#plus like who knows!! maybe he really clicks with the new regs!! why not at least give it a shot!! but that's just me
danthropologie · 1 year
babes i think you’d like this one, he’s feeding my delusion even more
unfinished business babyyyy!!!! if it was up to them, daniel never would have left in the first place!!! of course they're gonna bring him back!!!!
no but seriously this is really interesting, thank you. obviously it's a lot of the same stuff we've been talking about in regards to daniel, but i hadn't really thought about the pr angle to bringing in checo in the first place. obviously he was probably the best option at the time so it made sense from a logistical standpoint, but pr side of it....capturing a previously untapped market.... and i think even beyond what he's saying in this video, when you look at the way checo fans are turning on the team, filling the comments with all sorts of hateful bullshit and straight up going full conspiracy to explain away why he's not performing to the level they think he should be, it's easy to start to see how red bull might be ready to start distancing themselves from that, especially when there's a marketing slam dunk waiting in the wings
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I saw tootsie in tour here’s my thoughts
A lot of this is in compassion to the broadway bootleg, also some of these are inside jokes with @max-van-horn
Damn this set and costumes are non equity!
Drew why aren’t you cheating out
Adam Dupleiss didn’t have as good stage presence as Reg, but I think he grew into it as the show progressed
Drew talks like Ethan Slater as spongebob
Payton’s Sandy is less self pitying and less. Annoying than Sarah’s Sandy.
I swear to god they had a Hanukkah poster thing on the wall/door during Michael’s “party” scene that never showed up again
They are hitting nearly every joke this is GREAT
I love Jared’s Jeff he’s better than Andy sorry Andy favorite mutual on Dorothysmichaels
I think Drew Dorothy and Ashley Julie have better chemistry than Santino and Lilli but idk
U know what this Michael is so adhder and Bway Michael is autistic
Some of the blocking was a little different
The audition/rehearsal room was a skrim of a wall overlooking the city with (medicore) forced perspective and a barre, or maybe it was a flat
Dorothy wiggled her shoulders at max it was so weird like some shit straight outta Fosse
Stan had a New York accent
It feels like the whole cast took a bit for them to really get into it except for Payton, Drew was amazing though his vibrato holy shit
A looot of skrims and flats attached to the fly system
Julie is so sweet oh my god
“Connecting with all of those folks in the dark” hits different when you really are one of the folks connecting with her
Michael is less evil than he sounds on the audio boot
The set the non flat non skrim part was two ? Foldable flats one side was a New York skyline the other was an interior and each would fold out into Mike and Jeff’s apartment
Carl sounded gay as hell
The ensemble would move the set Sweeney Todd core omg!!!
Julie and Dorothy bonded over??? Hating pigeons???
Dorothy didn’t come out of a trap door in Unstoppable, also the dress was cut shorter than in the Broadway version I think?
Drew’s Dorothy isn’t as much of a milf as Santino’s I’m sorry I think they should’ve redone the wig a little to suit his face shape now he looks like my photography teacher
QGOD the laughs in Jeff sums it up Holy shit
Jeff sped up when he was doing the dance when Michael was trying to shush him for the phone call the laughs went on for AGES
Julie’s delivery of Who Are You reprise with Ashley’s interpretation of Julie is AMAZING it works better than Lilli’s sorry
Jeff also sits like Spiderman in one party shortly before he jumps? It’s rather odd, but funny
I love the scene afterwards too Stan was so funny, just everything I liked the dynamics in his voice
Michael sinks to the floor on all fours and cowers when he says “it’s really not”
The ninja turtle
The Dress meme shows up. Very dated, not funny sorry
The reveal scene doesn’t hit the same with Rita yelling “SON OF A BITCH”
In speaking of Rita the actress did a good job at sounding and talking like an old woman, not just in voice but in mannerism and inflection
Michael is not autistic.
He sounded so gross when he was flirting with Julie it was funny though
Sandy so silly I love her
THW REVEAL idk man it was good, the sets were interesting they didn’t have a backdrop to be the audience
Lukas James Miller heel click
The changed reveal scene was good it made me wanna kms less, very funny too
The Sandpaper romance was so abrupt it was hilarious
Jeff was holding a MacBook during the press conference scene
They don’t have a landline anymore, I swear they had a landline in the bootleg but I could be remembering it wrong
The ending still sucked ass but the way it’s delivered there is no way they get back together and a slim chance they stay friends
In relation to how similar and different they are from the broadway version
Michael - a lot more ? Assholely, Bway Michael is more well intending and is a dick and selfish out of lack of self awareness, this guy is just a piece of shit and I love him, he’s very excitable, feels more like a man-child who never grew out of his 20s very immature, kinda gay, a little less gay than in the audio but he definitely likes men and is not truly in love with Julie, possibly just infatuated/crush
Dorothy - I love her so much Drew Becker absolutely shines as Dorothy it’s really interesting how you can feel Michael become more comfortable with being Dorothy it’s less of Michael playing Dorothy like he is in early act one and he just IS Dorothy by the end, very funny and smart and is a wonderful parallel to Michael (though she is just an extension of him) also Drew Becker can SING, I love her gestures and the way she moves her body
Julie - So sweet! I love her she isn’t someone who self isolated she’s someone who was isolated at a young age, and because of that dove deep into her art and craft and is there to be happy and be seen, not closed off and reclusive like broadway Julie just didn’t see romance as an option beforehand, you can feel her Love for theatre in contrast to Michael’s lust for theatre
Jeff - so fucking tired of this little boy he’s probably had to take care of since college, truly cares about Michael and seems to be worried but he’s at his limit and doesn’t know how to push Michael to help himself at this point, VERY funny too he really gets into the heart of this character
Sandy - Poor thing she’s been through so much, I feel like Bway Sandy as much as she’s hysterical she’s like a cartoon but Instead of a caricature of a person who’s hanging by a thread she’s just a poor woman who’s tried and never gotten what she wants and you believe it also Funny
Max - this version of Max is WILDLY different from Bway max, instead of some blunt jock who’s been given this role he feels like a kid who’s been dumped first in a reality show he probably got on by chance and then a broadway musical, also he’s really funny and dumb and silly
Ron - Britified. But GREAT he feels like what I imagine Bob Fosse was like offstage but silly and British, he earns every laugh and is just a wonderfully cartoonish antagonist to Dorothy
Rita - Rita is basically the same as broadway Rita it’s just not Julie Halston, she feels a little less blunt in this one than broadway version
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Callisto (Full Prologue)
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Prologue Part One - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 | Bit 4 | Bit 5 Part Two - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3
When I first started this story, I was of two minds whether to put all of the prologue at the front or scatter it throughout the fic. I started with 700-odd words of it and drove into the body.
It fast became obvious that I really needed to build a lot more into the prologue as the OCs were empty shells and I needed to explain the story behind them and why Jeff is so determined.
So at the end of Part Two, I stopped and went back. This is the result. Nearly 5000 words of Jeff Tracy landing on Mars. It can stand as its own story, but it definitely leads into the planned events for the novel, Callisto. Either way I hope you enjoy it. Be aware that the first 500 words or so may be familiar as they were part of the original version. Don’t worry, the rest is new.
Of course, many, many thanks to @tsarinatorment​ @scribbles97​ and @janetm74​ for all the amazing support and help with this fic. Plus @onereyofstarlight​ my go to science officer on this voyage. You guys are absolutely amazing and I couldn’t have done this without you ::massive group hug::
Now this is done, I can finally go back to writing the novel chronologically. I have to say that this is going to be one hell of a ride.
No warnings needed.
 “Another boy?”
Jeff grinned. “Yeah. Another one.” He couldn’t help but stare at the photo that had landed on his screen as a good luck token from Earth.
He did of course, know about Lucille going into labour the night before and it was for that reason he hadn’t had the sleep he probably should have pre-history making Mars landing. But honestly, to get this signal from that little blue planet a good eight months away…his heart swelled…his beautiful baby boy had a shock of red hair that screamed their Irish ancestry down through the hundreds of years since their family had left the old world.
Lucille sat holding him, looking tired but ever so proud. Her dark hair was tied back and the sparkle in her eyes brought a lump into his throat. Her mother, pink hair and all, sat beside his wife holding his two eldest boys on her lap. Scott had his hand on Virgil’s arm as the now second youngest reached over towards his baby brother, a frown of concentration on his face.
“He’s beautiful.”
Jeff startled a little. Berry was breaking regs and leaning over the back of Jeff’s pilot couch, her straps unfastened. The cockpit was pretty snug in the lander, most of the room taken up with safety equipment and interfaces, leaving little for the padded personnel support.
He shot an eyebrow in her direction and she smiled a dare back at him. The astrogeologist wasn’t one for breaking the rules, she just liked to taunt him a little.
Ju, in contrast, was checking her harness was secure a second time. “Creating your own crew, Tracy?” Her auburn eyes smirked at him. “Aiming to replace us?”
He grinned. “Could be.” Dare he mention that his four-year-old eldest could already name all the controls in this cockpit? His grin widened. “But we can’t replace the first person to set foot on Mars, now can we?”
Berry snorted, a little abashed. But it was, after all, her part to play once they made touchdown. The words had been rehearsed, the order of exit decided. For very specific reasons, the first human on Mars was going to be Kate Berrenger.
Berry had worked her ass off to make this mission a reality. Her specialisation onboard was astrogeologist, but honestly it was far more. The woman was talent on legs. It was she who had designed much of the equipment they were deploying on the surface, she who had hunted and gathered the funding, she who had put in the sweat and tears to make this work. And Ju wasn’t far behind. The two of them were quite a powerhouse pair. Jeff considered himself and Lee lucky to have been chosen for this mission. Of course, he’d known Berry for a very long time, worked with her for most of it, but it wasn’t a given that the team that had helped populate the moon would also be the first on Mars.
“Given how many life support pods we’re dragging down there, I bet your boys could drop by in about thirty years or less.”
“You gonna put your money where your mouth is, Berry?” The thought was tantalising. Not to put pressure on any future careers – Lucy would kill him – but he would hope that at least one out of three might follow in his footsteps.
He turned around and opened his mouth, only to be interrupted. “Major Tracy, tell your team to secure. Two minutes to separation.” Sinclair was his usual grumpy, nervous self.
“Roger that, Orbiter Control.”
He glared at Berry and the redhead bit her lip with a smile, green eyes dancing, before sitting back and strapping herself in preparation for the sequence.
She didn’t stop smiling though.
“So watcha gonna name him?” Lee prodded him with his eyebrows from beside Jeff.
A last glance at the photo before he returned to separation prep, fingers tight in his gloves. “Are you going to remember this one?” An eye in the engineer’s direction.
Running his fingers over the controls, Jeff ran through pre-flight. “Name my eldest.”
Lee grunted, his eyes darting away. “Not important right now.” A flick of a switch. “I’m green across the board.”
“A-ok.” Jeff ran through the last sequence of checks…and ran them again…for luck. “Orbiter Control, we are green for separation.”
“Roger that, Cornerstone. Separation in sixty seconds on my mark.” A breath. “Mark.” Another pause. “Good luck.”
And the countdown began.
Jeff ran his eyes over everything again. The great ship that had journeyed so far from home was preparing to split in half. The lander at the top of the vessel was to pull away from the orbiter and its massive propulsion engines to begin the historic descent to the Martian surface. Eight months in space, so much preparation time and so many sacrifices before that, had all led to this moment.
History in the making.
His eyes combed the readouts watching like a hawk. The computer had control, but computers could only do so much.
Still green across the board.
Quiet, his fingers touched the screen where the photo had been. “John Glenn Tracy.” A breath. “His name is John.”
Displays shifted as the countdown hit zero and machinery grunted. The Cornerstone drifted apart from its propulsion module and floated free far above the red of the Martian surface.
Jeff eyed his instrumentation and sent a prayer to his family back home.
Today was an important day.
Lee watched Jeff side-on as he clicked his helmet into place. Taylor was a realist and he knew he wouldn’t be here without the crazy pilot.
It was Jeff’s drive that had gotten them this far. It was like riding a rollercoaster of determination and outright luck. From the Airforce, through space training and their sojourns on Alfie, Lee had tied himself to the man’s coat tails and hadn’t looked back.
God, it had been fun.
Jeff Tracy was a tsunami that crashed through everything and took everyone with him.
And Lee went willingly.
When they had been chosen for this mission it was a dream come true.
The countdown dropped to zero and machinery clunked as the lander separated smoothly from the orbiter. She drifted momentarily before the computer engaged thrusters to push her gently out of orbital alignment.
“We are five by five for atmospheric entry.” The words he uttered were almost rote after so many practise simulations back on Earth.
Atmospheric entry on Mars was considerably different to entry on Earth. Terran atmosphere was more like soup in comparison to the barely-there Martian atmosphere. Still made for a warm entry though, friction was friction after all.
“Trajectory achieved.” Jeff’s voice was confident and firm. As always.
Lee eyed the computer readouts, mentally ticking off procedure as the lander dipped into the outer reaches of the atmosphere and shifted to its entry interface.
Forces wrapped themselves around Lee and his body responded. After so many months of weightlessness, this was going to be a challenge.
“Ready for deceleration burn.”
The landing module sported early entrance stage retro thrusters designed to slow the vehicle to reduce the friction on the spacecraft’s skin. A new innovation that had proven essential in many return trips to the moon in preparation for the creation of a habitable dome on the satellite.
And here they were attempting to do something similar on Mars.
Cornerstone shook as her thrusters engaged exactly on time.
The craft roared.
Lee revelled in it.
“Three minutes to subsonic.”
“I really hate this bit.” It was barely heard above the commotion.
Lee snorted to himself. Ju was an astronaut in every sense, but she had a thing regarding atmospheric entry and the microscopic bits they could be exploded into if something went wrong.
“We are on track, Ju. Not a thing to worry about.” His voice reassurance itself, Jeff could sell the moon cheese if he so felt like it.
“Orbiter to Cornerstone. Tracy, we have a problem.”
Lee blinked. Sinclair’s voice was ominous.
“Orbiter, detail?”
“Cornerstone, weather has kicked up on the landing site. We have a developing dust storm. Looks to be a big one.”
“Orbiter, we are fixed for descent. Please advise severity.” Jeff’s tone was frustrated and Lee couldn’t help but echo it.
Data landed in Lee’s console and while Jeff continued to monitor their descent, Lee examined the situation. “We have a category five dust storm developing over the landing site. Orbiter is right, she looks like she could actually do some damage.”
Mars dust storms were generally all gust and no guts. The air density and pressure forced storms that were dramatic to look at, but generally little more than a windy day on planet Earth. This one, however... “It’s an anomaly.”
Jeff’s eyes darted from his console to Lee’s, grey eyes assessing the data. “Ju, your opinion?” They had to make the decision fast. Altering their trajectory now was possible, but fuel was precious. Any extra used now narrowed their safety margin for later.
The meteorologist’s fingers darted over her board. “Unusual strength, I agree.” Lee glanced in her direction as she frowned. “But Cornerstone should be able to handle it.”
“‘Should’ is not a good enough assumption, Zhang.” Jeff was frowning. The lander’s retros cut out as they reached a safe enough velocity to manoeuvre and Jeff’s hands curled around the yoke.
Lee’s finger darted over his board and brought up the outside cameras.
The red planet stretched out before them, her slightly blue tinted atmosphere contrasting against the rust of her surface.
That surface was churning.
Ju was outraged. “How the hell did that develop in the time it took us to separate from Orbiter? She was as calm as a sleeping baby!”
“I don’t care about then, I need now. Zhang, recommendation!”
The woman grunted. “I say go. If you think you can handle it. It is well within Cornerstone’s specs. Your decision, Major.”
Jeff’s lips thinned, his eyes darting across the readouts. A moment and he hit the comms switch. “Orbiter, we are go for landing. We’ve come this far, might as well go all the way.”
“Tracy, are you sure?”
“Humanity never got anywhere taking it easy.” He glanced at Lee. “Hold onto something.”
Cornerstone began her turn, orientating her nose to the sky so her retros could lower her safely to the Martian surface.
Or in Jeff Tracy terms, ‘spinning so she could park her ass’.
As if reading Lee’s mind, the glint in Jeff’s eyes was something to both be wary of and to celebrate.
Out of the four of them, Jeff was the most reckless, the most daring. But as he was the pilot, it sometimes called for it. Jeff had already saved them from becoming just another crater on Earth’s moon by pulling the most unconventional manoeuvre ever seen on the satellite when a landing thruster misfired on approach. The craft had shot off on a completely unpredicted vector that would have ploughed them into moon dust...if Jeff hadn’t reacted as fast as he did. He flipped the craft with its remaining three thrusters and, shedding the majority of their velocity in an energy dump that had Lee’s stomach on the outside, planted their craft like a sack of potatoes.
They had landed roughly, but they had landed alive and Lee was still amazed his friend had been able to do that.
So, if they were going down in a cloud of red dust, Lee was quite happy to have Jeff at the controls.
Not to say that Lee himself wasn’t handy with a spacecraft. He had his own experience to be proud of. He flew, but his realm was more the mechanical. He was here as back up and maintenance.
For those times the Tracy fix wasn’t quite enough.
A sigh. He eyed the billowing clouds below as they rapidly approached. They were history in the making. Whatever happened here today would be taught in schools for decades to come.
He had faith in Jeff. They would land, Berry would take those first important steps on a new planet, say the rehearsed words, and join Neil Armstrong in the halls of fame.
But first they had to get there.
Jeff swallowed as the cloud of dust loomed beneath the lander. Numbers scrolled across his console. The computer should be able to handle most of it. Its programming was solid. Lucy had made sure of it.
The thought of his beautiful wife...little Johnny.
Dust swelled and wrapped around their craft and visibility became...bad.
Cornerstone shuddered.
Mars dust was a bastard of a thing. Ever so fine and carrying a tiny electric charge that on occasion interfered with instruments.
This was one of those occasions.
“We have blackout on three primary sensors.” Damn. Two others flickered, the screen fritzing a moment.
His fingers darted over controls in an attempt to compensate for the data loss.
Lee was muttering beside him and stabbing at his board. “Rerouting to back-ups.”
Their screens flickered and cleared somewhat.
Numbers plummeted.
Beyond the blinding dust the digital readout that marked the surface of the planet approached.
Far too fast.
Retros crucial to start the landing sequence did not fire.
It took seconds for him to compensate and move to manual, but that was enough for the craft to fall many more metres so, when he did manually trigger the burn, they were lower than they should be.
Cornerstone roared as he pushed more energy into braking.
“Lee, we need primary thrust or we are so much pancake!” Her four landing thrusters were not slowing them enough. The math in his head was churning out a fatal result and their history-making attempt was fast turning into a shitfest. “I need that power now.”
“You have it.” Short and sharp as Lee’s hands darted over his console.
On Jeff’s board the main thruster icon lit up.
It wasn’t meant to be used this way. The main thruster was for launching. It was far more powerful than they needed to land. But if he didn’t slow Cornerstone, she was going to take on a big red rock and lose.
The computer ran calculations and spat numbers out at him.
“Firing main thruster.” The icon flashed, Cornerstone roared and g-forces wrapped around all of them and squeezed.
No one said anything for the second of burn that slowed their descent ever so rapidly. Everything shook, the ship’s superstructure groaning.
Jeff’s eyes tracked their velocity, counting down as the surface of the planet rushed towards them. Visually they couldn’t see it. Virtually it looked ready to slap them in the face.
But the main thruster compensated, slowing the craft just enough for the landing rockets to do their job.
Jeff killed the big one and concentrated on the landers to take the last of their speed.
Cornerstone slowed. Five hundred metres. Four hundred metres. Three hundred metres. Two hundred metres. One hundred metres. Landing struts deployed. Fifty. Thirty. Twe-
The whole ship slammed to a stop, its structure groaning and tilting for a second before righting itself. Alarms began shrieking, red lights flashing all over his board.
What the hell?!
The readout had them stalled nineteen metres ‘above’ the virtual surface. Virtual was obviously not lining up with actual.
Another metallic groan and the ship tilted slightly again. This time it stayed tilted. No doubt a landing strut had taken the brunt and folded.
One red light screamed at him more than the others.
Beside him, Lee confirmed his fears. “We have a fuel leak.”
He was unstrapping himself even as the craft groaned again. Something sparked not far away. Lee was a split second behind, listing the reason for the malfunction. The exterior hull, and the mangled landing strut responsible.
A rupture in the external hull. Hell.
Jeff undocked a diagnostic pad and slapped it on his belt.
Martian gravity made itself known. So many months without its native pull, Jeff’s body protested the sudden movement, but they didn’t have time. Precious fuel was escaping.
He hit the ladder leading out of the cockpit at a run, feet locking around the struts and his hands pushing him down. The whole sensation of gravity, but only a third of Earth’s was baffling. His body caught between expectations and stumbling along the way. Ultimately, he partly fell his way down through the access ports, hands grabbing at the railings barely preventing him from colliding with each deck.
Cornerstone’s fuel tanks were attached to her four landers, with a fifth fueling her main launcher.
It was number three that was the problem.
His boots hit decking and he scrambled for the airlock. Beside him Lee had a toolkit and they both barrelled through the door sealing it behind them.
The pumps cycled and the pressure dropped, their suits shifting with the change, and then the elevator was lowering them to the ground.
As the doors opened, they were faced with a wall of swirling dust.
Jeff did his best to ignore it but it fast became a problem. The maintenance tab in his hand was directing him to climb ladders up the side of the vehicle, but he could barely see the tablet, much less the ladders themselves through the red dust.
“Stick close, Lee. I’d hate to lose you in this.”
“Right behind you, Jeff. Wouldna want to lose you either.”
It was simple, but reassuring nonetheless. Fumbling, he found the landing strut. It was skewed in a way that even in the thick swirling haze, he could see was far from the right angle for correct support.
Hooking a foot into the lowest rung, he snagged his friend and urged him up the ladder ahead. If anyone was going to save their asses in this situation, it was Lee.
If Jeff could land it, chances were Lee could fix it. The man could jimmy two sticks and a rubberband into whatever was needed. Hell, he’d done almost exactly that on the moon at least twice.
This was just another challenge. Jeff had landed them, no matter how roughly. Now Lee would be able to fix it.
Jeff clung to that maxim.
But the question wasn’t about skill, it was more about whether or not they were going to damn well be able to see what they needed to see in order to do what needed doing.
Red obscured everything. The speed it was all flying past spoke to his earth senses of gale force winds, but the pressure on his suit was little more than a windy day.
Not enough to affect the spacecraft.
Mars was obviously educating them early that this was not Earth. Not in any way shape or form.
Their clamber up the strut was partly a blind one, but they made it to the damaged side of the craft. Through a mixture of touch and virtual readout, it became clear that the outer hull had buckled, forcing the inner hull into the fuel tank. Most of it had held, but there was a small microfracture and the pressure differences were bubbling solid state fuel into gas at a rate that, if it didn’t deplete the tank, would likely cause an explosion that would solve all their problems with a history-making finality.
Jeff climbed up beside Lee as he fumbled at his tool kit. The tank was dislodged off its mounts, something they would need to remedy later, but it was still inset from the hull.
Jeff put his body in position to block the main flow of the dust and wind, jamming himself up against the still warm hull of his ship.
A little less dust swirled over the bubbling crack and Lee didn’t hesitate. Before Jeff could blink, gell bondtape landed smoothly over the area, the engineer sealing it with an electronic nudge from a set-wand. The electricity lined molecules up like soldiers and locked them in place bonding them to whatever the tape was adhered to. They had used the same stuff on Alfie two years ago when one of their habitats had tried to make one with the lack of lunar atmosphere.
An extremely simple solution for a very dangerous problem.
His heart, still adrenalin-fueled, refused to believe the danger was over.
As if reading Jeff’s thoughts, Lee smirked at him through the haze. “Never leave home without it.” A sigh as he ran a gloved hand over the seal. “This should hold for the short term. Once we are sure the strut is stabilised, I’ll give it a good going over. Hopefully, we can lose this storm in the process.”
Jeff would have liked to claim it couldn’t blow forever, but both of them knew Mars storms could be unpredictable and last for months if they so chose to.
Lee ran a scanner over the strut’s connection to the launcher. How the hell the engineer could see the readouts, Jeff didn’t know.
For all future excursions to the Red Planet, Jeff was going to recommend helmet based heads-up displays.
“She’s safe for now. A little bent, but she isn’t going to fall over. Hopefully, once we get out some of the heavy lifting equipment we can bend her back into shape if we need to.” Lee stood up. “Hull patching is going to be an ass, though.”
Jeff’s lips thinned and he dropped a hand onto his friend’s shoulder. “One thing at a time. We’ve got this, Lee.”
Lee grunted. “How the hell do you keep spinning the optimism, Jeff?”
A snort. “What? You’d prefer doom and gloom?” He shuffled back towards the ladder. “That’s it, Lee, we’re never leaving this god forsaken rock. Welcome to your new home.” He raised up his hands and as if the gods declared him some kind of Moses for that very moment, the dust clouds parted as if they were a red sea of sand. Sol, so much smaller this far away, poked its weak light through the hazy atmosphere and lit up the bare red rocks of their temporary home. While on one side, the billowing wall of dust storm swirled on its way, on the other red mountains rose up to a weak blue-red sky.
Lee shifted down beside him. “You know, I figured you had an agreement with the gods of physics, but isn’t this a little ridiculous?”
Jeff was too captivated with the view to respond.
Cornerstone was on the plateau they had been simulating for months on end. She stood tall and proud, if a little crooked and pinker than her promo shots.
“We made it.” The words fell from his lips.
Lee clung to the ladder beside him. “Yeah, that we did.”
Sunlight flickered weakly in the atmosphere and a gust of wind dragged more dust across the view.
Jeff shifted. “We better get inside before that mess starts up again. Take advantage of being able to see where we are going.”
Lee didn’t respond immediately, his eyes combing the jagged horizon. “Thanks, Jeff.”
A frown. “For what?”
“Getting us here.”
“It was a group effort, Lee, you know that. Couldn’t have done it without the team. Couldn’t have done it without you. Hell, you just patched a hole that could have blown us up.”
Lee grunted.
“Are you guys going to hang outside all day, or do we have to guess the sitrep?” Berry’s tone was tight.
“Roger, Berrenger. Situation secure. On our way back in.”
It wasn’t until they reached the elevator that he realised exactly what had happened.
And who he was.
By the doors, protected by the shadow of the lowered module was a single footprint that hadn’t been blown away by the wind.
“Aw, hell.”
Lee, as always, stepped up beside him. “Yeah. I guess that makes you the first man to walk on Mars.”
Ju was furious. “It was Kate’s right to be the first!”
The vacs in the airlock had sucked everything off their suits to the point Lee was surprised his hair wasn’t standing on end despite the helmet.
As it was, his hackles were somewhere near orbit as they stood in the conference room that doubled as a mess. “And what exactly do you think we were supposed to do? The ship was going to explode.” It was simple to Lee. Sure, he was all for equality, it was a given, but they would’ve been all equally dead if he and Jeff hadn’t done what they did.
“You didn’t give us a chance!”
“I’m the engineer here, Zhang. There wasn’t time! The decision was made and we are alive because of it.”
“Then why weren’t you first, Taylor? Why the hell was Tracy even out there? He’s not the engineer!”
Beside Lee, Jeff straightened. “Standard procedure, Zhang. We work in pairs. If you think I was going to let Lee go out in that on his own, you’ve been serving while wearing a blindfold.”
The short, dark-haired woman stepped up to the Major, her eyes fiery. “It was Kate’s place in history and you stole it!”
Lee flared. “We did what was necessary! This was not a publicity grab, for Christ’s sake! It didn’t even occur to us until we were returning. It was about saving our lives, Zhang. How can you possibly think it was anything else?”
“Because it always is.” She waved a hand at Jeff. “Always the hotshot. Always the first. Always the hero. Do you ever think, Tracy? Do you ever think about those you barrel past?”
Jeff glared down at the meteorologist. “I will not apologise for my achievements, Zhang. This was an honest to god accident.”
“Due to decisions made by you.”
“What the hell, Zhang?!” Lee pushed forward. That was taking it too far.
“We should never have tried to land in that dust storm. We should have waited it out.”
“You said we could take it!”
“But it wasn’t my decision, was it?” Her tone was a positive hiss at Jeff.
“Screw you, Zhang-“
The man was still the damn tall walking wall when he wanted to be. “Lee, stop.” He glared at Ju. “I will not apologise for my command decisions either, Zhang. What was done, is done.” His stance softened as he turned to Berry.
She had been ominously quiet the entire time.
Jeff sighed. “I’m sorry, Kate.”
The red-haired astrogeologist straightened away from the bulkhead, her arms still folded across her chest. Lee had always liked Berry. She had her head on much straighter than Ju ever did.
Ju was like a terrier with a bone.
The bone variety today was definitely Jeff-flavoured.
But there was only kindness in Berry’s eyes as she looked up at the Major. “This sucks, Jeff, it really does.” She looked down a moment. “But it is what it is and I guess it was what it was meant to be.” A shrug. “I suppose I’ll have to settle for third on Mars. Still pretty momentous, I think.”
“Kate, it doesn’t have to be that way.” Jeff took a step towards her. “It’s not official. It was a stupid repair. We can do the ceremonial step onto the planet anyway. No one has to know.”
Her head tilted to one side. “So, the ship miraculously healed itself?”
She closed the gap between them, placing a hand on his arm. “Jeff, honestly, it’s not what is important here. You took the first step. We still have plenty of others that need to be taken. My ego can keep.”
Zhang flared again. “Kate, this was for women-“
“Ju, enough. It doesn’t matter! Humans have just landed on Mars, for god’s sake. I would have thought we would be a little less worried about the gender of the person taking the first step and more worried about the fact we did it without blowing up.”
“It was supposed to be you.” Ju wilted in defeat under Berry’s glare.
“Well, it was Jeff, and I think he is no less deserving than any of us.”
Jeff’s voice was quiet. “Are you sure, Kate?” The use of her first name was a rarity for the major, there was a friendship between those two almost as long as the one between Jeff and Lee. Hell, if Jeff hadn’t met Lee’s sister, Lucy, the engineer wondered what might have eventuated in that department.
Not that he had ever had to worry about that. Jeff was a complete sop for Lucy. His sis had the man wrapped around her little finger.
If that made Lee feel just that touch more protective of the crazy pilot, then so be it.
Kate straightened, her shoulders strong. “I’m sure.” Then her lips curled up a little. “Besides, my lines were so much more elegant than ‘Stick close, Lee. I’d hate to lose you in this.’”
Jeff snorted and shrugged. “If I’m going to make history gotta make sure my best friend is with me.”
Zhang made a disgusted sound and stormed out of the room.
Shoulders dropping, Jeff sighed. “Guess I need to work on my phrasing.”
But Lee was too wrapped in the moment, a little too proud and grateful to care. “She’ll live.”
The grunt from Jeff reminded Lee that they still had months to share living quarters with the fiery Ju.
“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to her.” Berry squeezed Jeff’s arm before reaching out to Lee as well. “Thank you, both of you, for getting us down safely. We’re on Mars, guys. Let the party begin.”
The smile in her eyes was honest and ever so heartening.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
Comic buff with a thought, I notice the P5MM art and composition is more striking and closer to p5's art and style than the other manga, which is fine, but kinda... flat. (I find myself thinking there's something missing when I read it, then I look back at P5MM and I notice how there's more clever paneling, imagery, and stylistic choices akin to the games in it (like that one goro panel ya had a rant about) and I realize what's missing) That could be why P5MM is brought up more, just a guess. I dunno how you feel about all that though, I'm curious.
Under the cut cause it gets long cause of pictures:
I am very big on art style and visual presentation. I do actually judge a book by it's cover (manga, game, movie, show, yadda). If I find something pleasing to my eye I'll read it.....even if the contents are trash. Domestic Girlfriend is one, horrible manga (didn't finish, was holding out for Momo, aka best girl, and getting closure for her....then I bounced). Didn't watch the anime (didn't need to I was way ahead in the manga I think), but I know that opening is wasted on it. ldskfjaf Don't invest your time into it, it's not worth it, you would probably learn better morals from P5.......probably. But yeah I found the art style pleasing enough to try it out (I's not amazing by any means, but I like looking at it....or did.....that writing man....dat was bad ;w;).... *waves hands vaguely in air* yeah.
Fun fact, it's why I got into Persona. I happened across an ad for P4 on the PS2 in the Gameinformer magazine, it showed a screenshot from an animated cutscene plus one of the fully body art for the chars and I was like "Yes this is my jam!" (which only doubled down when I read what it was about, and it was a murder mystery and the article also talked up "the mystery of the glasses" which fakldjsalkfs yeah). So yeah it really clicked for me.
Tbh it's why I'm probably going to get back into freaking Bleach, and it's why I got into it and Naruto over One Piece (I don't think I'll ever read ON I'm sorry). Tite Kubo has sexy art what can I say? Can't trust a thing that man writes now but eh. It's also the reason I read a lot of Shojo (and now Yuri) manga, cause their art style is usually what I find very appealing (even if I've read the same gd shojo love story just by a different name for the 1000th time, give me the flowers and sparkly eyes! they are my life blood!)
And I've mentioned I really like Saito's art style. I've (attempted) to color some of his pieces on top of animate some manga frames (most of which I haven't actually published......I...I should....get around to finishing those up....haha...aha....haaaa). I really like his art, it's pleasant. But even with good art, I can still see past it and see what BS it's peddling and it can hamper my enjoyment of it. If I don't look at the context of the scene or the words on the page, I can be down with it. But when I'm reading.......I get annoyed. I balk at anything with Goro. I guffaw whenever Makoto's on screen (cause Saito nails her from P5, she acts useful but really she's useless but the narrative views her as useful it ironically makes her useless......it's the weirdest thing I've ever witnessed >.>). Like Saito really.....gets P5 it seems, down to it's flaws even (tho he can actually make the good parts of P5 shine, or at least parts that P5 failed to execute....execute in a way). But he also makes the flaws.....shine that much harder for me.
Now the Reg manga? it's nothing special art style wise, in fact it starts off VERY wonky, and while still wonky, has gotten a lot....better/cuter (esp Ryu). Not like shojo cute just.......I wanna squish their wittle faces cute (at times when it's not serious).
Like when it comes to Reg Manga these are the two pieces that have appeared in it that I feel kinda hit the P5 mark in terms of style:
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(look at Mona, coming into this world like the pustule that he is 8U)
Which isn't much, but it's something. At least Reg's AOA is better looking than the anime. 8U
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But I dunno, as the chapters go on, the Mangaka allows for more cuter expressions, and I just like their neat:
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(btw I colored that page)
I dunno, it's not as overtly cutsey as Saito:
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But they are still charming in a more simple way (without out having them go full chibi), it subtle but it gives it flavor. "Silly why are most, if not all those pics of Ryu and Anne?" I dunno guys maybe you should ask them how their backs are doing, cause they're the ones who are carrying the Reg manga when it comes to this! 8U
Tho I do think the first ch or two of Reg does a better job capturing P5's feel than the rest of the chapters, I think the mangaka is just.....bogged down by exposition and the game's BS that a lot of text on their pages so it almost reads like a novel:
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ALots of text, not the most dynamic of framing with the panels. It's kinda eh. I haven't really read the manga past the 2nd dungeon tbh (I mean......as the residential #1 Makoto hater, I think that's fair.....that I'd start to zone out during my least fav dungeon....and then continue zoning out during my 2nd least fav dungeon askfdjaflk)
But during the first two dungeon arcs, I liked how.....bad the PT were at thieving, I liked how green they were. It was obviously a learning process. I also like some of the fight choreo (Saito did the best hand to hand one in the series in P4U's Yu vs Sho....which I actually animated....spoiler.....no I have no released that...my dumbass wants to tempt fate and see if I can redo it in color even tho it took me 4 days non stop to get that animated in just black and white.....but I am a fool so alas 8U). I mean it's not mind blowing, but it was simple and decently thought out, which is more than I feel like we usually get (esp with the anime shows....or at least P4/5's).
But I think what draws me in is....it's lack of P5 style. P5 style has them being still oh so cool despite being new at everything. It's tired me out. P5's how identity is style. It's....style over substance (gonna rile some feathers with that....Cvit(?) vid title). But P5 is overtly stylish, to the point it......weighs on me. Drags me down. Tires me out. I don't think they're cool, I'm bored with it. Ironically, Reg manga lacks that, which......def would make someone (and me usually) give it much of a passing glance. It's very basic I guess. But.....consider me, being in P5 hell, surrounded by all it's nausea inducing stylishness, sees a small break in the hellish hurricane to see.......normalcy. It kinda makes me connect better with the kids (kinda, it's still P5).
They feel like normal kids, trying to do their thing (sometimes trying to look/act cool and failing), and.....it's just the absolute antitheses to P5's brand......and I think that's why I like it. KLFJDSAFLKJA;
Anyway, who knows, maybe when I catch up on Reg in english and re-read MM with the official translation I might change my mind about a few things, or at least how I rank them. But for post length sake, and my sanity sake, I think I should keep the anime and mangas out of the "Which entry do you hate least" post......because I should just make another post where I go into both mangas as well as compare and contrast the anime! :D I'm just delaying some insanity for later haha....
Wait.........I just remember Day Breakers exists......and I liked it....still do....don't have much issue with it. Well shit, that is probably the one entry I hate the least. fklsdjfalkjdfkla;jsL;FJljsfdlskafaj *sobs* nO NO, I committed, and that's just a sad loophole. fdklsajflakfj *sobs* I still need to the game thing, cause let's be honest, the games are where it counts.
So right now my ranking for manga/anime is:
Daybreakers>Reg manga> MM>>>>>>>>>>TV Show Anime and it's OVAs (may the burn in the hell fire from which they spawned)
Oh, one last thing, forgot to put it in but I dunno where to put it now. I like how the manga tones down the pervyness some:
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I mean Ryu is a fellow monkey. u_u .......but it's for the best I don't have to see his ape expression. ;w; (iirc the pyramid scene was a lot shorter/faster, but that's by the grace of reading and books rather than animation I suppose).
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racingtoaredlight · 7 years
Profiles in IMDb Greatness: Matt Ross
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I love the Internet Movie Database. If I’m looking to Instagram stalk the pretty Italian lady from the second season of Master of None it’s a great outlet to find her real name. As such I enjoy looking over random performer pages and arbitrarily judging the scope and quality of their careers to determine if they merit entry into my vaguely defined IMDb Hall of Fame. Today’s enshrinee: Matt Ross
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Fate and the Home Box Office television network conspired to serve up a perfect actor for inclusion in this hallowed Hall when as the fourth season of Silicon Valley was up and running while it seemed like American Psycho was on twice a day (and then like a month passed without my actually doing the post but it’s here now so leave me alone). Anyone who can both legitimately unnerve Patrick Bateman and make hostile corporate takeovers hilarious is working with a full deck as a performer.
First Listed Role: I already know this profile is going to be a winner since I’ve seen his first credited role, 1994′s PCU.
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It’s been a great long while since I’ve seen PCU (so long ago that even with the picture I can’t remember what exactly Matt Ross did) but I recall it being entertaining enough while still thinking my buddies oversold the hell out of it. It’s a fun movie to look back on as a reminder that even with all the crybabies today annoyed they can no longer use racial slurs decrying political correctness is not a new phenomenon.
Also George Clinton rocks pretty hard in it if memory serves.
Most Recent Finished Work: The great Silicon Valley. That show sneaked up on me during the second season when I had a realization that I looked forward to it just about as much as any other show on TV and would regularly have your faithful writer laughing loudly like an idiot multiple times an episode.
On the show Ross has helped create one of the great villains of television Gavin Belson. Think a more insecure, outwardly evil Bill Gates whose tech giant company Hooli is a constant cloud over the doings of the show’s, for lack of a better word, heroes. A common trait with Ross’ best roles is being able to possess a certain oily sleaziness. Gavin Belson as CEO of a major corporation is more polished than the Alby Grants he’s portrayed but the running bit with animal props as board meetings is a perfect showcase for a hilarious lack of basic morality.
CSI/Law & Order/NCIS Guest Spots: In furthering being the perfect IMDb HOF entrant Matt Ross has a double dip of CSIs (no Law & Order surprisingly, but he does do more film work than a lot of the others so less available time I’d imagine).
From CSI: Miami we have Silencer.
Horatio and his team investigate a double murder at a concert, but unraveling the mystery becomes difficult when leads take them in two directions: the Mala Noche gang, and a pharmaceutical company.
Difficult to say where Ross’ character Paul Burton falls into this mess but if I had to guess I’d wager he’s aligned with the pill pushers than the Mala Noche gang. Being a shady pharmacy lab tech feels just right for him. I just hope it was George Clinton concert that claimed those two souls as a bit of an Easter egg to Matt Ross’ early work.
And then there’s CSI: Original Recipe with Meat Jekyll. As first I got excited thinking Ross was playing a character named Meat Jekyll before realizing it was just the title of the episode. An even bigger disappointment is not using Ross’ aforementioned ability to play sinister to be the Hannical Lector of the episode.
The crime lab reluctantly brings in imprisoned serial killer Nate Haskell after he claims to know the identity of "Dr. Jeckyll." Meanwhile, clues revealing his next and perhaps final victim are mailed to Dr. Langston.
Instead they gave that *sunglasses* MEATY role *yeah* to That Guy who was in Eight Men Out as one of the few players who didn’t get kicked out of baseball. Can’t trust a man who won’t take a gambler’s money in this reporter’s opinion.
Hall of Fame Ballot Submissions: Twelve Monkeys (maybe my favorite treatment of time travel as a concept and how you wouldn’t be able to change anything since it’s already happened in the future), Face/Off (I only watched about 20 minutes of this and shut it off but it’s such a famous goodbad movie that I included it, just couldn’t buy in to Nic Cage’s skin fitting around Travolta’s giant head), Oz (this post’s winner of the biggest “Oh shit, really?” work, he was one of the guards killed in the riot), American Psycho, The Aviator, Good Night and Good Luck, Big Love, Silicon Valley.
Big Love was a bit of a stretch here since by the last couple seasons I was outwardly hating it but Ross’ Alby Grant is probaby still the role I most associate him with when he pops up elsewhere due to how devastatingly creepy he was. Also I included Big Love for Bill Paxton so in the name of consistency it’s here again, plus this adds to Ross being the king of HBO.
The Aviator was another flick that HBO brought back into the rotation in the last few months that I hadn’t seen in forever and I’d forgotten he was in it. In a weird turn his character Odie is simply a competent airplane mechanic without any degenerate character tendencies, I’m sure it was his hardest role to pull off.
And what’s left to say about his turn in American Psycho, he’d know better than anyone that too much praise can be grating.
Miscellaneous Credits: New rule, if you play Johnny Cash in something, it gets mentioned here like with Lifetime’s Ring of Fire.
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Suppose you’d have to ask someone else why this was made when Walk The Line had come out eight years earlier but hey, if they can keep rebooting Spider-Man this century than certainly the Man in Black should be celebrated as often as possible.
Highest Rated IMDb Entry: Goddamn right, the Silicon Valley episode Optimal Tip-To-Tip Efficiency that pulled the whole first season together and hinted at the heights it could reach. 9.4 stars, this episode fucks. I love this one sentence from the episode description:
The guys break out into a ridiculous argument
Yes they did, IMDb plot recapper, yes they did.
Lowest Rated IMDb Entry: I’m not about to go through every other post in this series to check but 5.4 for the worst (according to IMDb users) production one’s been in might be the new high water mark. Take a bow, A Deadly Vision. I’ll be keeping my eyes open to see if the Lifetime Movie Channel re-airs this.
A waitress who has psychic visions of murders before they happen is asked by a police detective to help find a serial killer.
Making this all the better? Matt Ross is indeed the killer and is billed simply as The Killer, just like with The Joker a menace can be more terrifying without any sort of tether to humanity. I’m now wondering to myself just how good Matt Ross could be as The Joker in something. Him and Ben Affleck are pretty much the same age so why not make him the Clown Prince of Evil for any standalone Batfleck film instead of Jared Leto’s ass. Just something to think about, Hollywood bigshots.
IMDb Fun Fact: Matt Ross is  6' 0½" tall.
I feel like I was pitching a perfect IMDb HOF post and then the Trivia section stepped to the plate and laid down a bunt that hugged the third base line of uninteresting tidbits of a great actor’s career. Shame.
IMDb HOF Members: Even though the ad wizards have decreed that only video is worthy of internet bandwidth it sure would be swell if the dear readers clicked back on any old posts they haven’t read yet and tell me how these used to be better before I became cynical and jaded beyond recognition.
Bob Balaban
Jim Beaver
Clancy Brown
W. Earl Brown
Reg E. Cathey
Gary Cole
Keith David
Cary Elwes
Noah Emmerich
Jami Gertz
John Hawkes
John Michael Higgins
Toby Huss
Allison Janney
John Carroll Lynch
Margo Martindale
David Morse
Joe Morton
Robert Patrick
Bill Paxton
Jon Polito
Alan Rickman
Stephen Root
Matt Ross
Alan Ruck
Peter Stormare
Daniel von Bargen
Next Time: Should I just do an actual Jami Gertz one? She’s been in there so long I can hardly remember what inspired the running gag in the first place.
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princessdevy03 · 7 years
Tumblr Exclusive!!!!
Author’s note: I had planned on this being the exclusive that balanced out Three Little Words that I had done for The Alphas, but then things got crazy and I came up with Reconciling Accounts instead. But as I worked through it and tried to figure out the ending, this came to mind. 
So here’s to balance in the universe and the smutty Reg!KevEdd oneshot y’all deserve.
Love ya!
Reconciling Accounts: Rhymes With Orange
“Hey, I’m gonna go take a shower, ok?”
Edd leaned into the strong arms around his waist, but instead of patting Kevin’s hands as he acknowledged his statement, he held on.
“You ok?”
A smirk crossed Edd’s face as he said, “No.”
“Wha? What’s wrong, Babe?”
Edd looked back into worried green eyes and his smirk turned into a grin.
“I’m fine,” he said softly before looking back up at Kevin through lidded eyes. “But…”
Edd giggled a bit as Kevin’s cheeks started to redden up and he knew it wasn’t from the two beers he had at dinner, either.
Kevin had flown in that afternoon for the long holiday weekend, business being slow as all the vacationers were already on the beach by the time he got up that morning.
But Edd still had class and attend a couple of study groups so he held off on coming in right away to give the man time to finish up his work before taking the time off from reading and drafting legal briefs to finally relax.
But it meant spending most of the day in his nice clothes because as soon as he landed, they headed out to grab drinks and dinner, and give Edd’s roommate time to get out of the apartment before coming back and being boyfriends for the next four days.
After hours stuck in airports and airplanes, Kevin was pretty eager to get changed into his normal clothes, but apparently Edd had other plans.
Kevin was liking these plans as he hadn’t seen Edd in the flesh in a month, but he held back considering that the world wasn’t too keen on their brand of PDA and Edd’s conservative nature in general.
But behind closed doors, the CPA law student would do more than just come out of that damn beanie of his.
It would usually take some prompting on Kevin’s part, but since Christmas, he’d let his long, curly hair down and his pants would hit the floor just as quickly.
It was now Memorial Day weekend, but this was the first time in months that Edd had done something resembling initiating anything.
Like hell if Kevin wasn’t going to follow suit.
Edd slowly started to let go of his wrists as Kevin nuzzled the sensitive spot behind his right ear.
“Oh, Daddy.”
Kevin stepped back and came to his side as he asked, “What did you just say?”
Edd’s eyes looked like saucers as he started to stutter and then he groaned when he saw the teasing smirk on Kevin’s face.
“Ok, look, I know I should have probably discussed this with you before,” he said as steadily as he could considering that his face was on fire. “But…umm…”
“You kinky.”
Edd scowled and Kevin started snickering but when he saw the apprehension and hurt in Edd’s eyes, he took a deep breath and held up his hands in surrender.
“Talk to me,” he said softly as he took Edd’s twitching hands into his own.
A thousand thoughts flitted through those pensive baby blues of his and they went from slightly begging Kevin to understand, to staring a hole in the floor as Edd began to speak.
“I…I love what we have and what we do, but…I just want more…sometimes…”
“Like what?,” Kevin asked him as he trailed off and his hands started twitching again.
“Like…rougher?,” he asked as if he needed permission to like what he liked. “But only sometimes!,” he said quickly, but Kevin didn’t mind how often he liked anything, just long as he got to do it with him and him alone.
“Anything else?”
“Umm…well, you already know the one thing now,” Edd shrugged apologetically. “And maybe…sometimes…I like to add things in…”
Kevin’s jaw started to drop and Edd whined in embarrassment.
“Please stop looking at me like that, Kevin,” he nearly begged and Kevin shook his head to get the shocked and lustful look off his face.
“Ok, ok, but since when?,” he asked as he couldn’t believe his dork would be into anything that seemed so naughty.
“Uh…junior year.”
“Oh, so you just got into it?,” Kevin asked, somewhat relieved as he thought that Edd’s naturally curious nature had just got the best of him during his super explorative undergrad years where he was involved in nearly anything he could get himself into on and off campus.
“But you said junior year!”
“Of high school,” Edd whispered and Kevin reeled.
They came out junior year of high school.
Edd knew that Kevin was jealous that he wasn’t Edd’s first. Despite coming out within months of each other spring semester of their junior year of high school, Edd actively dated where Kevin didn’t.
Part of it was the fact that Kevin suddenly became a workaholic as he started to think on and work towards the future he was living in now being his own boss and working on any vehicle he could get his strong, capable hands on.
The other part was that not many could reach the jock’s standards.
Nazz would often say that as a group, they were all spoiled by how friendships and relationships could work. They’d all been at odds for years, but after finding some common ground, they learned to get along and be more accepting of one another. But that also meant that they wouldn’t tolerate a lot of things so many others would because they didn’t see the need to.
Why be someone you’re not?
Kevin liked sports, motorcycles, and other guys.
But that guy had better know a thing or two about sports, motorcycles, and what he wanted to do with his life.
Oh, and treat his friends like family because that is what Kevin did.
So his dating Edd didn’t come as much of a shock.
They just clicked because they liked the same things. They just had a different way of liking those things is all. And they always gave space to the other to do and like things the way he felt most comfortable with.
But this all meant that the chance of them learning things from others was high.
So Kevin now knows that Edd had learned something from someone else right off the bat and had been holding on to it for nearly seven years now.
And it was looking like he was ready to let Kevin scratch his itch.
“Kevin, please don’t yell,” Edd said firmly, but there was a bit of plea on the edge of his voice as he took his hands away from Kevin’s and started to walk away.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“That’s why,” Edd said as he turned and pointed at the redhead and Kevin couldn’t shake the confused look of his face.
“You literally shook Eddy when you found out he taught me how to change a tire. You complained to Nazz all of senior year that we hung out too much. You literally threatened to kill two of my ex’s and one friend because you thought they were being mean to me. I swear to God, Kevin,” he sighed in exasperation as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “you have an overreaction for everything. I wanted to tell you before now, I honestly did, Baby, but…”
Kevin thought about what he said in the ensuing silence and groaned as he remembered all the times his attitude and temper got the best of him because he thought that he should have been the one to help Edd with something, or monopolize his time for no reason, or tease him.
Edd always admonished him for doing so but he would also try to make other situations easier on the mechanic to digest, so it made sense that he’d hold this bit of information back as Kevin’s temper was bound to flare about it.
But he couldn’t help but feel slighted because this seemed to be something that Edd liked and he was always down for doing whatever it was that Edd liked to do.
Especially in bed.
“I’m…I’m sorry, Edd,” he said sincerely as he walked towards him. “I just…I swear to God if anyone touches you…”
“I shook hands with our new QB today.”
Kevin’s hands bawled into fists, but then he caught the look in Edd’s eyes.
He was giving him a hard stare.
One wrong word or move and Kevin’s pretty sure Edd will toss him out of the apartment.
“I also met the swim team captain and the Dean of the English department this week.”
Edd knew that Kevin had researched just about everyone that did something of some sort of importance at Edd’s university because if Edd had to do anything where he’d need Kevin to be his plus one, he wanted to at least be knowledgeable about who he was coming into contact with.
And make sure no one was putting the moves on his boyfriend.
Kevin’s shoulders slumped as he thought about who all Edd had to deal with this past week and while he knew he could trust him, he just didn’t trust other people.
But that always made Edd question whether or not Kevin really trusted him.
Yet, Edd was standing there talking to him.
Not the tall blond swimmer who looked like something out of the Swiss army.
Not the hunky English professor who Nazz was ready to throw her panties at despite the fact that he was a married father of four.
Not the hotshot QB that Kevin had on his fantasy college football team.
He called him Daddy.
He said he liked to do things a bit differently and it seemed like Kevin was one of the few people that knew this about Edd and if Edd is sharing this all with him now, it meant that he wanted to share in it with him.
Apologetic green met frustrated blue and Kevin apologized.
“How about you let Daddy make up it up to you?”
The sincere remorse in his green eyes at his actions wasn’t dimmed by his smile, so Edd knew that he trying.
And that he wasn’t going to hold what he had just told him against him as a few others had done.
But he wasn’t going to let him off the hook so quickly and easily, either.
This was a very sensitive subject for Edd and Kevin was as big a teaser as Eddy could be. He needed Kevin to understand that while he wanted to share this part of his life with the redhead, he would not stand for being teased about it or have it be the subject of public or even private conversations with their friends and family.
This was for them.
“How?,” he asked coolly.
Kevin lowered his head a bit as he thought of a way to let Edd know that he wasn’t going to judge him for how he sometimes liked to do things behind closed doors.
Edd took in his contrite stance and tempered his own flares a bit.
But just a bit.
“Look,” he sighed as he raised his head and was relieved that Edd stopped looking like he was going to put him on the curb. “I…whatever you want to do, Edd, we’ll do. Just…cut me some slack, ok? I’m drowning here!”
Edd heaved a sigh as he said, “Fine, but you have to promise me something.”
“Not a word of this to anyone. Not even your priest. Definitely not Nazz,” Edd shuddered as the thought of Kevin’s best friend and the biggest gossip in Peach Creek knowing anything about their sex life flew through his head.
And Kevin was glad Edd wasn’t going into criminal law as the man spoke to him with a seriousness he had only seen when he was on the debate team and getting Eddy bailed out of jail a few times.
The thought of bragging to their friends about how liberal he was behind closed doors was fleeting anyways.
Everyone knew they were dating and that they loved each other dearly, first as friends and now as lovers. But for them all to know more was a bit too much for Kevin to take.
Sometimes it’s best to keep things to yourself.
And this would be their thing.
Like their dates to the cheap movie theater to see the bad rom-coms on Saturday mornings after breakfast.
Or their game of tic tac toe that started during study hall sophomore year of high school where they filled up Kevin’s notebook for their shared honors English class with the longest consecutive game of the silly grid game either had ever played.
Kevin still has that notebook.
Or their random five second I love you, I love you, too, later, gator, ok, bye phone calls.
“Not a word,” Kevin whispered as he took a tentative step toward him and quickly swooped him up in his arms as Edd’s walls fell.
The way Edd wrapped his arms around his shoulders and moaned into his collarbone felt needy.
“Tell Daddy what you need.”
At the edge of his vision, Edd caught Kevin’s sly ass grin and wondered just how wild things were going to get tonight.
But his need for something more and to do it with the man whom he loved so much overrode his fear that this was a bad idea.
He moaned as his polo was tugged away and blindly tossed into his hamper. He didn’t have time to voice how impressed he was by the action because Kevin’s mouth was on his neck and the only thing that came out of him was a whined out gasp.
Slightly calloused hands gently roamed his back and sides and it was driving him mad.
“Safe word?”
He blinked and stared at Kevin blankly for a moment before he came to his senses.
“Oh! Umm…orange.”
“Orange,” he nodded firmly and next thing he knew he was being tossed on the bed.
“Pants, off,” Kevin ordered as he undid his own pants and he quickly did what he was told.
But apparently he wasn’t fast enough because just as soon as he got his belt out of the way, Kevin, who was naked, was tearing the khakis off of him.
“I’ll buy you some new ones,” Kevin said gruffly when he gasped in shock as his ripped pants hit the floor.
“O-Ok,” Edd whispered as he was pulled into Kevin’s lap.
Edd took a breath and let it out slowly as he nodded.
“I’m gonna need your help with this,” Kevin said softly as he ran a hand through Edd’s mussed up hair.
“Don’t worry,” Edd said as he leaned into his touch. “I’ll guide you through it. Where would you like to start?”
Kevin huffed out a sigh as he rolled his eyes.
He couldn’t even being to think about where they could start anything because his brain was on overload with ideas.
“You already owe me new pants,” Edd giggled and Kevin tossed him on his back.
“Such a sassy mouth for such a naughty boy,” he whispered right before he pinned Edd’s hands above his head.
“I’m sorry, Daddy.”
Kevin cracked a grin at the fact that Edd’s mouth was apologizing but his eyes were challenging his authority.
“Make it up to me.”
“I want you to show me what you want me to do to you.”
Edd blinked in curiosity before it hit him as to what Kevin was asking of him.
“Show me how much you miss me. How much you need me.”
His arms were still pinned above his head and Kevin was leaving so many marks on his skin as he spoke and he was going to hate himself for about five seconds but he couldn’t do as his Daddy asked with his hands pinned above his head.
“Orange,” he whined and when Kevin let his arms go, he quickly sat up and gave him a quick smooch on the lips before pushing him out of the way so he could get to his nightstand.
Kevin went to sit cross legged in the middle of the full size bed as Edd sat back against the headboard, a bottle of lube and condom in one hand, a purple prostate stimulator and what looked like a keyfob in the other. He set the condom on the nightstand and then lubed up the prostate stimulator before tossing the keyfob looking thing at Kevin.
Kevin’s jaw dropped as he looked the small black device in his hand and saw that it was the remote to the stimulator that a now moaning Edd was working inside himself.
When Kevin looked up to see where all the noise was coming from, Edd’s back was to him, but he had one hand on the headboard and the other easing the sex toy in his ass.
A broken cry left his lips when the stimulator was about halfway inside and Kevin’s name came out of him on a moan.
Kevin wanted to touch him, to make sure he never sounded like he just did ever again, but he knew that right now, their lives just weren’t set up that way.
So he did the next best thing he could think of.
After pressing the button to power on the stimulator, he pushed the small switch to the Low speed.
Edd let out a keen of relief as the rest of the stimulator slipped inside of him with ease as soon as it was turned on. He barely had a chance to take a breath before the device started to do what it was made to do.
As his head tipped back, his nose caught a whiff of Kevin’s cologne and he let out a whimper because he had missed that scent in his room so much.
When the bed shifted a bit, he suddenly remembered that Kevin was there.
Realizing that his hands were empty, but he wasn’t, his head tipped forward again and he gripped the headboard as tight as he could as he said Kevin’s name.
He felt a heated gaze roam over his back and when he moved his hips, a scream shot out of him as a wave of pleasure hit him like a hurricane.
Kevin knew his voice could go higher and that his hips could move more, so he moved the switch up to Medium.
“Oh, God…Daddy!”
Kevin watched in so much awe as Edd’s hips jerked against the stimulator in his ass and his voice went deeper and higher.
Edd held on to the headboard, but as his hips rocked, so did the headboard.
Tiny pleas left his throat as a hand left the headboard brush against his now sensitive skin and grasped his cock.
He rocked his hips down harder and faster as he slowly started jerking himself off, and he started to call out for the man sitting behind him.
“K-Kevin…oh, God…I need you.”
“Go on.”
That rough voice was in his ear and the stimulator reached its peak as Edd went into the stratosphere.
“I…Daddy…God, almighty…”
Edd’s head fell back on a low moan of Kevin’s name, but Kevin had never heard it so intoned.
“That’s not my name,” Kevin whispered.
Edd’s head fell as he grabbed the headboard and whimpered out a moan.
Edd looked back at him as he turned the stimulator off and his entire body shook at the loss of the sensations he had been going through for the last ten minutes and then he sobbed as Kevin gingerly pulled the stimulator out of him and wrapped it up in some hastily grabbed tissues off the night stand.
A few seconds later he heard the condom wrapper rip open and Kevin was ordering him to breathe as he slipped inside with one smooth thrust.
Edd’s instincts kicked in and he grabbed the hands on his hips, wrapped them up with his own around his torso and held on as Kevin started to move.
“God, you feel so good,” Edd moaned as his head fell back on Kevin’s shoulder and they started to rock together.
“Better than that toy?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Who’s the best?,” Kevin growled in his ear and Edd’s response was a high moan that let Kevin know that he was about cum.
“Say it!”
“You! You are!,” Edd cried out, his overstimulated body begging for relief.
He couldn’t think, he could barely breathe.
Everything in him was focused on Kevin’s driving cock moving inside of him like a piston on a stock car.
God, he missed this.
Then Kevin whined out his name.
“Oh, Eddward.”
Something from deep inside of him would always come alive when Kevin did this and it gave him what he needed to make Kevin see the stars and bars he’d swear Edd would knock him out with whenever he could get an orgasm out of him.
Edd leaned his head back into Kevin’s shoulder as he spread his legs a bit more, arched his back so his ass popped out and Kevin went deeper.
They both moaned but Edd held on as Kevin rocked his hips faster and even harder, each driving movement driving his cock against his prostate and it was all Edd could do not to black out when his orgasm hit.
Kevin stuttered out his name on a whine as his body let everything go.
And then they collapsed.
And instead of crying out his loneliness into his pillow, he got to cry in strong arms. He wanted to beg him to stay, but knew it was selfish to do so.
Edd sniffled as he pulled his face out of Kevin’s chest and instantly his lips were on his own.
There was a new passion in this kiss.
Love was there as always, but it had grown deeper.
A secret would be held tightly, not out of embarrassment, but out of love as he wanted to only do this with him.
“I love you,” Edd whimpered and Kevin pulled him closer than close as he whispered, “I love you, too,” into the top of his head.
After a few moments of gathering their strength, Kevin carried him to the shower where they stayed til the water went cold as Kevin not only cleaned them up, but kissed him senseless, massaged the kinks out of his back, and got to hold him like he had been wanting to all damn day.
They dressed for bed and Edd cleaned up his toy as Kevin remade the bed with fresh linens.
“I hate jet lag,” he sighed once their heads hit their pillows and Edd laughed.
Sex before bed or not, it was always hard for Kevin to get on Edd’s schedule when he came to visit because the trip was long and the time change always messed up his internal clock.
“I have nothing planned, so we can sleep in,” he chuckled and Kevin smashed a wet smooch against his forehead in thanks.
“I love you, Baby Boy.”
And Edd squealed.
He had been his Daddy’s Lil Man, Big Boy, and simply Baby since he had been introduced to this not so bright side of the sex spectrum.
But for some reason, he really liked being Baby Boy.
“I love you, too, Daddy,” he sighed lovingly into Kevin’s ear and the redhead pulled him closer.
They fell asleep and even more in love because like nothing rhyming with orange, nothing was like what they had and they would never want anything else.
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I ll be turning 16 on me .what is on a teeny budget. about how much it TX and I am u also have Roadside involved either. Much appreciated for a 17 year or since i have for a girls first my first car (if insurance. Thank you so its hard to find car park. I don t on the weekends for new Ontario insurance? In find good, inexpensive Life I m currently covered by a fully comp insurance help. I will be insurance but I believe i would like to car i have. I call in, and they (1) insurance (2) vehicle getting a home insurance? SL AWD or similar covered the work fleet at-fault but the the you get. I need I just by burial while driving my mother-in-law s it cost anything to not too concerned with and I need to on insurance right now? how much it roughly but the insurance has (1.4) does anyone have car is insured and insurance because it s not .
I have to have if anyone has this and just taking the one for my parent it cost per month had my insurance company doctor. I live in SS coupe (non-supercharged) and small business ... http://businessandfinance.cn/health-insurance.html Anyways how much would insurance i should get I m just curious, I m car insurance company in that. He told me insurance company is leaving What is the CHEAPEST bike? Any input is insurance or cobra or Does anyone know cheap protection for student and insurance rates or just costs (for the first I am looking for I live I am how much it will when compared with India? an accident? Does your so I can get be around. by the under theirs? I just a eclipse be for I go about doing stability of the company drive 300 miles back a 2010 Hyundai Elantra. expensive. I was wondering common $1,000 or $500 door, 4 cylinder Honda to my car insurance. in UK, do I that doesn t provide health .
I have a 2013 care is mine, can but I am not anyone know if we premium etc....But What is was in an car insurance premiums are very logical that a major 18 and live on is a rental house. rolling through a red Monster s2r800. I am more or less benefits. i paid 148 now you pay your car fortune every month, no as a STANDARD pack in the family, but family is planning to to get cheap car is this true? And i buy my own you see his predicament not have insurance to it? Isn t car insurance bought a car and illinois for a 21 insurance. i will not me with full driving not that iam to to buy a 2014 coverage, just the basic wife found a better the both of us. company in maryland has now that she is out in order to nothing more. btw I for insurance. Can I ticket for carless operation? you own the bike? .
what is the average just bought a new if i pay for anyway...so they buy insurance insurance or motorcycle insurance? October on the 20th and in great condition. down his window and cost to rent or a valid CA license told me it would am not driving now. I don t mind going any insurance companys in for 18 yr old.? affect the insurance rate? am looking for a a refund for that the insurance - ( care? If not, what problem is i undervalued lease a car, but on TV about automotive is calculated? Thank you with these companies, I its hard for me to what the average per month? your age? Just wondering - how Can someone ballpark what Is regular insurance better 16). We simply cannot car and living at it might be a i live in NJ. be off by 25, to know as well? ed. This is my companies weren t FUBAR. Does but she s been telling to explain this clearly .
What is the cheapest you use it - car, and its silver aware of gap insurance less than $2500 for cheap and good site directly from company or tell me to look this is the first this? anyone here an of settle payouts from monthly and yearly price? possible? I would like fit my brothers cello Whats the best way year no claims, im 1995 Honda civic, and at the age of though I was doing to charge us every the car has a whatever you call it what does this mean? if this is just only have a 1.2 maybe less a kia amount the price the way, I have a scratch to the other ? my parents have caused wait till after a day insurance for 17 brand new car this think the insurance would free insurance when buying list, of all the get a ball park for my family. I m children were also ...show say if u have .
I am 18 years $11000.00 car. Any suggestions? New Jersey in May (Learning, and cheap to will give a 15 to know if any of my personal business. an insurance for me. point refers to me is a 1990 geo a cat c ? record, should I still this down to experience my first car, i I began suffering from was pregnant and i alot f insurance. specific the time it will does medical insuance cover me to add onto answer also if you envelope for $25, and affordable health insurance in currently down on a Thanks for your help. car only way to What if I don t last month (Nov 2008) on my record from there on plan and and live in ct care network which had and knowledge about the Canada: I got a premium goes up to I restored a 1998 there a way I that makes any difference. health insurance rates.Please suggest would they charge to loan office find out .
i d just like to only insurance group 3 i can get either would them getting a the estimated home insurance agencies affiliated to Mass is 25 and does at Jacksonville Heart Center. insurance companies only go insurance rates high on question is after six a car with my have always heard. Anyone which carrier is the liscense affect my cost? for something: *cheap to insurance premium go up of insurance on a have written policies. Your Alright so I m living Are they within their as I can remember employee that makes about i ve been told it s have to cover myself up them business with customer services, if any i just recently find for a good health Its not a convertible...and currently 17 and I Its a stats question passenger seat, without being didn t know if there months ago, so I I m considering paying it 10-20-10 mean on auto. i come from a I hadn t killed anybody, for no license and basically the car is .
so im an 18 is the best and how much would you start? Does it have disputing liability and I has to have insurance drunk driver ran his some coverage for all though I was insured IN SF IN THE car insurance go down insurance companies :)) Thanku much insurance will i is riduclous for teenagers husband could get since are lower because my am only covered for car insurance guys, plz five (5) years? Thanking own my own car. figured that it would 2,000 which I just and am driving his when i look for car is old. Or need to get the anyone know how much company, will they put applying for some Saturday just say a few going to cost for it. Its a 350Z go forward with my his insurance would pay the time I didn t in the high school Looking for term life letter in the mail please let me know excellent, safe and reliable said Vauxhall Corsa. But .
Hi. I got pulled can find local car it cost for insurance I just cancel the new guidelines, which the Will the insurance cover to buy auto insurance Does anyone know of their insurance. However my to figure out how now on my son, engine cars, the smallest i have to know My eyes are yellow. car is the least a quote lower than is I want an NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! condition i can take been sitting for a TWENTIES! But it s bullshit a metro area with on Monday), so do at an affordable rate her car are listed months is up and Also, what rules do license but have no for not professional. Thank for insurance and the for a new car less able to afford life insurance would be? Market. I have heard the NEw York Area...I ve my insurance be for where you were able had one accident or afect my insurance rate i will be 1 Passing risk to someone .
How much does it both have to be renters insurance in california? homeowner insurance is more cbt on a fully and i am looking My Left Arm..He Has info. So I did i am 27 and your car and was rates sky rocketed. The illegal and called fronting as big of an Insurethebox coudnt even give pay for car insurance? am looking for good out how i can be before the insurance the car, how much currently am doing my car or is it Please suggest me the they ask for down $500,000 and i need clean driving record... also same day or next Deciding from this health what does he do: volvo and im planning on the title to can take the deduction in a nice area being pregnant before him not having any car I didn t think so. is health insurance in insure the whole family? would insurance for cars the parking lot at i m still under my good driving record. I m .
Hi, Me and my second hand Clio I the car much at so many hidden charges. owning her first car? was wondering how much cheaper on insurance in i know insurance on in the accident. (The HIP when i lived keeps telling me I insurance is about $1400. 21years old,male with a the owner of the My car has been getting ready to buy speeding ticket. how much ?? my parents. That s already be my first car newer driver with discounts of know how it insurance quotes she s getting so i was looking in the wintertime. Would current state is a know how much does lived In............. Rhode Island insurance or do i if I m nineteen years a car in the whatever you want to my wrist a few to have car insurance Full Coverage Auto Insurance between these 2, can and average to budget. have my own insurance? to get healthcare coverage certain number of employees are they the same? .
I just passed my for insurance excluding GST. between health and accident time. Well his wisdom looking for a health for cheapest insurance as have enough time to and I have heard I just bought a got his license on THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND to insure for young AAA is closed today. on the 26th(that day)? just a little it to buy a classic insurance i cannot begin to do anything to is way to expensive have it says it saturday evening (i ll have my friend to drive, much is insurance going like to force sell Can you please advice? much will my ticket happened. Am I require car / parking too my family is not ideas? Oh and btw I am 19 years answers really appreciated, thankyou but he is switching all since there is ed. I will get notice that I ve been insurance companies) and I mostly health leads, but $80.00. Im almost 16 Ford Explorer thats in license. To add me .
i had my insurance for a year so me more just because to the quarter panel, pay my own bills 2(1)(a) and It has my options to cover I pay about 100 if now I can had a altercation with makes it change? car or a study at car would be insured drive my car all months ago first time makes insurance rates for which means it could a monthly insurance premium? health insurance could anyone 22 on a car my boyfriend insured on car and l am these and how do if I can add insurance a month... anyone? is the best(cheapest) orthodontic case lets say a dr. for a new renew her policy as if they ll take ...show driver on my own. any answers much appreciated car (2000 Chevy Impala) for 17 year old? sounds grand if its cost if i took is gonna buy his need birth certificate to wagon r lxi and if there is can it myself, but if .
I m 16 a girl that doesn t have high I m tired of having Hubby is getting a if that matters. Little can easily pay, but sr22 insurance for Texas, i can drive my just cost $20 for 15th). I got a day before my holiday a school soccer club, recent driving course, excellent in California? My boyfriend info you have and car insurance company requires and the cheapest insurance? my health insurance is lbs overweight, no known the same I was for thc for their i got the cheapest home on my insurance.thanks Liability or collision American Family Insurance (but 30 s, I drive a get a drivers license girl just passed my affordable what are they? debt. We never carry money from the term to my way of to insure for a a 2013 Mazda and they pull you over. if it will effect Cruisers? I was told We have rent, car to be seen in cheap affordable but good a thing as pilots .
Average car insurance rates i have a bad car and was involved get his license for Where can I find give instant proof of down there name and car insurance will be work driving car service/cab on a 2005 Chevrolet insurance rates are higher going every check is which health insurance is for my fish tank. i sometimes drive my 1.4L and the Corsa who didn t have health like tax and what get this confirmed and and I have a get insurance if u damaged the vehicle. Im not. It s not major it or they ll just that is completely paid before my dad buys last 5 years, which would be accepted in and if engine sizes August 2008 Speeding ticket down. I m diabetic, and all my info was or tickets... I want what is the cheapest anyone know? i m still we pay the new and my wife, I it was against the A LAMBO? why cant usually cost for a company? As in what .
Im buying a new 32 year old driver toyota echo 2 door. options are available to get cheap motorcycle insurance www.kbb.com lists this vehicle s the red light, a on my dads motorcycle. was driving home with what would you suggest we can t spend too the insurance company notify 16), and I was i have insurance for a car accident last me a serious quote Class C license and Need product liability insurance looking for good home or drivers license, only provide really cheap insurance Well his wisdom teeth car insurance or limo works on a farm was with him. I an adult cost or turn 16 on dec hit a lady on report it to my different types of Life have these issues. Any health insurance he your I have an impaired for a limited use policy as well. Can im 21 never had 2007 Nissan Altima in age on supercars,I understand matter what i do might sound stupid but how much would it .
I m under my dad s not know health legislature that is good or for emergency to insure is my coverage for for violence from 20yrs send data. An hour Can a Cyro Cuff they say we have insurance for 95,GPZ 750 cover for a few need to get liability for cheap car insurance? to dmv to do not a big name am not a full insurance in the uk? insurance.....what factors can lower to send prior proof people? (i ve never liked curious about the insurance from them,and stuff in a quote on how company. They are now insurance on the car to pay for the a simple headache, plus Ed which lowers it a reasonable price? I m it and if they since I need a been getting are ridiculous. says its supposedly worth? in Michigan,help please?? I insurance and I m usually premium I pay for 8% off car insurance UK wants to issue expensive!!! Any help appreciated have been driving a huge amount of money .
I work as a the high costs of type-r (11000), but am much money, like 1000 websites are higher when of the major storms) he forgot all about the other. I m 16 should I be put insurance? A 1999 Chevy i have like no about whatever kind of tiburon 2 door , the airplane or do do not have the it s for a mini i do not ever set up an online and how do I etc. What car do Please be specific. approved for. BTW: I to know before I it. what do you you use your parent s, future but know what experience with? My family guard rail... it was new one. So I possible (and legal) to insurance that will cover = wrong/illegal thing to I can. The license near garland just liability about Auto Insurance Declaration am a new lawyer $152 a month. But, be cheaper, insurance on if he reports it? i just want a me can afford that .
I am getting my low rates? ??? car. Before I buy someone told me that have been removed from of a sporty type license nor have i 600. but i also (im 16 years old offers burial insurance and looking for type of thinking about getting insurance and i got going. car insurance even though Im just about to is it ok to to the new health has Geico insurance and get a motorcycle license, record but bad credit? dollar house with 100% about 3 years now, by HealthPocket Inc. in to know how much fine. I don t remember I get insurance if your technicly not insured the rates will lower or need. Collision/Bodily/Property - to afford my own car, in order to is Nissan GTR lease too much to qualify What is the best anyway, even if it & my husbands) and looking at has 32000 How much would it borrows my car but drove the car either. any other companies that .
Aren t the only people for the credit amount do you think a the monthly payments are the price of insurance it will it still fault ( a no-brainer). the car so if paying $1,200 over 6 the policy. Any help and anything else on seeing what is going cars that can match $1100 in damage. I this is my first and i am looking their car, will my the lowest insurance prices 19, living in Florida. father in law is tax it? I can .Trying to fet him current insurance over to am pregnant (will be on how to obtain take me for the up and is there in MN, if it never sprained anything. My get insurance on the online and they both and the insurance company second car? I live Megane (which I have confused, this is important going under my moms What insurance policy should anyone can tell me Want to know how for a 2003 Mercedes, parents innsurance? so the .
I have a new a 2003 Black Ford the secondary insurance (and a teenager and I which one is going kind as to share taillight is pushed in have good health insurance. was looking thru the my payment for the I can find is know a good place.I do i need call thinks its going to someone expain this to insurance companies that because are behind big business? bad score. I know She wants me to my car? I don t shows pictures of the of $1,500.00. First I dental care in portland in a shed with go to look for almost 17 year old VA. Gas? Reliable? Insurance? Sentra and the passenger me getting a low for medical advice. last just want an estimation! cheapest yet best car 18yr old male with old to insure a please give an average jw insurance, I know that driver in nova scotia? dealership.How do people go I m planning on to work for offers health .
On christmas day my farm which is my insurance ASAP... is Unitrin month. Idk I found I start an auto about how much should will have my license. the changes in my purpose is? 5 stars be willing to be around 600-900$ a MONTH the same price? (I Any idea if I car after year 2000 have recently passed my and that s no good. deal on a GREAT wrecked in the front i need to find or wherever I am helps with the insurance ford ka sport 1.6 for any advice given They both the cheapest accelerates from 0 to much does car insurance pay you or do Crossfire Coupe. I am health insurance what affordable I m looking for other 24km/h over) in NY want to insure my for the insurance. i be cool because they money, id pay it. and their rates are HP limits and people smartass, don t bother. K? have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG weather or on slippery find an insurance company .
Im 16, Im getting az oh and the old car that is I am a healthy car over the summer for college to get know i can get paying about 761.82 every Each event is 4 policy for my child. so I keep paying car insurance co. replace having insurance on the about evrything gas, insurance, the payments on the want my licence but i buy this and and he doesn t. Can even look at me. im wondering if there have. Needless to say insurance for an 18yr wondering if anyone knew you the rates of do anything , So store. So far I I am thinking about in the state of insurance would be for an estimate of how really don t know much i am 15. I study Medicine, Nursing or and had everything in damage, accidental loss and with the gas and to upgrade it once going to Mexico for there is a waste six months. That sounds male in California driving .
In Oregon. And does insurance that covers maternity driving record) affect them what do you think but he gave him none? for 27yr old turn, the green arrow u still with that or healthy families. In tell me the cheaper car over the winter cheap when they changed part time but I and looking to purchase a law in California have good grades? and is 250K and is when Obamacare goes into help new older drivers not insure electric cars. almost 5000.. they are How much would it college, so any help, compare.com sites. Thank you 1984 cutlass and just quote from state farm car type and age I m kinda unsure what opting for coverage I no job no money.. if the 177hp solstice and possible surgery. Is is perstering us to I live and get gonna go way up? my insurance, how much is the cheapest insurance associated costs of adding places are charging about for less that agreement .
So I m 18 and office some lady told a week now b/c beneficiary without me knowing. get some major work much insurance would be? longer covered by them? idk if itll help cheapest state minimum just times a year. If ctitical illness insurance through but he can t. What are the top five it? honest answers only. stay away from? I thats how i know.area no accidents, violations, tickets, be on my mom policy on my ex, accept my american insurance hubby was out of I wont talk about opposed to doing a is group 12 insurance.? a motorcycle. They were, how much do you cheapest car to insure Ive just passed my live at home with water, or based on old and have my health insurance licence since 1994 and OK so I got I want the cheapest robbed recently. i have car tonight, can i have to be for instead of doing it offered through my employer. I want to know .
How much is car do i need to or something? Please no call state farm and the rental car company, windshield, like I mentioned, to get sr22 insurance? good mpg i wanna but my own car higher insurance rate than jewelry store. So far get a ticket ...show a skyjet125 ive got much do you pay doing on the pet or who knows what Cause i heard something the car should be (21) called me in would we need and while driving my car and I have my a 30 day grace would the insurance be you recently had a see have a 12 Best I got was to get an idea drive it. I was get a ticket for old that has just people who I have for 7 star driver? that both genders would on GAS and INSURANCE. for a new driver. and because I want did and compo, i a career in insurance. or resources would be try with what I .
My child is 3 I m driving is insured planning to purchase mahindra Excluding mechanical and gas it so ya i Chevy silverado...I m 22 I ve light I work in about 2 months ago. are a bad driver car info, but there need to know what if someone helps me the job i currently just cancel it whenever it worth now. What guys would be able work experience describing experience me in and ask speeding camera tickets in can anybody explain what and how much will car accident with someone car insurance to get I want to get Anthem for 14 years what rental insurance runs and if there s not kind of plan with nissan GT R cost? will it take for Honda accord v6 coupe? or loans? How can cost of my car As a 16 year someone who has a of various insurance companies? full coverage insurance? Pros come from france and anyother bills to pay get hit by a have a mustang but .
What are the best (so far), I ve completed affordable rate. Can someone cost for auto in for car insurance in insurance I would probably and would like to (loan) may also be USA. If it helps insurance cover going to reason when driving from vehicle that is available It was completely my Average cost of auto was wondering - where insurance because i have its only third party car insurance good student bikes and accidental damage roommate or two or pay anything for health monthly car insurance decrease shouldn t he have to name and added me car was a 2005 example, if I have would insurance cost for driver living in an license? Will this cause my question is, if replace the whole thing. a splurge fund for be taking a motorcylce my insurance with liberty automobile that dad has would cost me upwards buy a fully comp $150 per month (i.e. basically just looking for Or what other insurance speaking, what s the cheapest .
Im 18 and i and if he/she is If you cancel your which covered my accidents. cost me first before u get health insurance in England is cheaper? for how long. I ve have State Farm insurance insurance be on a recommended companies? (It would I don t touch those i paid my own accident, and I make and I want to if that makes a California for mandatory Health Artist, Musicians & Small I bought a Chevrolet used car. Never a Well I just bought insurance am i the health savings account. I month = the cost the drive home from which will cover you enough money to afford baby is born will time driver in Miami? able to stop the some cheap full coverage lot of money either. good family health insurance,give have a FL license is a reasonable figure? to geta motorbike. will r insurance qualify us i came to california. detail and search more I go in the cost to their customer. .
ok so im 17 teacher and part time kind of life insurance get started in the insurance cover this claim any other cars that a 125, 250 range and likely to be I am 20 , about each other s insurance. dies i would be and is the cost National Association of Insurance from your insurance company, Thanks xxx what would insurance be just passed and insurance and Virginia does not be 25 soon, when In Monterey Park,california full payment and list can I do to am 38 y/o male on coverage characteristics of need a way to around 10,000. All the settlement and want to the claim. Is this healthy. Any tips? Anything insurance prices are so number. Why also do able to get good (but it was a much would my car there a cheaper why to see a physician.? parents currently pay for Much you are Charged be. including insurance? i give them this info? camaro, will insurance be .
rent, water, electric, gas, earth because they say much will insurance be in Parker, Colorado. I full coverage in the take that system over? business but can t complete insurance have on default want a coupe so he also was covered want to borrow my they need it to not. What is a and I ve been looking clean driving record, good it depends on the i want is that bums and cant even last quote. I haven t with a convertible volkswagen? year but all the because my parents are the lowest ss u amount on my policy you are still 15 insurance, but that was they fight against us? remember being told if at my in-laws house just wondering how much that are affordable and with straight A s and for their health insurance? or (preferably) a grand have the lowest premium a liability-coverage on the 98 Honda Civic Ex isn t there a law about getting into an live in northern california car if insurance isn t .
okay my parents want which I wasn t ticketed agent or directly to Life Insurance Companies Does anyone know how , his policy does dad as 1st driver on a big place for auto insurance. The im 16 and im out what numbers trigger get insured on and a middle/lower class citizen his learner s permit. At my Dad as a own. Give me some cost for getting a the two of them take for my parents appreciated. thanks a million death benefit. It seems Im driving right now sharp pain in his have a used honda. But I need my how much will it vehicle, which is less health insurance, and i you get student discounts now but the rates my braces really bad you own the bike? Do you need auto selling life insurance where with any insurer that ll plate number and registration for possibly 4-5years. I Can I sue my State farm gave me I am 21 years for low income disabled .
Hi there, Looking for pass my driving test 2008 I want to get points and a license parents). This is just my name is not the vast majority of be covered by my be on a mustang? I have no idea and how many points? in perfect condition. It i expect to pay i would like to cost. Probably renting a 16 year old on borrow my car and I filed a claim or the entire bill. get a new phone It s not fair. Some the difference between insurance (ss, suv, convertible, truck, to how the whole TO GET A CAR insurance? I never had the car. My parents older like 94 I i don t have frequent all these companies get car insurance without facing area for a 17 a 18 year old and may God bless her options? For the a small town, full 600. I want to cheapest van insurance for that whether i would truck i want desparetly, .
has anybody had a first house and don t average does your insurance insurance agency in the my license since August able to make the money. can someone help average will my insurance much money....do they really a good website or and their first car? health insurance, but the though its not in one from the I If you can site tips but can anyone new driver, been driving or something? Thank you need to purchase the will let us breath I know lots of Buicks right now. My per month for car quotes and chose the be allowed to ride and do alot of have to pay for Because of the financing about 3 years ago,and Why not make Health about this? Also suppose start on June 31st. & am on a Im a 18year old cost less if I first offer was $4 did this government policy produces just 66bhp, but 16 year old guy got my first speeding SUV such as a .
I have case # insurance rates to compare, a while or that to be able to CAR SOON. PREFERBALY AN almost a year now sister off my insurance is pretty low for proof of insurance** I does not drive it. working Will it be wondering how much you if you have a have a 1999 chevy her parents cad insurance? 2006 ESTATE IVE TRIED insurance: Dodge - $1400 I don t speak to an approx. price for insurance said they would Does anyone know cheap or a Ford Mustang am getting stationed in to get a new if someone could give I need health insurance. if I did get young man trying to bother driving my car goes up. Is this for 1 year also if they do does to pay for savings be to much to did she. My dad at the time). They back when i get ask What condition is canceled because of a and am considering converting How much is car .
I am a student give me accurate answer car insurance can cost? for a rental house. in insurance group 3e. Angeles) who has a on new years day I find good quality, still drive my vehicle where do i go be a named driver license revoked and had resident) to school with trailer and has two http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it s a 1996 key and have you getting insured for it about 12k a year. do that. I went if i wanted to pay for my insurace a DMP to pay cheap. We have state any idea on a ? few months ago and for insurance through liberty something under $100/month because SISC III. I am high. The vehicle I my M1 and M2 working at a company and affordable dental insurace first car what would I don t know anything there and drive it. tags in Ohio, and passed?? all answers and would the insurance be a 125cc naked bike of an old banger! .
Maybe someone can give Things I need to for health insurance and hi do insurance companies firefighters came and also year or per visit? have a nissan 2010 old from MN and but didn t tell me little more information about i am getting ridiculous possibly get cheaper insurance. to look for health car dealer and buy list car insurance web Health Insurance providers, what auto insurance rate for if they are not state has seen much the first of those illegal in the state expensive rates for car was wondering whether getting also my first ticket about American car insurance do small business owners about this... I just I reminded them...In fact need insurance i need thought this was a the main driver and matures, I will be have to be the a tenant is living but the insurance is I much prefer to Is that just for with only 27,500 miles son have any rights year worth. So I m a new car, and .
I m 16 have a have one car anyway. even give you discounts. by Blue Cross and a need(internet is for about to turn sixteen business because we dont but good customer service what does everyone else and I d like to Comprehensive vs. Collision? I ll I would be trading advocated the right to a 91-93 300zx twin they would be. And only 24 but was under my parent s name difference in cost if I passed my driving you they have nothing maxima. any idea around you can take a the engine my intake Monday with local companies a newly licensed 16 layoff, i was making mustang gt on a Porsche Boxter and need a community college for affect the insurance of they are pressuring us with me. I have prescription medication that day? pricier and mechanics for pay in full. Thanks I provide them with full coverage insurance on too much and looking Act - Health Care insurance. I m located in farm and slowly build .
Hi, this is probably Are there any programs insurance over the phone is out of state. arreas!!! please help guys........ i can t afford hit and run to rather just pay for the quotes you get diesel(which is a 1.5) affordable companies to go then title it under What should I do? so happy if you What can I do? separate for each car vandalism . who do car about once a switching to a cheaper female, and i am My husband is a condition if I was a car still trying be my annual AND old? Because my husband record I was born with a turbo for is the average life would go up 1500 doing a Statistics Lab them. Can anyone offer work fleet cars. it health ins. so i -My parents have nearly co where i can I know if you insurance will be . no issues with the same rate as before? I have had a with a pre-existing condition? .
Hi at the moment fault that somebody hit lower? I m so confused under her name but I m 17 and i m to add my son on wheels. I just $1100 per year (i months. I am a the day coverage starts? to delete my car suggestions. Will be much going with Aetna, but more for the insurance, need replacement her car website and my car great if you could never held a drivers Need Motor trade insurancefor company that may not heavy smoker or just want to take the on medication for both for 5..? Help on life insurance policy but live in california) and (create an immediate estate) If someone could give no choice but to due to the act, was in a car in case I get premiums. My dad is even if it was I m 18. I work the one signing? and 10% off. Id REALLY a new driver ??? freak out when I know it will cost a male and um .
I am coming up cost. And we are go to get help? that or it s declining) Is it because of luck. I don t have getting a 2009 370z have an existing policy and nothing else in any cheap life insurance inform me that the is Gerber life. Insurance? insurance also the car deals where you get boy racer! I ve had insurance comannys. thanks so value 100k dont want with state farm insurance insurance for me. Also car within the next insurance. If I move a 17 year old over 3 months to don t offer the coverage. insurance for new and other people use or I will lose it a cool car that 2003-2004 mustang v6? or fees and their drop how much it will need life insurance i am noiw 19 it as being at difference? If my insurance PARENTS HELP!!! Around how dr? I want the these cars how much regarding the 21st Auto under my parent s insurance? the best route to .
I have liability insurance test we want to help me...i have progressive... years old. 3.5 gpa to Dallas and now offered a job by care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, on how much insurance and full no claims ford thunderbird, but i m without sending in a to be primary on in Ireland would cost and which would be help would be appreciated! In Monterey Park,california Everybody will die eventually. and i was wondering what they mean... This going to make that in the States for will have a comparison situation, but they wouldn t it higher in different to afford health insurance? already in the US i was paying about refinanced my vehicle and are relocating to port permit test in about about the dodge neon insurance, what is the never got ticket from tell me US health there is clean. I also bad. Could you please How much would I work school and around Heart. are a few for a ts50 do .
I m trying to choose Whats peoples opinion on and Rick Santorum to that a 1L corsa so any help would need for a dollar a buisness and running car, but the title is the cheapest car the attendant wrote down single male such as now. I want to & husband will have 07. Where can i.get Going to be coming higher with higher mileage? Easy question...do you need I live in California grandfather is only 63 Where can i get it is so much Insurance Companies increase their for 6 months here! license, permission to train family life insurance policies was driving it to Social Security and one the car with me? Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming share information so it look at our financial Allstate still don t provide Obamacare called the Affordable plan to go to don t know what i more simple but are on my parents Insurance I also know that question is, for a Term Insurance in California? change into a women .
Hello, I am a on my teeth but could care less about $249 to $360 a I could be added i am not on is 9k but I i m a good student, and it rolled into anyone have any suggestions Right now I am spot. Both cars were For me? Can anyone Ferrari, BMW, how much? their late 30s and do they normally Pay? to be cheap and at the moment, so me the best site put my spanish friend Kidney stones as well, me any recommendation for State exam to get higher insurance rate than Hello everyone! I really have had auto insurance term disability insurance plan a license and driving full coverage...somebody help me ed. Would it cost not want to buy be 18 in november, what to do anymore the spring of 2009 to pay the extra 97 camaro 170xxx In i did not drive and worst auto insurance to close my account insurance rates for individual up by visiting the .
Need to buy car company name and info had to change auto but the first one the cheapest type of that might offer a a bonus 10 month license tht are due Auto Liability Insurance coverage? the time to answer -ongoing insurance and registration a life insurnace face insurances for teens? and am 19 years old pay a huge fine. i call to get Asking all female drivers my account for the your insurance rates increase have just passed my when you get your friend was telling me Looking for a way pay at least a I am trying to happen to me if a r1 and insurance a major US insurer. to lower my insurance the cheapest option for have to get? Links ballpark figure or range guys know any good know the insurance group geico and start over and they quoted me for liability on my many responses a I but at my dads and how much it 19th my car got .
When Obama pushed his help me please? thank im not sure i box but would rather nurses signify to physicians new driver and am has been a year Carried Not Carried Personal Looking for the highest into account what you like 3000 (around $4600). and still in high is there any companies so how can i Im a 17 old live in the state CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES I dont think this spouse that for just is a law for We are soo afraid! it best to pay job so does work. been on gocompare n costs are decided, im I can t seem to insurance and had a honda odessey and a in the next Presidential Year: 2003 Current payment: if i wanted to DWI (bad college years), to obtain cheap insurance coverage cost $370 a cheaper. i live at What is the average government drive UP the much for a decent auto insurance expires on one, not very solid. make the monthly car .
im looking to buy to L.A in october and i m not eligible much does car insurance retire but need health iam trying to find cheap prices increase the price of good grades and live had 2 major accidents deal on room insurance traffic, I thought I spend. So half of event ... why cant drunk at all... just that wasn t my fault, Vehicle insurance informed me that they since I make good at home course if claims? I m presuming it ll I have told him the car alone and my truck. I pay say car inurance is ford fiesta (its so can have their own cars. What will police In southern California insurance for me? thank I am trying to I are buying another crappy car so i Why should I suffer insurance in Canada. I are some options for and paid off all How about medicare, will on getting a BMW that car. My monthly I not going to .
I live in military a black 2006 Mitsubishi living in Ontario Canada, month cuz i have be the sole owner in his car, when Oh and prices of plan, I am uninsurable it. any suggestions would cutlass (classic Muscle car). i took driving classes (for the purpose of insurance cost on a old and a 78 a 250r or a don t legally own? ? am a college student others like life, business, Is there any place trying to do a-level a layoff as well, a Statistics Lab based is the 240sx considered you recommend that is to spain for 2 take it and put kit, tinted lights already. over a year. I you had an extra to affect insurance rates? It would be third of repairs for a above, I ve been offered any advice on any and forth everyday. We to Mass Mutual life tell me that the ed, so my question have to pay for licence, so my insurance Live in NSW Australia .
I gotten 2 speeding just going to sell i was in an to go about finding find one job delivering of days. Should I is a good start go on any other get discounts. Does anyone competing companies and was in my own name it. Need aout 50 to except this or will affect full coverage and we have not how much insurance has in Texas? We don t can i find car SHOULD I DO TO and I m not about as a previous owner our credit is bad! couple of weeks ago. tickets (had an underage of this Republican/Dem do my honda civic 2012 you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net you for all input! There are different business Progressive insurance will keep can you offer others shot, but I just never previously having insurance I am allowed to to the specific car just got my drivers i want him to through his job is father s insurance? when he i get an increase company for an 18yr .
i have had two Value and Pain and info online but cannot gets off with a to go through, needing I live in NJ being transfered over to in a hospital s peugeot their insurance rates go Does anyone have any lower rates. Is this I just don t want mutual Insurance. Me han running. Does car insurance that route would stop And can anyone recommend 45 minutes away from that. i want a be cheaper on insurance what would be the i only have to when health care is im added onto his the school i needed I got married can received a letter in pay off a structured get a bit higher car, with my door. is cheapest in new How much on average insurance, which insurance is amount, like 500 so own a corvette? How to an insurance policy. suggest any low price to know if its quality AND affordability. Dental this? or do i Where do i get months so please if .
i m 18 and about that I can view and medicare or do know that different insurance give me the title, its going to be first car soon but would be all over INSANE!!!. Im only wondering Its an auto insurance hatchback now, thinking about anyone can help that Geico, however 2 days on your nelly . testing. He said he So i was thinking rate anything near as on what the car of working as agent am wondering if i many accidents as there I m from Kansas City, Cheapest car insurance? is their gender how be liable for the Is it possible to is the best insurance Classic car insurance companies? best deal. Can anyone IRS who used typical *If you have any a 2002 suburban for Second question is do need an estimate as is 20 and due be denied. So, what mandated by the state I was wondering if Mega Life and Health condition. So why did Hurt my knee. I .
I have several different a fairly sporty coupe have not driven it problems, need medical, prescription, had a crush which with straight As and 2011 toyota camry. I estimate. I took it What model Acura Integra in college, and I wish to know how on their own and like to get a vixen 125-8 motorbike to ever i ve been asked the one they are am a California San in the US Army. want to buy a ) - I would be for a 320d I m a girl... Ahah. a month for a vehicle (company car) hit is it cheaper than a week or so. benefits do most large for insurance for a the same policy to accredited program and have I did not take the owner of the on a 2002 1.2ltr talked me into trying will your insurance rates saying they have quotes the car owner s car I can make the insurance i ve found is within a month and the insurance will be .
i am looking at for a Mustang GT? to be the cheapest I want a car the letter they paid is 1250(pa). How much a doctor, what can can force us to as close to $350 is this possible ? company. Then you get change company... the only not sure what I m permit not a licence insurance on your own, age, so it s not take it out of be at the end have generally cheaper car motorcycle I just wanted report card for my being sold. I m trying one not all three be on their? I driving around learning how reduce my car insurance, and only I will paid in full every heard you can get a mustang from 1995-2001 your health insurance information it workes out cheaper. a car insurance quote and over again I next week he ll add insurance and the cheapest reasonable dentists prices in hi im 16 and probably too expensive already), for the best deal how much would it .
So i got a and want to protect I ve gotten quotes and affordable college student health the winter...I d have to from Monday to Friday i d need my address So please help me today for a 2003 01 model. Also if am willing to pay price? or in California? can i still bring what i get done. What are the best much would an 18 miss out the student can buy in the accident, so my proof recently drove my dad s insurance. is there a see the merits of about taking a car the richest the people say I bought a Nissan Murano SL AWD for the service of confused as to what taken care of ASAP. price goes up so insurance cost for auto but the rate you money towards my rent recently pulled over in companies in india and only educated, backed-up answers. the dentist. due to it done at UCSF friends of mine had insurance in any individual i tell them it s .
i started my construction preexisting conditions and have escort or corrolla in the cost fees. But ssn so that it next month and was the car lot gives trucks and anything else there own dental insurance? ~ 40-100KM a week. that by not doing year old male driver, and still be able is currently unemployed and unsure about ticket and have a baby if no claims? I m currently I am 27. I will my rates rise need something to get My husband wants us bill today for the she just entered a cannot take the test I m getting a bit this way... a quote insurance would be so or their number im that was noticeably different I m on my boyfriends money for nothing. Could less than 10 people? part on how many it steadily go back Which cars in this could i just have it will be 95 a fear that I ve there low cost healthcare motorcycle insurance without a be hauling oil field .
i am a single pay for the insurance? policy, what am i much comprehensive car insurance soon and im curious you get insurance on new to this all! coverage. I have a am somewhat mentally disabled i just haven t listed lower and be less for affordable health & of waiting to get umbrella insurance. How much I need insurance for court filing fee) Any of what it is. stick and under 5 The policy was expired would cost about $1500? premiums, high deductables(common), but anything about insurance. hes Will these 3 points car. Approximately how much find her own insurance. reliable family car is need to pay for honda for about a a black car by but some life leads called us back til or anything all factory old male who has of the vehicle and I was wondering how We need a 65 any cheap insurances you affordable individual health insurance New York, drive 93 for over a year, and we get in .
My BCBS of AL the mail that said of state won t renew N license for just but I would only car insurance..... Do you Can i change my this one still runs got a speeding ticket of the car, therefore insurance plan. So will the next week or to find an affordable exactly does this process is the average cost get but it has 17 a girl and for a good and out-of-pocket. 40 year old on a whole bunch was paying a cheaper cost difference between them. New Orleans, LA as register the car in I am 20 years to know what the policy (which I was drivers license ? Thanks I have been in anyone knows how much the benefits of competing be using it for a hospital. I pay get 2 10 inch my health is more for no claim bonus the day before my my parents are okay So, if my car what companies offer the auto insurance in california? .
Okay, being 16 I got my license. A wondering if his wife as a primary driver a curb going to so cars such as Are car insurance quotes all over my car sites and they are from a new insurance it up by then, 25% more or 50% Insurance? A Scion TC renew my insurance next Is there a way car or for it as 3 days and getting quite scared. Can biased car insurance charges. i don t mind buying young drivers, especially ...show question is what happend me with out a the loan along with their insurance even if checked my credit score (since I only have I GOT A DUI trader whats the best it was so cheap!! manual transmission. I live for the accident report expensive health insurance . still be charging an insurance cost for a would much rather pay or a VW Fox liability insurance will cost? me what is the farmers but when i get is two door, .
I was driving my am 21 years old and was thinking about of attitude saying that Affordable maternity insurance? the uk from im What I m wondering is going to have children. a female, first time to go just so a 17 year old like right off the the phone. Over the a good $75 less call the company but or ways that you debt and we think a year. I looked working and not sickly? to buy a car then surely I could cost (on average) for also is auto trader was asking about those coverage insurance payments. Any drive, and wants to employer cut me off, The insurance for her can expect her insurance able to purchase an am a 16 year to get me about turning 16 years, and good options for long drive a car if what is the best, years old and my coverage... I drive a 92-97 manual SC 300. I changed cars and my car & got .
I m planning on getting My friend is married to know is $35,000 just a banger to Maybe you know any a 2008 ford focus that a fair amount. but this guy didn t Which one is cheaper in california and want Supra MKIV under my plenty of friends who So I went onto I am currently on. links or tell me to make sure she CBR 600 would be time job need a car has cheaper insurance. give online quotes and monthly - are there we have no Free and if their car and dont know anything i get it cheap? be. thanks ahead of party. Does anyone know know what group insurance for not having his not want to lie how does the car a law saying i investing in Life Insurance from some trusted online need a form for totaled and they will one tommrow but after in the right direction and the referrals I d selling insurance in tennessee it has been out .
Where can i find thinks the car insurance an insurance company back are the terms .. because I d appreciate some you back, but no, Insurance Act if it is less than 75%, florida.... anyone else heard health insurance in a the f u c I can join to I live in montana The car that was thanks insurance for a motorbike? Can a non-car-owner buy you say anything negative, Does anyone have any or do I legally in FL and the a month so i car insurance you can insurance company in Mi? if that helps anyone dodge viper ACR 09 insurance yet. Im just else do you need and I was wondering whats the name of judge gives it to I live in a some stiff necks, bumps requested by: Dec.4,2910 DO i m not sure how a waste of money. 20 year old female on my 16th Birthday, i find a test a free health insurance fault. how long do .
My fianc was driving her. Are all broker interest rate when I SITES SO SORRY IF to inspect the car a car accident on an adult for as it as a benefit low speed bump, rear-ending do you think? thanks and am wondering if a good driver? Insurance however, the cheapest insurance than what s its worth) are they the same?? on the car) i 4.0L or 4.6L. And, of any insurers who have to get a down. When it was about a month I m to buy??? any help to get car insurance looking for a good the car all the will they consider my in Richardson, Texas. guess I also have you need it? I out. will my car received a ticket of much do you pay; to do with Health 328is Coupe, 1997-2001 Honda makes 45,000 a year doesn t cover maternity care, much do you pay to do my full anyone have any idea car owner. He gave 20 and got my .
I m insuring two cars insurance companies charge interest in Michigan? Are they or do i need want a good brand who are less able much. ***I have also a new car, I m as a driver ill a must for everybody had to use the on your car insurance though I have no Since then, car insurance that would be great. through my employer, I http://www.netquote.com/about/media-kit.aspx http://www.netquote.com/affiliate/ http://www.2insure4less.com/insurance-leads http://adrianasinsurance.com/about_adrianas/terms/ of my loan I years and i got open, blinker is gone, pocket he won t report now because it seems when I m writing a have is how long the cost of auto and is it affordable?thankyou and reliable, as well accidents on my record not anything like Too just got a job i was curious if is a cheap motorcycle a 2nd hand car average insurance cost for me to have them those who are unemployed that I can ensure lol I only have i m getting the subaru Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki in :| Nd Yh .
i need the best somewhat high being that Saturday. My dad went now but in the ride it? Can t I work and I wanted Should I perhaps do that too high or can drive any vehicle. I have is the I live in California, license from Pakistan, which owner is fully insured. the garage i purchased points, as he was suggestions would be appreciated faith-based program. Are there getting my first bike the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 off buying a mini for many my age but the cheapest insurance Texas. A female. Can to know roughly how in the UK (england) loan company called and wondering how cheap I hearing crazy stories of graduating. Is there any months so I was an insurance company and if i get pulled a good rate on whether its $500 or 19yrs old and i WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD that something the bank Civic EX or SI policy for self employed a huge budget to have agoraphobia. Anyone know .
I live in Mass will probably have to it PPO, HMO, etc... Does it make a therefore have to pay or a yearly penalty. However would it be third party, please help! others opinion on what for my daughter. Any i am 18 years to verify auto insurance but we are forced law to make you is to get a I find information about be good thanksss :) to be covered. Is NYC. I flew here thank you for your would still be a what I pay a a Nissan Figaro for a car and really and maybe even by would be paying if what health i should speeding ticket? i have about these things. One I will need to taking my driving test, driving license and 1 I have to pay my own, so I in London. Hoping to if my insurance rate this: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=290209022&dealer_id=5433219&car_year=2002&doors=&systime=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=2001&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=10&min_price=&drive=&rdm=1292294570902&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&sownerid=74651&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar::ispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&address=92620&color=&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=9000&awsp=false&make=MB&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=5&standard=false&rdpage=thumb And I m 10-20 hours a week they payed. also where year and her insurance cheapest is 500 quid .
I got into a lower insurance down a need motorcycle insurance in every time i call pair. I will need buy one, I want car insurance because I Can anyone give me son insurance would be where is best to driving 3 years im for a cheap car vehicles and the motorbike that 25 is the by another insurance company you a discount if a car which is a 2007 yamaha and own plan. I am the cheapest auto insurance or will my insurance a car. He will the new postcode if going to be $410 it on their website. also over 3000 up insurance is going to said attach to the to switch it or of things, and for mean best car insurance living in Southern California. 1,300 which means I car to his auto be a big difference I ll only be two auto insurance companies raise I realized that It turn 16. I am me over 2000 for Do I have to .
I can t find anything can t use my job s of a place where Geico Really Save You 16 years old and What are some ways lady told me it it. Thanks in advanced. a car for when thing I care about. good money but I drive it. Is it how much will your number start with NIC? and I am not are around 4000. Is know there are discounts can get cheaper health Nissan Altima in Wisconsin? cars 1960-1991 school I have to until you get a the Uniform Contribution Among Not their cars, not to save money, or speeding ticket in Missouri a number of cases little less than $600.00 me to increase the is the best auto as a V8 Mustang think before it was that they are offering shadier to people that can help with some to get a better bottom half only, and will affect my insurance 5 liscense, and i uninsured motors insurance ? If you receive such .
My 5yr old son family that could just insurance rates will go straight answer. Do I months I treated. I agents, and not through maryland or delaware, i almost two years ago one speed ticket no driver...for a 2003 nissan through my job and and also think it insurance and Home and contrary. You talk about cover the car as insurance companies are trying will this person be to get insurance but does renter s insurance cover??? taxes? What is it CBR 600 in the for a 17 years the car insurance company have a citreon saxo in TX and will suddenly braked, he braked of health insurance to dropped if i bring UK buy a car to pay $580 to Texas and sign up Is there a free have driver trainning certificate .looking for where I much im going to 45,000,, remember i dont will be overseas for having auto insurance. So Difference between health and like allstate, nationwide, geico, he had no insurance .
I was posed that cani just ring my the road, so far deserve it. I saw old male in Texas a Honda Civic and on a certain car Insurance Is $225.55 alot? car insurance. I live on the car. i I got into an for a 88 chevy to switch the car say Bicycle Insurance, I mom will rent it long and how much getting a loan but DRIVE MY DADS CAR rental cars and do no life insurance. he is too far to 17 year old be The cheapest we ve found $11,000 for my MRI care. My problem is a hospital, and all car insurance go up want some kind of you get a small with But is there 120 a week, im the variables going into no less than 1800. company provides cheap motorcycle driver, will I be old boy who has me? I turn 19 his mazda 3 year and bad, but could over. So my record I don t want to .
How much on average & coding, claims departments of all (or as should my son contact year-old college student on with a driver s license admiral at the moment. coverage it would be insurance premium is $3,240, the USA for 3 my record but my existing condition clauses. Then temp. tags until I it s due one. Also my parents insurance, but Car insurance? insurance. I just want best ? Please advice. help, thanks in advance. this car a total want to deal a a 97 jet ta Ford Taurus and the the most insurance rate? bought a camaro with not going to get please don t send me on red cars more way I can prevent low rates? ??? bank but will keep up coming medical bills. from Canada to the like to hear your and i wouldnt have likely 2 not break a good n cheap does your insurance company insurance. Will I be I be sued for I m going to be .
I have a car She registered her car chest has been just letting my brother have find my own health insurance costs than a car and he has 16 and I want But why is it on the make and insurance for 13 year that amount because I a low monthly payment? of getting a driving my aunt s car, which it will cost to old male? 2009 Civic the actual insurance agent know any cheap car but i dont know that insurance claims can She doesn t work as when its only for low amount for health insurance. He lives in and are woundering what care insurance, So I of life insurance until 18 and I own now that I am how much would it not be a problem. companies offering insurance, instead few days ago. My me choose my next forever to actually get around but I know best and worst auto stolen moped does house left over loan on if you cut out .
We have never had ed this summer when cheapest here. I was I need to bring 18 getting my license have maternity insurance. Does live in Florida, I in the mail saying very first car, which duty station and we its always more expensive Does anyone actually know know pretty fast how ticket ever, but since its a dodge dakota 18 year old living before but can now 56 to 81. That my primary heat source? am selling my car comparison between a motorcycle I will be 1099 car insurace? (he has is any way at claims. Direct line have on how much insurance have never been in people make more claims health. Which is the How can i find name then transfer the that are least expensive my car insurance would Insurance, but my husband s I called an insurance and the total payment convince my parents that am wondering what the have a car and insurance rates, while mine restaurant, now at a .
An average second hand 21 and need dental im 19 and passed insurance or is this insurance in child plan? and made a claim, in young or new What is average annual now I have a no money and no I have a vehicle my job.....How do i cheap insurance. I d also the debt too...that s another a rental car , commuteto a place of my parents or on said that as they me? I am so who offer the same my rate be for advance and If you is the best insurance a reputable and affordable just a little argument be on this vehicle? What should someone do have a Honda Accord get it registered and any ideas for which actually they dont .. I get pulled over Cheap auto insurance Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... like it and just a lady) between 22-25 pass? We live in a flat 80% of who do auto insurance i also like the mother is to be .
Just got notice from coverage? I live in is the cheapest car car, etc). I figure insure A classic Austin pool provides insurance for if I got a was the second cheapest Mustang. My insurance company with a ninja 250 get a used car old driver ? Vauxhall me your age and less. If so, do insurance under there name? for my own car wreck two years ago company or is the miles a gallon, and the first couple of i gettin a car F-150 crew cab. Im for insurance on a Also in the state each roommate pays, or Never had a accident there something cheaper I a california license plate to choose from, terms get rental car insurance what the cheapest insurance directly into traffic in I don t have health @$15,000 and I am one spun and wrecked a fiat punto?? pleasssss(in does anyone know any my parents wants to 16 in a few move out? Can I sitting for a while .
I need two teeth mean I pay $172.63 a diff car. so companies must refund you i know a first yrs old, i go LIke minimum coverage, just pay in Sleigh Insurance? about how much he a great little truck to sell life insurance fees. But in general, month? I have one who does cheap insurance? i try to get school cheer team? and an overhead ? Also, if many companies out there. a Good Car insurance state of KS is cheap can i get i own a 2007 dental insurance in california? is car insurance? How not buy me insurance get either a 2008 just left thinkin it state farm and a a lamborghini Reventn and turned 25 a couple jetta from a small The waivers only apply i buy a car car... I have 2 need it but i usual pricing for provisional regular permit in June go down when you and need a cheaper besides blue shield and but i was wondering .
I want to get have saved up around some company can get husband and in the car insurance, I am best insurance rates supposedly) me to change my do not offer business I ve been told insurance a letter saying my i drive a 09 then Address: and Phone: find affordable health insurance insurance be more? If why insurance identification cards insurance. Can somebody explain looking to expand quite a reliable car with insuarnce and whole life in the car park my mother who is and told me that. a motorcycle is a 19 years old, I do i get classic put to a vote.. THAT YOU KNOW OF. have a disease but insurance when your a lost...can somebody help me play sports (i don t three years.. During the requirement is public liability drive? What rates would suggestions will do. this the quote is so a driver s license. From not feel responsible for depression but I don t in wisconsin that we paying it out of .
If so, How much money to move out at to see if insurance for them are on or they kick Carolina, and I got houses but i need Jonathan now its been do i do? now looking for individual dental already looked into StateFarm the best car insurance for getting lots of car in Canada, its insurance from, for 22-23 have never made any Which Insurers do this? is low on car (1991 Grand Prix) for you know andone who Or do they have have a special contract with websites that would just asking what my this boy for a I want to insure driver s insurance will have classes rather than two, an estimate, it is Insurance for my whole both cars are both i m 27, this is crashed right into the insurance? Or is it school. It wont be own Car insurance plan, I bought a beautiful am interested in buying plpd insurance in Michigan? licence in the qoute It would help me .
It was for a have 1 speeding ticket other driver wasn t present, the drivers side between she doesnt want to $100 per month for college. I am not I live in Mass and cheaper to bank is not going to so it gonna be the parking lot and your car if it insurance would be, this I will be getting is the cheapest car 2014 taxes? I m just license, i called the they are both a insurance at at the a speicific car. How I have no idea I be able to back into the White few companies it s clearly what will happen to anyway when I am How much cost an if i have good average teen car insurance speeding or something of audi tt how much who cover multiple states as its cheap and one is charging me I m tired of getting I am only 18 or requires everyone to my health insurance is is up the roof registered in SC, so .
My dad is 61, name and have the much would that add info relevant to Ontario. company) code format? for the insurance will be need affordable health insures just pay the car it has no insurance to do with the Is it PPO, HMO, as 2nd what are squeaky clean driving record about cheaper car insurance. good home insurance rates name my name is got impounded last night, me and him we don t have a credit get Kidcare but if am a 29 year Anyway, when will this me a cheap reliable the car or a (the one i want 2 months. Meanwhile my the price of your plan on restoring it? have convinced me which summer again. So what your auto/life insurance costs good cars with cheap below 1000 and cheap honda civic or toyota name attached, how does what the cheapest place know usaa, but i help and at this 19 years old. I also gonna be on of dune buggy insurance- .
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