#plus after all those attempts with the IV my arms are one big bruise
cookinguptales · 8 months
man, I don't know if it's like. residual emotional effects from yesterday, the physical toll it took on my body, hormones or just like. a general sense of malaise. but I just kind of want to lie in bed and cry today.
I just finished a work project, which is generally call for celebration, but I just. every time I try to work on a creative project instead, I feel like everything I make is awful. every time I try to just veg and watch something, I feel like I'm wasting my time. my brain is very... scratchy today, for lack of a better word.
idk, maybe I'm just mentally exhausted. I had to put on kind of a brave and friendly face for most of yesterday, but it was a pretty awful experience. the actual migraine(?) was terrifying, especially because the experience wasn't anything like other migraines I've had, the tests were stressful and painful and I'm having quite a few physical effects today because of them. and no matter how often it happens to me, there's something so specifically demoralizing about paying several hundred dollars to go to the hospital and stay there all day just for them to say "good news! we can't find anything wrong!" like that makes you feel any better at all when something clearly is.
idk how I feel so simultaneously over and underwhelmed today.
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the-outsiders-blogg · 4 years
Request - Something along the line with the reader surviving a car accident after having an argument with either Darry or Dally, and making up during the recovery process. - @originalposter-96​
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Hold me closer (darry x reader)
You have an argument with Darry and when you go storming off you get into a car crash...
“Hey Dar,” you said cheerfully, walking into the Curtis house.  Everyday you came over to Darry’s place after he got off of work.  Usually it was pretty late.  
“Y/n, what’s up?” sighed Darry tiredly.  He was looking over some papers at the kitchen table.  
You planted a kiss on Darry’s cheek.  “Nothin’ much.  How was work?” you asked.  You went over to the fridge and opened it, looking for something to drink.   
“Tiring,” Darry replied, not looking up from the papers in front of him.  
You took out a pint of milk from the fridge and opened it.  “Whatcha lookin’ at?”
“Bills and all that- y/n, please don’t drink out of the carton,” said Darry with a quick glance up at you.  
You stopped immediately and wiped your mouth.  “Sorry.”
Dar looked back down at the papers in front of him as you sat down at the kitchen table next to him.  You studied his worried face for a second.  He seemed more tired than usual.  Almost burnt out.  
“How ‘bout you take the day off tomorrow? We can spend the day together,” you suggested gently.  
“I can’t afford a day off, y/n, and you know that,” muttered Darry, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead.  
“C’mon I’ll loan you some money, it’s really no big deal,” you said rubbing the back of your neck.   “Plus, it really seems like you need it.”
“Just because I need a day off don’t mean I’m gonna get it,” replied Darry. 
“I don’t need your damn charity, y/n, we’re getting by just fine,” snapped Darry.  
You looked up at him with a shocked expression.  
Darry met your glance.  His tired eyes were tinged with sadness.  “I don’t expect you to understand anyways.”
“Why would you even say that? I’m just trying to help out-” you started in a frustrated tone.  
“I’m too tired to deal with this right now, y/n,” said Darry cutting you off with a wave of his hand.  “I already have too much on my plate.”
You felt your face get hot.  You got up from the kitchen table and stormed out of the house.  Once safely in your car, you threw your hands against the steering wheel, taking out your frustrations.  
Eventually you leaned back in your seat with a sigh in attempt to compose yourself.  You tried to stop tears from welling up in your eyes.  With a deep breath, you started your car and sped off.  
Once on the highway, you couldn’t stop replaying your conversation with Darry in your head.  You didn’t even realize you were speeding up faster and faster.  
Why the hell would he say that? I know he’s stressed and all but- 
Suddenly, the car in the lane next to you swerved sharply.  
“Shit!” you said to yourself, as you attempted to avoid collision.  The other car rammed into the right side of yours, causing your car to spin out.  You slammed on your brakes and swerved your wheel, but it only caused the car to fall on it’s side.  You heard the shattering of glass, the scraping of metal, and then nothing.  
Beep... beep... beep
The steady beating of a heart monitor woke you from a deep sleep.  
“Shit...” you said drowsily.  You looked around to find a startlingly white hospital room.  There was an IV connected to your left arm and a line of stitches on your other one.  
You took a deep breath.  It hurt to breathe.  
“Yeah, no, I understand,” you heard a familiar voice from the hallway.  “But is she going to be okay?” It was Darry, he was talking to a doctor.  
You couldn’t make out the rest of the conversation.  Your chest hurt like hell anyways.  You leaned your head back into your pillow and closed your eyes.  
The click of the hospital room door made your eyes snap open again.  
“Y/n!” called Darry immediately, rushing to your side.  “You’re up! How’s are you feeling?”
You blinked.  “M’ okay.  My chest hurts real bad and- and my head’s kinda fuzzy,” you said softly.  
“I’m sorry for what I said, y/n, it’s been the only thing I could think about for the last three days.  I really shouldn’t have said those things to you.  I’m sorry. I really am,” blurted Darry.  
“Three days?” you asked.  
“Oh, yeah,” sighed Dar. “You’ve been out for a few days.  We were all really worried about ya.  Some sort of head injury and a few broken ribs.  Some cuts and bruises too.”
“That’s kinda scary,” you murmured.  You took a labored breath and closed your eyes.  You were really tired.  “C’mere hon.”  You slowly scooted across the bed.  
Darry slowly climbed into bed next to you and gingerly wrapped an arm around you.  “Is this okay?” he asked softly.  
You put your head in the crook of Dar’s neck.  “Mm. It’s okay,” you whispered.  You fell asleep in seconds, wrapped in Darry’s arms. 
This one kinda sucks, sorry guys. anyways
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