#plz comment more i want to make the dumbest character i can
hootnhoney · 1 year
Shitty Dnd Character Ideas
- a rat that was turned into a human by a warlock. They are desperately trying to act human while trying to hunt down the warlock that did this to them
- a changeling going through an identity crisis and joined the campaign on a quest to “find their self” (they just turn into whoever they kill)
- a bard that performs with yoyos and wants to prove themself to the yoyo master so that he will teach them. Because when they asked the master for help the yoyo master did not answer. He just kept on yoing.
-an old woman that tied knives to the bottom of her walker. She keeps offering pies to her enemies and telling people to “kill them with kindness” (the pies are poisoned)
- Chad, a human who thought he was joining a frat but actually joined a cult by accident. The cult members know this and keep him around cause they actually like him
- a character that is named after your dm and acts as much like your dm as possible
- a barbarian that has been seeing a therapist for their anger issues and has a lot of knowledge about psychology and mediation
- a british druid that keeps narrating everything like a nature documentary
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