lbinthehouse · 2 years
need a cuppa. a good therapist. 80000 grand. to be five again. some wiser older being to cry to. etc etc
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lbinthehouse · 2 years
number one priority is being comfy
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lbinthehouse · 2 years
I was going to delete this account.
It’s been five years since I logged in and posted on this site. I figured since I haven’t used it in so long, it may be time to finally say farewell. However, once I logged in I felt an incredible amount of comfort. Like running into an old friend again. My own little corner of the internet that most people in my life at this point have no idea exists.
I love that, so I guess I’m here to stay. And if our paths happen to cross: Hi! Thanks for being here. <3
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lbinthehouse · 2 years
How old are you?
I am now 28! Never thought I'd get here, so it feels like an accomplishment. Thanks for asking.
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lbinthehouse · 7 years
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lbinthehouse · 7 years
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lbinthehouse · 7 years
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lbinthehouse · 7 years
So I started a new blog
It’s called In the Open, and I’m trying to be more intentional with my self-care while at the same time being more open about my mental illness. Maybe that type of transparency may resonate or benefit others. Who knows, but damn it I’m here to try. Here’s a link if you’re interested.
I’m also going to be returning more to Tumblr because I’ve been MIA for probably a year and miss the uplifting things I find on this site. Feel free to check out the new blog, offer suggestions, stories, etc. because it’s always appreciated.
Much love,
LB ♥
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lbinthehouse · 7 years
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so pure 😭
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lbinthehouse · 7 years
I firmly believe in small gestures: pay for their coffee, hold the door for strangers, over tip, smile or try to be kind even when you don’t feel like it, give compliments, chase the kid’s runaway ball down the sidewalk and throw it back to him, try to be larger than you are— particularly when it’s difficult. People do notice, people appreciate. I appreciate it when it’s done to/for me. Small gestures can be an effort, or actually go against our grain, but the irony is that almost every time you make them, you feel better about yourself. For a moment life suddenly feels lighter…
Jonathan Carroll (via lostabovetheclouds)
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lbinthehouse · 7 years
I hope you look for me in everyone you meet.
Because I Look For You (#206: February 27, 2014)
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lbinthehouse · 7 years
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lbinthehouse · 8 years
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Mt. Hood from Cool Creek Trail. Rhododendron, Oregon.
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lbinthehouse · 8 years
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lbinthehouse · 8 years
why the fuck do people always remind you that taco bell isn’t real mexican food like do you not think that i know that like do you think i go to taco bell because i think the 16 year old white guy behind the window just made me authentic mexican cuisine two minutes before i pulled to the second window no do you know why i go to taco bell it’s because it’s 1:30am and my life is terrible so i order a coke and five dorito loco tacos and shove them down my face in the parking lot
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lbinthehouse · 8 years
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lbinthehouse · 8 years
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The winter can get me down, like way down, but today was different. It was warmer out, and I guess you could say the breeze didn’t smell cold anymore. ••• It smelled like every time I’ve leaped into an adventure. Like the nights I’d pay hide-and-go-seek tag with my brothers and neighbors and I stumbled upon a new hiding spot. Like strolling through the streets of NYC with one of my best friends in the summer like it’s a liberating ritual. Like finally getting to the top of the mountain on a hike and feeling like you’re breathing in 14 billion years worth of experience in one inhale. ••• Like the time I took this photo 5 months ago, sitting in a diner Massachusetts, comforted by the Frank Sinatra poster and the yellow car on the vintage sign; not as scared anymore about the journey into the real world, but excited. ••• I’ve realized that these moments are always with me-they bring the same feelings of calmness and exhilaration all at the same at different points in my life. So I guess we’re never really out of the good ol’ days because we keep making more of them.
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