#synth is playing ffxiv
lloth · 2 years
/respect for the loss of "How very glib!" in Praetorium
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shizucheese · 8 months
So I realized that whatever Stuff I had set up for my blog to promote myself seems to have vanished into the aether, so I guess it's time for me to do the whole Pinned Post thing. Hello everyone! I'm a vtuber on Twitch who recently also started streaming on Youtube, now that Twitch allows for simulcasting. I primarily stream Final Fantasy and other JRPGs, and as of this year I plan on doing unplanned streams playing Synth Riders and maybe a few other games (assuming I can get certain ducks into a row). I am currently streaming FFXIV, replaying the whole game on a fresh character doing all content at minimum item level (except the Coils, because fuck that).
I'm also a writer, but I've been out of the writing game for a while because Life has been kicking my ass for the past few years, but keep an eye out, for both fanfiction and original work, because I'm working on things and when they're ready for public consumption I will be posting about it here. Other things I will likely post about: The Magnus Arcives, The Magnus Protocol, and other horror podcasts. Baldur's Gate 3. Eventually once I get my shit together (I just moved last year and things are still in boxes), cosplay, dice making and other crafting stuff. Politics. (I'll try to keep that last one to a minimum but fucking Vote you guys, and fact check literally everything you see and hear on social media.) Make sure to follow, like and subscribe! ;D
--Streaming Sechdule--
Tuesdays starting at 7:30 pm
Wednesdays starting t 7:30 pm
Sundays staring at 4:30 pm
--Where to find me--
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mmorpg-escapism · 6 months
Alrighty, the brief intermission to finish corpa and spend an hour with my static before they dispersed is over. Back to pseudo-liveblogging ShB.
The music. I am not normally one for video game music - it's often distracting or not my vibe, so I'll have it off in most games and listen to my own... Not so in FFXIV. And since I spent the majority of my childhood in a concert band, I'm gonna actually pick at zone themes this time through.
Amh Areng's theme is beautiful... It starts with synths playing this almost regretful tune over a steady beat that's reminiscent of the cadence of a trolley on rails. Then there's some bright yet wistful vocals to remind us that yes, there's a solid wall of Light threatening this place. The eerie ambience that comes with the Everlasting Light weather just adds another layer of "something terrible happened here" to the place.
I could get lost in this one.
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ishaslife · 11 months
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welcome, weary wanderer 🌖
name: Isha
age: 20
gender and pronouns: female, she/her
socials: YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest
games: dragon age, bg3, ffxiv, elden ring, hakuoki and other visual novels, love and deepspace, wayhaven chronicles and many others.
hobbies: playing video games, occasional writing and reading, making ambience and playlists, cooking & baking, making moodboards, photography, learning/studying history, literature, fables, myths, legends and simping over fictional men alongside being delulu. This may be TMI but, I am a university student majoring in English Literature.
favourite music genres: kpop, dreamcore, folk, high-fantasy ethereal, soundtrack, 2000s rock, 80s-90s synth pop and rock, vaporwave.
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I make ambience and playlists on YouTube, my channel is linked above. My content focuses on imagined ambiences and playlists, i.e. how I imagine a fictional place to sound based on descriptions and music representing characters, locations etc. However lately, I have also been dabbling in theory videos.
romances and favourite characters (at least those I can remember off the top of my head):
Alistair Theirin, Fenris, Solas (dragon age)
Astarion (baldur's gate 3)
Harada Sanosuke (hakuoki)
Gilbert Redford (piofiore)
Hattori Hanzo (nightshade)
Zayne (love & deepspace)
Hien Rijin, Aymeric de Borel, Haurchefant Greystone, Emet-Selch (ffxiv)
Hebaron Nirta (under the oak tree)
Jaime Lannister, Jon Snow (asoiaf)
Alucard (Adrian) Tepes (castlevania)
Popular work on YouTube:
astarion is falling in love with you (bg3)
valyrian ambience (asoiaf)
an evening with astarion (bg3)
shadowlands of asshai (asoiaf)
unbroken oaths (series) [fandom: under the oak tree, RI: Hebaron Nirta] MLIST
a starlit rendezvous [fandom: baldur's gate 3, RI: Astarion.]
Posts a lot about: everything fantasy, but mostly video games. As of August 2023, the blog has been very focused on Astarion and Baldur's Gate 3 but I also post about ffxiv, dragon age, asoiaf, hakuouki, lotr, gothic arts and literature, history to list a few of my interests. My interests are ever changing and when I get obsessed with something new, I post about that thing for months.
I also write character/game analysis on this blog along with sharing my thoughts on video games, film, television, characters, themes etc. This blog is not political and I have no wish to make it so, it is a place where I share my work and interests.
I don't make new posts everyday, but there are a lot of reblogs.
Astarion Ancunín (bg3)
Hebaron Nirta (under the oak tree)
Hien Rijin (ffxiv)
Dame Aylin (bg3)
Zayne: Foreseer (love & deepspace)
Xavier: Lightseeker (love & deepspace)
Dr. Zayne (love & deepspace)
Solas (dragon age: inquisition)
Sylus: Relentless Conquerer (love & deepspace)
Enjoy your stay 🤍
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gddmgttsu · 7 months
Nautilus Knoweth - FFXIV
(Featuring everyones favorite singing cat)
I'll be sad when we have to leave Old Sharlayan for the new town.
Voices from beyond compel me to create and thus this was made.
The first Meowsynth thing I made was with Moon River and I even edited a stupid video to go along with it. This one just came from me being in the shower and going "what if that one part is sung by a chorus of cats using Meowsynth).
The whole song took way longer than I thought it would take because I'm stubborn and that I wanted it to use the fancy instruments my computer can barely handle so I had to trouble shoot that. I didn't even end up using that for all the instruments because I wanted very specific sounds from the windows midi instruments and bongos.
I don't play guitar but I understand how the instrument works. I just don't have a frame of reference as to your common chord shapes/voicings so I apologize if something requires 6 fingers or whatever hahaha.
Arranging the damn thing was hard too because while specifically using the Old Sharlayan night theme, it's still Flow so I had to fight with myself as to which version to actually base the arrangement on. Those chord changes are so weird especially since I was doing it by ear but I think I got most of it right with a bit of my own spice.
There's alot more I would like to add but I think I've really hit my limit with my mixing knowledge because I have no clue how to make anything sound good together anymore.
During the final part of the song in the original, there were very slight like bright plucky synths doing an arppegiated line under everything and I didn't notice it untill I was reviewing the song. I wanted to do something simillar or atleast call back to it with something but I couldn't quite make it sound right. I wanted to sneak in some motifs from other Endwalker/FFXIV songs but unfortunately I had to get rid of it.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little thing I made and procrastinated on posting because I was busy beating Baldur's Gate 3.
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snowpoff · 2 years
I can never go back to maplestory for Reasons and I haven’t played it in. fuck if i remember years. so listening to the new music compared to the music I was used to ages ago is giving me actual whiplash
first video: area theme for el nath. I played after the big bang so I wasn’t there for “classic maple” but. here. circa 2012-2014 I think.
whatever the fuck this boss music shit is. it fucking GOES. did they get a whole ass orchestra for this???? where are my SYNTHS. this does NOT sound like maple at all! this would fit RIGHT at home in ffxiv or maybe bravely default. or some other squeenix title
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taintedmegane · 2 years
when you get this, please answer with five things that make you happy! (only if you want to, ofc) then send this same ask to the last ten people in your notifications (anonymously if you want. and also you don't have to send this to anyone if you dont feel like it!)
tysm!! hmm... my 5 things are:
my friends! both close and newer!!
my cat dashuri.... light of my life
merch making! its a special interest at this point haha
vocal synths! been very into vocaloid and utau since 2008, and synthv since 2019 <3
games i play with friends! ffxiv, splatoon, terraria, etc...
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lumieberries · 2 years
Hiya I’m Lucina and welcome to my hell hole, I play FFXIV a lot and it’s is a core personality trait of mine. I also post art from time to time between waves of spam.
Things I post!
Final Fantasy Gundam NieR Sims Dolls Vocaloid/Vocal Synths
Commission status: Open
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Tags!! #wol lucina #wol y’ryu #art
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ofgeneticperfection · 4 years
Scarlet’s chain of sweetness
Courtesy of  @madamdirectcr
1. Indomitable - She pretty much does what she wants, how she wants, whenever she wants. If she wants something? She manipulates her way into getting it. She doesn’t stop until she has it and hardly anything will sway her otherwise. She’s extremely hard to control when determined and set on a task in mind. She’s hard to control period. She’s got a streak of wild, impulsive, and loves to toy with others be it malicious or just to tease.  Her will is near impossible to break and she never believes that she can’t do something even if it is the impossible. Atop of that she’s fairly hard to defeat physically, she’ll bring more than a challenge if ever attack or if a loved one is ever hurt. I’m not saying that she can’t be brought down because she can, but it’s going to take more than a couple of hits.
2. Emotional Depth-  There’s not just one tier to Isrieal, there’s a million and it’s a labyrinth. She comes off as cold, arrogant, prideful but that’s the main wall that she hides behind. She’s strong and will exude complete confidence most of the time while being sly, cunning, coy, and whatever else she can throw at you. These are the emotions she shows to the world but the rest she’s buried so deep inside that she forgets they even exist. Inside she’s broken, sad, lonely, tormented but she has her ways of hiding them and biting back the pain that feeling these emotions brings. It’s from the conditions she’s been stuck in for her whole life at Hojo’s mercy and the lies she’s had to tell herself to make it easier to handle. Of course, this naturally makes her volatile with bursts of anger or other strong emotions and if she let’s one slip out they all come spilling out sooner or later. She does have a tendency to use special sedative injections to subdue these emotions whenever she feels any starting to well up. Deep under it all, however, she loves with all of her heart once she is sure that she will not be hurt. She’s always afraid of that in a way, but there is no in between. You have her all or you have her nothing. But once there she is quite passionate and protective and more soft and innocent then she’d originally lead you to think. 
3. Manipulative - Life is a game and she plays to win. At least that’s how one survives in ShinRa. She learned from one of the best manipulators out there and now she’s known to even manipulate the Professor himself. She rose herself from experiment to assistant Director by playing him and she plays everyone around as she sees necessary in order to get what she needs. She often shows what she wants to show and nothing more, near every move and every article of clothing is precisely calculated towards whomever she is meeting with. Of course, only if you don’t know her well. 
4. Deals with the Devil- Oh yes, she loves to make deals but don’t worry they’re mostly fair and she is one to keep to her word and her promises. Despite her demeanor she is quite loyal when she promises something. If you work out a trade or a bargain she’ll do her best to uphold her end of it, getting you what you want in return. There is a lot that can be traded between science and other departments after all and she’s not afraid to go behind the Professor’s back here and there if it means obtaining something she’s personally after in the end. 
5. A.I Alien - Lastly, yes I love the fact she is a hybrid and loves to play with quantum theory and A.I in the future. I always love the sci-fi aesthetics and concepts and the idea of something beautiful having a monster inside. She’s at conflict with this part of herself, often not knowing how to fully accept it but at least she is in control of the cells and not the other way around. She’s also always been focused on uploading consciousness and prolonging and bringing others back to life since she doesn’t age. It’s from there that she gets pulled into quantum theories and eventually breaks through to a system A.I that she makes a deal with to her own advantage, but this is a plot I haven’t touched in a while. Really I love everything about her but these are some fun and dominating concepts. 
1. @animus-inspire Where do I start? Seriously. This was unexpected but yet one of the best things that has ever happened in my writing history. I love love love this ship and all the AU’s of it so much! And beyond that, it’s so rare to get me to talk a lot but I can’t seem to ever shut up around you xD. But, I LOVE talking to you and the connection we have and the fact that we have so many stinking ideas all the damn time and they all get played off each other so easily and that we can share the same obsessions and YES WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! But you are also one of the sweetest and most full of life people I know on here and I absolutely love writing with you, you’ve made it so great :3. And you are seriously best Reeve and have made me love all the Reeve. <3
2. @thefirstthaumaturge I’ve known you for about like, well.....well over 10 years xD And I love you more as the years go on. We’ve survived drama days together and now we can laugh about all the stupid RP stuff we did in the past. I also enjoy all of our new RPs and how great its been to see both our OCs grow and thrive in these communities. I also super love talking to you and playing video games with you and watching WestWorld and movies with you. Basically, you make everything super fun and I don’t know what I’d do without you around. I also love how we always manage to say/type the same things at the same time all the damn time xD Digital sisters but its as real as it gets. 
3. @shinraweirdscience @xbroken-science @insidious-scientist  I love all of my Hojo’s that deal with Izzy’s crazy ass and put up with me so thank you guys! I’m always down for crazy plots and all the trauma that comes with them so don’t ever feel bad about throwing anything at me or damaging Izzy. It’s what makes her her after all. And I find it all a lot of fun. I’m always ears for ideas so let me know!
4. @sadistic-second I don’t write a whole lot with you here but you’re always good company in the voice chats and you make playing games a lot of fun as well. I like our little group we have going on to do all the stuffs. I love all the gifs and icons you make, and the paracord is very creative as well. It’s always cool to see what you can do. Of course I like all the funny things too.   @apathetic-ruler  I have to say you’re writing is amazing, I love it! I haven’t wrote with your Ru but I love past life Ru xD One of these day’s I’ll figure out what to do with a Rufus I’m sure. 
5. @ivory-paragon We don’t write much but I love playing FFXIV with you and being in all your groups. It’s a very fun and enjoyable atmosphere and you make me laugh all the time. If I hadn’t found you I wouldn’t have found any of this awesome community and my great shippy ships that have come out of it. @rikelusshinra I love all of our RP’s and stuff too. You have a super amazing OC that seems to fit right in and I’ve loved writing with Rike. Even if you are busy now. It’s rare Izzy finds ships that work but you are one of those lucky ones that she fits well with and I love all the ideas we play with as well. So to my FFU peeps! Even if we don’t write on tumblr much I still love you both. 
Honorable mentions:
@cinderella-gurei God, you are the best Chadley and you break my damn heart all the time in our RPs. Izzy will never forgive herself completely but she’s glad to have you around and so am I! She will protecc forever. <3 
@madamdirectcr I love your Scarlet! I want to see what happes :3  @makeupandmateria Another lovely Scarlet I had to mention as well!
So okay, I’ve thought about this all day and I’ll do a few categories. Since I revolve around music so heavily and no lie have hundreds of my own music videos in my head for every song I’ve ever heard, yes I’m one of THOSE people. xD
So I’ll start with what I’ve been listening to lately that really fits in with WestWorld Izzy and Logan!Reeve ShinuestiLos xD I can’t seem to get Poker Face out of my head for her and a couple other Lady Gaga songs that fit in  Like this one too. 
Also I really love these songs but they are so random. This one mostly thanks to ARI, but I can never not listen to it when it comes on. Also Mortal Kombat. This song makes me so fired up every time I hear any variation of it xD. Even now! alkdjfsldjfsdljf, but I do really like this mix. 
Then we can’t forget those emo day songs. Mr. Brightside is one I can never resist singing. It’s just so damn good! Then there is Holiday by Greenday and can’t forget Miss Murder by AFI xD 
Now I have an extremely long list of electronic type, synth, darkwave, trance, whatever the heck categories they fall under that I just like to call my Robot music xD  Here’s a couple with AI themes that I’ll just throw out here. We Appreciate Power and quite literally A.I 
And lastly this one reminds me of Midgar so much and Izzy, but I always see her singing this if she ever made a music video. (which apparently she’s made many) But she’d definitely be in front of wall sized windows with Midgar in the background and the labs, and its also why she sometimes refers to it as Electric City, idk who the guy would be singing with her but if you want it to be you just let me know? Lol.  After all she is Indistinct. Ill Defined. Uncontrolled. Unconfined. 
Tagged by: @animus-inspire (this took me forever Reeeeeve x.x) 
Tagging: @thefirstthaumaturge
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kyrie-silverwings · 5 years
Kyrie should learn....the piano!
The piano is an exceptionally expressive instrument, one that can bash out a party-starting boogie-woogie and then deliver the fiery passion of Rachmaninov with barely a pause to wipe the sweat off the keys. It's also a real challenge, not least if you want to play in a place where there isn't one. Becoming proficient in one style won't necessarily get you closer to mastering another, but the act of learning is a meditation in itself. Especially something flash and happy like a Scott Joplin rag.
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“Now that I think of it, Niqesse might not mind if I practice on hers...”
Kyrien should learn the bass!
No instrument is given as little credit for doing as much work as the bass. Electric or acoustic, double or synth, the low end rumble is what gives music its form and power, and without it, Beethoven would sound weedy, funk would sound silly and drum 'n' bass would be just percussion. There are transport issues, particularly for double bassists, but at least they know they're integral to proceedings, and when they do let rip - whether it's slap bass or rockabilly - they're practically a one-man band.
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Quiz here
Tagged by @spotofmummery !
Tagging @under-the-blood-moonlight, @kael-haustefort-xiv, @cahli-tia, @ahlis-xiv, @ahruhiraeth, @xiv-endora, @dylan-xiv, @lillies-n-lilacs, @littlestcreampuff, @paleshadeofrose, @resistance-ranger, @fair-fae, @lareine-kira, @umbralich, @carmen-ffxiv, @herohikara-wol, and @ffxiv-celesteharper !
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12 Questions Mun Meme
1. Name/Alias: Largely I'm referred to as Infi, unless you know me from the vocal synth community in which it's Ilma.
2. Birthday: September 1st.
3. Zodiac sign: Virgo, which is August 22 - September 22.
4. Height: APPARENTLY 5'4, but I honestly think I'm closer to 5'3. Then again, I was super out of it last time I was officially measured because I had a fever of 101....
5. Hobbies: I've answered this a couple times, but the answer is still "way too many". I do drawing, sewing, crochet, writing, baking, gardening, reading, songwriting, and others that I'm not thinking about actively right now... no I don't have issues with burnout, what are you talking about
6. Favorite Colors: PIIIINK. any kind of pink. Or neon colors. Or pastel. Neon or pastel are my favorite colors. The others just kinda feel ... Meh. Although I hate green as a general rule. Green is the one color I can't stand if it's not neon.
7. Favorite Books: Also answered in a previous meme, that you can find here, so I'll take the chance to add in some others I've been thinking about recently.
I haven't picked it up in a while because I don't have the books on me, but Skip Beat! was really fun to read. I just loved how over the top Kyoko was in her revenge scheme, and how it played out. It's a ridiculous romcom, but I loved it. Do recommend if you're into that sort of thing.
Bringing back something from my childhood, the Disney faries books were pretty good -- and actually the biggest thing that got me into writing. Rani in particular intrigued me, though Priscilla and Queen Clarion also just. I was smitten.
There was also a faerie book I had that was about Fae folk in general, not just pixies, and, uh... I will never let go of the fact I overlooked the fact I had a giant fucking crush on nixies and didn't notice. Also it gave me inspiration for writing.
8. Last Song Listened To: Crayons - CupcakKe (NSFW warning: there's some sexually explicit stuff here)
9. Last Film Watched: I'm pretty sure it was the Lord of the Rings? I don't know, they're good films but I didn't really get into them.
10. Inspiration for Muse: Lesbianism and spite. (Only partial sarcasm, tbh.) It varies between characters, but those really just tend to be the main reasons I work as hard on them as I do; I'm prideful, mildly disappointed in my childhood, head over heels for girls, and just generally enjoy exploring concepts and traits and what makes those characters tick.
11. Dream Job: Also has been talked about before, but I really do still want to be a paramedic. I also know that's incredibly unrealistic as a job for me because I know I'm not cut out for it. So second dream job, and the one I'm working towards is becoming a piano teacher.
12. Meaning Behind URL: My username is Infiniteleft and I do FFXIV now. You can find my old BNS blog by replacing FFXIV with BNS.
Tagged by: @gaillaffxiv
Tagging: open tag outside of @willow-of-hingashi because I don't know who's been tagged, so if you wanna do it, do it. If you don't, even if you've been tagged... Don't.
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lloth · 1 year
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lloth · 1 year
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feeling a little blessed by receiving every single comm (':
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lloth · 2 years
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Obtained the Hypostatic Mail of Fending and it looks so nice. C’:
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lloth · 2 years
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love her....... love them so much...............
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lloth · 1 year
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C': resubbed and
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