#plus party rings are vegan so that's great
trying to organise bday shenanigans but it's just a mortal reminder I'm getting old and I want to not
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tanyaheathbusiness · 1 year
Why Buy Shoes with Removable Heels?
Well for one -- who doesn’t want more options in their fashion?! But in all seriousness, it’s an incredible concept that has so many plus sides. Shoes with removable heels from Tanya Heath are becoming the next big thing in shoe fashion and there are so many reasons why.
Being in the fashion industry, I won’t lie, one of the biggest draws for us is the fact that you can buy a simple yet fashionable shoe and you can mix and match the heel to suit your outfit every day. You get so many options in just one shoe.
One, day you want the tried and true full black shoe and heel, then just click on a matte or patent black heel. The next day, you want to show something a little funkier, then spice it up with a full rainbow sparkle, or a patent red heel. The sky is the limit with the pairings you can create, and we couldn’t love this idea more. Who needs a mood ring when you have removable heels to match your mood!
Here are four reasons you’ll love shoes with removable heels from Tanya Heath Paris.
Shoes with removable heels are good for the environment
In addition to being a fashionable Swiss army knife, it’s also better for the environment to wear shoes with removable heels. You can still have the selection of shoes to cover every aspect of your daily life but without the need to have a separate pair of shoes for each.
Invest in a more quality pump, boot, and sandal, then use the ability to change the color and the height of your removable heels to cover everything you might need. You also have vegan options so you can enjoy the innovation, comfort, and beauty of these shoes while knowing that no harm was caused in the creation of your shoes.
No adding to consumerism and no carrying around 20 pairs of shoes in your car, or keeping a wardrobe at your office. You can do it all with an extra set of heels that fit right into your purse.
Shoes with removable heels save space
And let’s add that to the list too… you save space in your closet (wherever your closet might be since I know a lot of us keep extra shoes at the office!). When you only have to invest in a few great pairs of shoes with removable heels, then you save so much space and don’t have to worry that you bought this pair or that pair to go with a specific outfit.
They’re expertly made in Portugal and France
Did I mention that these shoes are made in Portugal, and the removable heels are made in France?
Not only can we say that our shoes are ethically made, but we know about the workers. We’ve spoken to Tanya Heath about them and heard about their lives and their backstories. In this current situation, we’ve even heard about how the COVID world has affected them personally. We are a very family-oriented business, and knowing about the individuals who handcraft these shoes is very important to us.
Save your feet with shoes with interchangeable heels
Of course, we saved the best for last. No more sore feet!
Our Tanya Heath shoes are amazing on their own. You’ll be pleasantly surprised that high-heeled shoes can be so comfortable. Being able to change out the removable heel on your shoes while you’re on the go will save your feet from the aches and pains of being in the same shoes all day and possibly all night too.
Say you can happily wear a couple-inch heel all day, but do you commute to work? It would be so much more comfortable to use your short Christophe heels to commute to work. Then on your way home, you have errands to run - back into the Christophe heel to give your feet a break after a full day in your Denis or Daniel removable heels. Or you don’t have time to go home in between a day at the office and that party you’re invited to. Throw a pair of Damien or Francois in your purse and you’re set to show off your sexy side.
If all of these reasons haven’t convinced you by now, then you’ll have to come try them for yourself. With a variety of pumps, sandals, and boots to try, plus so many heels, you’ll have trouble choosing.
Shop for shoes with removable heels now!
Head over to the eShop now to shop for shoes and removable heels from Tanya Heath Paris. Or, book an appointment with us to come to see the shoes with removable heels in person!
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Galactica, Chapter 37 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Things looked up for Violet as she finally settled into the new normal of working in design.
This Chapter: One of New York’s most illustrious editors-in-chief turns 40--in style.
It had been an absolute hell week, Courtney being run ragged all day, everyday. She’d missed more meals than not, barely slept, had gotten used to only using the bathroom when Fame was occupied.
It was really the first time that she and Miss Fame had to interact directly for more than a few words, and if Courtney thought she was high-maintenance before, she had no idea how weird it would get.
On Tuesday, Courtney had been torn a new one for ringing the doorbell when she had dropped off a package at Fame’s house, Fame looking at her like she was absolute vermin.
How was Courtney supposed to have known that it was a deathsin not to just let herself into her boss’ house, Fame explaining to her like she was a retarded toddler that she valued her family life and private time too much to be interrupted, not at all catching the irony of the fact that she was imposing on Courtney’s private time by forcing her to come to her house at 10 pm.
And now, a casual text from Adore that she’d be there around 7:30 reminded her about Bianca’s party and she was absolutely panicking. She had less than an hour to make herself presentable with literally nothing to wear.
She’d meant to ask Ivy about a dress, days ago, and then again yesterday when she was arranging the delivery of Miss Fame’s present to the Marie Claire offices, but it had slipped her mind amongst all the other things she had to remember.  
She jumped up and raced into Raja’s suite, a cramp in her side, relieved to find the redhead still at her desk.
“Courtney? Are you okay?” Ivy rose from her seat, a concerned look on her face, ever the empath.
“I just...I forgot…” Courtney tried to catch her breath.
“Okay, take a breath. Whatever it is, it’s fixable. I promise.”
Courtney gulped. “I forgot that I’m supposed to go to this party tonight at the Guggenheim and it’s super fancy and my ride will be here in 40 minutes and I don’t have anything to wear and I don’t even know what the dress code means and I was just wondering if I could borrow something and I promise I’ll have it cleaned and returned by Monday but-”
“Courtney, breathe. Okay?” Ivy took her hand, inhaling deeply and then blowing out dramatically.
Had this job really killed so many of her brain cells that she needed assistance breathing now? Regardless, Courtney followed Ivy’s lead, taking a few deep breaths to slow her racing heart.
“Now,” Ivy began. “What does the dress code say?”
“Creative black tie?”
“Ah. Okay. Follow me.”
Courtney nearly cried with gratitude as Ivy led her into the wardrobe closet.
“Luckily, you’re a sample size, so this shouldn’t be too much of a challenge,” Ivy said. “It’s Bianca Del Rio’s party, right?”
“Yeah,” Courtney said, watching her paw expertly through the racks.
“Are you going for anything in particular?”
“I guess I wanna look…” Courtney racked her brain, unsure of what to say, when the word, “older” slipped from her lips.
Ivy paused, clearly not expecting that answer, and gave Courtney a curious look before nodding.
“I can work with that. Now, Bianca likes bold colors and dramatic silhouettes with clean lines, so I think something like this…” Ivy pulled a stunning, beaded blue cocktail dress out off the rack. “This will look good on you.”
Ivy was truly a gift from god. Not only did they find a dress that fit perfectly (they settled on a short, fire-engine red silk number with a plunging neckline), along with shoes, accessories, and a glamorous faux-fur wrap, but she even stayed to help Courtney with her hair and makeup, giving her a chic updo and dramatic winged liner.
“Ivy, honestly, if you ever need anything. Someone to cover your desk...a kidney...whatever...you know who to ask.”
“Good to know.” Ivy laughed, checking her makeup one more time, adding a little more glimmering highlighter to her cheekbones, and then proclaiming, “Alright, I think you’re done.”
“Thank you so much,” Courtney said again, pulling out her phone. She hadn’t heard from Adore in awhile, and wondered if she was stuck in traffic or something. She seriously hoped that she hadn’t rushed like crazy, inconveniencing Ivy and nearly giving herself an ulcer worrying, just to sit around waiting for an hour.
ADORE: Soon, I think. I’m on my way to Pearl’s, then we’ll pick you up. Do you want a gyro?
ADORE: Oh yeah. Gross. I’ll text you when we’re close.
“Bianca! Darling!” Fame reached out her arms to pull Bianca in for a tight embrace.  “Happy Birthday!”
She and Patrick had just arrived at the stunning event space a few minutes earlier, and were immediately whisked off to a VIP area with a private bar, where Raja and Raven were already relaxing on sofas, Sutan and Violet standing at the bar chatting with Detox and Jujubee.
It was perfect, removed enough from the chaos of the dance floor, but with a perfect view over the railing. And the speed with which Bianca had arrived to greet her told her that she’s given special instructions for the staff to alert her to Fame’s presence--exactly the kind of preferential treatment that Fame expected.
“Thanks, blondie,” Bianca grinned, “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Fame smiled widely, fluttering her lashes. “So do you. I love this dress!”
“Yeah, your tits look great!” Raja chimed in.
Bianca was wearing a sinfully tight black bandage dress, the neckline showing off her breasts and glowing skin, the hem just above her knees, her legs one of Bianca’s best assets.
“You can barely see that you’re turning 40.” Fame grinned, which earned her a pinch from Bianca, the other still keeping her in her arms.
“Please,” Fame squeezed Bianca’s forearm, “So, tell me the truth, do you like the ring?”
Bianca held up her hand, where it glittered on her index finger.
Yesterday, Fame had had Bianca’s birthday present delivered to her office at the exact time of her birth, 3:57 pm. Fame knew Bianca liked her statement pieces, so she had custom ordered a cocktail ring, but not just any cocktail ring. Instead of the usual single band, a stone in the middle, Fame had gone for a three part twist in gold, sparkling garnets adorning it.
“It’s perfect, I love it,” Bianca said.
“Wonderful!” Fame clasped her hands together. “You’re impossible to shop for.”
“No I’m not! I love stuff,” Bianca countered. “Plus, you know...I’ll never say no to a present that’s unavailable in stores…”
She grinned wickedly, dimples deep, hand drifting down to Fame’s ass. Fame swatted it away with a scolding look.
“Really, Bianca.”
“What, it’s my birthday!” Bianca said. “You gotta give me something.”
“Fine, a tiny something,” Fame laughed, leaning in and giving her a sweet kiss on the lips, then following up with a light smack to her cheek.
“That’s not where I like being spanked,” Bianca said.
“Oh my god, you’re impossible!” Fame exclaimed, breaking away and stepping over to the bar while Bianca laughed gleefully behind her. “Now come on, tell me about your presents.”
“And a drink for the lady.” Sutan smiled as he handed Violet a glass, his date taking it with a sweet smile and a thank you, Sutan putting his arm back around her waist as they walked around.
He had picked Violet up at her apartment, his heart almost skipping a beat as she had pushed the double doors open and walked down the steps, her dress of the night absolutely stunning, the back open and taunting with it’s promise of bare impossibly soft skin.
“So,” Sutan rubbed his thumb up and down, gently caressing Violet’s back, “are you having fun?”
Sutan was happy that she was there, enjoyed spending time with her, but as he got to know her more and more, he slowly realized how little she actually enjoyed big crowds.
“Okay.” Sutan bit his lip, hiding a smile at Violet’s quick but short reply.
Alaska giggled delightedly, letting Jinkx twirl her on the dance floor. If you’d told Alaska a few years ago that she’d have a friend who she could have this much fun with sober, she’d have laughed in your face. But, even though Jinkx didn’t mind it, Alaska really didn’t enjoy drinking around her. So when they were together, Alaska felt like it was the least she could do to hold off on the booze. What she did enjoy was being with her, sober or not, looking into her sparkling brown eyes as they tripped all over their feet.
“For a Broadway star, you’re really uncoordinated,” Alaska laughed, and Jinkx pretended to be offended, then giggled.
“It’s hard to be mad when you call me a Broadway star.”
“Well, you are!” Alaska said, wrapping her arms around Jinkx’s neck and gazing at her happily. She loved these moments, just the two of them having the time of their lives, dancing and laughing and ignoring every other person in the room. They always had fun, but tonight, Jinkx seemed to have an extra bounce in her step, radiating a kind of joy, and it made Alaska feel so grateful to be around her.
“Thanks Lasky...you’re the best.”
They whirled and stumbled around the dance floor some more, until they were both breathless and needed a break.
“What are we feeling like tonight? Ginger ale? Cranberry and soda?” Alaska asked.
“You choose,” Jinkx said, clinging to her arm.
Alaska ordered a couple of drinks for them and then turned back to Jinkx, who was looking at her with the cutest little dreamy half-smile. She couldn’t help the tingling rush that went down her spine as she lowered her eyes and asked, “So...what’s going on with you tonight?”
“What do you mean?” Jinkx asked, eyes widening innocently.
“I mean...you’re just very...I don’t know...” A smile tugged at Alaska’s lips. “...twinkly tonight.”
“Well...I wasn’t gonna say anything because...it’s kind of silly, but,” she lowered her voice, eyes shining. “I ran into her again. Ivy.”
Alaska felt her whole chest deflate, forcing a smile as Jinkx continued.
“At Zabar’s! It’s like the universe is just conspiring to help us get together, you know?” Jinkx giggled happily.
A lump rose in Alaska’s throat and she nodded, using all her willpower to keep the smile painted across her face. “Oh, wow. That’s...that’s cool. Did you talk?”
“Yes. You’d be so proud of me, I even got her number!”
“Wow. Awesome!” Alaska felt like she was going to throw up, shifting her gaze to the bartender, grateful for the distraction as he slid two ginger ales across the bar. She couldn’t help wishing that half the glass was Jack Daniels. She handed one of them to Jinkx and took her own. It tasted just dust.
“Yeah, but she was still a bit formal, you know? I think I need to see her in a more relaxed setting. Do you think she likes opera? Maybe I can ask her to Madame Butterfly?” Jinkx chattered, away, oblivious to Alaska’s shift in mood.
“You really think the Met is a relaxed setting?”
Jinkx threw back her head and laughed, squeezing Alaska’s arm. “Omigod, you’re right. I’m such a dingbat. What would I do without you, Lasky?”
“I don’t know…” Alaska stirred her drink.
“What do you think she likes?”
“Uh, I’m really not sure,” Alaska said. And it was true. She knew that Ivy was sweet, and professional, and did her job with a kind of calm efficiency. But she didn’t know her very well on a personal level, their professional paths rarely crossing directly.
“Hmm, maybe you can ask around? If that wouldn’t be too weird?” Jinkx looked so hopeful and earnest that Alaska couldn’t help but smile for real in spite of herself, immediately agreeing to help her on this quest to capture Ivy’s heart.
“Of course. I’ll ask around.”
Jinkx sighed happily, leaning on Alaska’s shoulder, eyes falling closed for a moment. “You really are my favorite person, Lask.”
“Back atcha, Jinxky.”
Adore walked into Bianca’s party, feeling like a million bucks. Everyone that was anyone and even some who were nothing were there, and Adore knew she looked better than all of them with her purple hair, her pouty red lips, her short black leather dress, fishnets, and best of all… Pearl, the sexiest fucking goddess she’d ever seen in her life at her side.
She hung on Pearl’s arm, enjoying the jealous looks she got; knowing that everyone at the party wanted to be in her place. She even got a nasty look from some models, who were clearly all in love with her girl, but Adore didn’t care.
Pearl was here with her and only her. Pearl glanced at her every few seconds with a smug grin on her face, like the cat that just ate the canary. Well, if the canary was Adore’s pussy. Which would mean the cat was… Well whatever, Adore wasn’t an English scholar. She was in love.
The only thing that sucked was that Courtney looked so fucking miserable. They’d been a little late picking her up, due to getting, well, sidetracked for a while at Pearl’s, and then stopping for food. She thought that Courtney would be a bit more understanding, but she’d barely spoken two words in the car, even Pearl picking up on her obvious anger.
And now, even though she was at the coolest party in Manhattan, she didn’t look happy at all. Adore caught her eye, offering a hopeful smile, but received only a resigned nod in return. She reached out to touch her hand.
“Have I told you how gorgeous you look?” Adore asked, hoping that a compliment and a charming grin would be enough to lighten her mood.
“You think?” Courtney asked, adjusting one of her straps nervously. “I don’t look out of place?”
“Bitch, you put all these other girls to shame,” Adore promised, and was rewarded, finally, with a pleased smile from Courtney.
Adore looked over at the group of giggling socialites who were approaching them, only slightly annoyed when they swept her girlfriend up. She pouted as Pearl dropped her hand, but smiled again when she doubled back to whisper into her ear, “I’m gonna try and squeeze some gossip out of these hoes, and then I’ll catch up with you later.”
“Okay, but don’t be too long!” Adore pulled her in, branding her cheek with a dark red kiss before taking Courtney’s arm and sauntering away, pleased with herself. She scanned the party, looking for her sister and finally spotting her holding court near the bar. She cupped her hands over her mouth to shout through the crowd. “Bianca! Happy birthday, you ancient whore!”
Bianca turned towards her sister’s voice, barking out, “You’re late!”
“Whaddaya mean, we’re right on time for a grand entrance!” Adore countered, laughing.
“Well-” Bianca stopped, completely losing her train of thought when her eyes landed on Courtney. She was wearing a short red dress, the first time Bianca has seen her in a color other than pastels, and she looked absolutely fucking stunning--legs a mile long, one blonde curl falling into her eyes. Damn.
“You look cute, B. Very boobalicious,” Adore said, giving her a hug. “Not bad for an old lady.”
“Yeah, thank you,” Bianca said, eyes still locked on Courtney. “Hi, Courtney.”
“Hi. Happy birthday,” Courtney said, giving her a sweet smile. “Sorry we’re late.”
“Oh, that’s alright,” Bianca told her. “But here, uh...this’ll help you catch up.”
She took a couple of the signature drinks from a passing tray and handed them over. Adore immediately began to suck hers down, but Courtney hesitated.
“Um, what’s in this?”
“Courtney’s afraid of tequila. It makes her messy, right bae?” Adore bumped her hip.
“Something like that.”
“It’s called a Madras. Vodka, orange juice and cranberry. No tequila, but it will fuck you up. Be warned,” Bianca said with a wink.
“Well...cheers,” Courtney said, giving an adorable little laugh.
“Cheers.” Bianca took a sip of her own drink, then leaned in closer. “You look amazing, by the way.”
“Yeah?” Courtney’s eyes shone, her fingers twirling that stray lock of hair.
“Yeah.” Bianca tried unsuccessfully to wipe the stupid grin off her face, and instead broke the tension with, “I’m shocked that someone who’s friends with my sister has such good taste.”
“Hey!” Adore exclaimed.
“Don’t be too impressed. It’s a loaner,” Courtney replied drily, causing Bianca to throw back her head and laugh.
“Fair enough.” She downed the rest of her drink, waving off a couple of acquaintances who were trying to get her attention.
“Be right back,” Adore said, scampering away towards Pearl, of course jumping the second the blonde so much as crooked a little finger.
Courtney reached out for her, but she was already gone. She sighed slightly, looking a little bit dejected, and Bianca cleared her throat.
“So listen, I heard through the grapevine that you’re looking for a way to avoid your, uh, Galactica employers while you’re here?”
Courtney looked up, startled. She seemed shocked that Bianca was still talking to her, and she stammered uncomfortably. “Oh. Yeah, no, I just-”
“Listen, it’s understandable, you wanna have a good time. Can’t do that while your boss is breathing down your neck, right?” Bianca flashed her dimples.
“Well...yeah,” Courtney admitted, laughing a little.
Bianca stepped closer, slipping an arm around her shoulders and lowering her voice conspiratorially. “Fame and Raja are well contained, don’t worry. I made a VIP section since those two need a velvet rope to feel like they’re having a good time.”
Courtney giggled. “Like a rich person playpen?”
“It’s a prison of their own making,” Bianca affirmed,  giving her a wink. “Trust me, they’re looking down on everyone the way they prefer, and they ain’t leaving.”
“Well...thank you.” Courtney bit her lip. It was hard to tell in this light, but it looked like a slight blush had crept into her cheeks, and Bianca found herself even more enamored.
A second later, she felt someone tap on her arm: one of the Marie-Claire board members, who she sadly couldn’t ignore.
“Sorry, I have go...do hostess shit,” Bianca said, regret flooding her chest, and Courtney nodded.
“Of course.”
She turned towards the middle-aged man and his young wife, saying her cursory hellos and giving air kisses, making small talk with them both. As soon as she could manage, though, she spared a glance back at Courtney.
The plan, from the moment Adore told her that Courtney was coming, had been to seduce this smoking hot friend of her sister’s. And she figured that the “rough break-up” that Adore’d reported would make it a sure thing. An easy and fun little fling--a birthday present to herself.
But now, something about the wistful, faraway expression on her delicate face as she smoothed down her skirt made her look vulnerable, in a way that gave Bianca pause. As stunning as she was--and fuck, she was an absolute knock-out--it didn’t make Bianca want to seduce her. Instead, it made her want to protect her. Ugh, why did her fucking conscience have rear its ugly head tonight, on her birthday of all nights?
“Thank you so much. Be sure to check out the raw bar!” she said, finally escaping and ready to head back to Courtney--but Adore beat her to it.
She watched as her sister came bounding up, Pearl in tow, and grabbed Courtney’s hands to pull her onto the dance floor.
Well, good. She should have a good time. Lord knows, anyone who worked for Fame deserved to blow off some steam. Bianca snatched another drink from a passing tray, trying to redirect her attention to the Welsh model who’d been giving her bedroom eyes all night.
Violet was having a surprisingly good time, taking small sips of her champagne. She had hurried home from work, almost ready when Sutan had texted that he was downstairs, the smile on Sutan’s face when he had seen her dress almost, almost, almost worth it’s price tag.
She had never been to an event of this size without having to worry if catering ran out of ice, or if she’d need to get taxis for whoever got way too drunk. It was nice to just stand by Sutan’s side, nice to be allowed to just be, without having to entertain or constantly think about everything that could go wrong.
“Ah, yes, of course.” Sutan smiled, his thumb rubbing up and down the small of Violet’s back. He was talking to one of the models from Elite, Violet vaguely recognizing her from some of the headshots she had presented to Fame for the fall collection. “I’ll be sure to tell Marcel about that.”
“Excuse me,” Violet turned, her eyes falling on a man with a camera, the card around his neck instantly telling her that he was from OK! magazine. “I was wondering if I could take a few pictures?”
“Oh,” Violet didn’t know what to do, her stomach instantly tightening.
“Sure,” Sutan grinned, turning towards the camera. “Right girls?”
“I-” Violet didn’t want to be in the picture, didn’t want someone she didn’t know documenting where she was, didn’t want to risk it ending up online. “I don’t-”
“Oh of course,” Sutan took her glass, handing it off to someone. “There we go.”
“Come here,” Sutan put an arm around the model, posing both of them.
“Please-” Violet could feel Sutan’s hand on her hip, holding her tight, keeping her trapped, her throat closing up.
“Should we smile?”
“No,” The photographer looked out from behind his camera, “just be natural.”
Violet pushed away, forcing Sutan to let her go as the camera went off. She didn’t hear Sutan say her name, a quick flicker of a question on his face, didn’t see him smile apologetically to the photographer and pose with the model, didn’t notice any of it as she made her way outside, escaping the only thing she could think of.
Juju strolled through the crowd with Raven. She appreciated the whole VIP setup as much as anyone, but this was a massive party, and they’d decided to come spend a little time where the action was, maybe dance a bit -at least as much as her poor pregnant body would allow. They were stopped by a group of models, Raven proudly showing off her engagement ring and letting the other girls fawn all over her.
Juju put up with the schmoozing for a couple of minutes--after all, those girls were potential clients, until she spotted Bianca nearby and politely excused herself from the group, knowing that Raven would be perfectly content with her little fan club.
Bianca was chatting up some sweet young thing (typical), and Juju couldn’t resist messing with her a little. She wrapped her arms around Bianca’s waist from behind, asking in a low, husky voice, “Tell me I’m your favorite, Daddy.”
It was a joke between the two of them, something that had started years ago when Juju and Detox were first dating. They’d shown up at brunch one morning in the middle of a heated argument about whether it was appropriate for her to call him “Daddy” during sex--ironically, only a few months before she got preganant with their first child. It wasn’t a kink thing, exactly, it was just that she thought it was funny, and especially so when she saw his freaked out reaction. The group agreed that right or wrong, if it bothered him then she probably shouldn’t say it. But Bianca, ever the good sport, had pulled the smaller woman into her lap and declared that if she really needed to call someone Daddy, she was ‘willing to take one for the team.’
Juju accompanied her breathy greeting by biting gently on Bianca’s ear, adding, “Pwease?”
Bianca burst out laughing, pulling her close and introducing her to a very confused looking girl. “Tayce, you must know my friend Juju Sanderson. The brilliant hairstylist who owns Jujubee’s downtown?”
“Oh, yeah! It’s an honor!” Tayce said, her brown eyes lighting up as a dazzling smile spread across her face. “I’ve been trying to get an appointment with you, but you’re booked up for months!”
Juju had to bite back her laugh when she heard Tayce speak--Bianca always was a sucker for an accent.
“Well, play your luck with Daddy here, and you might jump the queue,” Juju said with a wink.
“Among other benefits,” Bianca cackled. “You know you’re the only one who I’d let get away with that Daddy shit, right?”
“Yes, thank you. You’re a lot more fun than my husband.”
“In so many ways,” Bianca said, turning to Tayce and giving her a playful smirk.
Violet took a deep breath, letting it out through her teeth as she could finally feel her heart slow down, though the knot in her stomach wasn’t going away.
She knew she couldn’t help it, but it was impossible not to feel an inkling of shame travel up her spine, the feeling that she was being ridiculous impossible to push down.
Sutan hadn’t meant anything by it, taking photos a part of his life, being in the public eye something that simply came natural for him.
Violet took a last breath, pushing away from the wall she had been leaning against to go back to the party, hoping that Sutan hadn’t noticed how strange she was acting.
It wasn’t that Violet liked acting this way, that she wanted to feel the panic rising in her body whenever she saw a camera in a stranger's hand, but she couldn’t help it.
She was an adult now, she had her own life, her own money and even her own job and her own apartment, but it was hard not to hide, impossible not to react to the instinctive fear that welled up in her at the risk of being found.
Violet walked back inside, the noise and the amount of people feeling so much more overwhelming when she wasn’t at Sutan’s side. She made her way through the crowd, easily spotting both Fame and Pearl, avoiding both of them.
She was starting to think Sutan had left, Raja nowhere to be found either, when she saw him sitting at a table, surrounded by models. He was laughing loudly, his arm around one of the girls, several of the models’ phones taking pictures of everything that was happening.
Violet’s stomach did a flip, the panic from earlier rushing through her body. She couldn’t go over there, couldn’t be a part of that part of Sutan’s world, so instead, Violet did what she always did.
Turned around, and walked away.
[Raja?] Sutan put a hand on Raja’s hip, turning her around. Sutan had been sitting with a group of models, doing shots and having fun right up until one of them had touched his legs under the table, and he had abandoned ship instantly.
[Have you seen Violet?]
He hadn’t seen her in over an hour, and while Sutan was more than sure that Violet could take care of herself, he had started to worry.
[Sutan!] Raja grinned, stepping into his space, looping her arms around his neck. [Hello brother dear.]
[Hello.] Sutan smiled, once again reminded of how much he truly loved Raja. She was tipsy, her eyes swimming slightly, which was probably why she hadn’t responded to his question. [Have you seen Violet?]
[Violet?] Raja tilted her head, her hand fiddling with the hairs at the nape of his neck. [No?]
[Shit.] Sutan bit his lip, his hands resting on Raja’s hips.
[Maybe she just left?] Raja smiled, running her fingers through his hair. [There’s no need to worry.]
[She can handle herself.]
[Mmmh.] Sutan knew that Raja was probably right, but it still felt weird that VIolet hadn’t said goodbye, and if he was honest, he was disappointed that they wouldn’t be going home together at the end of the night. [I’ll send her a text.]
Sutan was just about to reach into his pocket, was just about to get his phone out, when he saw a photographer to his left, just outside the VIP section. The paparazzi always loved to get photos of him and Raja together, and while he was sure Raja hadn’t noticed, he made sure to twist her slightly to the left, getting her good side as he smiled at the camera.
“Every guy here is drooling over you, bae,” Adore giggled, spinning Courtney on the dance floor before accepting another drink from Pearl.
“Not just the guys,” Pearl added with a wink.
Courtney laughed. In spite of her hesitation in tagging along, she’d been having a pretty good time. The attention was fun, of course, but Courtney’d barely noticed the alleged guys drooling over her. She couldn’t help thinking about the way she’d felt when Bianca put that arm around her, the way her brown eyes had sparkled in the dim light. The way goosebumps prickled her skin as Bianca’s fingers grazed her shoulder.
Her gaze kept being pulled in Bianca’s direction. Eyes drifting over her enticing curves in that tight dress. And occasionally, to her absolute thrill, Bianca would be looking back at her. Every time their eyes met, her stomach flipped around like crazy.
It was silly, she knew that. She knew that Bianca was only being nice to her because she was Adore’s friend. A nice kid. That it didn’t mean anything deep. This was, after all, a woman who dated supermodels and Oscar winners. Like the gorgeous girl by her side most of the evening, who had a face that Courtney instantly recognized from last month’s British Vogue cover.
The reality of the situation didn’t stop her from pretending, even just to herself, even just for the night, that maybe there was something there, that warranted all these confusing feelings swirling around inside her like a tornado.
And later, when they were saying goodbye, she allowed herself to enjoy the way Bianca’s palm pressed to the small of her back. She even let her lips linger for a few moments on Bianca’s warm cheek, kissing her goodnight.
SUTAN: Did you leave?
SUTAN: The party is still going.
SUTAN: Did you get home safe?
SUTAN: I can’t find you.
SUTAN: Violet??
VIOLET: I’m fine.
7 notes · View notes
athenaquinn · 4 years
Becoming || Shiloh & Athena
TIMING: July 14th, during the carnival (apologies for delay!) PARTIES: @evanescentform and @athenaquinn SUMMARY: Athena and Shiloh have a day out at the carnival. Athena gets curious. Some questions are answered, others only spark greater curiosity... 
Shiloh was lucky that she managed to come home back in time for the surprise carnival. Before she just thought it was something that people in town did overnight but now that she was aware of the supernatural… she figured it probably had something to do with that. Although, trying to figure out what exactly could create a carnival in one night was far more difficult to wrap her head around than just assuming it was the work of a lot of talented people. Nonetheless, she tried not to let thoughts of the supernatural ruin her excitement of the carnival. After all, there was no other place you could get carnival food except for at a carnival. The rides and games were fun to take part in as well but it wasn’t her favorite thing about it. She wondered what Athena’s favorite part of the carnival was. Shiloh was interested in exploring more than what she had in years prior. They tended to change a booth here and there but she was sure there could be something that had been there before that Shiloh had yet to notice. While she didn’t know Athena very well, she seemed like a nice girl and what better place to get to know someone than at a carnival! There might be more normal ways but everyone knew this town wasn’t normal and you can’t really have awkward pauses in conversations when there’s so much to do! Shiloh waited for Athena by the entrance. She could only hope she’d be visible throughout the fog. She’d made sure she wore a noticeable color - red - and had mentioned it to Athena prior to heading over. Shiloh glanced at her phone, awaiting a message that might speak of Athena’s arrival.
She knew that Shiloh wasn’t fae, but there was something about the other girl that gave Athena pause. Which meant she had to experiment more. There was always the chance that she was completely human, but Athena had to wonder - and she wasn’t about to get blindsided again by anything. Despite the rather traumatizing experience she’d had at the carnival with Winston, she was willing to return. Especially if it got her any sort of answers. She’d slid on more rings onto her fingers - the last time they met she hadn’t managed to give Shiloh’s skin a proper test and so she wasn’t going to pass up a chance this time. She decided to match the color of Shiloh’s shirt - red - because why not? She looked good in red, especially when she added a bit of color to her lips and drove over to where the carnival was, finding parking without too much trouble and she quickly made her way over to the entrance. “Hi, Shiloh!” She grinned, waving to the other girl. “Got anything you’d like to do? I’m down for anything but the drop ride. That one,” showed me the one thing in the world I can’t deal with, “made me sick last time. I’m willing to try anything else you fancy, though.” She flinched for a moment, the feeling of fae close by. Not Shiloh though, but that was something else she’d have to keep an eye out for. Something that Winston had distracted her from last time.
It was nice to see the other girl as happy as she was to spend time at the carnival. Given Shiloh’s recent supernatural awakening, it had been hard to enjoy things without feeling like there was a supernatural undertone to it. She enjoyed the carnival before and she would enjoy it now. Albeit, she’ll be a bit more careful around certain things. Shiloh didn’t know around what but she could only hope her gut would tell her what to avoid. “Oh man that must have been horrible.” Shiloh winced, only able to imagine how terrible it would be to get sick off a ride. “I do feel odd after some of the rides too if I’m being honest. I think that’s why I generally steer clear of them.” Maybe she was just.. older and not into the thrill of them. “The ferris wheel is one I enjoy though,” she said putting a hand to her chest. “It’s real tame unless you don’t like heights. Which I’d understand if you didn’t,” she said, glancing back to Athena as she started to walk into the carnival. “Oh! The games are fun too. Sure, people say they’re rigged but I really enjoy the games. I don’t mind if I lose but I have to be careful not to blow all my money on them. They’re kind of addicting.”
“Needless to say, not something I’d be keen to repeat ever. So we’ll just avoid it, easy-peasy.” Athena gave a small shrug. She was going to have to keep her voice and mannerisms upbeat if she didn’t want Shiloh to go running. Not before she figured a bit more out about her companion. Which shouldn’t be too hard - she’d had years of experience. “Oh gee, I know, right?” She quipped, “I mean, I’m not even twenty-one, but I feel you! Some rides just leave you feeling funny. We could start by seeing what snacks they have?” She grinned at the other girl. “Even if we don’t get anything at first. I forget, do you have any allergies? I'm allergic to tree nuts which isn’t super fun but I manage well enough. I know some people who are allergic to far less common things, so I always like to check before I offer food. You know, best behavior, right?” She hop-skipped a few paces forward before turning back to face Shiloh. “What do you say?”
“I completely understand. I wouldn’t make you go through it again, don’t worry.” Shiloh was curious as to what might have happened but knew she was in no position to ask or press further about it. She didn’t know Athena that well after all and even if she did, people deserved to have their own secrets and privacy. “Oh, yeah, snacks are fine with me.” Shiloh preferred to get rides out of the way before eating just in case but she doubted either of them were interested in the kind of rides that would get you nauseous anyway. “Oh no, I’m not allergic to anything.” At least nothing Shiloh had ever noticed before. “I don’t eat too much red meat but that’s just a personal preference rather than an allergy.” She smiled though, at the thought of Skylar and her preference for meat. She almost voiced that to Athena but then thought against it. “I really like sweets. It’s a serious problem.” She admitted with a chuckle.
“I appreciate that,” Athena grinned. “Plus, I heard it had faulty wiring to boot, which is something that they really ought to regulate more thoroughly!” Of course, it had broken thanks to Winston’s quick thinking but she was absolutely not about to mention anything to do with their magic to anybody else. “Good to hear about the allergies! I also don’t always eat red meat - not vegetarian though, but I know folks who are. My Big, for one. Actually, she’s vegan. Which means I have to make sure I don’t make her anything with animal products. Which means I can’t do anything like spanakopita, but what are you going to do, right?” She giggled. “Sweets? What sorts? I’m not always into them, but sometimes they just hit the spot. There’s a stand that sells slush here, if you like that!”
Shiloh had to think for a moment by what she meant as “Big” but recalled American sororities and fraternities. She wasn’t in one, but she had made some acquaintances in those circles. “Uh, what’s spanakopita?” She voiced the word slowly, not sure how to pronounce it as rapidly as Athena had. Just by the name alone she was thinking it was something eastern european which was interesting, she didn’t know Athena was eastern european. “I like pastries a lot. I’m a real sucker for those,” Shiloh admitted. “I bake from time to time and I’m always in trouble for it because I always bake too much.” She chuckled and then her eyes lit up at the thought of a slushee. “Oh yeah! I’ve had one from there before I didn’t know it came back this year. We should definitely get a slushee, it’s kind of warm tonight.” It might have been the fog that added to the uncomfortable sensation but she was sure a nice cold slush would be fantastic.
“It’s a dish from Greece. Sort of a savory pastry kinda deal. It’s made with filo dough which is the super thin almost crinkly dough. It’s amazing.” Athena shrugged. “I learned how to make it on a whim almost a decade ago when I was in elementary school and it stuck. She flashed a grin toward Shiloh. “Well hey, you can’t go wrong with that. I bake too! What do you like to bake? For sweets I’ve just about perfected a macaron recipe and, well, cupcakes are always a good go-to.” She continued to walk toward the slush stand, giving a quick nod. “Oh, you bet it did! It is warm and therefore we should absolutely get some slushes. Besides, they’re not too heavy so we can do that and go on a ride or whatever and then get more food if we feel like it.” She found the slush stand and ordered a cherry-lemon mix before turning to let Shiloh order. “I’ll pay, my treat.” Her hand found a tiny bottle of silver solution in her purse. When she got her slush she turned away for a moment, dropping it in before giving a small mix and holding out the spoon to Shiloh. “You’ve gotta try this mix before I do! It’s to die for.”
“They taught you that in elementary school? Wow.” Shiloh wouldn’t have expected that. “Oh it’s mainly scones. I love making scones and cakes. Lemon and blueberry are my go to flavors. I’ve made some pie as well but I generally do that during the holidays so I’m not too practiced on that so I just stick to my cakes.” She chuckled at that, knowing she wasn’t that great when it came to baking so she stuck to what she knew but that wasn’t to say she wouldn’t mind expanding her knowledge. Maybe she and Athena could share some recipes. That’d be really fun, she was always interested in learning more about recipes other than the British ones she gravitated toward. As she ordered her blue raspberry slush, she thanked Athena for paying for it. She reached out to take hers when Athena was urging her to try her cherry lemon mix. “Oh, alright,” she laughed softly before taking a taste from the spoon. The taste was definitely something new, enjoyable but not better than her blue raspberry - although she wasn’t going to be rude and say that. “Hey, that is pretty good!” She smacked her lips, finding an unusual aftertaste but just figured artificial flavoring did that and thought nothing of it. She quickly took to her own slush to mask the taste.
“No, I taught myself.” Athena fiddled with her shirt. “Sorry, usually I’m better and more precise with my words.” She grinned at the mention of Shiloh’s baking. “That sounds great! I’ve made scones before. Maple, because when you’re in this part of the Northeast it’s sort of a must-do. Also blueberry, ‘cause Maine’s got some killer blueberries to have.” If Shiloh proved herself human, maybe the two of them could get together to do some sort of baking sometime. Not until she had her mind settled about whatever felt off about Shiloh. It might’ve been nothing, and none of her senses were going off, but it also never hurt to be sure. Shiloh accepted Athena’s offer of slush and when she was quiet Athena frowned for a moment before giving a shrug. She hadn’t thought that she was a werewolf, not properly. The rings had never done anything. “It is at least refreshing. Have you ever made homemade sorbet? That is lovely, if a bit heavier than this.” She began to walk away from the booth, slush in her hand. “Remind me, how long have you lived here?” She glanced over her shoulder to the other woman.
“Maple, really?” Shiloh asked, not having heard of that being a thing but then again it wasn’t as if she was entirely knowledgeable about the area to begin with. “Lemon blueberry is so good.” Shiloh preferred the tartness and sweetness that came with it. Although she knew some people didn’t enjoy lemon desserts. “You have to let me try some of your maple scones - I’m sure they’re great.” Shiloh said with a smile, hopeful that they would have to hang out and bake together next time. She drank from her slush as Athena spoke, listening. “I’ve never made sorbet, no. I’m guessing you have?” Was it similar to making ice cream? Shiloh hadn’t ever put much thought into sorbet other than how good it is when she’s eating it. “Oh, I’ve been here for like five years now?” She looked up as she scrunched her face in thought. “Yeah, about that long.” She ended with a shrug of her shoulders. “Were you born here? I feel like I’ve asked you that question before so I’m sorry if you’re just repeating yourself.”
“Maple-glaze, or maple-chips, yep!” Athena gave a small nod. “Lemon blueberry does sound good. I made a lemon raspberry cake not too long ago.” For Ariana, but Athena wasn’t about to focus on that right now. “Lemon as a flavor is excellent. It makes things taste nice, almost more refreshing somehow.” She gave a quick nod, “for sure, next time I make them.” Athena continued to watch Shiloh curiously, observing her movements, if she reacted to anything in any sort of odd way. She was eating her slush which continued to remove the likelihood of her being certain species. “I have! It’s super easy, it’s frozen fruit, sugar, water, and a food processor or blender. It’s super easy and fun to experiment with different fruits.” Athena took another scoop of her slush as she listened to Shiloh. “That’s quite a bit of time. What made you come here? Oh - yeah, I’ve lived here my whole life! No worries about if I’m repeating myself, I’m happy to answer your questions. I know lots about this town. I love it here. Though perhaps some day I would like to see other parts of the world, this town has done quite well as far as a place to grow up. Even if I don’t get a super cool accent like you.”
“Mmm,” Shiloh hummed as she had her slush still in her mouth as Athena mentioned maple chips  and lemon raspberry cake. Boy, would she want some right now. Although, they probably didn’t have anything like that at the carnival, but they would have something that was tasty nonetheless. “Making sorbet does sound pretty simple. Do you have a favorite fruit to make it with?” Shiloh tried to think what her favorite fruit would be… probably peach. Or maybe watermelon? So many good fruits, how could you just pick one? Her attention went back to Athena, hearing her talk about eventually wanting to travel to other parts and her memory did recall Athena mentioning that bit. “You should travel. There’s a lot to see! I still want to do some traveling myself but…” She pursed her lips as she thought of her parents. “My parents are getting older and the town… I don’t really like the idea of leaving them alone. My father’s close to retirement and someone has to help run the business.” She swirled the ice in her cup as she shrugged. “Oh--that’s what made us come here too. My mother had an estranged uncle of sorts that owned Trusty Wood. He died and his sister, my grandmother was set to inherit but she passed so it went to my mother.”
“It is simple! Oh, I love a good raspberry. I think that’s a solid classic to work with, honestly.” Athena grinned. “It’s sort of hard to choose, I like so many different fruits. Though I don’t think I’d make grape sorbet. Not sure I’ve ever seen frozen grapes, for one, and I’m just not sure how that’d work out in the end. Grapes on their own are just fine by me, though.” At Shiloh’s mention of travel Athena gave a small shrug. “Maybe someday. There is a lot to see in the world. I’ve seen pictures though! So it’s not all lost on me!” She scrunched up her nose. In another life, she’d be at Yale now, or Stanford, or even a place like Bates. She didn’t regret where her life made her stay. Being in town, helping the people, was more important than a nice college name on her transcript. “That makes sense!” Her nod was perhaps a tad too emphatic, but she meant well. So long as Shiloh’s parents were human, that was. “You’re woodworker? I think I remember that. I know someone else,” I don’t know if we’re still friends, “who’s, like, super duper handy at woodwork. It’s so neat that you get to keep it all in the family. I can appreciate someone else who values family as much as I do.”
“Grape sorbet does seem like it might take some artificial flavoring. I do enjoy things that are grape-flavored though. Like candy and drinks.” Shiloh tried to think of a time where she had something like grape ice cream - frozen grape juice, yes but actual ice cream was another thing. Hm.. that was something to look up when she was bored. She looked over at Athena unable to take her seriously that seeing pictures was good enough in any way. “Pictures are nice, beautiful even but it’s nothing like actually being there, I can assure you.” However, maybe Athena had similar reasons not to travel, preferring to be with her family or… having to be close by to them. Shiloh felt like that for the longest and just when she thought she got over it, she was brought back to them again. “Oh yeah, I am. And do you? I probably know them too. It’s a small town we kinda all know each other.” She chuckled, wondering who it might be. Athena was young so it couldn’t be any of the older men they had. Maybe one of the younger guys? She thought about it. “Yeah… yeah,” Shiloh nodded, dropping her glance. “Family’s… important. They’re all we have, y’know? Outside of when we start our own family.” But when was that going to happen for Shiloh’s case? She sighed, glancing up and catching sight of a booth about crystals and witchcraft. “Do you believe in that stuff?” Shiloh asked, nodding her head towards it.
“I figure they can be good sometimes. Never really my speed, but I’ve got some sisters in my sorority who adore grape-flavored items of all sorts.” Athena explained. She hoped that Shiloh wasn’t some terrible supernatural being, because from every encounter that they’d had so far, she found the other woman’s company enjoyable. “I suppose so.” She bit her lip. She wanted to travel - the feeling was almost desperate sometimes. To travel anywhere - certainly to other supernatural hotspots but also just to see somewhere else. Even somewhere like Boston - not too far away, but still almost too much to do. Or at least too much as far as her parents believed. “I do. Ariana?” Was she even still a friend? The two knew one another, that much was true. “We coach soccer camp together.” That much was true. “This is a small town, it’s always super wild to see all the ways people are connected to one another.” At the mention of family Athena nodded, a small smile crossing her face. “Family is everything.” However, before much more could be discussed on that subject, Shiloh was pointing out a booth clearly designed to at least appear to be involved with witchcraft. “Hmm?” Athena glanced over. “Oh, well, I mean, weird stuff does happen in this town. Sometimes you just can’t explain it!” Or most people can’t, or find a way around it, anyhow. She eyed Shiloh carefully. “Do you?”
“Oh, Ariana?” Shiloh didn’t need to ask for a last name to know who it was. “She’s doing her apprenticeship under me.” Shiloh smiled, happy to hear about her outside of the apprenticeship. She didn’t really know about her outside of it but it didn’t help that Shiloh knew to keep things short considering the anxiety she gets during it all. Speaking of anxiety… Shiloh glanced at the table once more until they walked by it. “Yeah, there’s some weird things in town, you’re right.” Her lips pursed in thought. She knew better than to just tell people what she has seen. Either way, it was a lot to unpack. “I don’t know,” she shrugged, not really wanting to talk about it. Shiloh enjoyed when things were normal and when they weren’t while she tried to understand she feared she might never fully understand this world and that made her uncomfortable. Letting out a sigh she looked over at Athena wondering what she thought. “Some things have a rational explanation we don’t know yet, right?” Scratching at her head she still had to admit, “this town still leaves a lot to explain. Some people feel really strongly about the unknown.” She let out a nervous chuckle, unsure how Athena saw it.
“Yes.” Athena shuffled her feet. Not that she didn’t want to talk about Ariana - but things were a lot more complicated than they used to be. On both sides, she reminded herself. Even if it felt weird - even if it was all still incredibly confusing to her. “That’s great! She’s super.” Athena felt her cheeks flush for a moment and cursed herself. “Tell me about it. Lived here my whole life, you’d think this’d be all typical now - and yet… it’s not.” So that was a complete lie, but unlike the beings she adored hunting most of all, she had that capability in spades. “Some things do, you’re right. Some people do feel real strong about that, you bet.” She felt a shiver run through her body. She’d known fae were at the fair - that much was true without a doubt - the natural chaos of this sort of place provided allowed their kind to thrive. “Sorry.” She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, focusing her breath. “Sometimes I just get distracted. Goodness knows that’s part of why my parents got me into sports. Always wanting to move, you know?”
It was nice to meet a friend of Ariana’s - if Shiloh remembered, she’d bring it up next time they spoke. “My parents think most things have their reasonable explanations so really they’re not put off by what happens. That’s not to say it’s not sad when someone we know goes missing or… or worse. My parents are just rational people when it comes to things like that. That’s how they raised me.” So finding out about the supernatural sent her through a never ending loop. “Oh - we should go play some of the games they have then, yeah?” Shiloh suggested with a smile not wanting her to get overwhelmed by the constant distractions at the carnival and instead focus on something like a game. It would do good for Shiloh too, take her mind off the weird things about the town. “Hey, what do you say we do some baking sometime? You up for it?” She asked as she walked toward a game stall.
So she was rational. Athena had to think about that - because though she certainly felt as though something was up with Shiloh, everything she’d tried - from her general senses to the foods she offered to the carefully word questions she asked - had proved fruitless in discovering anything useful. “People can be quite rational. Seems like your parents have a good head on their shoulders.” Even if you make me far too curious. “Yeah, let’s do some games. As for baking? Just say when and it’s on.” She walked after Shiloh. This isn’t over. That much she knew completely.
16 notes · View notes
mrsslrss · 6 years
My first memory of 2018: I woke up at 5 a.m. and spotted an enormous bug on my bedroom wall. I was mildly hungover after a really lovely and somewhat raucous party in my house, and when I saw the bug I felt like my stomach dropped out of my body. (I’m a wimp! It had so many legs! Stay with me.) I tried to rouse M for about 10 minutes to kill the bug with no luck, then told myself, with an air of forced gravity, It’s 2018, and I must kill the bug myself. Which, I am glad to report, I did. 
I think I told that story a lot this year in the hopes that the more I retold it, the more it would come to define my year: You know, being brave? Taking charge and vanquishing, uh, icky stuff? (And later, for all the times I told the story of starting my day by sweeping up the post-party-confetti-canon detritus and throwing away the half-used Solo cups before my roommates woke up: Doing rather thankless work for a greater good?) I’m not sure I mastered the art of “manifesting” in 2018, though (sorry Oprah!); I certainly wasn’t as generous or industrious as those stories would suppose, but the image of me resisting something frightening then eventually/begrudgingly giving in and being grateful I did — I suppose that rings true.
It’s easy for me to be blue in December — to think about what didn’t get accomplished, the ways I have been selfish, shallow and lazy — but if I’m honest with myself, the year had its share of success. I got hired out of my temp status, spoke on a panel at a conference, helped lead a project I’m proud of, talked on some podcasts, survived my college reunion. I learned a lot about commitment, complacency and what drives my writing. I spent a lot of time with my family. I watched people I love make incredible art, find cherished partners, move their careers forward, get engaged, become parents. I wrote a couple good songs, played a lot of good shows. My hair got long enough to wear it in a bun most days.
The truth is that I’m pretty scared about the future. Call it cyclical energy or call it the brink of exhaustion but I think things are going to happen in 2019; I think, for better or for worse, I’m going to make them happen. I’m trying to transmute anxiety into excitement for what the year’s bringing but I think it’s ok to be scared, too. Anyway, here’s to 2018, and to the things I felt and saw and did and loved that helped me make it through. 
Andrea Long Chu’s writing
I read “On Liking Women” in January — the kind of article where you start it at your desk and then have to finish it later, and you get home and sit on the couch without even turning the living room lights on and just read and read, breathlessly, until it’s done — and I got hooked and I have read everything ALC has written since. Her work is thoughtful, engaging, provocative, breathtaking, earnest, shady, queer as h*ck. It has made me think about what kind of writer (and person) I want to be and was fodder for some of my favorite conversations I had this year about gender, power, identity and the ultimate self-own. Also, her Twitter is hilarious.
Dried mango
Snack of the year for me, hands down. Though if I’m being honest, green tea kit kats are a serious contender, too -- much tougher to find, though, meaning they can’t quite nab the top snack spot for 2018.
Traveling & open space
I didn’t travel a ton this year but the few trips I took were lovely. In April I visited Seattle, a city I love, for a truly marvelous conference and I saw the water and the mountains. In October I visited Vermont, had a real dream-come-true moment in a field of goats. I visited Sam in Austin and realized that Texas is, indeed, huge. (And affordable!) I visited my family in MA a lot and rode horses a couple times but mostly just sat on the couch with my mom watching re-runs of The Office and making sense of ourselves. It felt nice when I was in motion this year.
Riding my bike
Speaking of motion! I borrowed my sister’s cool bike last year and started riding to work, but then the bike got stolen, which put a big damper on everything. I got a crappy replacement a couple months later and rode it to work every day, nearly, of 2018, and to all sorts of other places. I read Jessica Hopper’s book about Chicago this year and so much of that book takes place on her bike, which inspired me to take things a little more seriously. I’m not an experienced cyclist by any means (truly: most of my bike rides are on two streets in the one-mile radius between my house and my office) but I like what it affords me.
Trying to be a void
that is to say, wearing all black. I know that clothing is how a lot of people express themselves but mostly what I wanted to express this year was: a black hole. By black hole I mostly mean nothingness, and also deflecting the gaze. Incredibly comforting. As a caveat: Mads taught me about the power of navy blue late this year, and I think in 2019 I will try to be the night sky. 
New York
I used to hate NYC for boring reasons but now I don’t, and it defined my year, in many ways — I visited about once a month, for work and for friends and for fun. I nearly always stayed with Mads in Bed-Stuy, which is an excellent situation, although one time I blew a big chunk of a bonus (!) on a fancy hotel room (!!) in Manhattan. (Worth it!) I spoke on a panel, I played my songs in a gallery, I ate bagels with vegan cream cheese, I had bad pizza in a cigar bar, I saw Maggie Nelson give a talk, I watched Duster play two consecutive comeback shows. I had a lot of small moments, too, of bliss and kindness and serendipity, of tortellini soup and espresso tonics, late night talks, doing laps around Bryant Park, walking quietly through galleries. I cried on buses, got freaked out on a plane, had a particularly memorable set of conversations on the Amtrak. I also saw Carly Rae Jepsen!
Playing covers with friends
Ok, yes, seeing Carly Rae at the Turning the Tables event in NYC was magnificent, but more magnificent was being in Gnarly Rae Jepsen, aka the Carly Rae Jepsen cover band I was invited to join around Halloween. Frankly I was just flattered to have been asked, since Lars does a cover band for Halloween every year and they always rip. And Gnarly Rae ripped! I didn’t do a lot of stuff with my own music this year, so it was great to play with a band with pretty much zero pressure and an abundance of good vibes. The Halloween show was one of the happiest moments of my year. Plus this winter I planned a December open mic and so some friends and I decided to do a couple covers — “Silver Springs” by Fleetwood Mac (which Mads sang) and “Dreams” by The Cranberries (which I sang) — which was a little messy and extremely fun.
Christmas cactus
A friend of mine from grad school moved to California after graduating and gave me a bunch of her plants, including a cactus that looked like it was in poor health but I was determined to keep alive for as long as I could. I kept caring for it even though I was convinced it was going to croak any day; turns out I’m just ignorant about what a healthy cactus looks like, because it blossomed just days before my birthday this April. I didn’t even know this cactus could flower, so to have it happen right before I turned 26 made me feel such a deep sense of joy and hope, and connection with the living world, like a true, grounded, healthy Taurus. It bloomed again before Christmas; last week, I realized my grandmother has the exact same plant in her living room.
Writing criticism
I wrote a couple things this year I was especially proud of, and most of them were reviews. (My Turning the Tables essay doesn’t fit in that category but I’m really proud of that, too.) Most of this writing happened in my house where I was alone in my room rubbing my temples and whining softly why is this so hard, why does it have to be so hard but it also felt electric and life-affirming; I heard a podcaster refer to writing as something like “touching the divine” this year and that feels like it, exactly. I think I loved those processes too because they so often involved having really fun, challenging conversations about the art in question with people I admire, and that’s why I got into this game, right? Plus a few conversations I had this year adjacent to these pieces helped me realize that a) criticism is the kind of writing I feel the most drawn to right now; and as we used to say on Tumblr, “not to get fake deep but,” b) the goodness I am searching for in my life/self is a big part of what drives me to write, of what I’m doing in my writing. That helps.
Coffee O merch
My forever favorite coffee shop is Coffee Obsession in Falmouth, not necessarily because they have the best beans in the world or anything but because when I’m there it’s because I am spending time in my favorite place, usually with my family and best friends, etc. Anyway I have recently started to rep them on a regular basis: I got a purple HydroFlask with the Coffee O logo and used it every day this year to bring iced coffee to work, and this summer I bought a big green Coffee O t-shirt that says “LOCAL FLAVAH” on the back (incredible), which is more or less my favorite item of clothing I bought this year. I guess I’m kind of a poseur because I’m a tourist, not a Cape Cod native, but my love for Coffee O is true and real and I’m glad to spread the word.
Etc: Making iced coffee every morning in the Chemex; roséwave and the #Saltypod, both of which I love fiercely; the difference between being liked and being heard, à la Ellen Willis; editing essays; the Fever Ray show at 9:30 Club; wearing glitter in the corners of my eyes; “no one is going to wait for you to ask for permission”; wearing heels to work; the steam room at the W St YMCA; my tarot deck; the Pome newsletter.
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sapphicscholar · 7 years
“Don’t you ever do that again!” (#9) Sanvers
9. “Don’t you ever do that again!” 
A/N: This is pure crack…blame sleep deprivation. 
Alex didn’t love the major holidays—too often they were focused on big family events that had her drinking too much and hiding from her mother—but the little ones? Those ones were her favorite. They were unexpected and trivial and had no real expectations built into them. Plus, getting to teach Kara about them had been fun and lighthearted in a way that most things hadn’t been those first few months.
So when March 31st rolled around, Alex was busy planning up a storm. She and Kara had been rather intense about their prank wars during their teenage years, though they had pretty much fallen off during Alex’s years away at school. Since they were reunited in National City, however, they had picked back up, and now Kara felt free to use her powers to get the upper hand. They’d worked together to prank the boys as well as Vasquez and Lucy, but this year, they had a brand new target: Maggie.
“Now, are you sure she doesn’t have anything against April Fools?” Kara asked once more, thinking back to how guilty Alex had felt after getting the full story about Valentine’s Day.
“I’m positive. She talked about doing a few small pranks with her roommates in college, but she just sort of sounded ambivalent about it.”
“Okay,” Kara nodded, grinning as she thought about all of the plans they had made.
“So, you’ll distract her while I take care of her office and the motorcycle?”
“Mhm, and you’ll distract her while I deal with her apartment?”
“Deal,” Alex grinned, offering her hand out to Kara, wondering how long their own prank war truce would last.
The next morning, Alex slipped out of bed a few minutes before Maggie’s alarm went off, tip-toeing her way to the bathroom where she found the fake blood she had from Kara’s last Halloween party. She pulled out the prop ax she had stored under her sink and quickly coated it in fake blood, then added some to her hands and forearms for a finishing touch. Quietly, she flicked off the lights and threw the container of fake blood under the sink before climbing into the bathtub and pulling the shower curtain all the way shut. Now it was just a matter of waiting.
She still found it so endearing that Maggie—badass detective who would show up to a gun fight with a pocket knife and still fight her way through—got scared by the idea of something hiding behind the shower curtain. Maggie blamed it on having watched The Sixth Sense and Psycho far too early in her formative years. But every so often, Maggie would insist that Alex come rip back the shower curtain for her if it was really late, especially if she’d had a drink or two and didn’t feel with it enough to fight off a murderer.
Alex just hoped that the neighbors wouldn’t get too upset by the early morning squealing. But then again, it was April Fools…
After a few minutes of waiting, Alex heard Maggie’s alarm go off and grinned, knowing that on mornings when she “went for a run,” Maggie would shower before eating breakfast, so at least she wouldn’t have to wait long. Sure enough, she soon heard the soft footfalls making their way from the bedroom to the bathroom and she bit her lip to keep from giggling in anticipation—not that Alex Danvers would ever giggle, no, of course not.
She waited impatiently as Maggie brushed her teeth, then tried not to feel guilty about being in the bathroom while she peed, figuring it was a relationship milestone that engaged couples surely passed, so Maggie couldn’t get too annoyed about it. Finally she heard the sounds of Maggie’s clothes hitting the floor and Maggie humming as she set out a fresh towel for herself.
When Maggie pulled back the shower curtain, she screamed—perhaps louder than she ever had—after all, she wasn’t normally shocked by things at work, but in her home, it was new. But before she could really process that it was Alex now cackling maniacally, she had drawn back and punched her “attacker” in the nose, leaving Alex with actual blood now dripping down her face.
“Maggie! What the hell? It’s me!” Alex yelled, pinching her nose as she tried to stem the flow of blood. Luckily she’d seen it coming and had been able to move enough that she didn’t get hit too hard, but it still stung enough to make her eyes water.
“What the fuck?” Maggie yelled, panting as she clutched at her chest. “You could have given me a heart attack!”
“It’s April Fools! Weren’t you kind of expecting it?” Alex protested.
“No!” Maggie yelled. “Jesus, Danvers, never again. Don’t you ever do that again!”
“So, uh, fuck…are you opposed to the whole day of pranks?”
“I mean, like I said, it’s whatever. But that is—that freaked me out,” Maggie finally admitted, only now realizing that Alex appeared to be covered in blood. “Wait! Did I hit you that hard? Are you okay?” Maggie panicked.
While Alex might normally extend the prank and say that, yes, the blood had all come from her, she felt guilty enough already. “No, uh, most of it’s fake blood. The stuff on my face is from my nose…”
“Shoot, I’m really sorry, baby! I’ll get you some ice.”
“It’s fine, I got it. Why don’t you, uh, shower,” Alex offered, realizing she had a lot of calls to make to get rid of the rest of the pranks before they could begin.
Once she heard the sound of the water running, Alex pulled out her phone and dialed Kara.
“H’llo?” Kara yawned.
“Kara! I need help!” Alex hissed.
“Ha! Not falling for that again,” Kara laughed before hanging up the phone.
A few seconds later it rang again.
“What?” Kara whined.
“It’s not a prank this time! I genuinely need your help!” Alex rushed out, needing to get Kara to believe her before hanging up again.
“What happened?”
“Maggie did not like the shower prank…like, at all.”
“Alex! I told you to make sure she didn’t have a problem with this holiday!”
“No, not like that. I think…I think she was expecting stupid stuff, like whipped cream in the hand or whoopee cushions, you know? This one was a little scary for her tastes, so now I think it would be best if we didn’t have any more pranks waiting for her.”
“You always did have a dark sense of humor,” Kara mused.
“It was the best way to get a reaction out of you!” Alex countered.
Kara laughed. “Fair enough. But why do you need me this early?”
“Because I need your help getting rid of the rest of them,” Alex explained.
“Oh, shoot. I didn’t even think about all of them.”
“Exactly! So can you go take care of her apartment?”
“Yeah, yeah, I can do that,” Kara agreed, pulling herself out of bed and shuffling around to find clothes.
“Great, I’m gonna go undo all the stuff on her motorcycle.”
“Good luck!”
“Thanks…bye, Kara.”
Alex quickly made her way down to the parking garage, pulling off the rainbow tassles and the fake vanity license plate (MRS-DANVERS), then ripping out the old-timey car horn she had wired to go off every time Maggie accelerated. With everything from her bike stuffed into a bag, Alex raced back upstairs in time to throw out the fake carton of vegan ice cream she’d filled with ice cubes and a note that read: “Now, with extra flavor!” before Maggie was done with her shower.
“Ready for breakfast?” Maggie asked, ringing her hair out and looking slightly chagrined at the streaks of blood that still decorated Alex’s face.
“Yeah, uh, let me just shower really fast,” Alex mumbled, making her way into the bathroom to text Kara. “Did you get everything?” Alex texted.
“Working on it,” Kara sent back.
“Will you have time to get her office?”
“No, sorry! Also, I don’t think Supergirl can casually walk into Maggie’s office.”
Alex debated what to do. She figured maybe she could walk Maggie to work, but she probably wouldn’t get any time alone to undo it all. Realizing that most of it was stuff on Maggie’s phone and computer, Alex texted Winn, hoping perhaps he could undo it remotely.
“Winn! Tech help needed ASAP!”
“I don’t fall for it 2 years in a row,” Winn sent back.
“Not a prank! I pulled pranks on Maggie and need them undone. Can you help? I’ll be nice to you at the DEO for a full week.”
“I’m listening.”
“Great. I need you to remotely change her desktop so it isn’t that photo of her next to the ‘You must be this tall to ride’ sign.”
“Got it,” Winn sent back.
“Oh…I’m not done. Also, her personal email: please remove the link to her Badass Bonsai blog from the signature line. Then her phone, I programmed it so that no matter what she dials, it goes to the pizza place where the delivery girl is desperately in love with her.”
“You really went all out for her first year with the gang, huh?”
“I love her,” Alex replied, as though it were the most obvious explanation for the excessive number of pranks.
Although Winn ended up being able to get all of the technology pranks taken care of, Alex remembered—somewhat belatedly—about the whoopee cushion she had hidden inside of Maggie’s desk chair.
“Hey!” Alex yelled to Maggie on her way out the door. “Do you, uh, can I walk you to work?”
“You gonna jump out at me on every street corner?” Maggie teased, thinking to the bag of assorted prank items she’d found stuffed under the sink when she went to get a new trashbag. A few of them were actually quite sweet, and she felt almost guilty for making Alex think that they couldn’t have some fun, which may or may not have been why Alex’s motorcycle now sported a new “Mrs-Danvers” license plate.
“No…” Alex trailed off, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.
“You’re okay, I’m just teasing,” Maggie reassured Alex, offering her hand to walk outside.
At the precinct, it soon became clear that Alex was waiting for a moment alone in Maggie’s office. Even though Maggie was more than willing to indulge Alex with at least one or two of her more harmless pranks, she figured she’d give her a break. “I’m gonna run to grab a cup of coffee, I’ll be right back.”
“Great!” Alex exclaimed, beaming at Maggie until she was out of sight. She quickly got down on her hands and knees and unzipped the seat cushion, pulling out the whoopee cushion she��d slipped in there the night before and quickly rising to her feet at the sound of Maggie clearing her throat. “Ah, my, uh, my boot was untied. See you tonight! Love you!” Alex yelled, hightailing it out of the precinct.
Maggie just bit the inside of her cheek, trying not to laugh at the telltale bright pink cushion Alex was trying (unsuccessfully) to hide behind her back. “Happy April Fools, Danvers,” she muttered, sinking down into her now silent desk chair.
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rdclsuperfoods · 5 years
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We all know that eating vegetables is important, but it’s easy to get stuck in a spinach and broccoli rut. Both Harvard Medical School and the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommend adding a wide variety of vegetables to your diet, since each veggie contains a different micronutrient profile of vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, and minerals. More standard options, like carrots, bell peppers, and mushrooms, are great, too, but if you’re looking to switch things up, consider introducing some of these less popular nutrient-dense vegetables to your plate.
Also known as celery root, celeriac makes a great low-starch alternative to white potatoes. It has a similar flavor and texture when cooked, but celeriac has about one-third the amount of carbohydrates. Dana Lis, director of performance nutrition at the University of California at Davis, notes that this is ideal for athletes who are trying to fuel appropriately on an easy day. “On a rest day, you don’t need the same amount of carbohydrates that you would need after a hard effort,” she says. “So something like this is a perfect way to add nutrients while lowering carbohydrates without sacrificing satiety or flavor.” It’s also high in potassium, vitamins K and B6, and fiber, which are important for digestion and bone, nerve, and brain health.  
In 2017, researchers at the University of Southern Denmark theorized that the human brain evolved partially as a result of nutrients found in seaweed—like iodine, which is important for thyroid function, plus iron and vitamin K. Lis explains that kelp is a tasty way to add new flavor and texture to your next meal, and it makes a great alternative to salt, with only 186 milligrams of sodium per full cup. Vegetarians and vegans missing fishy or umami flavors can mix it into salads and stir-fries, and it even makes a mean imitation tuna salad.
Watermelon Radish
This cute radish is a crowd-pleaser. Slice it and you’ll discover a bright-green outer ring and a hot-pink filling—it resembles a tiny watermelon. A satisfying crunch and crisp, slightly peppery flavor make it a fantastic raw vegetable to munch on, while scoring vitamin C, phosphorus, folate, and potassium in the process, all of which contribute to good cellular health (among many other benefits). Use it as a salad topper, in a vegetable tray, or for easy at-home pickling.  
Red Cabbage
While you’ve probably encountered red cabbage as a garnish for your fish tacos or house salad, you should consider making it a bigger part of your diet. A single serving contains 85 percent of your daily dose of vitamin K plus 54 percent of your daily vitamin C. It’s also richer in antioxidants than regular cabbage: it contains 36 different anthocyanin antioxidants, which have been linked to cancer protection, improved brain function, and better heart health. “Typically, the more colorful, the higher the nutrient density,” Lis explains. Red cabbage also makes a crunchier, more colorful coleslaw than its pasty-white counterpart. 
If you’re eating a plant-based diet, dulse should be on your radar: its robust nutrient profile covers vitamins like B12 that are hard to find when you’re not eating animal products. Dulse is a type of seaweed that can be bought in flakes (don’t be dismayed by its similarity to fish food), which makes it great for seasoning dishes without increasing sodium. It’s rich in vitamins B6, E, and A, contains the same bioactive peptides as milk—which are great for heart health and more—and has similar amino-acid levels to most beans or legumes. 
Beet Greens
You may already be on the beet bandwagon, but don’t throw away the leafy tops. Beet greens cook down into a tasty sauté with a bit of butter or olive oil, says Lis, and the sturdy leaves are packed with vitamins A and K, copper, iron, calcium, and manganese—all of which the brain and nervous system rely on to function properly. And a bunch of beets offers more bang for your buck in the veggie aisle, because you get nitrate-rich beetroot as well as the fiber-packed leafy-green tops. 
Broccoli Microgreens
Small but mighty microgreens have exploded in popularity in recent years and for good reason: studies have shown that they contain more micronutrients than many of their fully grown versions. Broccoli microgreens are some of the easiest to cultivate at home but are also now available at most grocery stores. They’re packed with twice as much vitamin C as a serving of spinach, as well as vitamin A, antioxidants, and key amino acids. Their crunchy texture holds up equally well in salads and stir-fries.
Yugoslavian Red Lettuce 
If you love crisp, sweet lettuces like romaine and iceberg but are looking for something more nutrient-dense, try Yugoslavian red. It’s higher in vitamin A and K, antioxidants, and iron than romaine but maintains the same sweet flavor and crunch. Those antioxidants help your body efficiently process free radicals—the potentially harmful chemical by-products of metabolism. Yugoslavian red lettuce is easy to grow at home, so if you’re looking for cheap, simple options to add to your garden, it’s a good choice. 
Fiddleheads, the bright-green curled tips of young ferns, are easy to identify and make a great entry-level foraging food. They’re only in season for a few weeks each spring, when you can also find them at specialty grocery stores or farmers’ markets. The curlicued spirals taste a bit like asparagus but are packed with more micronutrients, including vitamin K, iron, and potassium, as well as 5.6 grams of protein per one-cup serving. However, fiddleheads need to be cooked well to release a toxin that can cause symptoms of food poisoning, so make sure to steam or sauté them for at least ten minutes. 
This vegetable is similar to broccoli in terms of its nutrition profile, with vitamins C and K as well as antioxidants, but it’s a dinner-party showstopper thanks to its neat whirling patterns. A single-cup serving packs in four grams of protein and two grams of fiber, making it a good option if you’re hoping to cut down on your meat consumption. It tastes a bit nuttier than broccoli or cauliflower and adds a bit of depth to a roasted-vegetable medley.
Kohlrabi is shaped and sized like a turnip, but this root vegetable is more similar to brussels sprouts in flavor. It’s extremely low calorie—just 37 per cup—and contains a whopping five grams of fiber per serving in addition to calcium, iron, potassium, and 139 percent of your daily recommended vitamin C. It can be eaten raw or cooked and makes a great cabbage substitute. Keep the stems and use them in a sauté for bonus fiber, iron, and antioxidants.
via Outside Magazine: Nutrition
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florahecate · 5 years
Read More 30 Surprising Foods That Taste So Much Better Grilled
The following post 30 Surprising Foods That Taste So Much Better Grilled is republished from Eat This Not That by Cheyenne Buckingham
Depending on where you live in the U.S., grilling season may vary from just a few months out of the year when summer rolls around to all year round. Regardless of whether you get to fire up the grill whenever you please or have to wait patiently for warmer weather to arrive, grilling gives just about any food—not just meat—a boost in flavor. Grilling fruit over the fire, for example, allows the naturally-occurring sugar (fructose) in fruit to caramelize, something that only the grill can emulate. See which surprising foods take on an amplified flavor once they hit the grill, and, well, simply taste better when they’re grilled!
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald
There’s nothing quite like sinking your teeth into a cold piece of watermelon, which is why grilling such a refreshing fruit may seem a bit counterproductive? Well, it’s not—trust us. In fact, grilled watermelon pairs very well with feta cheese and balsamic vinegar. Or, you could grill cubes of the fruit and make kebabs with a yogurt and honey dipping sauce.
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald
Chef Patrick Ochs, Corporate Executive Chef at Pubblica Italiana and Dalia at The Celino Hotel, says that grilling a peach is the great way to get the best of both worlds: sweet and savory. It’s really simple to do, too. First, cut the peach in half and remove the pit. Next, grill the open sides of the fruit on high heat until grill marks appear. “Chop and add to a salad, or as a complement to any grilled meat dish for a sweet and savory flavor kick,” says Ochs.
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald
Grilling calamari is the surprising alternative to its traditional fried counterpart. Try tossing the squid into a salad—as we did in this spicy grilled calamari salad recipe—and serve as an appetizer at your next dinner party!
This creamy fruit may be delicious as-is, but grilling it inevitably gifts this source of healthy fats a smoky flavor. Not to mention, grilling helps to speed up the ripening process, which is convenient if you bought an unripe avocado for a recipe that you’re making that day!
Pound Cake
You could warm up a few slices of sweet pound cake in the oven or microwave, but why not take the dessert to the next level presentation-wise by plopping it on the grill? Top the slice of pound cake with berries and a dollop of whipped cream, and you’re likely to impress your guests even more. Plus, how pretty do those grill marks look?
As if donuts weren’t irresistible in their fried (and sometimes baked) state, grilling them apparently enhances their flavor even more. Grab a dozen of Krispy Kreme donuts, slice them in half, and then place them on the grill. If you’re really looking for a splurge, you can even make a fruit sauce from blueberries, Chombard, butter, and sugar to drizzle atop your grilled donut masterpiece.
Romaine Lettuce
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald
Instead of chopping up that romaine immediately after washing it, try putting in on the grill. Need a recipe? We’ve got you covered! Try our grilled Caesar salad recipe—it’s not nearly as caloric as most Caesar salads served in restaurants, and it’s easy to make. A win-win situation indeed.
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald
Pineapples pack a lot of juice, which may be one of the main reasons you enjoy it so much. However, grilling the fruit allows for that excess juice to drip off, which may result in a less messy experience. Grill rings of pineapple for a sundae, or place them on top of burger patties to add some sweetness to a savory dish.
RELATED: These are the easy, at-home recipes that help you lose weight.
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald
Banana splits are timeless, but have you ever tried a grilled banana split? Grilling a banana gives it a caramelized flavor, which marries well with something sweet and chilled such as a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.
Grilled grapefruit is a paleo-friendly snack anyone will love! Caramelize the fruit half with one teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of coconut oil. Sprinkle cinnamon or nutmeg on top for some extra, natural flavor—and skip the sugar!
Raw oysters are a great go-to happy hour order, but have you ever tried them grilled? Blend butter with fresh garlic and top with an herb or even hot sauce for a delicious snack. Fun fact: oysters are loaded in omega-3s, which is an important component for staving off a stroke.
Scallions pack a lot of flavor on their own, and while they aren’t as pungent as red onion, for example, they often aren’t eaten by themselves, but rather chopped and added to dishes as a garnish. Chef Ochs recommends seasoning the green onion with salt and oil. “Adding grilled scallions to a dish can add the perfect addition of impeccable flavor, and can also be used chopped and mixed in a vinaigrette or puree,” he says.
Artichokes aren’t often one the most desired vegetables…that is, unless it’s added in a spinach artichoke dip. The vegetable is a good source of vitamin C, an important antioxidant that supports immune function and fends off illness. Try grilling artichokes with lemon and garlic for a special treat.
Ditch the oven and fire up the grill—it’s time to start experimenting with cooking a pizza pie atop an open fire. Slide a ceramic pizza stone under the dough to help balance the intensity of the flames from the grill.
Do you see a reoccurring theme here? Grilling fruit takes the flavor to the next level. Pair these apples with low-sugar Greek yogurt for a healthful, protein-packed snack, or add them to a grilled cheese and Brie sandwich for an extra special treat.
Halloumi Cheese
“One of the best cheeses to grill,” says Ochs. “Halloumi cheese actually has a very high melting point, that allows you to get extremely nice grill marks. Add to any salad or burger, and voilà!”
Rarely do you nosh on asparagus in its raw form—it’s more palatable once it’s been sautéed, especially with another savory element such as a shallot. Try grilling the vegetable for an added smoky savor.
Cheese and crackers, anyone? Brie is an intense cheese, but applying heat to this potent cheese can potentially make this pungent cheese that much more appetizing. Serve with crackers and maybe even drizzle a balsamic reduction on top.
Tired of having to dispose of the bacon grease from the skillet? Ditch the stove-top method and, instead, fire up the ol’ grill outside. This way you won’t have to worry about clogging your drain or causing the whole house to reek of bacon.
Marinade red seedless grapes for a day in vinegar, olive oil, brown sugar, and crushed garlic. Then, slide them onto skewers and grill. Pair with a delicate and mild cheese such as fresh burrata.
“I love grilled hearts of palm,” says Julian Garriga, executive chef at the upcoming Seawell Fish N’ Oyster, opening this summer in Miami Beach. “They are great in salads, but even better chopped up in a pasta, baked mac n’ cheese or a vegetarian taco. It adds a great smoky and crunch factor.”
Often fried cauliflower is served as an appetizer with ranch. But if you’re trying to watch your waistline, it may be time to nix the fried version of this vegetable and opt for a healthier alternative. Chef Ochs says to slice the cauliflower into large steak-like portions and to grill at low heat until the cruciferous vegetable becomes tender. Then, “put on high heat to get a nice char out of it,” he says. Garnish the grilled cauliflower with herbs like cilantro or parsley if you wish!
Plantains are much tastier to eat once they have been cooked, and grilling inevitably lends the starchy food a charred flavor. Glaze the unsweet plantain with a mixture of butter, brown sugar, and vinegar so that it caramelizes on the grill.
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald
If you enjoy munching on dried apricots as a snack, there’s a good chance you’ll be a fan of apricots in their fresh form, too! For a healthy dessert, try grilling the fruit and adding Greek yogurt to the center where the pit originally was. Then, drizzle maple syrup and sprinkle chopped, toasted walnuts to the top of the fruit once plated.
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald
As if shortcake wasn’t mouthwatering without the grill, the flavor becomes even more prevalent with grill marks. Seriously. Give this grilled strawberry shortcake with balsamic recipe a test run and see for yourself.
Calling all vegans and vegetarians: this mock BBQ sandwich is super delicious and meatless! Grill jackfruit and drench the stuff in your favorite BBQ sauce as a pork alternative.
Either eat grilled mango as-is or use it to make a homemade chutney.
Fire-roasted lobster? Sounds like a delicious endeavor to us! Make sure to grill the lobster with lemon because, according to Chef Ochs, “grilling a lemon lightly caramelizes it, makes it a bit sweeter, and adds a charred flavor. It’s great to add layer and depth in flavor to any dish!”
Why go to a seafood place for fried clam strips when you can grill buttery clams in the comfort of your own backyard?
Endive and Radicchio
“Great for a quick grilled salad,” says Ochs. “Season with salt and pepper, brush with olive oil, and grill until lightly charred. Finish with a touch of aged balsamic and shaved parmesan cheese.”
The post 30 Surprising Foods That Taste So Much Better Grilled appeared first on Eat This Not That.
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
Here are the best books for your brand new Kindle
If you’ve been gifted a Kindle having something to read right off the bat will be your first order of business. That’s why we’ve assembled a list of the best selling Kindle books of 2017 – for every type of reader. So whether you’re into dystopian novels, memoirs, or poetry, there’s something on this list for you.
Plus if you’re an Amazon Prime member, you get access to the Kindle Lending Library. You can check out a book for free every month, and with new titles added each month you’ll never run out of options to choose from. But for big readers, Kindle Unlimited exists to help feed your hunger for new material. The standalone service costs $9.99 a month and allows you to download most eBooks for free. So go on and get reading! You can thank us later.
1) Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
From the publisher: The book is divided into four chapters, and each chapter serves a different purpose. Deals with a different pain. Heals a different heartache. Milk and Honey takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look.
Price on Amazon: $4.99 (regularly $9.99) 
Buy it here
2) The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
From the publisher: The Handmaid’s Tale is a novel of such power that the reader will be unable to forget its images and its forecast. Set in the near future, it describes life in what was once the United States and is now called the Republic of Gilead, a monotheocracy that has reacted to social unrest and a sharply declining birthrate by reverting to, and going beyond, the repressive intolerance of the original Puritans. The regime takes the Book of Genesis absolutely at its word, with bizarre consequences for the women and men in its population.
Price on Amazon: $9.99 (regularly $15.95) 
Buy it here
3) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
From the publisher: Harry Potter has never even heard of Hogwarts when the letters start dropping on the doormat at number four, Privet Drive. Addressed in green ink on yellowish parchment with a purple seal, they are swiftly confiscated by his grisly aunt and uncle. Then, on Harry’s eleventh birthday, a great beetle-eyed giant of a man called Rubeus Hagrid bursts in with some astonishing news: Harry Potter is a wizard, and he has a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. An incredible adventure is about to begin!
Price on Amazon: $8.99 (regularly $10.99)
Buy it here
4) 1984 by George Orwell 
From the publisher: In 1984, London is a grim city in the totalitarian state of Oceania where Big Brother is always watching you and the Thought Police can practically read your mind. Winston Smith is a man in grave danger for the simple reason that his memory still functions. Drawn into a forbidden love affair, Winston finds the courage to join a secret revolutionary organization called The Brotherhood, dedicated to the destruction of the Party. Together with his beloved Julia, he hazards his life in a deadly match against the powers that be.
Price on Amazon: $9.99
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5) The Unremembered Girl: A Novel by Eliza Maxwell
From the publisher: In the deep woods of East Texas, Henry supports his family by selling bootleg liquor. It’s all he can do to keep his compassionate but ailing mother and his stepfather—a fanatical grassroots minister with a bruising rhetoric—from ruin. But they have no idea they’ve become the obsession of the girl in the woods. Abandoned and nearly feral, Eve has been watching them, seduced by the notion of family—something she’s known only in the most brutal sense. Soon she can’t resist the temptation to get close. Where Henry’s mother sees a poor girl in need, his father sees only wickedness. When Henry forges an unexpected bond with Eve, he believes he might be able to save her. He doesn’t know how wrong he is. Eve is about to take charge of her own destiny—and that of Henry’s family. As both their worlds spin violently out of control, Henry must make an impossible choice: protect the broken woman who’s claimed a piece of his soul, or put everyone he loves at risk in order to do the right thing.
Price on Amazon: $4.99 (regularly $14.95) 
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6) I Am Watching You by Teresa Driscoll 
From the publisher: When Ella Longfield overhears two attractive young men flirting with teenage girls on a train, she thinks nothing of it—until she realises they are fresh out of prison and her maternal instinct is put on high alert. But just as she’s decided to call for help, something stops her. The next day, she wakes up to the news that one of the girls—beautiful, green-eyed Anna Ballard—has disappeared. A year later, Anna is still missing. Ella is wracked with guilt over what she failed to do, and she’s not the only one who can’t forget. Someone is sending her threatening letters—letters that make her fear for her life. Then an anniversary appeal reveals that Anna’s friends and family might have something to hide. Anna’s best friend, Sarah, hasn’t been telling the whole truth about what really happened that night—and her parents have been keeping secrets of their own. Someone knows where Anna is—and they’re not telling. But they are watching Ella.
Price on Amazon: $4.99 (regularly $14.95) 
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7) The Letter by Kathryn Hughes 
From the publisher: Tina Craig longs to escape her violent husband. She works all the hours God sends to save up enough money to leave him, also volunteering in a charity shop to avoid her unhappy home. Whilst going through the pockets of a second-hand suit, she comes across an old letter, the envelope firmly sealed and unfranked. Tina opens the letter and reads it – a decision that will alter the course of her life forever. Billy Stirling knows he has been a fool, but hopes he can put things right. On 4th September 1939 he sits down to write the letter he hopes will change his future. It does – in more ways than he can ever imagine.
Price on Amazon: $1.99 (regularly $13.99) 
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8) Dead Certain: A Novel by Adam Mitzner
From the publisher: Ella Broden is living a double life. By day, Ella works as a buttoned-up attorney on some of the city’s most grueling cases. By night, she pursues her passion for singing in the darkest clubs of Manhattan. No one knows her secret, not even Charlotte, the younger sister she practically raised. But it seems she’s not the only one in the family with something to hide. When Charlotte announces she’s sold her first novel, Ella couldn’t be more thrilled…until she gets a call that her sister’s gone missing. Ella starts investigating with the help of Detective Gabriel Velasquez, an old flame in the NYPD, and what she finds is shocking. If art imitates life, then her sister’s novel may contain details of her real-life affairs. And any one of her lovers could be involved in her disappearance. Desperate to bring Charlotte home, Ella works through her list of suspects, matching fictitious characters with flesh-and-blood men. But will it be too late to save the sister she only thought she knew?
Price on Amazon: $4.99 (regularly $15.95) 
But it here
9) Thug Kitchen: The Official Cookbook: Eat Like You Give a F*ck by Thug Kitchen
From the publisher: Thug Kitchen started their wildly popular web site to inspire people to eat some Goddamn vegetables and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Beloved by Gwyneth Paltrow (“This might be my favorite thing ever”) and named Saveur‘s Best New Food blog of 2013–with half a million Facebook fans and counting–Thug Kitchen wants to show everyone how to take charge of their plates and cook up some real f*cking food. Yeah, plenty of blogs and cookbooks preach about how to eat more kale, why ginger fights inflammation, and how to cook with microgreens and nettles. But they are dull or pretentious as hell–and most people can’t afford the hype. Thug Kitchen lives in the real world. In their first cookbook, they’re throwing down more than 100 vegan recipes for their best-loved meals, snacks, and sides for beginning cooks to home chefs. (Roasted Beer and Lime Cauliflower Tacos? Pumpkin Chili? Grilled Peach Salsa? Believe that sh*t.) Plus they’re going to arm you with all the info and techniques you need to shop on a budget and go and kick a bunch of ass on your own. This book is an invitation to everyone who wants to do better to elevate their kitchen game. No more ketchup and pizza counting as vegetables. No more drive-thru lines. No more avoiding the produce corner of the supermarket. Sh*t is about to get real.
Price on Amazon: $9.99 (regularly $19.50) 
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10) The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
From the publisher: In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-smiths, and Sauron, the Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, filling it with his own power so that he could rule all others. But the One Ring was taken from him, and though he sought it throughout Middle-earth, it remained lost to him. After many ages it fell by chance into the hands of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins. From Sauron’s fastness in the Dark Tower of Mordor, his power spread far and wide. Sauron gathered all the Great Rings to him, but always he searched for the One Ring that would complete his dominion. When Bilbo reached his eleventy-first birthday he disappeared, bequeathing to his young cousin Frodo the Ruling Ring and a perilous quest: to journey across Middle-earth, deep into the shadow of the Dark Lord, and destroy the Ring by casting it into the Cracks of Doom. The Lord of the Rings tells of the great quest undertaken by Frodo and the Fellowship of the Ring: Gandalf the Wizard; the hobbits Merry, Pippin, and Sam; Gimli the Dwarf; Legolas the Elf; Boromir of Gondor; and a tall, mysterious stranger called Strider. This new edition includes the fiftieth-anniversary fully corrected text setting and, for the first time, an extensive new index.
Price on Amazon: $16.99 (regularly $20.00)
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11) Diary of a Wimpy Kid  by Jeff Kinney 
From the publisher: It’s a new school year, and Greg Heffley finds himself thrust into middle school, where undersized weaklings share the hallways with kids who are taller, meaner, and already shaving. The hazards of growing up before you’re ready are uniquely revealed through words and drawings as Greg records them in his diary. In book one of this debut series, Greg is happy to have Rowley, his sidekick, along for the ride. But when Rowley’s star starts to rise, Greg tries to use his best friend’s newfound popularity to his own advantage, kicking off a chain of events that will test their friendship in hilarious fashion.
Price on Amazon: $7.99 (regularly $12.56)
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12) Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 1 by Kieron Gillen
From the publisher: The original Dark Lord of the Sith stars in his first ongoing series! Ever since Darth Vader’s first on-screen appearance, he has become one of pop-culture’s most popular villains. Now, follow Vader straight from the ending of A NEW HOPE (and the pages of the new STAR WARS comic book) into his own solo adventures — showing the Empire’s war with the Rebel Alliance from the other side! But when a Dark Lord needs help, who can he turn to? As Vader pursues a very personal vengeance against the Rebels and investigates the Emperor’s secret machinations, he clashes with weapons scavenger Aphra and deadly Battle Droids, and returns to Geonosis to build an army. But some very powerful people don��t want him to learn the truths he seeks! Guest-starring Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett and more!
Price on Amazon: $2.99 (regularly $10.99) 
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13) Coming Clean: A Memoir by Kimberly Rae Miller
From the publisher: Kimberly Rae Miller is an immaculately put-together woman with a great career, a loving boyfriend, and a beautifully tidy apartment in Brooklyn. You would never guess that behind the closed doors of her family’s idyllic Long Island house hid teetering stacks of aging newspaper, broken computers, and boxes upon boxes of unused junk festering in every room—the product of her father’s painful and unending struggle with hoarding. In this dazzling memoir, Miller brings to life her experience growing up in a rat-infested home, hiding her father’s shameful secret from friends for years, and the emotional burden that ultimately led to her suicide attempt. In beautiful prose, Miller sheds light on her complicated yet loving relationship with her parents, which has thrived in spite of the odds. Coming Clean is a story about recognizing where you come from and understanding the relationships that define you. It is also a powerful story of recovery and redemption.
Price on Amazon: $5.99 (regularly $13.95) 
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14) Two Kinds of Truth by Michael Connelly 
From the publisher: Harry Bosch is back as a volunteer working cold cases for the San Fernando Police Department and is called out to a local drug store where a young pharmacist has been murdered. Bosch and the town’s 3-person detective squad sift through the clues, which lead into the dangerous, big business world of pill mills and prescription drug abuse. Meanwhile, an old case from Bosch’s LAPD days comes back to haunt him when a long-imprisoned killer claims Harry framed him, and seems to have new evidence to prove it. Bosch left the LAPD on bad terms, so his former colleagues aren’t keen to protect his reputation. He must fend for himself in clearing his name and keeping a clever killer in prison. The two unrelated cases wind around each other like strands of barbed wire. Along the way Bosch discovers that there are two kinds of truth: the kind that sets you free and the kind that leaves you buried in darkness.
Price on Amazon: $14.99 (regularly $29.00) 
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15) A River in Darkness: One Man’s Escape from North Korea by Masaji Ishikawa
From the publisher: Half-Korean, half-Japanese, Masaji Ishikawa has spent his whole life feeling like a man without a country. This feeling only deepened when his family moved from Japan to North Korea when Ishikawa was just thirteen years old, and unwittingly became members of the lowest social caste. His father, himself a Korean national, was lured to the new Communist country by promises of abundant work, education for his children, and a higher station in society. But the reality of their new life was far from utopian. In this memoir translated from the original Japanese, Ishikawa candidly recounts his tumultuous upbringing and the brutal thirty-six years he spent living under a crushing totalitarian regime, as well as the challenges he faced repatriating to Japan after barely escaping North Korea with his life. A River in Darkness is not only a shocking portrait of life inside the country but a testament to the dignity—and indomitable nature—of the human spirit.
Price on Amazon: $1.99 (regularly $19.95) 
Buy it here
Shop the full list of best-selling Kindle books here
These brand new Harry Potter books are great additions to your collection
10 literary journalism classics that should be on your reading list
The Introvert Activity Book is perfect for those who find solace in alone time
The Daily Dot may receive a payment in connection with purchases of products or services featured in this article. Click here to learn more.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/here-are-the-best-books-for-your-brand-new-kindle/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/12/30/here-are-the-best-books-for-your-brand-new-kindle/
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allofbeercom · 6 years
Here are the best books for your brand new Kindle
If you’ve been gifted a Kindle having something to read right off the bat will be your first order of business. That’s why we’ve assembled a list of the best selling Kindle books of 2017 – for every type of reader. So whether you’re into dystopian novels, memoirs, or poetry, there’s something on this list for you.
Plus if you’re an Amazon Prime member, you get access to the Kindle Lending Library. You can check out a book for free every month, and with new titles added each month you’ll never run out of options to choose from. But for big readers, Kindle Unlimited exists to help feed your hunger for new material. The standalone service costs $9.99 a month and allows you to download most eBooks for free. So go on and get reading! You can thank us later.
1) Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
From the publisher: The book is divided into four chapters, and each chapter serves a different purpose. Deals with a different pain. Heals a different heartache. Milk and Honey takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look.
Price on Amazon: $4.99 (regularly $9.99) 
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2) The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
From the publisher: The Handmaid’s Tale is a novel of such power that the reader will be unable to forget its images and its forecast. Set in the near future, it describes life in what was once the United States and is now called the Republic of Gilead, a monotheocracy that has reacted to social unrest and a sharply declining birthrate by reverting to, and going beyond, the repressive intolerance of the original Puritans. The regime takes the Book of Genesis absolutely at its word, with bizarre consequences for the women and men in its population.
Price on Amazon: $9.99 (regularly $15.95) 
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3) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
From the publisher: Harry Potter has never even heard of Hogwarts when the letters start dropping on the doormat at number four, Privet Drive. Addressed in green ink on yellowish parchment with a purple seal, they are swiftly confiscated by his grisly aunt and uncle. Then, on Harry’s eleventh birthday, a great beetle-eyed giant of a man called Rubeus Hagrid bursts in with some astonishing news: Harry Potter is a wizard, and he has a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. An incredible adventure is about to begin!
Price on Amazon: $8.99 (regularly $10.99)
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4) 1984 by George Orwell 
From the publisher: In 1984, London is a grim city in the totalitarian state of Oceania where Big Brother is always watching you and the Thought Police can practically read your mind. Winston Smith is a man in grave danger for the simple reason that his memory still functions. Drawn into a forbidden love affair, Winston finds the courage to join a secret revolutionary organization called The Brotherhood, dedicated to the destruction of the Party. Together with his beloved Julia, he hazards his life in a deadly match against the powers that be.
Price on Amazon: $9.99
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5) The Unremembered Girl: A Novel by Eliza Maxwell
From the publisher: In the deep woods of East Texas, Henry supports his family by selling bootleg liquor. It’s all he can do to keep his compassionate but ailing mother and his stepfather—a fanatical grassroots minister with a bruising rhetoric—from ruin. But they have no idea they’ve become the obsession of the girl in the woods. Abandoned and nearly feral, Eve has been watching them, seduced by the notion of family—something she’s known only in the most brutal sense. Soon she can’t resist the temptation to get close. Where Henry’s mother sees a poor girl in need, his father sees only wickedness. When Henry forges an unexpected bond with Eve, he believes he might be able to save her. He doesn’t know how wrong he is. Eve is about to take charge of her own destiny—and that of Henry’s family. As both their worlds spin violently out of control, Henry must make an impossible choice: protect the broken woman who’s claimed a piece of his soul, or put everyone he loves at risk in order to do the right thing.
Price on Amazon: $4.99 (regularly $14.95) 
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6) I Am Watching You by Teresa Driscoll 
From the publisher: When Ella Longfield overhears two attractive young men flirting with teenage girls on a train, she thinks nothing of it—until she realises they are fresh out of prison and her maternal instinct is put on high alert. But just as she’s decided to call for help, something stops her. The next day, she wakes up to the news that one of the girls—beautiful, green-eyed Anna Ballard—has disappeared. A year later, Anna is still missing. Ella is wracked with guilt over what she failed to do, and she’s not the only one who can’t forget. Someone is sending her threatening letters—letters that make her fear for her life. Then an anniversary appeal reveals that Anna’s friends and family might have something to hide. Anna’s best friend, Sarah, hasn’t been telling the whole truth about what really happened that night—and her parents have been keeping secrets of their own. Someone knows where Anna is—and they’re not telling. But they are watching Ella.
Price on Amazon: $4.99 (regularly $14.95) 
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7) The Letter by Kathryn Hughes 
From the publisher: Tina Craig longs to escape her violent husband. She works all the hours God sends to save up enough money to leave him, also volunteering in a charity shop to avoid her unhappy home. Whilst going through the pockets of a second-hand suit, she comes across an old letter, the envelope firmly sealed and unfranked. Tina opens the letter and reads it – a decision that will alter the course of her life forever. Billy Stirling knows he has been a fool, but hopes he can put things right. On 4th September 1939 he sits down to write the letter he hopes will change his future. It does – in more ways than he can ever imagine.
Price on Amazon: $1.99 (regularly $13.99) 
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8) Dead Certain: A Novel by Adam Mitzner
From the publisher: Ella Broden is living a double life. By day, Ella works as a buttoned-up attorney on some of the city’s most grueling cases. By night, she pursues her passion for singing in the darkest clubs of Manhattan. No one knows her secret, not even Charlotte, the younger sister she practically raised. But it seems she’s not the only one in the family with something to hide. When Charlotte announces she’s sold her first novel, Ella couldn’t be more thrilled…until she gets a call that her sister’s gone missing. Ella starts investigating with the help of Detective Gabriel Velasquez, an old flame in the NYPD, and what she finds is shocking. If art imitates life, then her sister’s novel may contain details of her real-life affairs. And any one of her lovers could be involved in her disappearance. Desperate to bring Charlotte home, Ella works through her list of suspects, matching fictitious characters with flesh-and-blood men. But will it be too late to save the sister she only thought she knew?
Price on Amazon: $4.99 (regularly $15.95) 
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9) Thug Kitchen: The Official Cookbook: Eat Like You Give a F*ck by Thug Kitchen
From the publisher: Thug Kitchen started their wildly popular web site to inspire people to eat some Goddamn vegetables and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Beloved by Gwyneth Paltrow (“This might be my favorite thing ever”) and named Saveur‘s Best New Food blog of 2013–with half a million Facebook fans and counting–Thug Kitchen wants to show everyone how to take charge of their plates and cook up some real f*cking food. Yeah, plenty of blogs and cookbooks preach about how to eat more kale, why ginger fights inflammation, and how to cook with microgreens and nettles. But they are dull or pretentious as hell–and most people can’t afford the hype. Thug Kitchen lives in the real world. In their first cookbook, they’re throwing down more than 100 vegan recipes for their best-loved meals, snacks, and sides for beginning cooks to home chefs. (Roasted Beer and Lime Cauliflower Tacos? Pumpkin Chili? Grilled Peach Salsa? Believe that sh*t.) Plus they’re going to arm you with all the info and techniques you need to shop on a budget and go and kick a bunch of ass on your own. This book is an invitation to everyone who wants to do better to elevate their kitchen game. No more ketchup and pizza counting as vegetables. No more drive-thru lines. No more avoiding the produce corner of the supermarket. Sh*t is about to get real.
Price on Amazon: $9.99 (regularly $19.50) 
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10) The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
From the publisher: In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-smiths, and Sauron, the Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, filling it with his own power so that he could rule all others. But the One Ring was taken from him, and though he sought it throughout Middle-earth, it remained lost to him. After many ages it fell by chance into the hands of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins. From Sauron’s fastness in the Dark Tower of Mordor, his power spread far and wide. Sauron gathered all the Great Rings to him, but always he searched for the One Ring that would complete his dominion. When Bilbo reached his eleventy-first birthday he disappeared, bequeathing to his young cousin Frodo the Ruling Ring and a perilous quest: to journey across Middle-earth, deep into the shadow of the Dark Lord, and destroy the Ring by casting it into the Cracks of Doom. The Lord of the Rings tells of the great quest undertaken by Frodo and the Fellowship of the Ring: Gandalf the Wizard; the hobbits Merry, Pippin, and Sam; Gimli the Dwarf; Legolas the Elf; Boromir of Gondor; and a tall, mysterious stranger called Strider. This new edition includes the fiftieth-anniversary fully corrected text setting and, for the first time, an extensive new index.
Price on Amazon: $16.99 (regularly $20.00)
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11) Diary of a Wimpy Kid  by Jeff Kinney 
From the publisher: It’s a new school year, and Greg Heffley finds himself thrust into middle school, where undersized weaklings share the hallways with kids who are taller, meaner, and already shaving. The hazards of growing up before you’re ready are uniquely revealed through words and drawings as Greg records them in his diary. In book one of this debut series, Greg is happy to have Rowley, his sidekick, along for the ride. But when Rowley’s star starts to rise, Greg tries to use his best friend’s newfound popularity to his own advantage, kicking off a chain of events that will test their friendship in hilarious fashion.
Price on Amazon: $7.99 (regularly $12.56)
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12) Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 1 by Kieron Gillen
From the publisher: The original Dark Lord of the Sith stars in his first ongoing series! Ever since Darth Vader’s first on-screen appearance, he has become one of pop-culture’s most popular villains. Now, follow Vader straight from the ending of A NEW HOPE (and the pages of the new STAR WARS comic book) into his own solo adventures — showing the Empire’s war with the Rebel Alliance from the other side! But when a Dark Lord needs help, who can he turn to? As Vader pursues a very personal vengeance against the Rebels and investigates the Emperor’s secret machinations, he clashes with weapons scavenger Aphra and deadly Battle Droids, and returns to Geonosis to build an army. But some very powerful people don’t want him to learn the truths he seeks! Guest-starring Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett and more!
Price on Amazon: $2.99 (regularly $10.99) 
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13) Coming Clean: A Memoir by Kimberly Rae Miller
From the publisher: Kimberly Rae Miller is an immaculately put-together woman with a great career, a loving boyfriend, and a beautifully tidy apartment in Brooklyn. You would never guess that behind the closed doors of her family’s idyllic Long Island house hid teetering stacks of aging newspaper, broken computers, and boxes upon boxes of unused junk festering in every room—the product of her father’s painful and unending struggle with hoarding. In this dazzling memoir, Miller brings to life her experience growing up in a rat-infested home, hiding her father’s shameful secret from friends for years, and the emotional burden that ultimately led to her suicide attempt. In beautiful prose, Miller sheds light on her complicated yet loving relationship with her parents, which has thrived in spite of the odds. Coming Clean is a story about recognizing where you come from and understanding the relationships that define you. It is also a powerful story of recovery and redemption.
Price on Amazon: $5.99 (regularly $13.95) 
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14) Two Kinds of Truth by Michael Connelly 
From the publisher: Harry Bosch is back as a volunteer working cold cases for the San Fernando Police Department and is called out to a local drug store where a young pharmacist has been murdered. Bosch and the town’s 3-person detective squad sift through the clues, which lead into the dangerous, big business world of pill mills and prescription drug abuse. Meanwhile, an old case from Bosch’s LAPD days comes back to haunt him when a long-imprisoned killer claims Harry framed him, and seems to have new evidence to prove it. Bosch left the LAPD on bad terms, so his former colleagues aren’t keen to protect his reputation. He must fend for himself in clearing his name and keeping a clever killer in prison. The two unrelated cases wind around each other like strands of barbed wire. Along the way Bosch discovers that there are two kinds of truth: the kind that sets you free and the kind that leaves you buried in darkness.
Price on Amazon: $14.99 (regularly $29.00) 
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15) A River in Darkness: One Man’s Escape from North Korea by Masaji Ishikawa
From the publisher: Half-Korean, half-Japanese, Masaji Ishikawa has spent his whole life feeling like a man without a country. This feeling only deepened when his family moved from Japan to North Korea when Ishikawa was just thirteen years old, and unwittingly became members of the lowest social caste. His father, himself a Korean national, was lured to the new Communist country by promises of abundant work, education for his children, and a higher station in society. But the reality of their new life was far from utopian. In this memoir translated from the original Japanese, Ishikawa candidly recounts his tumultuous upbringing and the brutal thirty-six years he spent living under a crushing totalitarian regime, as well as the challenges he faced repatriating to Japan after barely escaping North Korea with his life. A River in Darkness is not only a shocking portrait of life inside the country but a testament to the dignity—and indomitable nature—of the human spirit.
Price on Amazon: $1.99 (regularly $19.95) 
Buy it here
Shop the full list of best-selling Kindle books here
These brand new Harry Potter books are great additions to your collection
10 literary journalism classics that should be on your reading list
The Introvert Activity Book is perfect for those who find solace in alone time
The Daily Dot may receive a payment in connection with purchases of products or services featured in this article. Click here to learn more.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/here-are-the-best-books-for-your-brand-new-kindle/
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clapyourhandsrec · 6 years
Man Cave Furniture
Man Cave Furniture
You finished your ceiling, so no stray paint drops threaten your floor. You put up your walls, so no dust or chalk litters the room. Knowing the layout of the room, you installed all the plumbing and wiring necessary to suit your needs. Plus, you finished the floor and the whole room looks beautiful. Now what? The furniture, of course! Now that you finished the messy bits of construction, furniture makes up the first part of turning your empty room into a man cave. Furniture sets up the feel and theme of the room and molds how you decorate everything. With all of that stuff out of the way, let’s hook you up with the best man cave furniture around!
For more than just furniture, our detailed list of the best man cave ideas helps you improve your man cave from the ground up!
  Modern Man Cave Furniture
To spruce up a modern man cave, stay away from wooden furniture. Instead, look at leather, fabric, metal, and plastic (yes, I said it, plastic) seating. Naturally, a unique design that features smooth edges and sharp patterns complements a modern room the best. For your man cave couch, modern designs range from expensive to repulsive, so settling for a normal couch works fine. Your furniture sets up your man cave decor, so a black or white couch goes with anything, while a sports-themed couch captures the mood of a game. For more ideas for man cave rooms, check our man cave decor article .
  Flash Furniture Upholstery Recliner
For small man caves, this recliner that allows for additional storage underneath and expands as needed helps to manage space. Plus, the simple base helps keep it safe from potential water damage in poorly insulated garages and sheds. It also swivels, which provides endless entertainment, of course. Compared to the other chairs I recommend, this chair ranks among the most affordable. When fully reclined, it leans back about 50*. This allows you to focus on things in the room without craning your neck!
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  Real Relax Massage Chair Recliner
You know these chairs already. You see them at the mall with quarters attached, charging you two dollars to sit in it for five minutes. And, you know what? These chairs are worth every penny. With a beautiful design that hugs your body and adjusts to your natural sitting angle, this chair provides perfect comfort as you relax in your man cave, watch the big game, or read your favorite book.
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  Man Cave Refrigerators
Use a fridge as one of the founding pieces of furniture in your room. Since they tend to take up a lot of space, situating the room around them makes sense. Otherwise, you end up with a fridge that looks out of place and sits in an inconvenient spot. At the same time, mini fridges or small wine coolers might suit your needs better. It all depends on what you need to keep your snacks stocked for you and any of your guests.
As for actual contents? Keep a variety of beer—with extra of your favorites—along with meats, cheeses, salsa, and soda for whoever winds up the designated driver. Put some chips to the side, and you have yourself a party at a moment’s notice! For smaller or specialized fridges, just drinks works best. Some other man cave ideas for a snacks? Throw in sports drinks for active types, vegetables for your vegan friends, and yogurt for the hipsters. What about personal man caves? Well, no problem! Just hoard all that food for yourself to save a trip to the kitchen.
Of course, these fridges only fill in some needs. For more specialized fridges—along with ways to incorporate them into your man cave theme—check out our main man cave refrigerators page.
  Awesome Man Cave Recliners
After couches and fridges, man cave chairs determine the flow of the room. Chairs facing a TV—in the same direction as a couch—create a home theatre experience. On the other hand, chairs facing inwards create a cozy feel and focuses attention more on people in the room, rather than objects. Desk chairs improve the workshop feel, bar stools fulfill a crucial function, while bowl chairs create a haven of relaxation in your man cave. For rustic man cave ideas, wooden chairs go a long way to completing the theme. Now you see why chairs make such a difference in a room!
Ultimately, your relaxation requirements determine what sort of chairs go into your room. Cheap, decorative, and thematic chairs might look great with your man cave theme and keep your wallet nice and fat, but their comfort proves lacking if you only go after those traits. Always look at reviews for online recliners to spare you some strife. Regardless of decoration or function, make sure your butt likes those cushions, because you’ll be sitting in them for a while!
  Double Reclining Sofa, Brown Bonded Leather
Although I never tried this couch myself, my dad uses one in his own man cave. It feels so satisfying sinking into the plush leather after a long day to watch some TV, drink a little, and chill out. The two end chairs extend to become a recliner. A companion double seat also includes two recliners, although the main sofa seats more than enough. Combine both of them with a corner wine holder and enjoy the fine life! It assembles very quickly and—I can’t emphasize enough—feels incredibly cozy to sit in. Let’s just say I’m jealous of my dad.
Buy from Amazon
  3 Double Reclining Sofa, Brown Bonded Leather
For larger man caves, seating a whole party proves difficult with a single couch. This triple seat couch lets you squeeze five or six people easily to enjoy a party game—as long as they sacrifice a little personal space! On your own, this provides a wonderful place to lie down. It feels more comfy than a mattress, so be careful sitting in it late at night!
Buy from Amazon
  Homelegance 9668BLK-1 Glider Reclining Chair
With a sleek design and cozy leather material, this chair easily extends a leather couch of the same color and blends in with every type of man cave theme. It leans back just enough to give you a good view of the room—that means no staring at the ceiling while trying to sit normally!
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  Man Cave Bar Furniture
For your man cave garage, your furniture needs to withstand the weather and various temperatures it brings. In the same way, the furniture for a man cave bar needs to stand up to the abuse of constant use from yourself and your guests. High-quality seats stay looking newer for longer, while craftsman-grade bar shelves keep off stains and hold plenty of mix materials. Add to that your coolers and neon man cave signs , and you create the perfect bar right there in your own sanctuary. Finish your plumbing system—if necessary—before you look into bar furniture. For those without a sink nearby, I recommend keeping a little minifridge behind the counter for mixed drinks, where applicable.
Our man cave bar feature goes into all the furniture you need.
  Emerald Home T100-0 Chandler Cocktail Table, Wood
This wonderful rustic coffee table contains two layers to store magazines, books, games, remotes, and anything else you frequently need as you relax in the cave. Its sturdy material keeps it looking great over the years. The natural texture of this wooden coffee table keeps coffee rings and scratches hidden!
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  Anya & Niki Teak Wood Coffee Table, Unique Design Sturdy and Easy to Assemble
For rustic man caves, wood furniture takes priority. This unique teak wood coffee table looks different from piece to piece, ensuring your man cave looks unique! Assemble it in just a few moments and easily move it when needed. Without extra shelves beneath it, it gives you a lot of leg space for when you relax on the couch.
Buy from Amazon
  Small Man Cave Furniture
Man cave ideas for a small room center around managing your furniture and ensuring it serves its function while taking up little space. In example, a man cave coffee table contains multiple compartments for storing books, tools, beer, remotes, games, and anything imaginable. Small coolers and cabinets coexist to cut down on space. Suspend as much of your large and bulky furniture up onto the wall. This includes shelving, your TV screen, games, wires, and stereo system. For very small man cave ideas, consider adding multiple layers to your room. Even a small raised platform helps to hide games, electronics, unused furniture, and so on. The more vertical space you use, the more the space between your furniture expands!
  Chicago Gaming Signature Foosball Coffee Table
Place this table at the center of your room to provide both function and some stress relief. If you deal with kids in your daily life, putting them in charge of this table while you chill in the room doing other things keeps them occupied. Of course, it also works for drunk adults. Check out my detailed man cave idea page for more fun things to put in the center of the room!
Buy from Amazon
  Coaster Country Style Coffee Table
For super rustic designs or steampunk designs, the wheeled coffee table fills your room with flavor. On top of that, it perfectly matches industrial rooms and workshop-themed man caves. In small mancaves, roll it to the side of the room and place it upright to save space, when necessary. Take it out for game days or when you invite guests over!
Buy from Amazon
    The Very Best Man Cave Furniture
In the end, it’s your room, with your rules. Any sort of furniture that improves your comfort and experience in the room works…even if that piece of furniture is a giant bean bag! Hopefully these recommendations help you start setting up your man cave furniture! Since furniture determines the whole layout of your room, you need to select carefully and coordinate everything together. Walking up to a garage sale and picking up the cheapest antiques might work for cheap man cave ideas, but a good man cave unifies their room with a direction visible in every piece. From the floor to the ceiling, every sign, clock, chair, and entertainment system flows together.
The very best man cave furniture captures the essence of the room and enhances it, adding to it both with function and aesthetics. As long as you keep that in mind while browsing for furniture, your man cave will stand out from the rest as a spectacular achievement! We write more about the best man cave ideas here and cover far more than just furniture. Take advantage of all the tools and resources at your fingertips and start building today!
The post Man Cave Furniture appeared first on TrueManCave.
from TrueManCave https://www.truemancave.com/man-cave-furniture/
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
17 Things Everyone Must Eat In Dublin
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/17-things-everyone-must-eat-in-dublin/
17 Things Everyone Must Eat In Dublin
Get eating.
1. Coco Pop French Toast at San Lorenzo’s
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San Lorenzo’s
Famous for its #brunchofchampions, this George’s St restaurant underwent a revamp last year and the result is queues out the door every weekend.
We debated about which dish was the must-eat (think Nutella cheesecake or eggs royale with caviar and champagne) but this won. It comes with salted caramelised bananas and peanut butter, and is both a beauty and a beast.
€12.95, Saturdays and Sundays 10am – 4pm.
2. Mixed Meat Plate at My Meat Wagon
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My Meat Wagon
Not able to choose which smoker-cooked BBQ meat you prefer? Get ‘em all on a platter, literally.
Beef brisket, pork belly, ribs, chicken and an onion ring come with choice of two sides. We dig the slaw and hand cut chips but if you must go for even more meat, you can choose a side of sausage. Get thee to Smithfield to try this.
€17.95, open Tuesday – Sunday
3. Truffle Pasta with Charred Asparagus and Parmesan at Fade St Social
On the Tapas menu, this veggie dish is plate-licking good. Rich and creamy without being too much, it’s posh comfort food that won’t break the bank. And hey, asparagus is an aphrodisiac you know…
€9.50, daily from 5-10pm
4. Fish Finger Sandwich and chips at Super Miss Sue
SMS has a functioning chipper attached to its two restaurants. The cafe next door is famous for its oysters, but the takeaway is the most drool-inducing.
This dish consists of thick sliced bread, fish fingers, mushy peas and tartare sauce – perfection. Get it with a side of chips, and if you’re feeling wild, stick a couple in to your sarnie. GET IN.
€7, 12-12 weekdays, 12 noon-3am Friday and Saturday.
5. Jerk Chicken Salad at Staple Foods
Well known for its vegan options, Staple Foods is somewhere to grab a healthy bite in Temple Bar for lunch or an early dinner.
Not veggie but still wholesome, their Jerk Chicken salad is a thing of beauty for meat eaters mainly due to the fact that its crowned with a divine dollop of chilli jam. Lots of shredded chicken, veg and beans means it fills you up too, so it’s well worth the €10 you pay for it.
12-5pm daily.
6. Gambas Benedict at White Friar Grill
WFG is well known for both its brunch offerings and its ribs’n’ rump dinners.
The gambas at brunch is worth trying simply because it’s so unusual. Eggs Benedict with delicious prawns (with the head and tail still on), avocado salsa, wilted baby spinach and a citrusy Hollandaise, as well as a side of home fries. It hits every tastebud and then some.
€10.95, Saturday and Sunday 10.30-4pm.
7. Cheeseburger and home cut fries at Bunsen
The title of best burger in Dublin is a hotly contested one, but Bunsen cinched it because its menu revolves entirely around delicious beef patties with all the trimmings.
Choose single or double, bun or none, and a side of fries (you can get sweet potato chips too), and that’s it. Simple, yet incredibly good. We recommend going the whole hog when it comes to salad and dressing, and getting your burger well done. Single cheesburger, €7.45. Open daily. Gluten-free bun available.
8. A 99 at Teddy’s
This Dun Laoghaire institution is known around the country for its specialty cones, and has queues even in the winter. Keep it simple with a cone with a flake and lashings of strawberry sauce.
€2.50. Open daily.
9. Spicy Chicken Wings at Elephant and Castle
An odd mix of tourist hotspot and local favourite, the Temple Bar institution is famous for its wings. Tribeca in Ranelagh is a close second, but a basket of these are the best.
Crispy and spicy without just being hot for the sake of it, and nice and meaty too, they’re a total treat. And the blue cheese dressing is insane.
€13. Open daily
10. Burrito at Boojum
Another place where the queues do the talking, Boojum always seems busy and has recently opened a second branch on Kevin Street.
Choose a white or brown tortilla, meat, rice, beans, veg and toppings, watch them expertly wrap it up and devour. Those watching the carbs can ditch the wrap for a bowl.
From €5.95. Open daily. Vegetarian option available
11. Pizza Slice at DiFontaine’s
Relocated from the heart of Temple Bar to its outskirts on Parliament St, the pizza quality hasn’t dipped.
Authentic New York slices, these are thick, doughy and cheesy and toppings are top notch. We like ours simple, the 10th Street is just cheese and pepperoni for only €3.
Open daily, delivery option available for full pizza. Vegetarian option available
12. Sunday Roast at Brookwood
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This relatively new steak and seafood house on Baggot St is trying to make #lunchisthenewbrunch happen. And with a roast like this, it might just.
A half joint serves two people but a full one would do three hungry souls. It comes with Yorkshire puddings, veg and delicious gravy, but any sane person will order Parmesan fries too… oh, and the cocktails are half price on a Sunday!
€32.50 for a half roast. Served Sundays, 1-8pm
13. Stir Fried French Bean with Chilli at M&L Chinese
This north inner city restaurant cranks out proper food you would actually find in Sichuan. This veggie dish is one of their most popular, and one of the chef’s recommendations also.
€10, available daily
14. Scotch Egg at L Mulligan Grocer
The Mulligan’s menu is old-skool Irish, but with a modern twist. Miley Cyrus even wandered out to Dublin 7 to sample the goods when she visited Dublin last year.
The Scotch Egg is a starter, pork and egg wrapped in breadcrumbs, it’s absolutely delicious and comes with dijon mayo and “Mulligmaloe” relish for dipping.
€6.50, available daily, vegetarian option available
15. Moroccan Special at Brother Hubbard
Breakfast in Dublin can often be very samey (another Full Irish, you say?) but Capel St’s Brother Hubbard is changing that with their eastern influenced brekkie dishes.
This is a mix of softened veggies including aubergine, chickpea and tomato, with two poached eggs floating in it and served with spinach and sourdough. Non veggies can add chorizo or salmon.
€9.95, available every day until 5pm
16. Lamb Doner at Zaytoon
The star of many an after party, Zaytoon is a thing of legend in the capital. Two branches, Temple Bar and Camden Street, serve spectacular kebabs, but the lamb doner is the stand out.
Perfectly marinaded and tender, with fresh bread and excellent sauces, no other kebab compares. Plus it’s not even frowned upon to eat Zaytoon in the day time, which is how you know it’s actually great.
€9, open daily
17. Cronuts at The Marker Hotel
Chef Gareth Mullins brought these beauties to Irish shores after having them in New York. They’ve been often imitated but never bettered, and the Marker sell them by the box in the morning and on their breakfast menu.
A croissant/donut hybrid, they’re absolutely to die for – and flavours vary, so you kinda have to try them all…
€2.50 each, available daily
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/vickinotaro/most-delicious-dishes-in-dublin
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punknrasslin · 7 years
PCW Road To Glory 2018
Show 2 & 3 of a 4 day weekend then, hence why I’m writing these one by one in the week after the shows. Status- tired. In dire need of a weeks nap & strong coffee. Can now recite the whole vegan Spoons menu, by the time this year is out it’ll be bedded in my brain for all eternity.
So, onto PCW then. Usual home venue here of Evoque, conveniently located in between a Yates & Fishers with a Spoons (the old faithful) opposite side of the road. With many takeaways within staggering distance for those who are into that. Evoque prices considering this is a club aren’t awful. £3 for a Vodka Diet Coke. Was sat front row for this one, sat to the right of the aisle with a fantastic ringside view. Defiantly worth the few extra pounds!
Two shows a day as per PCW rule, one afternoon one evening with a 9PM finish. The afternoon show begins with a quarter final RTG Tournament match between Dean Allmark & ‘Loose Ledge’ Adam Brooks. Course with it being an afternoon encounter we begin with Allmark ‘Dabbing’ on request along with referee Des & Brooks half heartedly. It appeals to the family audience it’s a comic relief for the kids but I personally don’t get it. Good match though & Allmark advances.
We move on to the second tournament of the event then to the Tag Teams. Polo Promotions getting eliminated (any wise fans will of noticed they were booked in Carlisle in the evening so no shock). Not a fan of Polo myself but each to their own. Also elsewhere, a newly reformed Team Single advance. But I must point out one name here not just for in ring ability but also fan interaction. Sugar. Dunkerton. Ever watched the Raw after mania & heard the crowd chants & thought ‘they really get this guy he’s over’. It’s that but in a nightclub in Preston. Reworking Sugar Sugar by The Archers into Dunkertons name. Kudos to the boys for that one provided me with endless amusement & it was truly a moment to say ‘I was there’. Sugar, Do Do Do Do Do Do...
Must really focus on the matches here though. The afternoon main event was one of the best I’ve seen in a while, certainly the best PCW have offered up in a while, between Mat ‘Bro!’ Riddle & Zack Sabre JNR. Edge of the seat stuff from bell to bell, truly fantastic in ring contest. If this opens new eyes to the Indy style of British Wrestling then so be it it’s a fantastic starting point for those newer to the scene.
One minor criticism here, PCW only allowing an hour between show 1 & 2. Including a meet & greet with a current wwe roster member (Apollo Crews). Baffling really but I guess needs must for a 9PM finish. In ring photos with Apollo for £10, usual. Still time for the Spoons noodles & a decent view of the afternoon rugby between England & Wales.
The evening show then & it’s Semi Finals time. The only match I didn’t get out of the singles matches was ironically between the 2 biggest names on the card. Moose vs Apollo Crews (referred to here as his Indy character Uhaa Nation). It’s for some not for me, sections of the crowd seemed a little distracted during it but the kids were impressed to see 2 men usually seen on their tele on the flesh. Dean Allmark vs Sabre JNR was more my thing on paper but when it came down to it, bit of a anti climax. Sabre looking unhappy after the match also, but it sets up a an Allmark Crews final.
I must touch more on the tag semi final here but what I really mean is I must mention the crowd reaction to the Dunkamania/Big T & Tel Match. Which couldn’t start for the first 5 minuted due to, well, a very loud crowd reaction to Dunkerton. Tel playing his heel perfect diving into the loudest section of fans & trying to silence them. Of course it only makes them louder. And of course this chant goes well into the match & even continues as interval entertainment which apparently was streamed instead of commercial on Powerbomb.TV so kudos Andy, Geoff & the lads for that one, which I believe began with a simple Simpsons related tweet. It started on Twitter it ended with a room full of people catching on & clapping, singing, dancing. Truly never smiled so much at a show!!! Still got the darned tune in my head!
Moving on from crowd movements, it’s into the two finals we go. Firstly, the tags. Team Single taking on Tel & Big T (booooooooooooOoooooo, Dunk were over as). The tag final wasn’t bad, Tel is a good heel playing off the little guy using a bigger tag partner to win matches. It nearly worked but Single emerge as newly crowned tag champs. So TBone is now both PCW Champion & one half of the tag champs.
Singles final then the winner getting a future title shot. Allmark going up against wwe raws Apollo ‘Uhaa Nation’ Crews. Logic here says Allmark will win seeing as Uhaa is shall we say otherwise employed in the states. And it does end that way but it’s a big match for Dean who steps up to the bigger stage well. An ambassador of British Wrestling who’s now getting recognition. Future title shot for him.
All in all, a good show. PCW have pulled out the big guns for this with brining Uhaa back 1 night only to bring in the casuals. A decent sized crowd, bigger than usual for PCW. Had the delight of catching up with some old friends here too, as this was the first promotion I really went to regularly. In recent years their crowds have somewhat dwindled but with the card, plus the fact it’s RTG it bring a fair few faces back.
Headed to bed to blog about Fridays Liverpool trip after the event, no post-wres partying. Hey, a man gotta rest. Had to be up Sunday for Progress!
All in all, a great middle of a stacked weekend. Blog number 3 covering sundays graps up soon I promise. And as those who attended will know, it was a bit of a good one. Have a lovely week all and I’ll put a little something up in a couple of days.
Blog soundtracked by.. The Archers. YOU ARE MY DUNKERTOOOON & YOU GOT ME WATCHING YOU! A 1, 2, 3, 4.. SUGAR!!!!!!!
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Girls’ Trip Guide to Las Vegas on New Year’s Eve
Las Vegas is the ultimate New Year’s Eve destination. While it is a perfect party city at any time of year, there’s nothing like ringing in the new year there. I started 2017 in Vegas, and it’s definitely a midnight hot spot.
Ready to start counting down to 2018? Here’s the lowdown on going to Las Vegas for New Year’s Eve.
What to Expect
The strip closes down to cars from 7pm to 3am– that means walking only and lots of car traffic. Be prepared by leaving lots of time between activities in case of delays.
Book everything in advance. The earlier you can start planning your trip, the better! New Year’s Eve reservations tend to fill up months in advance.
Prepare to pay a lot. From accommodations, to cover charges, to food and drink, New Year’s Eve in Vegas comes with a lot of extra costs.
Where to Stay for New Year’s Eve
The Venetian Las Vegas: A five-star suite on the Strip? There’s no better way to start the new year in style! It’s home to the second largest casino in the world (the numero uno honor now goes to its sister property, the Venetian Macao in Macau).
Palazzo: I love the chic, oversize rooms here! With suites at nearly twice the size of your average Las Vegas hotel room, the Palazzo has the largest standard suite on the Strip.
Encore at Wynn: The Encore Tower Suites are the premier VIP experience. With its exclusive Tower Suites pool, a private entrance, and complimentary in-room breakfast, I always feel pampered here.
The Morning of New Year’s Eve
Head to brunch and get the party started!
EAT: I love this place for classic comfort food. And, thanks to the sustainable and organic ingredients, it doesn’t feel quite so much like a guilty pleasure.
Andre’s Bistro: A little more French style, this brunch comes with all the butter, sugar and delicious pastries you could ever want.
Herringbone: Enjoy a leisurely brunch here on the comfy outdoor patio that overlooks the pool. There is so much variety on the menu that you will have endless combinations of dishes to try.
Makers & Finders: This adorable coffee shop also serves up a mean Latin style brunch!
Activities During the Day in Las Vegas 
Visit Seven Magic Mountains: Open from May 2016 to May 2018, the Seven Magic Mountains in the Ivanpah Valley just outside of Las Vegas is a must-see. This vibrant installation in front of the vast landscape of the Nevada desert is truly unique.
See a show: Las Vegas really does have world-class entertainment. From music to magic to comedy, there is something going on every night of the week.
Get your photo in front of the Vegas sign: Snap a pic to document your time in Vegas in front of the iconic “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada” sign!
Prepare for New Year’s Eve
Get your hair did at Dry Bar in the mall: My hair is always either straight or in a fun bun, so for New Year’s Eve I left it up to the professionals to help me out. The ladies at Dry Bar gave me the perfect look plus a fun little pre-party cocktail!
Get your nails done at the Essie salon: Go for some gold or silver glitter polish to match your NYE outfit.
Shop: Las Vegas is one of my favorite spots in the world to go shopping. From the Grand Canal Shoppes at The Venetian to the Forum Shops at Caesars Palace to the Las Vegas North Premium Outlets, there are so many amazing shops here where you can find the perfect party dress!
Helpful Tip: Pick up a pair flip flops before going out, because you’re likely gonna have to walk back to your hotel after midnight and it can be a far and cold walk. They really saved our lives!
Pre-NYE Party
Helicopter Tour over the Strip: There is nothing like seeing the Las Vegas completely lit up from the sky. Sundance Helicopters offers an impressive selection of tours!
High Roller Happy Hour: Drinks at 550 feet above Vegas? You can spend 30 minutes in a cabin on the High Roller with an open bar and incredible views.
Dinner Spots for New Year’s Eve
HEXX at Paris Las Vegas: An ideal location to watch the Bellagio fountains, the HEXX has tasty food and a fun chocolate exhibition kitchen. Be sure to check out the Chocolate Bean-to-Bar Tasting & Education.
Beauty & Essex: When is the last time you rocked a sequin dress? In Vegas, there is always an excuse to glam it up. The Beauty & Essex has a vintage vibe and delish food that is great for a pre or post-NYE celebration. Take note, though, they’re open for only dinner.
Giada at the Cromwell: Celeb chef Giada De Laurentiis knows a thing or two about good food, and she is serving up first-class cuisine seven days a week at her California-inspired Italian eatery.
Lago at Bellagio: The best way to kick off the new year is with an epic fountain show, courtesy of the Bellagio. With delish vegan and gluten-free choices, there is something here that everybody in your group will like.
Libertine Social at Mandalay Bay: With award-winning chefs, novel cocktails, and a fresh take on classic American dishes, this place is a foodie’s dream.
Where to Ring in the New Year
Unique Experiences
High Roller at The LINQ Hotel & Casino: How can you pass up the world’s tallest Ferris wheel? Bring your camera, and get ready for your best Vegas selfies.
Minus 5 Ice Bar: There’s nothing cooler in Vegas than the ninety tons of ice that have been turned into a winter wonderland full of fun, interactive ice sculptures.
Absinthe at Caesars Palace: It’s easy to see why Absinthe is considered one of the best shows in Vegas history. An incredible blend of cabaret and acrobatics, this is unlike any other show around.
Lounges and Bars
Chandelier: This über chic spot has signature drinks and a multilevel setup with three unique bar experiences.
Commonwealth: Be sure to hit up downtown Vegas on New Year’s Eve and check out this swanky cocktail bar.
Mandarin Bar: With floor-to-ceiling windows offering unbeatable views of the Strip, this is the place to grab a one-of-a-kind cocktail.
The Dorsey at The Venetian: Dance the night away to one of its first-class DJs, or chill on the couch and chat with your besties over drinks at this local fave.
XS: The ultimate party spot, the XS club has top-notch DJs and a swimming pool. Although it’s a bit too cold on NYE to really enjoy the outdoor portions of XS, they should top your summer to-do list.
JEWEL Nightclub at ARIA Resort & Casino: This ultra sleek club has top DJs pretty much every night of the week. Check out its VIP experience for an unforgettable New Year’s Eve.
Marquee: One of Vegas’s hottest clubs to see and be seen, this trendy locale has multiple dance floors and a pool deck.
Hakasan: This is one of the best places to hit on any occasion, especially New Year’s Eve. And, unlike most clubs, it has some great food.
Tao: Another place for amazing Asian food and endless entertainment, TAO is the perfect spot to party the night away.
New Year’s Day
Power through the pain, and take a helicopter over the Grand Canyon: One of my best memories from Vegas is flying over the Grand Canyon. There is so much to see beyond the bright lights of the city, and I highly recommend getting out and seeing the desert. The view of the Grand Canyon from above is breathtaking.
Kick the Hangover with Bloody Marys at Yardbird: It’s not easy to get good old-fashioned Southern comfort food when you’re traveling abroad, so I always make a beeline for places like Yardbird when I’m home. This indulgent, from-scratch grub is, as they say, soul healin’ and their classic Bloody Mary is the perfect drink to start the new year right!
Go to the speedway and race: Feeling the need for speed? Head over to the racetrack for a dose of adrenaline and a little driving competition.
Shop My New Year’s Eve looks!
READ NEXT: The Ultimate Girlfriend Getaway Guide to Las Vegas
Read More
Flying Over the Grand Canyon with Maverick Helicopters
The Best Destinations for New Year’s Eve Celebrations
17 Unforgettable Trips to Take in 2017
The Ultimate Guide to Solo Female Travel
 How to Avoid Overpacking for a Trip
Girls’ Trip Guide to Las Vegas on New Year’s Eve is a post from: The Blonde Abroad
via Travel Blogs http://ift.tt/2w7T211
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amygriffissourkitty · 7 years
50 under $50: The Ultimate Guide to Bridesmaids Gifts on a Budget
Finding the perfect gifts for your bridesmaids can be a challenge, especially if you’re a bride on a budget. Well, we’re here to help! From bridesmaids robes to gorgeous jewelry, we’ve hunted down 50 awesome bridesmaids gifts under $50.
Robes are white hot right now, so we’re going to kick off this list with these soft and luxurious robes from LeRoseGifts .
Want something a little more colorful? Try these floral robes from silkandmore.
How pretty are these bridesmaid PJ shorts from LeRoseGifts? You can wear them with matching robes (also under $50).
Make your wedding even more fun with these monogrammed oversized bridesmaids shirts from SweetThoughtBoutique.
Not only are these blue robes from SincerelySofiDesigns soft and comfy, they also photograph beautifully for those ‘getting ready’ shots.
Now, onto some bath and body products that will ensure your bridesmaids are pampered before the big day!
Can you believe that this luxurious rose spa day gift set from HomemadeSimplyMom is under 50$! Yes, please!
Make sure your girls look and feel their best on your wedding day with this SkinFoodByAB body care gift set.
This lovely spa set from Lizush includes all-natural products like Lavender Natural Soap Bar and Lavender Body Oil. At this price, you’ll want to order one for yourself as well!
Watch your bridesmaids’ eyes light up when they open this awesome fairy cake bath and body gift set from SugarMilkCo. Plus, it’s only $20!
Are you planning a destination wedding? If so, there isn’t a more perfect gift than this Palm Leaf travel spa set from LittleFlowerSoapCo.
At only $16, thiss amazing, unique gift bath and body gift set from KayaSoaps is affodable – and fabulous!
You may have noticed these beauties featured in the box above. This set of four solid lotion bars from KayaSoaps includes scents like Matcha green tea and Rose & Ylang Ylang.
Relaxation in a box. That is the only way to describe this deluxe spa set from DaveandAthena.
Keep your bridesmaids’ skin soft and smooth for the wedding with this detoxifying pink clay face mask from FormularyFiftyFive. You can attach it to your bridesmaid proposal cards.
It’s no wonder that this spa gift set from LittleFlowerSoapCo is selling like hotcakes!
Keep it natural with this aromatic handmade bath gift set from LittleFlowerSoapCo.
Delight your bridesmaids with this Rose and Ylang Ylang skincare set from EvyJoAndCo.
Wedding cake sugar scrub and a bridal bouquet scented candle from lulusugar? Is there a better gift to propose to your bridesmaids?
Now onto edible gifts. For a gift that intrigues both the mind and soul, choose this organic tea gift set from DaveandAthena
This fabulous chocolate bar set from AlicjaConfections is the perfect treat for a fun bunch of gals.
If design and flavor is what your after, this blush pink tea canister with honey black tea from WolfTeaSelect is the match for you
Choose three of six scrumptious flavors for this marshmallow sampler pack from whimsyandspice.
Kids at heart and gourmet foodies alike will enjoy this gourmet S’mores Kit from whimsyandspice. You could also include some of whimsyandspice‘s other goodies like chocolate butterscotch bars, or chocolate espresso brownies  for the sweetest gift imaginable.
Jewelry is the perfect bridesmaids gift. No one will ever guess that these dainty, sparkling druzy necklaces from BareandMe are under $50.
This gorgeous rose gold initial necklace from RiverValleyJewelry is the perfect keepsake for the bridal party.
Looking for the perfect way to propose (to your bridesmaids of course)? They’ll be delighted to receive these peach champagne jewelry sets from ForTheMaids.
At only $10 each, you can give these simple and sweet hear knot rings from hoopsbyhand in a little gift package.
Cranes are symbolic for love in many countries and myths, so this rose gold  origami crane necklace from OliveYewJewels is the ideal gift for your girls!
Isn’t this druzy necklace from chipandchisel a stunner? With 14 carat gold and natural blue druzy, $42 is a great deal!
Make your bridesmaids feel extra special with this gold bangle from georgiedesigns.
Looking for a beautiful personalized keepsake for your bridesmaids? Look no further! This rose gold name bracelet from BurntHoneyJewelry will be worn long after the wedding.
If what you want is a delicate piece that will be treasured forever, this swallow bird layered necklace from studiomirage is the choice for you!
Add some romantic glam to your bridesmaid outfits with this flower deer ring from TedandMag. Complete the look with a matching necklace.
Everyone enjoys getting something customized. Why not choose this simple, custom hand stamped necklace from PinkTwig?
Keep it minimalist with these gold stud earrings from PinkTwig.
Planning a boho wedding? These tricolor resin bands from daimblond are the perfect addition!
Clutches and makeup bags are great gifts. They’re fun and functional and can be used on your wedding day. This cactus makeup bag from NJsBoutiqueCo is so on trend!
How perfect would these personalized makeup bags from SassyGalsWisdom look in your getting ready shots? You’re gals will adore them!
Give your girls a compliment with these “You’re like really pretty” makeup bags from PCBHome.
Keep everyone smiling with these Hello Gorgeous makeup bags from DesignByRube.
Blush is very popular right now, and rightfully so! Keep on trend and include these beautiful monogrammed blush clutches from  MamaBleuDesigns in your bridesmaids’ gifts.
We’re obsessed with this envelope clutch from LudaMelnick. It’s sleek, stylish and best of all, made from vegan leather, so no animals were harmed.
Shades including lavender and blush combine to create this lovely clutch from DavieandChiyo that is both sweet and romantic.
Personalizing an item takes it from a gift to a keepsake. This personalized floral mug from FaithanddreamsGifts is cute and useful.
Your girls will love these personalized champagne flutes from FoxblossomCo. Add a bottle of champagne with a custom label for a little more fun!
Pretty and feminine, this custom floral journal from boRann will have everyone taking up journaling, if they haven’t already.
These gorgeous floral compact mirrors from ModParty are the perfect way to pop the question to your bridesmaids. You can place a “will you be my bridesmaid” note inside for a sweet surprise.
How about this lovely custom jewelry box from SugarAndChicShop?
Keep your bridesmaids’ clothes in order with these personalized hangers from TheHeartCollective. They’re especially helpful if your bridesmaids have matching dresses. After the wedding, they can use the hanger at home and be reminded of your wedding each time they wear their fave dress.
And finally, our last item is for the all the boho lovers out there! These whimsical dream catchers are from MeadowandMoss.
*This post contains Etsy affiliate links
The post 50 under $50: The Ultimate Guide to Bridesmaids Gifts on a Budget appeared first on Intimate Weddings - Small Wedding Blog - DIY Wedding Ideas for Small and Intimate Weddings - Real Small Weddings.
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