#plus its a great way to get your conservative relatives to yell at their reps
volixia669 · 3 years
It’s REALLY funny turning McCarthyism around for political activism.
Like, I’m one of those folks who knows McCarthyism is bullshit but also knows that the USSR and CCP loooooooooooooooooooove(d) mass surveillance so it’s great going “Do YOU want to be associated with the commies?!”
Anyways, if you don’t want tumblr, twitter, google drive, etc to start scanning every private thing you post AND would rather like your Signal, Whatsapp, etc to remain end to end encrypted AND live in the US, mosey on over to EFF’s little take action thing (tumblr is still weird about links if I recall so I’m going to pull a Biden and say to google it) regarding the EARNIT Act. Send a message to your Senators. Even call ‘em up. Tell them to Vote No and publicly oppose it.
And yeah, if you have Republican Senators, just go and tell them to say no to a COMMIE bill.
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