#pls trust that the only evil villain intentions here are my insane love for bīg tīme rūsh and horrendous content creation skills >:)
heffrondriving · 2 years
hey man how old r u bc like for some reason i've been under the impression that u were a minor (bc i am and like idk ??) even tho that's probably not true bc btrs like 10 years old so u don't have to answer with an actual age just if ur an adult or something omg. i gave way too much exposition just to ask how old u r im sorry </3
oh dadgummit, i should prob throw it up there in my bio or smth, i rlly don't wanna be That One Shady Fandom Creep ykyk (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) and idk abt that either maybe i just clown around a lot and act extremely juvenile a little lot sometimes always and am gnome-sized irl, but i certainly never wanna be misleading or anything insidious. so for the sake of full transparency, i just turned 22 this month *instantly shrivels into the cryptkeeper* and i was around 9 when big time rush first aired (so pretty much perfectly fitting in their age demographic lmao), so there ya go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and on that subject, while i do try my very best to tag appropriately and make a clean bill of this blog and don't believe there's anything much in it that would warrant a full 18+ warning (except maybe for my incessant sailor mouth......sorry ;-;), please do feel more than free to block and/or unfollow if anything makes you feel uncomfortable or if you simply want to!!! that's completely fine and greatly encouraged even bc this hellblog is full of nothing but pure brainrot anyway oops we're all about that very cool funky important internet safety here *flips cap backwards B-)* also not to be preachy grampa but i've been chronically online since i was like 12 and am now Irreparably Broken as a person for it /hj so any minors out here in the corner of the interwebs pls stay safe be vigilant and watch out for yourselves first and foremost also tbh stay away from t*ktok insta & twt i beg, okay have some virtual headpats and thank u <3
n e way don't sweat it fam i mean i wrote a whole forking dissertation paper just to answer this ask about my current age (boringly too) so that evens everything out methinks. and i don't get them much anyway so i live for asks!! hearing from other people about anything, btr-related or notwithstanding, makes me stupidly happy believe it or not (pls believe it, there is an ancient loser duwende running this blog) 😊✨ now if you'll excuse me, old man allen needs their joint medication and 18-hour nap, so g'bye for now~ (-̀◞ω◟-́)
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