#plus my current plans for all the fics that’d be part of that series includes:
holydramon · 2 years
honestly I’ve been thinking about fic projects I want to do for a while lately. like my digimon adventure au has been living in my head rent free for years now and it’s still something I’m really interested in doing one day even if it’d be very long and take a lot of work.
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worldsentwined · 7 years
Writing Meme
@vefanyar​ tagged me in this thing, so here goes! I’m going to put it under a cut because some of the answers got long. XD
1) How many works in progress do you currently have? Uh....looking at my fanfic folder I *think* about 19? So if you add in my poor neglected novel and the sequel to my poor neglected novel and my poor neglected short story, that’d be...22.
Of course, I’m only actively working on two of them now, but the others are there, watching me reproachfully every time I start something new instead of finishing one of them.
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction? *points to above ask and also 93 fanfics posted to AO3 in the past 2 years* Yeah, I’d say so. ^_^;
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? I like them both for different reasons! Ebooks are nice for travel (and even for going back-and-forth to work - my kindle is much lighter than a hardcover). Paper books are nice for re-reading or checking for a quote (because trying to find specific parts of a book on my non-touchscreen, keyboard-less kindle is a pain in the ass). Plus my library system usually has a longer waiting list for the ebook version. And I do like to get physical versions of books I like enough to get signed.
4) When did you start writing? I’ve been spinning stories in my head for as long as I can remember, but my early attempts to write them down tended to fizzle out rather quickly. I heard about NaNoWriMo in college, but it always seemed like too much work to add on when I already had so much to do. So it wasn’t until I was a year out of college and facing unemployment that I really started to think seriously about writing a novel, and because I was only working part time when November rolled around, I finally tried my hand at NaNo. (I won, and ended up with a terrible and complicated unfinished novel, but everyone has to start somewhere). 
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with? I was part of a writer’s group for a few years, with some ladies who I mostly didn’t know when I started out but who became friends after a while. Due to various people moving and the remaining members being bad at planning, we don’t meet anymore, but I would still feel comfortable asking them to beta-read for me if I had some original fiction to share.
For fanfic, my usual go-to beta readers are @vefanyar​ and @minutia-r​, though I have sometimes poked other people too. (And then of course once the fics are finished, they get shared with everyone who cares to look at them.)
6) Where is your favourite place to write? Weirdly enough, my most productive place to write tends to be the circ desk computer at work - for some reason ideas flow really well when I’m standing there? But since I get interrupted there pretty often, I also tend to write at the dining room table or in bed. (I’ve been avoiding the dining room recently because the television is distracting, but I also have an unfortunate tendency to fall asleep over my computer if I write in bed. Probably I should make an effort to clear my desk off).
7) Favorite childhood book? There are so many - I went through all kinds of phases where I just loved one particular book, and I read voraciously. Standouts include the Narnia series, the Redwall books, and The Ghost of Opalina by Peggy Bacon. I honestly have a harder time remembering childhood books - it’s much easier to bring to mind books I read as a young teen, in terms of long-term impact. Many of my lifelong favorite authors (Diana Wynne Jones, Robin McKinley, Terry Pratchett, Patricia C. Wrede) didn’t find their way to me until middle school.
8) Writing for fun or publication? For the last few years I’ve pretty much been writing for fun - unless you count posting fanfics as “publication”, heh. I do still dream of being published though, I just have to get back on that horse. (Or sailing ship, as the case may be).
9) Pen and paper or computer? Usually computer, though sometimes if I get stuck it helps to scribble things down on paper first. I also have occasional bouts of late-night angsty poetry, and those go on paper too.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes? In high school I was chosen for a special summer course in writing - I think it was because we’d had to write “journals” for the first few minutes of English class every day, and rather than writing about things in my life I wrote a serial story about two of my OCs. (Ciorra the Red-haired Magic Wolf Shapeshifter and Celander the Super Powerful And Handsome Mage. Hoooo boy.) It was a cool experience to have a writing-focused class with people from other schools, but it was focused on poetry which was not as exciting for me then.
I had one creative writing class in college too, also mostly focused on poetry, which I enjoyed except for the occasional snobbery of the English/Lit majors. 
11) What inspires you to write? In fanfiction, what usually happens is I get an idea like “wouldn’t it be funny if...?” or “Well if this happened, then...” and suddenly I’ve written 500 words. Often this is the result of conversations with other people (I’m looking at you, SynS chat) or having drawn something. Fun fact, my whole SSSS Hipster Band AU happened because I doodled Reynir and Tuuri in skinny jeans.
For original fiction, it seems like characters show up in my head and won’t leave me alone until I’ve developed a whole storyline and a world for them. 
Tagging (if you feel like it): *squints* Okay, I feel like Elleth tagged most of my usual suspects, so how about... @gaemmel and @zolotayafeya (whose new username I almost forgot, oops!)
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