#pmd hellfire
strawborzoi · 9 months
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The world is on fire, but we have each other
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s1nn0hh · 5 days
thought about an interaction between @fujii-draws 's pmd team and my own after the tags she left on my post about eridas dynamics with other h&p duos that experienced their own betrayals with their 'noirs...
erida not knowing why ribbons keeps giving her a side eye as she passed by and why aimilios tries to reach out to her yet absolutely quivering as she does.. only to immediately realize that they had gone to the unfortunate encounter with a very specific ghost type, one of which erida resembled far too much to remember.
and to some extent she would feel absolutely guilty for serving as the reminder for the wounds they hauled from dusk, but she would desperately try to make amends for something she hasnt done and and try to at least be helpful (yet maintain a very respectful distance because the poor kiddos still need some time to recover..) when she can. trying to seem trustworthy despite her own emotions wearing her down and she can absolutely tell that aimilios (and ribbons to a possible extent) went from being scared of her presence to.. somewhat worried. and that would just really be the pepper on the wounds for everyone, because we all know what happened the last time caring about dusknoir did, and she absolutely wishes for them to not feel like That will happen again.
and when the two finally apologize for the way they (reasonably) acted and that they show trust in her, she can't help but still feel some guilt for it. they had every reason in the world to be afraid, even when she wasn't the one to deliver all the hurt. they went through so much by another member of her species, and here she was, trying to repair the fuckups caused by the other. and as a final act of trust, she would gently scoop them up and hold them close and promise that they don't need to apologize. they went through enough, and she doesn't want her presence to invite more pain than there already is. but she promises that if that absolute vile wretch tries coming for them again, she will reign hellfire upon him for ever treating them that way. (and to some extent.. how her own dusknoir treated her in the end.)
gaia would be a different case imo. ribbons and aimilios would find her a bit silly, but not too creepy the way others say (which is a huge relief for her because being percieved like that is one of her many fears). just like erida, she would absolutely help with whatever it is that she can, even if its for minor stuff. but when she finds out what dusknoir did? after what the one that she and erida went through already? she is saddened, but by arceus is she absolutely pissed. to know that gripper bastard has made those two kids feel like they are loved and cared for, only to put them through hell and say to their faces that they meant nothing to him? oh, she is livid. and as a result she would absolutely do her best to look out for the two kids and ensure they won't have to go through that. never again. if he ever chooses to take his own sorry bum back and pull that stuff again, gaia is absolutely blasting him with a barrage of Earth Power and Psychic. she has only met ribbons and aimilios for a day, but if anything were to happen to them she would tear this whole continent apart and then herself.
needless to say, dusknoir will return to make amends to two kids who are a tinsy bit less scared of him, but now he has two immovable objects in his path that glare daggers at him if he makes a step further.
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strawborzoi · 1 year
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She :))
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strawborzoi · 2 years
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PMD: Made In Heaven
aka, I have big jojo brainrot and pmd oc brainrot
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strawborzoi · 1 year
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Mila time
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strawborzoi · 1 year
Have a lil peek at the PMD Hellfire rewrite, as a treat 👁
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strawborzoi · 1 year
Man I love my PMD: Hellfire story and I love my characters; my blorbos; Mila and Sirius and Tank and Namira. But I am very tired of nearly every comment and message I receive about it being "pelase bring the comic back" and nothing else.
Had a comment on AO3 that, while meaning well with praise, really got to me a bit. "I don't like when people make great comics then stop continuing it" "I hate when great things go to waste"
This story is not going to waste. While I would love to keep it going in comic form, I'm not being paid to do so. I could get by that in uni, but man I got rent to pay, I got food to put on the table. I barely get paid a decent wage at my job, with commissions to supplement it.
When I started writing the story in written fic form, nearly all the comments were about missing the comic. And then there was barely any engagement after that, which killed a lot of my motivation to keep going
I'm not 100% happy with the fic in its current stage, so I'm reworking it in my free time (mainly while waiting for machines to boot up at work aha) and I'm fairly happy with how its going so far. I'm happy to share my original story plans and drafts for those interested, but atm its something im just working on in my own time when I feel like it.
Idk, its exhausting at times. I made an (admittedly rushed) comic with a barely planned out story. People liked it. I couldnt keep up and got burnt out. People asked me to keep going. People stopped interacting with me when I kept going in written form. And now almost a year after I discontinued it I'm getting comments asking to keep going and that I'm letting it "go to waste". I love my characters so much, I'm still drawing and writing for them. And I love all the reactions I get when I post art of them on discord and whatnot. Idk man, I'm only a human who isn't as young as they once were
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strawborzoi · 1 year
Should I post the first 3 chapters of the PMD Hellfire rewrite 🤔🤔🤔
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strawborzoi · 2 years
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I keep forgetitng to post here - maybe if this hellsite was functional on mobile :^]
Here’s an updated ref of Yama from pmd hellfire!
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strawborzoi · 4 years
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koichi pose sirius to curse your timeline
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