#plus with him being such an immature/lost dude..... where is your father boy...........
Minami Anon x3 but so real………. Yeah idk how old he's meant to be but he very much gives me like 21-30 35 at oldest age range vibes. Which I think/agree is a factor in Why He Is Like That. I know its technically noncanon but i also think a lot about the implications of Minami once never drinking but then when he discovered fire breathing he started drinking 24/7 from this one scene w Majima in dead souls like hmmmmmmm….. wonder what’s going on there buddy…….. something you'd like to share with the class Minami about how you perceive yourself/any potential wants for attention. Anyways it’s okay if the you sound untranslatable I understand and also relate to that feeling of 24/7 thinking i come across as incomprehensible 💖 no pressure to do so but I would personally love to read that Saejima teacher ramble and how it affects Minami etc etc also
ohhh man it's canon. if we're taking rggo's scraps as having some relevancy then dead souls absolutely is canon. and more importantly, its canon TO ME (takes consecutive puffs of my copium inhaler)
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yeah i had this at the ready. yeah. i tear my shirt open and it has "the line from dead souls where Majima outs Minami as a fucking square" tattooed across my chest. not the line itself but those exact words. i cannot describe how his charm shot thru the fucking roof to me when i heard he used to be completely straight edge!! what a fucking dork!! come here i'm giving you a wedgie boy
and then the ehhhh half-subjective half-objective tragedy of him succumbing to a vice to the point of functional alcoholism (or currently functional aud as some folks call it, which is unfortunate naming conventions for those who use australian currency) implying he's been a "pretty good drinker" for an extended amount of time. and the kicker is majima totally could not care less. there's no evidence to Him Specifically being the one who got Minami to drink but it's absolutely regular Family practice, if the boy wants to fit in with the Majimagumi he needs to top up!
hc shit-i-made-up territory but i LIKE to believe that Majima personally influenced him this way during whatever limited time they had in direct contact with each other (cause while you COULD have their dynamic between a twat who signed up + the twat who runs the business and nothing more its not as fun. a little too parasocial methinks) but this is 99% due to me finding a song that makes me imagine the perfect sequence for this (dont get me.started on Majimagumi songs. i like to delude myself into thinking i'll animate to one of them eventually). also considering the kind of man Majima was during Shimano-servant-era i feel like it wouldnt be too out of character. he's not a malicious person but by god he does stupid shit and hurts people so much in so many horrific ways he could not care less about putting some highschool level peer-pressure shit on the new recruit just because he's Bored. what's one more hurt person in the grand scheme of things.
Alllso... getting back on track..? WHY was Minami straight edge in the first place. it could be any reason under the sun but the way it's worded here really sounds like it took a lot of willpower to break his resolve to just have a sip, just tryyyyyyy it, yadda yadda. if Minami is as punk as i totally project unto him to be, then he'd be no stranger to lives lived in excess..... i could not tell you for certain that Straight-Edge was a Punk Thing in pre-2010 Japan whatsoever. an attitude, sure, but i'm talking music scene shit........ however, gigs involve lots of booze at the bare minimum regardless of country. 'tis just the way of life. and 'tis a plausible outlet for WHY he seemed to have such a strong unwillingness to drink....
you know, outside of other stuff like experiences with friends and family. those can work too. those are considerably more sad and personal... those can work alongside gig culture shit. i dont have anything explicitly outlined but its definitely something i'd like to write for him... make up a little backstory so i can maybe explore some themes that RGG wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, like addiction. it interests me a lot and getting it somewhat RIGHT interests me a lot. i know for sure RGG would fuck it up LMAO
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theartist-duke-nise · 4 years
✌🏾Nise Lyfe Movie Part 1
Inspired By Real people, Real Relationships, and Fake Events
*Riding down the street, leaning on window smoking and driving. Credits go by. Flatbush zombies song Bumps. Phone rings, music stops*
Duke: hello??
Greg: Ayo Duke
Duke: Yo wuddup nigga
Greg: Aye bro, you got your strap??
*Duke looks down at cup holder* Duke: Always!
Greg: Listen bro, I need you to come pick me and Mark up rightnow and not ask me any questions.... you down or what??
Duke: .....................where you at??
Black screen
CHAPTER 1: The Story
Female Narrator:
Black Americans ...... Culture.... somehow, for the majority anyways, no matter how much money our parents had... no matter which City, State, neighborhood, or family you come from, our families all have things in common. Have you ever wondered about that?? I mean think about it. Somehow, weather your from Connecticut, New York, Florida, Texas, Cali, Virginia, Illinois, or the Carolinas, we all have fatal similarities without ever meeting or even knowing the same people. Our grandmothers have always told us things like "stop letting all my AC out the house, go fetch me a switch, come here baby, you know grandma loves her baby, stop running around my damn house, I'm praying for you baby" and that world famous, stand on the porch with the sun in her eyes and hands on her hips, wave to watch us drive off from her house. Grandmothers keep the world spinning!! They cook everything with love and have that magic hug and kiss that fuels us like a pump at a gas station. There is truely NOTHING like the love from an elderly women! .... for the majority
Then there are mothers and aunts. The rib of the family. Always putting on fronts when people come around. They can be both your biggest motivator and entagenizor, or both at the same time. They wake you up, get you dressed, feed you, and get you out to school on time day in and day out. They manage a very strict schedule and do it so amazingly. Weather they have a significant other or parental spousal support, they manage with grace and elegance. *Black mother cursing kids out* most of the time anyways.....
And then there are Black Men... the back bone that keeps America standing up straight. The shoulders in which a majority of Americas problems sit on. The brains behind more than 50% of American culture if you ask me. Now I'd like to break the idea if the black man down into 3 categories, which in my opinion isn't exactly fair, because I feel as if all black men share all 3 attributes if enticed to show them in the appropriate time or place.
The first... of-course the typical idealistic black man that Brainwashed America would imagine at first thought. The "GANGSTA". Smh.... typical... This man isn't a bad person. He does bad things from a normal perspective, but no worst than an unordinary American would do. Don't agree?? Well check this... the gangsta sells drugs to the public. Mostly addictive substances to keep his clients hooked, squeezing every silver dime and red penny that they can get out of said person before they either die or overdose.... sound formillior?? Kind of like a Doctor without the license. Cures for things like diabetes, HIV, high blood pressure, cancers, they have been around for years, but we all know there's no economic longevity in corporations curing people. The profits comes from sustaining their illness enough to giving temporary relief of symptoms but not enough to eraticate them. The goal is to keep them coming back..... I.E. "Drug Dealers. Plus ide imagine the "typical" black man would have a bad temper and ofcourse drinks Hennessy and smokes newports all day ".
The second we'll bring up is the "Baby Daddy". Unfortunately this is a legitimate cultural problem for OUR community. Weather the man stays in his child's life as much as anyone would like is besides the point. The biggest problem is that the babies are often made at a young age of the man in which he is not ready to instantly drop the childish antics and mentality at that very moment. Which brings the conflict between said man and the women enpregnated because as females tend to mature faster than males, she is usually raised with a specific image of what a man should be. Her immaturities sway her from being patient enough to help the father of her child to grow into the man he needs to be. The conflicted situation dominos into their split up in which the mother usually takes the custody of the youth, leaving the man to continue exactly where he left off before the pregnancy, living in his immaturities.
And lastly... the comeillian. He isn't a gangster or gangbanger, he doesn't accidentally enpregnate a female before he intends to. He typically is very comfortable being around anyone of any race, religion, or sexual preference. Mentally he feels as if he is a bit of an outcast. He typically has a bit of rebellion in his blood that people find ok, only because he regularly turns it on and off, depending on the environment he is in. I personally like to think of them as an untapped well just under the surface. The possibility of this person swaying into any job, place, environment is up to them. They're just waiting for the decision to be made.
Now on first instinct, Humanity has conditioned us to always look at things as 2 sided. Either right or wrong, good or bad, black or white. But I'm here to show you.... it's much deeper than that. Bad things happen to good people that make bad decisions with good intentions.
Chapter 2: the Team
*Duke pulls up to location, cuts off music, calls greg. Him and mark come out and fast walk to car. They dap up Duke and he pulls off.
Duke: so what niggas bout to do?? We got static??
Greg: nah, but first things first, niggas need to go get some weed. Pull up at Chris crib.
*Duke pulls out blunt and lights it.*
Mark: my nigga, hahaha
*Car pulls up at Chris's house. All three get out of car. Duke pulls gun from cup holder and tucks on waist. Flips shirt over and proceeds to door. SPECIAL KNOCK ON DOOR. Chris comes to door with chinky smile, holds hand out. All 3 greet and walk in. Greg and Mark pull out money hand to Chris and he walks to backroom of apartment. In living room, Dorcey is counting pills and bagging them up. Lean bottles as well as other known drugs cover table. Dorcey sees us and daps us up while still counting, trying not to loose count. All 3 sit down. Duke pulls out another blunt and sparks it.*
Duke: so bro, what's tha move?? Why I need strap.??
*Greg and Mark look at eachother*
Greg: go on and tell him about your boy.
Mark: aight, so me and this nigga was walking down the street by my crib, by the park and we smell weed in the air, so I look across the street and we see this tall ass nigga walking, smoking a blunt.
*Greg interrupts*
Greg: bro... that nigga was tall as shit.
Mark: word, so I yell out "that shit smell good bro" and he reply "I got that if you need it homie. Just got a pack in today."
*Dorcey stops counting and looks up
Dorcey: so y'all don't know this nigga from nowhere and he stay on yo block Mark??
Greg: aye bro, I ain't never even seen this nigga before and I use to stay out there too. Maby he just moved out there or something..
*Chris comes back and hands mark and greg their bags of weed and tosses a pack of backwoods on their laps, then takes a pack of papers out of his pocket and tosses that too. Chris says jokingly*
Chris: so we gona rob this nigga??
*chris cheeses hard*
Mark: ayo, can I finish tellin the fuckin story??
Dorcey: as long as you can roll up and talk at the same time.
*Duke shakes his head and grins*
Greg: so boom. Long story short, we ask the nigga to get us a 8th. He tells us to just walk to his house to get it with him..... bro. We walk in and this nigga has EVERYTHING!!! Coke, heron, Molly, pills, x, xans, liq, syrup....
*Dorcey and Duke both focus up
Duke ashes the blunt and passes it*
Dorcey: well what tha fuck we sittin here for?? Let's go get at that nigga.
Greg: see y'all niggas ain't letting us finish.... so we walk in and see all the drugs, then this big ass pit runs up.
Chris: that nigga jump on Mark?? You know that nigga smell like beef jerkey.
*Chris smiles hard again. Mark rolling the blunt looks up*
Mark: nah, they had this nigga on a leash..... INSIDE THE CRIB BRO. They had that nigga INSIDE THE CRIB bro!! Like a whole bear on a leash inside the crib bro. Like these niggas had the chain wrapped around the Middle of the piece of wood going from the ceiling to the floor in the living room b. I ain't gona lie bro. That nigga was big as fuck.
Duke: damn, so what happen next??
Greg: so boom. He tell the nigga to sit and he sit instantly. Not like Boosie.... OH SHIT!!! Yea bro, so his bowls are behind him and I peep a big bloody piece of meat in the bowl, so I ask dude, "ayo, that's steak and pepper you feed your dog?" aye bro.... nigga looks at me and says "Nah homie, that's a human kidney and gun powder on that shit. I bought it using Big Coins."
Chris: get the fuck out of here bro
Greg: swear to god bro. He said it's so that nigga don't mind killing and ripping a nigga apart. Shit was crazy but anyways, so boom we walk past the dog and I think that was his pops or his uncle in the back with his girl and a few more niggas. And we meet them niggas, chop it up for about 5 minutes but we end up only buying a blunt. We told him we wanted to see if it was some flame. It was so we told him we're gona go get some more money and be back to get more than a half.
Dorcey: aye bro, please tell me y'all tryna rob this nigga bro!!
Duke: nigga, ain't you JUST come home?? your still on supervised probation nigga.
Dorcey: and I'm ready to go back so what you sayin??
Mark: Aye look, me and greg already said we GATA hit that nigga so we down.
Chris: and I'm down. Sheed lost $600 last week when somebody stole her purse so I'm down. I need a come up cuz rents due next month.
Dorcey: so Duke, you got the whip so your driver.. and I know your klizzy ass got a few masks..
Duke: you already know
Dorcey: So what you gona do?? You down or what??
*Everyone freezes and stares at Duke. He hits the blunt, looks at it as he inhales, sits it in the ash trey and blows the smoke out. Duke takes gun from pants and drops it on table.*
Duke: we gona need some more heat...
Greg: aight, so it's a lock.
Duke: aye, I just have 1 condition.
Dorcey: NOOOO NIGGA, we not wearing no super hero masks. Lol, goof ass nigga
*everyone laughs except Duke. His face is stiff
Duke: chill... but first, nobody gets killed bro!! I ain't going down for murder!! Especially if my ass ain't squeezing a trigger.
Greg: FACTS!!! If it's our life or there's, that's one thing, but I can't do life. I got daughters nigga. I can live with 5-10 though. Can y'all??
Dorcey: word! I got a seed too nigga. I GATA be here for baby girl, but I need paper for baby girl too!
*everyone nods their heads agreeing*
Duke: good. And second. We need another car. Y'all niggas tweeked if y'all think I'm using MY car to hit a lick! Like y'all really bugged out on that!!
Dorcey: nigga, shut yo ass down! Just get a rental, or a zip car or sum shit. When we get close enough, we cover the plates and the.... got damn, what you call that shit on the car... like what kinda car it is?!?
Chris: the emblem
Dorcey: YEA!!! Just make sure it's a dark color...
Duke: aight, well before we jump the gun, let's really make a plan!! Ayo, Chris, you got some paper and pencil??
Mark: so y'all niggas about to write down our plan so the boys can find it?? Smh, dumb ass niggas
Duke: chill out string bean head ass... that's why we're writing it with paper and pencil. we destroy the papers the day before we hit tha jawn kuz by then, we'll have everything in our heads. This is just so we're on the same page. And another thing... don't be stupid enough to talk or text about this shit... like EVER!!!! AT ALL!!! Any discussion we have about this is in person, face to face only! Agreed?
*everyone nods again*
Duke: ok, now first things first. Mark, why tha fuck you still ain't finish rollin up and greg what you waitin to light that shit for?? You waiting on Jesus second coming?? Lml, but on a serious note now. How big was the crib??
*greg lights blunt, takes pull and passes it
Greg: what you mean??
Duke: like what kinda house was it?? Like a 2 story?? 1 story?? Trailer?? Town house?? What??
Mark: uhhhh. Townhouse... 2 story though...
Duke: aight, how many bedrooms??
Mark: idk, prolly 2-3...
Duke: and how many couches downstairs
Mark: 2... a small one and a big one... why does that matter??
Duke. Because nigga, 1 master bed room means a dope boy prolly keeps a bitch at his crib, plus the other 2 rooms means 1 person can live in each. That's 4 people that can live upstairs. Plus 1 person sleeping on the big couch. They prolly try to keep 2 or 3 people home at all times. We need to either wait until they all leave, which might never happen, or we can get everyone out of the house. Now New Years is in 2 weeks. No real niggas stay in the house on New Years! They're either outside selling drugs, tryna get em off, OR they're out partying, using drugs. That's when we get em.... plus Erica having some kinda party for New Years. I figure we all hit that shit first. Take a bunch of pictures, give her our phones, and I'll get her to text from them and post pictures every few minutes. Perfect alliby. We have pictures and texts as proof of where we are. Plus the location on our phones to verify.
Dorcey: damn nigga... how long you been waiting to rob somebody?? Nigga already have everything planned out!
Duke: nah bro. I'm just going with this shit. I ain't never caught a lick in my life. I'm just smart enough to pay attention to how people get caught and learn from there mistakes so I don't have to make my own.
*duke points to the top of his head*
Duke: 2 steps ahead bro.... Now, we can assign jobs... I say, Dorcey, you should be the one to see if you can get some more hammers. 1 damn sure ain't gona be safe, especially kuz ain't nobody holding my shit except me. My shit is registered...
Dorcey: say less
Duke: now... Greg and Chris, y'all take Chris's car back over to fuckboys crib, park far enough to where they won't notice you but don't be hot and spook the neighbors either. Last thing niggas need is the cops called on y'all to looking suspicious. Take this paper and a pen or something and write down what kinda traffic they have. home many people come in and out. How many are plucks and how many live there. How long they stay there and how long they leave before coming back. Which ones drive and get picked up. And what time people stop coming and going. That's prolly what time they sleep. And since greg is blind as fuck, Chris your gona be the eyes so take som carrots.
Greg: fuck you
Chris: carrots??
Duke: yea... good for eyesight. And greg, you just write down what you s..... well you write down what Chris sees. lol,
Greg: nigga fuck you. Give me the damn paper
*greg snatches paper from Duke
Duke: and me and Mark will pick up the clothes and masks. Here everyone write down shirt and pants sizes so we don't forget.... Everybody good??
*everyone agrees
Duke: good, now somebody help this nigga mark finish rollin up, kuz he's blowing mines.
Mark: nigga fuck up, I been done. Lol
Chapter 4: Dorcey
The next morning, Dorcey wakes up in his bed with naked female next to him sleep. He moves her hand off of him and tosses it, rolls over, and picks up his phone and sits on the edge of his bed stretching.
*Dorcey grabs bottle of Hennessy, and takes gulp. Then finds contact and calls
Kev: yo wuddup
Dorcey: Yooooooooo
Kev: wuddup fool?
Dorcey: aye bru, I need a few tools, niggas bout to build a bridge.
Kev: what kinda tools you need?? Wrenches or Drills??
Dorcey: nah , wrenches is good. It's more for emergency.
Kev: aight, you need more than 1??
Dorcey: I need 4
Kev: damn nigga! Fuck I look like?? Home Depot?? You need em for the keep or the rent??
Dorcey: the rent
Kev: for how long?
Dorcey: prolly just one night.
Kev: well this ain't no free ride homie. Ima need some collateral or sumn nigga.
*Dorcey thinks as he scans his room then stops when he locks onto the naked girls head in his bed*
Dorcey: I think I got sumn you'll like bru
Kev: aight, when you gona slide threw??
Dorcey: give me 2-3 hours bru
Kev: aight bet... just come around the back
Dorcey: aight bet
Dorcey and female walk threw cut into back of Kevs house trying not to step in dog shit. They knock on sliding back door. Kev walks up, peeps out back window with Rifel in hand.
Dorcey: yoooooo
*Kev sits gun on couch and unlocks screen door and opens. Dorcey and female walk in and close behind them.
Dorcey: aight Kev this MeeMee... MeeMee this my nigga Kev
Kev: what's up shorty??
MeeMee: hey
Dorcey: aight you can sit here for a minute. Watch out for the gun. And don't answer the door for nobody.
*Dorcey turns to Kev
Dorcey: aight, lemme see what you got bru.
Kev: aight bro, follow me
*they small talk as they walk to back room
Dorcey: yea bro that bitch ready..... Daaaaaammmmmmnnnnn.
*dorceys eyes wide and jaw drops
Dorcey: nigga..... what tha fuck you this strapped up for?? Nigga got enough guns to lock up the whole neighborhood! Every thing between 2'2s and 45s. Then machine guns, choppas, shotguns.. you got the double actions, single loads, pumps, twin barrels.... nigga got aks, m-14....ohh shit, tha m-16. Aye bro, you got tha baby K??
*kev smiles and points
Kev: yea right there by the rifles.
Dorcey: daaammmnnn, and you got the crazy ass monkey nuts. How much this bitch hold??
Kev: 200+1 in the chamber
Dorcey: this nigga said plus 1 in the chamber...
*Dorcey shakes his head*
Dorcey: but back to business. I can get 2 30's and a 9 and a pump?
Kev: gochu.. you need bullets and packs too??
Dorcey: yea. Just a clip for each tool and 7 or 8 shells for the pump.
Kev: ohh, y'all movin light huh??
Dorcey: yea bruh, hopefully we don't even GATA bust nun.. but better safe then sorry, na mean??
Kev: I feel you bro..... aye before you leave, you GATA check this shit my whiteboy just brought me.
*kev pops a lock on the dresser and takes out a RPG
Dorcey: a RPG?? Nigga, who tha fuck you got beef with?? North Korea??
*Kev smiles slyly
Kev: Better safe than sorry. Haha
Dorcey: heard you. But good looks bro.
*Kev packs guns into a bag that looks like it's used for a tent or something, then they dap eachother up and Dorcey walks out
Kev: good luck bro.
*Dorcey nods
Chapter 5: Greg & Chris
*Greg wakes up on couch, reaches on table for glasses. Get up and yawns. Knocks on Chris's door to wake up.
Chris: yea, I'm up
Greg: I can use the bathroom??
Chris: yea.
*greg uses bathroom, gets dressed. Knocks on Chris's door
Greg: you ready bro??
Chris: yea give me like 10 more minutes
Greg: aight
*greg sits on couch and lights clipped blunt and scrolls down twitter feed
*Chris comes out room and greg gets up passes blunt as the walk out house to car. They get into car and door closes. Drive to work playing music. Get out of car at work, dap eachother and walk away. *Cut To End Of Work Day*
Greg: wuddup bro??
Chris: what's up brooo??
*Chris cheeses hard
Greg: aye bro, you tryna head over to scope out that crib for a little before we go home??
Chris: yea bro, I don't care. But all the weed is at the house. You want to go get some first??
*Greg pulls jar from glove compartment
*chris cheeses hard and pulls off while greg rolls up.
Greg: so bro, I been thinking about how niggas gona split up all this shit.. or even, you know like... what if they sold everything by the time we get there??
Chris: yea bro, that would be fucked up, haha. But if they got that much stuff in their house, I doubt they would let it run out. Haha
Greg: yea, you right. But idk bro. I kinda got a bad feeling about this shit. I aint tryna jinx it or nun though.
Chris: bro, don't even think like that dude. Positive thoughts, positive vibes, you know??
Greg: yea, word... pass me the lighter
*they pull up at the end of the block.
Chris: oh shit bro, look
Greg: nigga, you know I can't see all the way down there.
Chris: ohh shit my bad bro, lol
Greg: what you see?
Chris: it's like 4 females outside
*greg starts writing on paper*
Chris: 6 cars in front. But there just standing at the car. Shit that's a really nice car bro. Ohh, wait... like 4 guys just walked out the house and got in the cars. They're pulling off now... duck down
*both duck down in seats. Greg blows smoke up
Greg: shit my bad
*both sit back up
Chris: aye bro, another car just pulled up.. it kinda looks like an über.
Greg: you sure it's an Über and not just a regular car??
Chris: we duhh it's a regular car, but it has an über sticker on the window and it's just siting outside with the car still running.
Greg: yea it's prolly an über
Chris: ok, now there's an older guy and an older chick getting in the über. And it's driving off in the opposite direction.
Greg: should we follow them??
Chris: fuck that!! I need to go home and take a shower. Get out these clothes.
Greg: it don't matter to me bro
*greg takes out his phone and called Duke
Duke: wuddup blacky??
Greg: ayo, we here now. Everybody just left the house I think.
Duke: You gona follow em to see where they go??
Greg: chris said fuck that..
Duke: exhale... y'all niggas kill me... but aight
Greg: aye, I ain't even driving
Duke: aight I'll halla at y'all niggas later
Greg: bet
*Car pulls off*
Chapter 6: Duke & Mark
*Duke is at 7-11 pumping gas. Cute women next to him pumping gas looks over and smiles. He finishes pumping his gas, puts cap on tank, gets phone out of car, cutting off music and walks around pump to her
Duke: excuse me, how are you doing today??
Lady: I'm fine.
Duke: well my names Duke. Um... would you mind if I help you pump your gas for you.
Lady: not at all
*she steps back and I squeeze the trigger of the gas pump. As I glance back I start at her feet. Pretty toes, red polish, red pumps, and long fitting red dress showing amazing curves. Going up to her amazing smile surrounded my red lipstick.
Duke: so I didn't get your name.
Lady: ohh, lol, my names Jazmine, with a Z... not a S
Duke: ok, very nice to meet you jazmine with a Z.... not an S... lol. You mind if I ask how old you are??
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