an enthusiastic way- was he sharing those moments with her as well? The thought of someone else sharing in these moments made her feel as though she were going to throw up her own heart- it was painful and so sinfully numbing; She knew she was a fool for assuming the worst, but she was also an absolute fool for falling as hard as she had in the first place.
(Y/n) kept her eyes glued to her feet now, glaring at the worn-out patterns on her shoes and swallowing the lump that grew in her throat with each step she heard her boyfriend take towards her. Her lip quivered with each negative thought that creeped from the shadows of her mind, tears threatened the corners of her eyes and her body shook with such an intense anger that she couldn’t get her muscles to still.
“(Y/n), what’s so interesting on your shoes?” He asked, when he got no response from her, he lightly tapped the toe of his own shoe against her shin, “Earth to fucking (Y/n), where are you?”
“Are you happy?”
“Huh?” she had whispered too low for him to hear, but something about her tone started to upset him, “What are you talking about?”
“Are you happy?” she asked again, lifting her head up to face him, “With me? With her? Who are you happy with? Are you even happy?”
“Woah, hit the brakes, what are you talking about?”  
“Are you cheating on me?” she whispered, tears beginning to race down the curves of her cheeks as she looked him in the eyes. “I need to know.”
“Why the fuck would I do that?” The corner of his mouth curled up both in confusion and disgust, “What kind of guy do you take me for? I wouldn’t cheat, that’s fucked up no matter who you are. Why are you even asking that?”
She shuffled her feet and broke from his gaze- she could still feel the heat of his eyes on her, however. She couldn’t read his emotions- his tone seemed angry, and from the look of just merely his foot stance, he was hurt by her question. His answers seemed… defensive? No, it seemed that way, but she knew him better than that- better than… her. There was something she had missed, there had to be. She jumped to conclusions too quickly- she must have seemed so pathetic, so… crazy. Crazy? Protective? Or just all-around sad? What was he going to think after this?
“Well you came out late with that girl-”
“So you automatically assumed I was cheating on you? Because I was walking with some girl out of the classroom?”
“I didn’t say it was a logical assumption!” she yelled, tears still streaming down her face, “I just saw… I saw how she smiled at you and it’s… it just reminded me of how I smile at you. I was afraid that… maybe you shared one of your smiles with her too.”
“…With round face? You’re worried about round face?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not her name-”
“Exactly. I don’t even fucking know her name- you have no reason to be worried about me cheating on you with her, or with anyone. I got stuck with her for some dumb group assignment, there’s nothing special there.” He stepped forward and closed the space between them, reaching out to hold their chin firmly in his grip to ensure they locked eyes, “I would never cheat on you. You’re the one that I’ve decided to spend my time dealing with, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. One of the hardest too, seeing how much of a brat you normally are,” he joked, shaking her face gently to let her know he was trying to lighten the mood. “Calm down.”
She stood there and pushed her lips into a pout, sniffling in an attempt to stop crying. She truly had overreacted and she felt like a fool. Her boyfriend wasn’t good with words, and she knew this was his attempt at comforting her- she had no real reason to doubt him, and she knew it. A twinge of guilt for her moment of doubt and dip in self-esteem made her chest hurt, but seeing the hurt in his eyes caused the real pain. Shaking her head furiously, and hilariously had she seen herself, she was free of his hold and immediately threw herself towards him with her arms open for a hug. He held her close and brushed her hair down, a chuckle echoing through his chest at how easily she had overreacted.
“You done being sensitive? Done overreacting? Are you going to freak out when I talk to the nurse, too?”  
“Don’t make fun of me! I was concerned because I obviously like you a lot, you big head. Like… a lot, I guess. I didn’t know someone’s emotions could flip so suddenly. I… I don’t want to lose you.”
“Yeah, obviously you do. Who wouldn’t?” He moved to place a swift kiss to the top of her head, “Emotions are fucking scary, aren’t they? You can bet I’ve felt the same damn way when those guys in that class of yours run around acting like you’re some damsel in distress just to catch your attention.” He dropped his chin heavily on the top of her head, sighing to emphasize how draining emotions were and how he emphasized with her, “But, you know, despite it all, I know I can trust you. So hopefully, you can trust me- ‘Cause you’re the only one, baby. Only you.”
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