#plus you're just gonna get kelso again
einsteinsugly · 8 months
Could you also do Enneagram matches for T7S?
Yeah, I could make it an ask game, but there are no:
Fours. 5w4s. 3w4s. And probably, no 2w3s. And fours are fairly common on Tumblr (and so are fives, I'd imagine).
Ones: There might be one, Brooke. Not sure if she's a one or a five.
Twos: One.
Three: One.
Fives: One or two. See above.
Sixes: Two.
Sevens: Three.
Eights: A minor character is an 8w7. A main is an 8w9.
Nine: Two.
You want me to just wing it?
1. I don't really get how Eric is consistently typed as a 6w7. He's way too introverted to have a seven wing.
2. Leo is probably a seven or a nine, but who knows, man?
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livelovelaug-h · 4 years
Hellish, Jealous
Steven Hyde x reader t70ss
Request for anon: Hiya! So hyped that you're starting to write for That 70's show Haha if it's possible can I please request a hyde x plus size!reader (or just Reader) where they're really affectionate and hyde gets jealous because R is really cuddly with Fez too? Thank you so much and I cant wait to read your other work!💗
a/n: hope you enjoy, let me know what you think!! sorry it took so long to make!! Thanks again 4 the request & send more if you want. Thank you for wanting to read my stories, best message ever. Much love! ❤️
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Thursday, 1979 1:00pm
Eric forman's basement
You were sitting watching TV with your legs over Hyde's that were on the table, while Fez and Eric played some card game. It was a cute little flirtatious thing you and Hyde did: pretending that the other one was taking the space on the table, shoving at each other's legs, which then always ended up with you laying your legs over his letting him "win".
After about 20 minutes Jackie walked in: "Hey y/n, ready to go dress shopping for the wedding?"
"Ugh. I think I'm just going to wear a really nice jumpsuit or something, I hate dresses." You said taking your legs off of Hydes.
"Why do you hate wearing dresses, y/n?" Fez asked.
You: "because I gained some weight and I'm not skinny like everyone else so it's not going to look good, they never do."
"What are you talking about?? You're gorgeous. You have curves, every man's weakness. I love your body."
"I know you meant that in a non creepy way, so thank you fez." You gave Fez a kiss on the cheek, making Hyde shift uncomfortably in his seat.
"See you guys later."
The rest of the gang caught up with you guys at the mall 2 hours later to buy some tuxedos and more flowers.
Hyde: "Hey where's y/n and Fez?"
Jackie: "well y/n was crying in the changing area again, so Fez was helping her calm down. I couldn't take it anymore, she was ruining the good mood for trying on clothes."
Hyde walked into the changing area and saw fez holding your hands, you spoke up: "Thanks fezzie, you really know how to make me feel better." you hugged him and it seemed more intimate than usual, so Hyde took off. Generally you would always flirt or cuddle with Fez when he did it first but something about it lately just doesn't sit well with Hyde.
In the circle
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"Jealous? Nah man. don't be ridiculous forman. I just think Fez might like her now, he's starting to make the real moves."
"Maybe because you took so long to make a move dude. She deserves someone who can finally make a move. Oo or bust a move, which Fez can also do. I vote for Fez." Donna says getting super excited.
"I wanna say Burn but I just don't wanna rub it in more man you seem pretty upset. Just kidding! DOUBLE BURN!"
"Whatever you guys, it's no big deal okay.….. so I found out there's this car that runs on water man-"
Eric, Donna, Kelso: "shut up with that story."
Eric's living room
You walked into the living room only to see Hyde watching TV alone. "Hey Hyde, whats up?"
"Nothing much man. What's up with you?"
"Just got back from meeting a friend at the hub."
"Surprised Fez wasn't with you." He whispered.
"What ??"
"Oh nothing I'm just tired I'm gonna head to bed."
"Really at this hour?"
"Yeah all that shopping wore me out."
"Oh… okay good night then."
You turned to the TV but you couldn't really focus since you knew Hyde was acting different. Was he mad at you? So you went over to Donna's. "Plus nothing good is on" You said to yourself.
"I just don't know why he's being like this, I mean who sleeps at 8:00pm??"
She just made a weird face and shrugged.
"Why did you make that face? Oh my god you know something! Tell meee."
"no I don't!"
"Donna! This is serious."
"fine okay look, Eric told me that Hyde is jealous because of how you and Fez have been lately and it makes sense to me."
"Hyde doesn't get jealous. Plus Fez and I haven't done anything, it was just a kiss on the cheek earlier pretty normal stuff."
"Yeah but it was also in the changing area. You two were holding hands and Hyde saw."
"but it was just because I was -"
"Crying yeah and you didn't go to Hyde like you normally do."
"Oh… wow you're right. I didn't think he would care though. Hyde doesn't know what to do when a girl is crying."
"Maybe but just go and talk to him about it, make him feel special again, so he can act like normal." You both giggled but you quickly stopped.
"I can't."
"Why not??" You raised your eyebrows, making a face in a 'do you even need to ask?' kind of way.
Gasping she says: "Because you like him. I knew it!!!"
"Of course I do Donna, have you seen him? I can't talk to him about why I was crying. That'll make me look stupid and weak."
"I don't think Hyde will see you in those ways. He's always made you feel better when you were down. It'll be fine."
"Thanks Donna, you're the best. I'll talk to him tomorrow! So how's Eric doing with the whole no more sex thing??"
"Well you know he still tries all the time to make me say yes."
"Like he said before everything gets him horny. He'll be fine." You both laughed.
12:00 pm, Eric's kitchen
Hyde was putting his plate in the sink, Kelso was at the fridge, and you and Fez were sitting at the table; Eric & Donna just left the room with Jackie, to talk about more wedding stuff.
You: "hey fez I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie tonight?"
"Really with you? Yes of course."
"Great!" You watched hyde the whole time.
"Hyde do you wanna come along tonight?"
"No i'm, um working."
"We can wait till tomorrow."
"I work late then too." You narrowed your eyes as he speaks kinda coldly. After that Hyde left the room, so you followed him out.
"What's wrong jealous?''
''Are you kidding me jealous? Ha no way."
"Well then why the cold shoulder?"
"I've just been busy."
"Mm busy, yeah busy giving me the cold shoulder!"
"Well I don't exactly see you spending time with me either. Lately all it's been is fez and you."
"Yeah I guess I didnt notice that till Donna said something, I'm sorry Steven, that'll change I promise."
"Its cool. Now I get to do this." He leaned in and kissed you. No tongue just a genuine kiss, that lasted about 10 seconds before you guys pulled apart.
"Wowwww that was -." You started.
"Amazing yeah."
"How about we go and see that movie tonight?" You bit your lip.
"Cant I do work late tonight, but tomorrow I'm free."
"So you were jealous huh??" You asked a little too happy.
He smiled playfully, "I dont do jealous."
"No of course not Steven." You smiled back, while he put his arm around your waist, walking you towards his room so you could talk while he got ready for work.
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numberonefann · 3 years
lucinda; that 70s show
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Hey guys! So this is the first chapter to my that 70s show fic posted literally ten minutes ago on Wattpad lols. I wanted to post the first chapter here as well to see if anyone was interested, it is on Wattpad @ weloveafan please check it out!!
[ Eric Forman's Basement, Point Place, Wisconsin ]
"Eric, it's time." Steven Hyde glared at his friend who sank further into his chair.
"Why don't you do it?" Eric asked.
"It's your house."
"Your house." Michael Kelso repeated from his spot next to Hyde.
"C'mon, don't be such a loser Forman." Lucie Burkhart rolled her eyes at the overly nervous boy. She hopped up to sit on the dryer, keeping her harsh gaze on Eric, making him shrink back further.
Hyde waved her off, and pointed upstairs. "Listen to them up there. The party has reached critical mass. In ten minutes, there will be no more beer opportunities."
Eric's parents were throwing a party and his friends (plus Lucie) were trying to get him to sneak beers from his dad's fridge while all their parents were distracted.
"If my dad catches me copping beers, he'll kill me!" His eyes widened in fear.
"What a shame." Lucie shot him a fake smile.
She was ignored once again. Hyde slapped Eric's knee and looked deep into his friend's eyes. "I'm willing to take that risk."
Kelso tried to reassure Eric. "Don't worry about it. Just remain calm, keep moving."
Donna Pinciotti looked at them all urgently, cutting Kelso off. "And above all, don't get sucked into my dad's hair."
Eric furrowed his eyebrows. "What's wrong with your dad's hair?"
Donna and Lucie shuddered, the brunette having unfortunately seen Bob Pinciotti's awful perm when she arrived to the Forman house earlier. "Just don't look at it." Donna warned, leaning back in her own chair.
Hyde stood in front of Eric, holding his face in his hands. "And Eric, cold. Definitely cold." The two shared a small nod of understanding, and with a new burst of confidence Eric rushed upstairs to get them beer.
"Do you think he's really gonna do it?" Donna turned around to ask Lucie.
The brunette scoffed, flipping through a random magazine that was next to her. "Not a chance." She rolled up the magazine and threw it at Hyde, internally cheering when it hit him on the shoulder. "Hey Hyde, ten bucks Red will kill him before he even steps one foot in the kitchen."
He smirked, pushing his tinted glasses back up his nose. "You're on, Luce." He picked up the fallen magazine, smirking as he saw it was an old Playboy. He sat back down on the couch next to Kelso, flipping through it. "Check it out." He held the magazine so the other boy could see.
Donna stepped behind the couch, looking over their shoulders. "Lucie and I see that every day."
"And you never will." Lucie smirked at the flustered boys, giving Donna a high five.
To the brunette girl's surprise, Eric returned to the basement unscathed and unfortunately very much alive, and with five beers in hand.
"He's alive!" Kelso sprung off the couch and snatched his beer from Eric.
Eric cheered and passed the rest of the beers out, childishly sticking his tongue out when he got to Lucie. "Good news. My dad is thinking of giving me the Vista Cruiser."
"You're getting a car?" Kelso asked in disbelief.
Donna grinned. "Have I ever told you how incredibly attractive you are, Eric?"
"No." He raised an eyebrow, playing along with Donna.
Kelso turned to Donna confused. "You told me he was cute."
"No I didn't." Donna turned away from Kelso, embarrassed. Lucie snickered at her friend.
"I remember 'cause you said not to say anything in front of Eric." Kelso kept going.
Lucie sighed, cracking open her beer can. "Oh Kelso, never change."
Hyde raised his beer in a toast. "Let's focus on what's important here people. Forman stole something. To Forman."
They all raised their beers in response.
"To Forman!"
Once again, Lucie found herself in Eric Forman's basement with the others. This time, with the addition of her younger cousin Jackie Burkhart who was dating Kelso. Jackie was also the one who introduced her to the rest of the gang.
Three months ago, Lucie left her parents in New York City and ended up at her uncle's house in Point Place, Wisconsin. Lucie and her parents moved to New York when she was eight, and she hasn't been back to her home town since. In fact it was the last place she wanted to go, but after calling her cousin, Jackie managed to convince Lucie that it was time to go back home.
Despite the hatred Lucie held for the small town, she was ecstatic to see her cousin again since the two girls managed to remain close. The first day that Lucie came back, Jackie practically dragged her to Eric's basement to meet her boyfriend and his friends. At first, Lucie thought they were all incredibly annoying, but the more time she spent with them the closer they became. Unfortunately, Lucie could tell that they all did not like her cousin and it put her in an extremely awkward position.
Today, they were watching television with the sound turned down and making up their own dialogue. Eric, Donna, Kelso, and Lucie all thought it was entertaining, but Jackie did not.
"Marcia, a football in the face. That's gotta hurt." Eric laughed.
"Ouch, my nose!" Donna said in a high pitched voice.
"That's gonna be huge in the morning."
"Huger than my boobs?"
"Bigger than the left one!" Eric said, making them all burst into laughter.
Jackie sat under Kelso's arm with her arms crossed over her chest. "Why are we watching this without the sound? I am totally confused."
"Just use the earphone." Lucie pointed to the earphone resting on the small coffee table. Eric picked it up and handed it to Jackie who begrudgingly put it in her ear.
"So, what's the deal with the Vista Cruiser?" Kelso asked Eric.
"The deal is, there is no deal yet." He replied, disappointed. Eric was going to keep talking but was interrupted by Jackie shushing them.
Kelso looked at his girlfriend, waiting for her to turn her attention back to the television before whispering to the others. "How are we gonna get to the concert?"
"Shut up!" Eric and Donna snapped, each slapping Kelso on the arm making the boy cry out in pain.
Lucie's brow furrowed, she didn't know about any concert.
"What concert?" Jackie glared at her boyfriend.
Kelso smiled nervously. "Uh... Todd Rundgren."
"This weekend."
She raised her eyebrows. "Oh, who's going?"
"Eric, and Donna, and me, and Hyde, and the foreign kid Fez. Pretty much everybody." He stuttered, and quickly added, "And you!" Jackie looked at him expectantly. "And Lucie!"
"Gee, thanks for the invitation Kelso." Lucie smiled sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest. She didn't want to admit that she was a little hurt by their lack of consideration. Eric and Donna groaned, glaring at Kelso for inviting the Burkhart girls. Donna and Lucie were friends, but the gang didn't want to invite her because then they knew she wouldn't go without Jackie.
"Good, thank you for telling us, Michael." Jackie smiled and settled back into his side.
"I'm getting a soda." Eric practically jumped off the couch to avoid Lucie's piercing gaze, Donna following right after.
"Not so fast, traitors." Lucie glared, chasing after Eric up the stairs. Kelso tried to follow them but Donna shoved him back down into his seat, before following her friends upstairs.
Eric practically hid behind Donna as the three teens stood in his kitchen. She may be small, but Lucinda Burkhart was terrifying.
"Sorry we didn't invite you, Luce." Donna said genuinely. "But you can totally come!"
She smiled at her friend. "Thanks Donna. I'd love to." She shot one last glare at Eric before turning to go back to the basement. "Let's get back down there before they start making out."
The three ran back down the stairs, returning to their previous spots. Kelso practically threw Jackie off of him, confirming Lucie's suspicions that they were making out.
" So Jackie, I guess you're going to the concert with us." Eric said, awkwardly.
"I can't wait." She clapped her hands. Jackie turned back around to Kelso. "Michael, you wanna go back to my house and listen to Todd Grunion records?"
Lucie giggled at her cousin's mispronunciation.
"Yeah, sure." Kelso sprang up the couch, grabbing Jackie's hand and dragging her up the stairs.
Lucie sarcastically waved as they disappeared from sight, laughing with Eric and Donna.
"You kids have fun. Bye." Eric called, but they were already gone.
"Bye, bye, now." Donna said. "They're so darn cute. Minute you turn your back, they go at it like dogs."
"They're frisky." Lucie said, making Donna laugh.
The red head gathered her things and said goodbye to her friends, leaving Lucie and Eric alone in the basement. The two awkwardly sat on the couch together, scooting away from each other as they felt they were too close. Lucie turned her head to look at Eric, and the boy scrambled away from her and ran back up the stairs.
Lucie smiled and turned the television back on. "Too easy."
Lucie giggled at Hyde's annoyed glare as she kept blowing straw wrappers at him. The gang were hanging out at The Hub with a foreign exchange student named Fez. If she was being honest, he kind of creeped Lucie out, but he was harmless.
"Would you quit it!" Hyde snapped, throwing one of the wrappers back at Lucie. She stuck her tongue out at him and went back to eating her french fries. Hyde shot her one last glare before returning to the pinball machine.
Fez stood next to Hyde and leaned towards him. "I may not say this right because I am new to English, but she has tremendous breasts, yes?" He pointed at Lucie.
Hyde followed his movement, and smirked when he saw the brunette girl. He laughed as he saw Lucie's disgusted face, the girl obviously having heard Fez.
"Michael, who is this guy?" Jackie asked, also disgusted.
"Oh, that's Fez. He's a foreign exchange student." Kelso said, eating his hot dog.
"Who did we exchange for him?" Lucie wrinkled her nose, making Jackie laugh.
"Lucie, Donna, I need to go to the ladies room." Jackie stood up from her chair, waiting expectantly.
Donna pretended not to hear Jackie, but Lucie pulled her up from the chair, dragging the red head along behind them.
Fez took Jackie's place, standing in front of Kelso and Eric who were still seated. "I too must go to the bathroom. Eric?" He smiled as he waited for the boy to get up.
Eric looked at him, unimpressed. "No, it doesn't work that way with guys."
Hyde took Lucie's seat as he and Eric faced Kelso. "Kelso, how much longer are we gonna have to deal with the whole Jackie experience?"
Kelso leaned back in the chair. "Don't worry, I'm breaking up with Jackie. Lucie's way hotter." He nodded smirking at his friends.
"Never gonna happen." Hyde said immediately.
Kelso nodded, confidently. "It's over. She's cutting into my free time."
Lucie and Jackie were getting ready for the Todd Rundgren concert in her room. She was throwing clothes from her closet onto her bed, almost hitting Jackie in the face with a hanger. Like usual, Jackie got ready way too early and Lucie left it to the last minute.
"Careful!" Her cousin snapped, setting the hanger with the other clothes laid out on Lucie's pink bedspread.
"Sorry, Jackie!" Lucie's muffled voice responded. "Help me! I don't know what to wear." She stepped back into her room, looking at Jackie flip through her clothes.
"One step ahead of you." Jackie said, focused. She pulled out Lucie's favorite pair of flared jeans along with a black satin halter top. She shoved the outfit into her cousin's arms and pushed her into the bathroom to change.
Lucie smirked as she looked at her body in the mirror, feeling confident. The jeans hugged her hips in the perfect way, with the flares elongating her legs. The top accentuated her waist and left a little bit of her midriff exposed. She took her dark wavy hair out of the braid it was previously in and fluffed it up to give it some volume. She smiled to herself as she felt pretty for the first time in a while.
Jackie squealed as Lucie did a little turn. "You are brilliant Jackie."
"I know." She smiled. "You look great."
"Thanks." Lucie gave her cousin a hug. "Let's go, we're gonna be late."
The cousins met up with the rest of the gang in Eric's driveway, where they found the rest of the gang waiting for Eric to finish tuning up the car so they could go. As Eric finished tightening the tire, Kelso went to sit in the passenger seat.
"Kelso, that's sweet." Donna said, thinking he was holding the door open for her.
"Actually, I'm riding shotgun." Kelso said, confused trying to move past Donna.
"No, you're not." Donna pushed him out of the way.
"I'm not riding in the back." He scoffed, pointing at the back seat.
Donna crossed her arms. "Why don't we let Eric decide?" They both turned to look at Eric impatiently.
"Kelso..." he started, "get in the back."
Kelso groaned but moved into the backseat, letting Donna sit in the front. Jackie sat on Kelso's lap, to allow Fez and Hyde room in the back. Lucie stood awkwardly outside of the car still, unsure of where to go.
"Come on, Luce, get in!" Donna stuck her head out of the widow.
Hyde smirked as he raised his arms, inviting her to sit on his lap. Lucie glared at him, but got in the car anyway. She tried to sit as far away from Hyde as possible, but sitting on the very edge of his knee was not the most comfortable.
"Stop enjoying this." Lucie growled.
Hyde chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist, keeping her secure. She could feel the rumbling of his chest. She huffed, but did not move away.
Red Forman came out of the house and leaned down to the driver's side window to talk to Eric. "Taking her for a spin?"
"Yes, sir." Eric clenched the steering wheel tightly, nervous about lying to his father about the concert.
Red smiled. "Well, have a good time. One more thing. Very important. About the car... she's old, so no trips out of town. Ever." He stood up and hit the roof of the car. "Well, have fun."
Eric's face paled at his father's warning. "I guess that's that. We're not going."
The gang all groaned in protest but Donna shushed them. "Eric, do you wanna go?" She looked at him.
"He said no trips out of town." Eric looked at Donna panicked.
"It's your car, Forman. Do you wanna go?" Lucie snapped, using the fact that he was scared of her to their advantage.
"But he's God." Eric whispered, his eyes wide with fear.
"I think God would want us to go to Milwaukee!" Kelso said.
"Eric, you are a seventeen year old man, I'm gonna go with whatever you say." Donna said seriously. The gang all waited a moment as Eric decided, but Lucie was fairly confident they were still going to the concert.
"It is my decision. And my decision is... we're going to a concert!"
"Atta boy, Forman!" Hyde cheered, slightly shaking Lucie making her laugh and hold onto Hyde for support.
It seemed like God did not want them to go to Milwaukee after all since Eric was forced to pull into a random gas station off the highway to get the Vista Cruiser looked at.
"I'm telling you, we're out of gas." Kelso insisted, leaning against the car with the other boys.
"We're not out of gas." Eric said, annoyed.
The mechanic finished looking under the hood of the car and stepped in front of them, wiping his hands on an old rag. "It's the battery. It's six years old and shot to hell."
Jackie, Donna, and Lucie got out of the car and stood next to the boys.
"I know, I'll call my dad." Jackie said, looking for change in her purse for the payphone.
They all shook their heads and spoke up at the same time, making Jackie confused. Eric pat Kelso's shoulder. "Kelso, tell her."
"He can't take the car out of town." Kelso said, matter of factly.
Jackie raised an eyebrow. "I'm not calling his dad."
Hyde groaned and pushed himself off of the car. "Jackie, parents talk to each other about how we screw up."
"Why would they talk about that?" She was still confused, and just wanted to get out of the gas station and to the concert.
"They can't help it." Eric said. "Look, say there's a party, see, and all of our parents are there. Together."
"Our parents would not do The Hustle." Lucie rolled her eyes as the boys finished their overdramatic prediction of what would happen if their parents were all in a room together.
"Guys we are in the middle of nowhere, and I have to go to the ladies room. Donna? Lucie?" Jackie grabbed their arms and pulled them over to the women's restroom.
"So where are you going?" The mechanic asked them.
Hyde took a sip of his soda. "Rundgren concert."
The mechanic nodded. "Cool. So what...do you want a battery, 'cause I can get you a battery."
"Are they cheap or possibly free?" Eric asked.
"Thirty two bucks, minimum." He shrugged.
Kelso leaned in close to the mechanic. "All right, I'll tell you what. We'll trade you our battery, plus five bucks for one of your batteries."
Hyde facepalmed.
The mechanic nodded, sarcastically. "That's a really sweet deal my friend, but how about this? How about one battery for two concert tickets?"
"We can't give up two tickets." Kelso shook his head.
The mechanic shrugged "Okay." He went back into the shop, leaving the teenagers outside.
"It's either that or none of us go." Eric said.
"So who's out?" Kelso asked.
Hyde hummed, sarcastically, like he was pretending to be thinking. "There's always Jackie."
Kelso smiled. "Of course Jackie. I mean, Jackie's gone, but who else?"
"I don't know, Jackie's cousin, or Jackie's date?" Eric suggested.
"Come on! You know I'm breaking up with her. You guys are chumping me out, make Lucie stay with her." Kelso complained, pleading with his friends.
Hyde shook his head. "No, Lucie stays."
"I've had to listen to Jackie for a good hour." Eric complained.
Fez spoke up. "A really long hour."
Kelso groaned. "God hates me."
Eric and Hyde left to give the tickets to the mechanic, leaving Kelso and Fez outside. Fez smiled at the boy, "How can you say God hates you? At least you have a woman's love. Be happy, whore."
The Todd Rundgren concert was the most fun Lucie has had in the past year, and she was really glad they ended up inviting her. They all held their lighters in the air, swaying back and forth to the music.
Fez looked behind them to see the mechanic and his date. "Guys, Randy's date is a man."
"Hey Randy!" Lucie called, waving to the man who waved back.
"I'm okay with it." Donna said. They all nodded, smiling.
"We are so cool to be okay with it!" Eric said, his arm around Donna's shoulders.
"I have to go to the bathroom. Kevin?" Randy said to his date, making Fez furrow his brow in confusion.
Eric pat his shoulder. "I'll explain later."
Hyde slid his arm around Lucie's waist, pulling her into his side. "You look great."
Her cheeks flushed, not used to a genuine compliment from Hyde. Usually they just messed around and wound each other up. He was rarely nice to Lucie because of his distaste for Jackie. "Thanks Hyde." She whispered, looking up at him. He nodded and returned his attention to the concert, but kept his arm wrapped around her waist.
Kelso, Jackie, and Fez went back inside Eric's house after they got back from the show, leaving Hyde and Lucie in the back of the car. Eric and Donna got out so they could talk on her porch.
The silence was slightly awkward as they sat in the car, they both didn't really know why they stayed behind. "Did you like the show?" Lucie asked, turning to face him.
Hyde nodded. "Yep."
Lucie nodded along, praying for it to stop being awkward. Lucie and Hyde faced each other as the air in the car shifted. The tension became thicker as they unknowingly started moving closer together. Hyde's gaze shifted to her plump lips and he found himself wanting to know what they felt like. Lucie didn't know why she suddenly wanted to kiss him so badly, but with a sudden boost of confidence she wrapped her hand around the back of his head and connected their lips. Hyde immediately reciprocated and cupped her jaw with one hand, wrapping the other around her waist, arching Lucie into him. He groaned as she lightly pulled on his hair, and that's when they realized what they were doing. They sprang apart, Lucie groaning as she hit her head on the roof of the car. Hyde scrambled out of the car, nearly tripping over himself as he gave Lucie one last look and went into the house without another word.
"What the hell just happened?"
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