#pnceri harry fanfic
Chapter Ninety-Two:  Joy to the World
Disclaimer: see Prologue
A/N: Thank you all for reading! From now on until the end of the story, there will be a series of time jumps.
xx Bea
One year later
A year after the great divide that had almost broken down the family, Harry and Elle had settled into their new roles as future Prince and Princess of Wales. She had finally finished her work and published a book about her research on medieval history. Harry had left the Army with honours and a grand party at the Barracks, curtesy of his commanding officer, Colonel Nathaniel Craig. Meanwhile, they had began attending more and more engagements with Her Majesty such as the annual luncheon and garden party at Buckingham Palace, Harry had began to take part in and later give investitures in her name, Elle had represented the Queen in a few events related to her patronages and at Armed Forces events when Elizabeth couldn't attend. 
In the year and a half they had to adjust and fit in their own agendas with their new commitments, Elle and Harry had also taken the time to make amends with William and Charles. Every so often they would travel to Norfolk, specially on weekends to see the Cambridges. Arthur was particularly fond of his cousin Charlotte and looked up to George in all things. It was very sweet the way they interacted with one another, which lead to Harry and Elle having a conversation about having another addition to the family.
" I think it's time.", he had said to her one evening, after they had Arthur to bed. She paused for a moment and looked at him, seeing no mark of joke on his face. 
" Yes... I think so too.", she replied with a smile from the corner of her lips. " In fact, I've been thinking about it for a while now.", she continued.
" Oh really?", Harry asked her, encircling her waist with his arms and smirking. She simply nodded her head and pulled him by the neck, joining their lips in a passionate kiss.
" I believe that was an invitation to start trying for a sibling to Arthur...", pondered Harry mumbling in between as Elle began tracing her lips down his neck, murmuring an agreement.
" Oh that is most definitely an invitation.", he said picking her up and racing with her in his arms to the library, which was the closest room from where they were. Needless to say they've been very active in that department as well. 
June 2019
It had been decided earlier that year that due to their new status, they'd both receive further honours from the Queen. Harry was to become a Royal Knight Companion of the Order of the Garter while Elle would receive the Royal Family Order of Queen Elizabeth II and would become a Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order. Titles and honours the both William and Catherine had received as next in line. Elle's investiture would be a private affair set for the summer, while they were staying with the family in Balmoral. Harry's on the other hand would start in about two hours, as they prepared for the Order's parade at St. George's Castle.
They had been staying at Windsor with the rest of the family for the past couple of days, enjoying the break from their busy schedules. Dressed in a pale blue dress with a matching fascinator, Elle sat on the bed with Arthur on her lap and watched Harry get dressed in his navy blue suit while she bounced their son on her lap. 
" Papa is looking so dashing, isn't he?", she said to the toddler. The child grinned and clapped his hands saying Yes, Dada! Yes, Dada! as his parents chuckled. As always, Harry was struggling with his tie so he turned his head to face Elle with a distressed look on his face. Sighing and shaking her head, she put Arthur on the floor -- who immediately began walking towards his toys on the other side of the room -- and walked closer tot her husband. Taking the messy strip of fabric in her hands she skilfully began tying it around his neck. 
" When are you gonna learn to properly tie it, Major?", she asked him, shaking her head once again. He smirked at her and pecked her nose.
" Why bother when you're always here to do it for me?", he replied smugly. She playfully hit his arm and pecked his cheek. 
" There. All done.", she said stepping away from him and looking at him all dressed up. She was about to comment on his look when someone knocked on the door. 
" Excuse me, Your Royal Highnesses, but it's time.", said the officer. They thanked him and with one final check on their looks, Elle picked Arthur on her lap and they descended the stairs making their way to the Throne Room. Some of the family was already inside, a few fellow Knights and Ladies. Harry stayed behind waiting for his grand entrance while Elle was to take her place among the other. She stepped closer to him and kissed his lips quickly.
" For luck.", she whispered to him as she walked towards the entrance of the room. He watched from the anteroom as she greeted a few people and sat down with Arthur in her arms close to William and Catherine. Breathing in and out, Harry shook off the nerves that were beginning to hit him and prepared to be called. As he was the only new knight being invested, he walked alone down the lined corridor of chairs towards the throne where his grandmother and grandfather sat. Harry then kneeled down, with his left foot forward. The Queen stood up and with Charles and Andrew's help, fastened the garter just below his knee, while the chancellor of the order read:
To the Honour of God Omnipotent, and in Memorial of the blessed Martyr St. George, tie about thy leg, for thy renown, this Most Noble Garter; wear it as the symbol of the Most Illustrious Order never to be forgotten or laid aside, that hereby thou mayest be admonished to be courageous, and having undertaken a just war, into which thou shalt be engaged, thou mayest stand firm, valiantly fight, courageously and successfully conquer.
Then, they placed the riband -- the famous blue sash with St. George's insignia on it -- was placed around his body, as well as the collar followed by the dark blue mantle on his shoulder and gave him the hat he was to wear during the procession. 
" Wear this Riband, adorned with the Image of the blessed Martyr and Soldier of Christ, St. George; by whose imitation provoked, thou mayest so overpass both prosperous and adverse encounters, that having stoutly vanquished thy enemies, both of body and soul, thou mayest not only receive the praise of this transient combat, but be crowned with the Palm of eternal Victory.", said the Queen, smiling softly at him.
" Thank you, your Majesty. I pledge to loyally to keep and observe the statutes of the said Order as far as within my loyal ability I am able.", said Harry. And with that, the ceremony was over. He kissed his grandmother on the cheek and bowed to her, which was followed by the applause from his fellow companions. 
Later that day, after the parade was done and most people had retired, Elle and Harry sat quietly together in each other's arms in a cosy Drawing Room. It suddenly dawned on her where they were and she chuckled.
" What's so funny?", he asked her. Turning her head to face him she smirked.
" Do you not realised where we are?", she asked him. Harry looked quizzically at her and thought for a moment, shaking his head.
“ Well... let me refresh your memory then...", she whispered in his ear, taking off his jacket and untying the knot on his tie, discarding them on the floor, as she trailed kisses down his throat. Breathing heavily, Harry closed his eyes as she continued to kiss and occasionally lick down his body, opening each button on his shirt in painfully slow motions.
" Is it working?", she whispered to him and he mumbled a "not yet" which made her giggle. Elle suddenly stopped and straddled his legs, looking directly in his eyes.
" I want you now.", she said. Harry's eyes widened and realisation washed down his face. She bit her bottom lip and smirked at him. It took him a quarter of a second to attack her lips and peel off the clothes from her skin, ravishing her body as she did the same to him. They knew they could be caught at any moment but if they didn't care then, they certainly wouldn't care now. Breathing unevenly and hard, she came began moving back and forth on his lap, as he groaned in sweet pleasure.
" Oh damn it all!”, he mumbled, turning their bodies on the sofa, now on top of Elle.
July 2019
At Balmoral Castle, in the presence of her parents, aunt, uncle and cousins, as well as her closest members of the Royal Family all dressed in their uniforms and regalias, Elle was appointed a Dame Grand Cross of the Victorian Order. She had never before experienced herself something this grand yet intimate. But as she walked then kneeled before the Queen it all became very real. Much like on Harry's investiture, she was given a riband, a blue and red sash worn from the right shoulder to the left hip, and insignia of the order and a mantle of royal blue and red. 
There was no oath but she thanked and curtsied to Her Majesty when she was given all the insignias. She was embraced and kissed by all as they were directed to a grand meal sans all of the order, of course.  Looking around the table, Elle smiled inwardly as she watched them laughing and talking to each other in a way she hadn't seen in a while. And it warmed her heart to see that in the year that went by they had successfully healed their major wounds and reattached their strings, even though what has happened would never truly be forgotten. 
After lunch, hand in hand, the couple took a walk along the garden and stopped at the familiar and special greenhouse. Smiling, they entered the place and smelled the sweet aroma of the flowers and herbs kept in there. 
" I remember every single thing about that night, you know?", said Elle. " The way that you fidgeted nervously, the way you smiled at me, how your hand was always in search of mine, how you made my heart jump and took my breath away with every single surprise you pull off... how the lights reflected in your eyes, how handsome you looked... all those tiny little things are forever imprinted in my brain.", she continued. Harry smiled lovingly at her running his hands on her arms and then over her barely showing stomach. She smiled at the action and put her hands above his.
" We'll have to tell people soon.", said Elle.
" Yes, but not just yet. At the end of summer.", said Harry.
" At the end of summer.", she agreed, nodding her head.
And so they did. After telling their families and friends, the official announcement was made on all social media accounts and polls soon started regarding the date of birth, sex and name of the child. The best reaction they got was when they told their son about him becoming a big brother. The toddler put his hands on his mother’s lower belly and gently tapped a few times, put his ear on it and even gave it a kiss. 
“ Baby”, he said repeatedly. “ Boder? Sista?”, he asked his parents.
As with Arthur, they didn’t want to know if nugget was a boy or a girl, so all they could say to their eldest was “sibling”. Elle and Harry had already been to several appointments with Georgiana in the past weeks and all was well with their second child. As with Arthur, they didn’t want to know if nugget was a boy or a girl. 
December 2019
Her second pregnancy was very different from her first. She felt incredibly more tired and swollen this time around and her child was very very active; always kicking and moving. Sleeping had been a challenge. Staying on her feet even more so. So much so that Elle had to cut short her engagements and start her maternity leave at her thirtieth week. Arthur, ever the attentive child, was happy to help his parents decorate and arrange new and old things for his sibling. He was kind enough to select a few of his toys and clothes to give to the baby, which Elle and Harry thought it was very amusing. As her belly grew, Arthur’s questions increased. Once he learned that the baby could hear him, he spontaneously began siting close from his mother and place his tiny hands on her middle and would tell the baby all about his day, his toys, Sir Lancelot and all of his family. It often brought tears to Elle’s eyes and were the object of many pictures taken by Harry. 
As his wife began her last weeks before labour, Harry wanted to make sure all was in perfect order this time around for the baby’s delivery. With Helen’s help once again, they had been practicing their breathing and meditation and had set a peaceful schedule to help with Elle’s stress and constant tiredness. They also prepared themselves to be in London on the week of the baby’s birth, which gave them enough time to enjoy Christmas with the family at Sandringham. 
The couple was extremely excited to show Arthur all around the estate, since now he could walk around properly and play with his older cousins. Christmastime was indeed a time to celebrate. And in their case even more so as new life was coming into the family and Prince Philip, who had been ill on the last couple of months was recovered, which had been a great relief to all. 
Their arrival in Norfolk on the morning of the 23rd was filled with much joy and warmth from all of the family. They all — including Sir Lancelot — had taken the train to Sandringham, which had been Arthur’s first time on a train ride. He absolutely loved it and had his little face glued on the window the whole time. This time they were joined by Leo and Ingrid on their way but made sure the RPO’s would return home for the holiday since they’d be staying in Sandringham until Boxing Day, when they’d travel to Wiltshire to see Elle’s parents. 
“ Happy Christmas! Come in! Come in! Let’s get you all warmed up.”, said Sophie, pulling them into the house and taking Arthur from Harry’s arms. Ingrid and Alfred were king enough to help with their bags into the manor. 
“ Happy Christmas, aunt Sophie. How are you?”, Harry said.
“ I’m very well. We all are. And how are you all?”, asked Sophie.
“ We’ve been good! Arthur in particularly is very excited about Christmas… and his baby sibling.”, said Elle chuckling.
“And how’s the little one?”, asked Sophie as they put away their coats and bags. 
“ The baby had been oddly quiet today. Barely any kicks at all.”, said Elle, running her hands lovingly on her belly.
“ Probably due to lack of space in there. Both Louise and James where very active up until the last couple of days before the delivery. Then they grew quiet. It was like they knew the time was coming.”, said Sophie.
“ You’re probably right.”, replied Elle smiling. 
“ Come, they’re all in the living room.”, the older woman said, guiding them through doors and corridors. As they entered, cheers and greeting were heard from everyone, since they were the last to arrive. After and array of kisses, hugs and playful jokes, they settled together in the spacious room, telling stories, watching telly, playing with the children — who demanded all their attention — and talking about their lives. Christmas at Sandringham had the effect of making everybody cheerful and somewhat, normal. 
“ Now that we are all here, let’s give this festive tree its final decorations.”, said Elizabeth. And so, as per tradition, the family gathered around the colourful display and placed their individual bobbles. 
“ Next year, we’ll have a new bobble on that tree.”, said Harry. Elle smiled at him and watched at hers, his and Arthur’s names inscribed on the bobbles sparkled with the lights. Soon, baby nugget. Soon., she thought to herself, caressing her belly. 
On the early evening, Elle was soaking in the hot bathtub, relaxing her worn out body as everyone prepared for dinner. She was so warm and cosy that she had no intention of leaving that tub until it was absolutely necessary for her to move. She could hear Harry and Arthur playing on their room, their laughter carrying on to the bathroom.
“ In no time you too will be playing with your papa and older brother, Nugget.”, she said, hands on top of her belly. In response, she felt a sharp kick and pain. 
“ Wow there, little one. No need to be aggressive with your mama. I know you’re excited but calm down for a little, will you?”, she said jokingly. Then she felt it again. Another wave of pain. Breathing through it, she sat down on the tub. That’s when it hit her. Oh no… not again., she thought. 
“ Harry!”, she shouted. “ Can you come here for a second, love?”, she asked, trying to remain calm. She didn’t want to scare him or Arthur. Elle heard the step getting closer and soon Harry’s head was peeking from the door, a smirk on his lips.
“ Yes, my love?”, he asked. She gave him her best smiled which was soon replaced by a frown of pain and discomfort. Worried, he rushed to her side, kneeling on the floor.
“ What is it? What wrong? Elle, talk to me.”, he urged her, caressing her hair. She kept on breathing in and out until she calmed down a little.
“ Don’t panic, but I think the baby is coming.”, she said and his eyes widened. 
“ Text Georgiana and Helen. Get Sophie and Catherine, take Arthur to Zara. Quickly.”, she instructed him. Harry barely acknowledging her, hushed through the door leaving it open. Elle could see him picking Arthur up and hurrying through the door. A few moments and another contraction later, Sophie and Catherine were at her bathroom door, followed by Harry, who was on the phone with Georgiana.
“ Harry said it’s the baby.”, said Catherine.
“ Yes, I think it might be coming. And quickly. My contractions are not that far apart…”, she said. She then felt her water breaking and panic took over.
“ Oh gosh…”, she said.
“ What’s wrong?”, urged Sophie. 
“My water just broke.”, she replied. 
“ Quickly, let’s get her in the bed.”, advised Sophie. Harry promptly picked her the top half of her body and helped her stand as the woman helped her into a fluffy robe. Another contraction hit her and she almost fell down. 
“ I can hold on much longer…”, she said, as they helped her into the bed. Catherine and Sophie had pulled out the sheets as Harry held her. 
“ We need to call a doctor or an ambulance.”, said Catherine.
“ Her doctor is on the way. I got Hector to fly Georgiana over. She’ll be here in a half an hour.”, said Harry. Elle nodded her head and practised her breathing with him holding on her hand.
“ We should let everyone know.”, said Elle and Harry nodded his head. 
“ Kate, could you tell everyone downstairs. I’ll call Elle’s parents.”, he said to his sister in law, who nodded her head and smiled before leaving the room.
“ Eleanor, dear. Do you need anything?”, asked Sophie, maternally. 
“ I’d like some water, please.”, said Elle and Sophie too rushed out of the room.
Over the course of the next half an hour, the families were told and excitement filled the manor. A doctor was called from the nearest hospital to check on Elle and the baby while they waited Dr. Yates, who arrived just in time. Helen wouldn’t be able to be with them but was on speaker with Elle. 
“ Oh thank goodness you’re here!”, exclaimed Elle seeing Georgiana. The older woman smiled and talked briefly with the doctor who had been attending her. The man was soon dismissed from the room, wishing a good delivery to the royal duchess. They were left alone; just the three of them — plus Helen on the phone and an assistant nurse — as Elle had wanted. Georgiana scrubbed up as best as it was possible and walked over to Elle.
“ Let’s see how things are going, shall we?”, said Georgiana. Elle felt another sharp contraction hitting her. 
“ I want to push”, said Elle, breathing deeply.
“ Yes, I can see things are speeding up very quickly this time. Lara, help me put the protective bedding around here.”, said Georgiana to the assistant nurse. They moved quickly and efficiently around them. Soon it looked similar like a bed in a hospital, much cleaner than te bedsheets she had been previously on.
“ Alright, you know the drill, as soon as the next contraction come you start pushing okay, Elle?”, said Georgiana and Elle nodded, holding tightly to Harry’s hand. She pushed as much as she could. For the next hour she kept on pushing and pushing. 
“ The head is out. Just a little more, Eleanor. You can do this!”, said Georgiana. Focusing on her breathing and rhythm, Elle pushed again and felt a the pressure leaving her, meaning that this time the push had done its job. Cries were heard and she knew her child was safely into the world. She looked up to see Harry’s tear stained face, a huge smile plastered on his lips. 
“ What do we have, Georgiana?”, asked Harry. 
“ Another healthy boy, sir!”, said Georgiana. Elle and Harry laughed and grinned. 
“ Another son?”, she asked him in disbelief. He nodded his head and kissed her sweaty temple. Harry then cut the cord as he did with Arthur making the doctor smiled, as she and the nurse checked on the baby and performed the first assessments. He helped her sit up on the bed and drink a few gulps of water, as he gently patted down her forehead from all the sweat. 
“ You did wonderfully, my love. Wonderfully.”, he said to her. “ I’m so so proud of you.”, he continued placing kisses on her temple and forehead.
“ I’m so glad he’s here.”, said Elle, sighing. The parents smiled as the nurse brought their youngest son to them, placing the wrapped newborn on her mother’s arms. 
“ Hi little one…”, she whispered, kissing his chubby cheek, caressing him as Harry ran the tip of his fingers on his head. 
“ He’s a perfectly normal baby if only a bit early. He weights 3.8 kilograms and measures 51 centimetres. Quite a heavy little thing!”, joked the nurse. 
“ We’ll leave you be for a moment. But we’ll need to take him to the hospital tomorrow for a proper evaluation.”, said Georgiana. 
“ Thank you Georgiana. And Lara.”, said Elle. As soon as they left the room, the trio fell silent, enjoying each other’s company. 
“ He’s got blond hair…”, noticed Harry.
“ Like you had when you were a child.”, commented Elle, smiling at her husband. The child was snuggled into his mother arms, quietly dreaming and enjoying the heat and care he was receiving. 
“ Here… hold him.”, she said, passing the infant to Harry’s arms. He held his son carefully and gently, cradling him close to his body. The baby stirred a little but settled soon after on his father’s arms. 
“ Hello my son. Welcome. We’re so happy to have you here. You’re so loved. Your mama and I love you so much. Your older brother Arthur doesn’t know you yet, but he already loves you too.  We all do. Blessed child.”, he said, kissing his son’s head. Elle smiled and held back tears watching the interaction between father and son. 
“ He’s our Christmas present.”, said Elle and Harry nodded his head in agreement. A few moments later, Georgiana and the nurse got back in to check on them both. 
“ You should tell everyone.”, said Elle to Harry.
“ Do I have to?”, joked Harry, making her chuckled. 
“ Yes, my darling. You do. And take your time. I want to get cleaned before you come back. ”, she replied. Sighing, he gently placed the baby on his mother’s arms once again and with one final kiss on both, he exited the room and rushed down the stairs. Downstairs, the family had eaten in silence, waiting for news. As the loud steps approached all turned towards the door.
“ We have another son!”, exclaimed Harry, beaming. Cheers and joyous words filled the room as he was hugged and patted on the back by his family members. 
“ How are they?”, asked Elizabeth.
“ Very well, Granny. Elle was splendid and the baby is perfectly healthy. Chubby cheeks and a spot of blond hair.”, said Harry.
“ Much like you were as a newborn.”, commented Charles.
“ How are you feeling, Harry? Now that you are a father of two?”, asked William.
“ Honestly? Over the moon. Worried but extremely happy.”, replied Harry, making Charles and Philip chuckle.
“ Ahh now you’ll see how much fun it is to have two boys running around the house. I’d know!”, commented Charles.
“ Speaking of which, where’s Arthur?”, Harry asked. 
“ He’s playing with the children in their room with nanny Maria.”, replied Catherine. Harry nodded his head. 
“ We are very happy indeed for you, Harry.”, said Elizabeth.
“ Hear, hear!”, exclaimed Anne with nods and cheers of agreements from all the other. 
“ And does he have a name?”, asked Camilla.
“ He does. Elle and I have settled on a name but we’ll tell you together.”, replied Harry.
“ Always so mysterious...", commented  Sophie, making them all laugh.
“ I should get back to Elle.”, said Harry smiling. “ I’ll let you know when she’s feeling more rested so you can come and meet our son.”, he continued.
“ Yes, dear. Send her our love.”, said Elizabeth, smiling. “ I will!”, he replied. Walking up the stairs again, he stopped at the nursery to pick Arthur up.
“ Little cub? Arthur?”, he called out as he entered the nursery. 
“ Papa!”, he exclaimed, throwing himself at his father’s legs. Picking him up, Harry smiled and hugged the child. 
“ Thank you for looking after him, nanny Maria.”, he said to the woman who smiled and nodded her head at him. Leaving the room, he walked slowly to his own bedroom.
“ Have you been good to nanny and your cousins?”, he asked.
“ Yes, papa.”, the boy replied. “ Papa, where mama?”, he asked his father.
“ Mama was busy… your baby brother has arrived.”, said Harry. Arthur’s little eyes lit up and he smiled.
“ Boder?”, he asked.
“ Yes, baby brother.”, replied Harry.
“ Can I see?”, he asked his father. 
“ Yes, little cub. We’re gonna see mama and your brother very soon. But remember you have to be very quiet and very gentle with him, ok?”, said Harry.
“ Okay, papa.”, Arthur replied. Approaching the bedroom door, Harry turned to his son and said:
“ Now Arthur, what did papa tell you?”
“ Baby boder is hewre. Need to be quaite…Shhhh.”, replied the toddler, making Harry smiled.
“ Good boy.”, Harry replied, kissing his son’s temple. 
The first thing he noticed was that it seemed cleaner and cosier. It didn’t look like a birth had happened in there. Elle was sitting in the middle of the bed, looking tired but refreshed, with their son on her arms. 
“ Harry. Little cub!”, said Elle smiling. “ Come here… come meet your baby brother.”, she continued. Harry smiled at them and gently sat on the bed beside mother and baby, seating Arthur on his lap. 
“ Arthur come say hello to your brother���”, said Elle. Gently, the older boy lowered his head and whispered closely to the newborn:
“ Hi baby boder.”. Needless to say that all the tears Elle had held on to, were now calling freely down her cheeks. Harry then instructed his elder son to caress the head of his youngest.
“ That’s is, little cub, gently, soflty…”said Elle.
“ What baby boder call?”, asked Arthur. Looking at each other, Harry and Elle smiled and she nodded her head.
“ Owen. Your brother’s name is Owen.”, replied Harry.
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