#pls reblog if you see bc. tungle.
crimewizards · 6 months
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day 4 - stories
my big contribution for blackrock job well done week. this series means the absolute world to me, and putting it into cross stitch felt right. these six words have been etched into my brain since i was 13 and Will Not Leave <3
click for slightly better quality lol
pixel art and symbol explanations under the cut
symbols (left to right): - lalna's nuke - plants grown with the harvest goddess band - red matter pickaxe - blaze rod - barry's crown - ender eyes cape - zoeya's mushroom - eye of ender - portable pool -pumpkin (for gilbert!) - teep's arrow - jeff, leader of the rebels - nether portal - Teep The Dinosaur
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lvtvr · 7 years
psa i guess??? :o
hello!! so, i noticed myself being more caught up in negativity lately and just, in general, being ... whiny about stuff. this is just an announcement that from now on i am going to do my best to ease up on that! in preparation for s3, pls welcome the new and improved lvtvr @ tungle, which will feature genuine excitement and completely ignoring the toxic parts of the fandom! you guys are the whole fandom now, as far as i’m concerned.
after i came out of stealth mode and started reblogging whatever i wanted, i felt like it was my responsibility to stand up for my opinions and make it 110% clear that i’m never going to tolerate bullies. this was to make certain that nobody who would ever feel justified in wishing death or harm upon ANY person over fandom bullshit would make the mistake of thinking they were welcome here. however, it segued into me becoming a little bitchier about silly things than perhaps was warranted. for my own sake, i’m gonna tone it down.
all of my opinions still stand, and if you are curious about my stance on various issues, i have a good onion tag for reblogged, non-hateful, interesting posts about fandom and fiction in general. i’m not going to reblog any more fandom-specific salt. however, if you ever do need to vent or complain, feel free to message me privately. i know talking about it can help, so my askbox and DMs are always open. it’s better to let off that steam in private than to ventilate it publicly where anyone can see.
another thing i’ve fallen into is complaining about the fan content i don’t personally enjoy, just bc it’s so... unavoidable, but i’m going to stop doing that too. am i still pissed about the massive amounts of ooc content for my favorite ship and tired of all the boring, overdone fanon tropes? absolutely. but i’ve decided to deal with it by making my own content and leading by example -- be the change, etc. if i need to whine, i’ll turn to my friends.
okay, that’s it!! get hype for season 3, kids!!!!!!!!!!!
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