#plus this tv show retcons things like itll get a fucking award for it like what do you really wanna call canon here.
doctorwhoisadhd · 3 years
Using they/them pronouns for a specific regeneration of the Doctor is misgendering them. Just because you think they/them pronouns are more 'progressive' or are somehow necessary to make them more genderqueer or something doesn't make those the pronouns they use and nonbinary people can use he/him and she/her pronouns, its actually more transphobic to use they/them for a character who doesn't, even if they are just a fictional character.
listen i really appreciate that you feel strongly enough about what i do with my time on the internet to send me, a nonbinary + trans + genderqueer person, this ask, but the doctor is not written as trans. the doctor is written as weird, and eccentric, by cis people, and i have chosen to interpret them as trans because i relate to them. the doctor is not human and, more importantly, not real.
so my question for YOU is this: i once read a fic — written by a trans man for self-fulfillment, of course — that portrayed rose tyler as a trans man, and used he/him pronouns, and called him ryan, and are you going to find the author of that fic and send this ask to them? because it's not productive to claim that someone who is HEADCANONING A CHARACTER AS THE SAME FLAVOR OF NOT CIS AS THEY ARE is being transphobic. it's not. it's really, really not.
the doctor is not written as a trans man (or cis man!) who exclusively uses he/him pronouns, and nor are they written as a trans woman (again, or cis woman) who exclusively uses she/her pronouns. they're not. they are, largely, written by cis people, and not cis people who would think of them as trans (in the TV show). YES, it WOULD probably be transphobic if i continued to refer to them with they/them if any of that were canon. but to my knowledge, the doctor has not come out and said in ANY piece of media that they ONLY use x set of pronouns.
and what would you say if in the TV show, the doctor canonically spoke with people in a language that had no "gendered" pronouns? are you going to fucking go after the writers for canonizing a character referring to the doctor with pronouns that aren't the english "he" or "she"? because across languages, whether it's context or whatever, pronouns change! there's not an english equivalent to everything, and not everything in english has a perfect equivalent in every other language!
stop it. stop sending me asks like this. it really, truly does not matter. you are a stranger on the internet to me, and i am a stranger on the internet to you. we don't have to agree. we don't have to listen to each other. and this, with all due respect, is an INCREDIBLY STUPID thing to accuse someone of transphobia over. i genuinely hope you have a nice day.
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