#pls not the efnan bit????
payidaresque · 1 month
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What do you love most about your profession? The acting world is limitless. You always learn and constantly improve yourself. It's a never-ending adventure and it makes me very excited and vigorous every day. But at the same time, the ability to touch people's lives with your work, feel their love and support, is a very special and pleasant reward for the hard work we do. It is an extraordinary feeling for me truly.
Among all the characters you portrayed, which one do you feel closest to? Ruya (Yabani), the character i'm playing now, has a place in my heart. And I can't forget Efnan (Aziz), she has a very special place in my heart, and she'll always have one. I can't really name a character i feel very close to, but there are moments when I see myself in the characters i portray, or certain traits i give them, that are more my own. — Simay Barlas, for Harper's Bazaar (May 2024)
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dangermousie · 1 year
Aziz spending half the night with the priest in a church library leafing though texts to try to figure out a legal-type way out for Efnan aaaaaaa
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Get you a man who comes from trying to figure out a legal way to save you to spend the night by your jail cell with his precious gramophone to play your faves.
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That’s a hell of a wedding night!
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Those two! I don’t want to say “relationship goals” because ending up about to be executed for a crime one of you committed to protect the other is not really optimal, but they are amazing.
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Oh, Aziz, trying to compose himself so as to show a calm face to her.
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In the morning...he spent the whole night there, in his gorgeous three piece suit with a gramophone aaaaaaa I am glad he conked out for a bit tho because I am not sure the man got any other sleep in a week.
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HE LEFT HIS BELOVED GRAMOPHONE NOOOOO PLS TELL ME SOMEONE CAME BACK FOR IT (no, I don’t know why I am so upset about the gramophone but I am.)
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payidaresque · 1 year
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requested by bestie @burningblake
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dangermousie · 1 year
I can’t believe I am seeing a couple that actually talk to each other and don’t hold on to their feelings and secrets like precious jewels. The moment they get a bit of a breathing room, he tells her all about why he left and what he found etc. And then this - the way he is so openly vulnerable with her!
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Awwwww. Earlier she was mad she couldn’t stay mad, so it’s in character. And also her problems were because she believed he was still into his ex/concerned about her status and now she clearly know it’s none of that, it’s really about his father’s murder not about anything lacking in Efnan or his not loving her enough. He’s a mess but he’s always been one, she dngaf as long as he loves her.
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(Side note, he tells her “I am so tired” and he does look exhausted. Pls take a nap, Aziz, you are gonna keel over going at the speed you are going.)
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I love how she is so steady when for the umpteenth time his world has been rearranged (latest version everyone is trying to get him to buy into is that Turkish agents offed his father for shipping arms for the French. I swear, if he wasn’t such a stubborn headcase, he’d just probably lose his mind by now from all the fucking with him everyone is doing. This is version 4? 5? of why/how his father died people are pushing on him.)
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(I love that his saying this leads to her canceling her lessons with Pierre because she doesn’t want what he says not to be true. They actually listen to each other. Of course the fact that she found out it wasn’t any lacking in being a lady that led to Aziz walk out helps.)
Honestly, I love how he will never let anyone put her down to him, not even herself. He doesn’t know because he wasn’t around during her breakdown in the night, but without even meaning to, he dissolves all her darkest doubts about herself. (And that is why Pierre’s plan to bribe her awful father to crash the engagement worked only because Aziz wasn’t there and Pierre couldn’t have known Aziz would have left - no matter how that awful old man ranted and raved, it would not have dissolved the engagement, it would have only resulted in Aziz kicking the man out with extreme prejudice. And even with Aziz leaving, Pierre managed to put spokes into the ship wheels for less than 12 hours so...)
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I love this so much! Proud like the devil Aziz humbling himself to her (as he should, but most men would not.)
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Like - the way she trusts him!!! Someone else could totally wreck her with that trust, if they were a less decent person.
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AAAAAAA!!!! They explain they talk they promise to work together and do better. My ship!!!
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payidaresque · 2 years
Ramo fans also joined Damlas fans into piling on the hate on both the show and Simay & Murat. They literally created fangroups/chats on twitter whilst Aziz was on as they always managed to coordinate the timing of their hate comments together (make sure their hate tweets became more popular). This was further proved when someone posted a screenshot of the fanclubs name (it was something along the name - Lets celebrate the ending of Aziz) when @Aziz posted that the series had ended. Its literally the most unhinged behaviour.
It's honestly the only reason why I'm glad the show ended because the sickening amount of hate was vile to read.
I didn't watch Ramo live but I have some mutual friends on twitter who did and they told me some things over the past year (ill number them for you below as its easier for me):
1) A lot of fans who watched both Ramo & Aziz also noticed Murat seemed to be much happier and comfortable shooting Aziz. They would just comment saying he was glowing and much more relaxed etc. It was so obvious Ramo fans were annoyed with that behaviour as it seems like he wasnt like this during the production of Ramo. However, Ramo did have much more drama/ offscreen rumours so its understandable if this affected his behaviour.
2) There's a lot more behind the scenes stuff with Simay and Murat (pictures and videos) and ramo fans were annoyed because they didn't get the same content with him and his previous Co star. They would literally post dumb stuff about Murat being forced into smiling or fake laughing which is the most disturbing thing I've read.
I think this has a lot to do with horrific affair rumours with him and his previous Co star so its obvious he just was going to be much more comfortable on his new show and around Simay etc.
He also wished Simay a happy birthday post on instagram and said how lucky he was to have her which further proved my point that they did genuinely enjoy working together. Murat hasn't ever wished a co star happy birthday so it just shows you how content he was working with Simay 😀
3) it annoyed both fanclubs that simay was getting incredible love for her performance of Efnan. Both Murats and Damlas fans made several remarks of how Simay wasn't talented enough (before the show was aired) and how she didn't deserve to work with a talented actor like Murat 😒. They were comparing Damlas career success with Simays and how Damlas deserved to be the lead. Literally pulling out Damlas career roles and pointing out why Damla should be the main focus. They literally did lose their minds. However, God really made them spit out their words because SIMAYS was the ONLY one whose acting was consistently praised 😆 😂 🤣 Literally so funny to see how Damlas acting was not once praised by anyone (no offense to Damla but like you can't deny facts).
Ramo fans have literally sat on their high horse all year and believe Murats chemistry with Esra bilgic was impossible to beat. They literally don't want Murat to work with anyone else and have camped under his Instagram/twitter begging for season 3 of Ramo. I really don't have any words to explain to you this type of obsession.
Anyway unfortunately this kind of behaviour needs to be psychologically studied as its so bizarre to me.
sending you all my love 💓
“Let’s celebrate the cancellation of Aziz” my ass… fuck you. Literally fuck you all. So much. Assholes.
I think i just cried a bit 😭 I had a BLAST reading that, thank you so much for sending all of this to me!! 💜 All these pics and videos i've seen and posted... they were glowing. All the smiles and laughs and the energy, and how Murat was speaking of Simay... I KNEW you can't fake something like that! It's so warming to know that the cast of your favorite show actually got along so well, give me a moment pls 😭😭😭😭
But also cringed a bit because... wtf?? Dayum, they had very much free time if they were able to do all of that shit because i mean, are they for real 💀💀💀 get pissed over the fact that Murat wished Simay a happy birthday??? I think i just peed myself from laughing, thank you. What are you, 13 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
In all seriousness, this is kind of sad, because i watched Ramo til the end and actually liked Esra very much (she has way more talent than Damla has, i can assure you of that 💀💀💀), and actually liked the plot until like mid-season 2, and reading all of that is... ouch. I guess that's pretty common for every actor in the industry to have "an affair" with their partner, i mean: 1) Murat's very handsome (i think we can all agree on that 💀 the same applies for Esra); 2) people like gossips (to a vulgar amount actually and it makes me sick); 3) when they get bored, they make up stupid shit + the plot of the show, so it's totally understandable why Murat was worried and uncomfortable during the shooting, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was annoyed even, (and i'm sure Esra was too, no less than he was) and all these horrible and unnecessary comments, rude assumptions??? Didn't make it any better. Jesus have some modesty please. People really need to stop treating other people like Barbies & Kens, that's very creepy, and disrespectful, thank you. And i think if you really consider yourself someone's fan, you would never allow yourself to do any of this disturbing shit public or private, out of respect for that person and his talent, and these people? they're not fans — they're obsessive creeps without a life who should never be allowed to use any social media for their entire lives Go outside, take a walk, be useful to society, but DON'T EVER come near a computer again. This shit is super unhealthy. I'm actually kinda intrested in what Esra's fans thought about all that drama, lolz 💀💀💀 And asking Murat for a s3.. yeah right, like he's the one in charge of that, and not just an actor who was hired to do a job 💀💀💀 be my guest, lolz 💀 That's actually embarrassing :/
You know, that's actually kind of funny, because i'm also recalling a BTS video from the shooting of Aziz, i think it was Murat's birthday, and it seemed to me that Damla & Iman are actually friends?????? So that's very funny when people are putting effort into doing all of this nasty and unhealthy stuff i mean, what kind of world do you actually live in, do you really have no respect for yourself and for the people you’re supposedly “admire”, aren’t you capable of doing anything better?
If you wanna talk or if you have any more stories to tell, no matter, my ask is always open 💜
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