#poe sameron star wars
faretheeoscar · 9 months
Pairing: Poe Dameron x gn! reader
Warnings: none, Life Day fluff 🎄
A/N: English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there’s any mistakes.
Word Count: 1k~
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In a cozy corner of the Resistance base, Poe Dameron, BB-8, and yourself, prepared to infuse your quarters with the spirit of Life Day. Poe, at this time of the cycle, had a surprising knack for holiday cheer.
With BB-8's cheerful chirps echoing in the room, the three of you sifted through boxes of decorations sourced from various planets. Glittering ornaments, shimmering crystals, glowing flora, and exotic ornaments and twinkling lights filled the space, waiting to be brought to life.
Poe's eyes sparkled with excitement as he hatched a plan to transform your modest quarters into a festive haven. As he stood on a chair, maneuvering to hang garlands, he laughed at BB-8's attempts to help, the droid rolling around, lending a mechanical hand wherever possible.
As Poe, you, and BB-8 busily adorned your quarters, the enthusiastic droid's attempts to assist in the decorating frenzy took an unexpected turn. As BB-8 zipped around the room, eager to contribute, its rounded form rolled precariously close to a box of shimmering garments.
With an innocent chirp, BB-8's curiosity led it closer to inspect the dazzling fabrics. In a moment of carefree exploration, one of BB-8's round plates became entangled in a particularly elaborate garnment, causing him to start spinning around trying to get rid of it just to get caught in a makeshift cocoon.
Poe and you glanced over, stifling laughter as BB-8 spun in a comical attempt to break free. Its playful beeps turned into a series of frantic whistles, indicating its plea for help.
Quickly rushing over, Poe gently untangled BB-8, suppressing chuckles while apologizing to the droid. With a relieved series of beeps, BB-8 rolled away from the treacherous garment, you swore the moment BB turned around he looked slightly flustered even though it impossible for droids to do it.
Despite the brief mishap, BB-8 remained was ever eager to resume its helpful role in the decorating process , rolling back into action, though he resumed his labours more cautiously this time, to ensure its helpfulness didn't lead to any more unexpected entanglements. The incident only added to the laughter and joy that filled the room, creating a cherished memory amidst the joyful chaos of Life Day preparations.
With your guidance in the process and Poe's determination, the room soon became an eclectic mix of holiday joy. Trinkets from different worlds adorned every corner, and BB-8 spun happily, his chirps and beeps became a beacon of cheer throughout the room.
All along the decorating progress you and Poe stole glances and shared knowing smiles, reveling in the shared moment and the simple joy of being together during this special time.
As the decorations adorned every available space in your cozy quarters, Poe with a mischievous glint in his eyes, seemed to have a hidden plan. He stealthily retrieved a small but vibrant sprig of mistletoe from one of the boxes.
With a sly grin, Poe casually dangled the mistletoe above your head, his expression playful and teasing. As you glanced up, noticing the festive greenery, Poe leaned in closer, his voice laced with a charming flirtation.
"Well, well... seems we've stumbled upon some tradition here. Care to partake?" Poe's tone was light, his eyes dancing with a hint of mischief as he gestured to the sprig of mistletoe, a knowing smile playing at his lips.
Caught off guard yet delighted by his playful gesture, you couldn't help but laugh at Poe's cheeky approach. Feeling the warmth of the moment and Poe's charismatic charm, you met his gaze with a playful grin of your own.
With both of your eyes reflecting the twinkling lights and with a laugh and a shared glance, you playfully obliged, indulging in a brief but sweet kiss beneath the mistletoe.
BB-8 chirpped for your attention as he saw the both of you as if he was asking to take part in the tradition, you knelt down to place a kiss on the top plate of his head and he let out a small coo as his circuits warmed up.
BB then rolled playfully towards Poe to get him to do the same.
They shared some bickering on how he was ‘definitely not’ going to kiss him but at the end he reluctantly knelt down to kiss and hug his best buddy, creating a perfect opportunity for you to snatch a picture of the both of them, a playful thought in your head to maybe use it to tease them later and share it around base as Life Day card.
Poe's playful banter and BB-8's helpful beeps filled the air, creating a heartwarming atmosphere.
When the last light was strung, Poe proudly stood back, surveying the room's transformation. BB-8 beeped happily, seemingly approving of the vibrant display.
“Just one more thing missing!” Poe said as he stepped out of the room, to then step in to surprise you by fashioning a makeshift "star" for the top of your tree, crafted from spare ship parts, which brought a smile to your face and a string of excited beeps from BB-8.
As Life Day arrived, your decorated quarters became a haven of warmth and joy within the base. Friends and colleagues from base popped in, marveling at the cozy, festive atmosphere Poe, BB-8, and you had created together.
In that little corner of the galaxy, amidst the ongoing battles, as the galaxy celebrated in its unique ways, you, Poe, and BB-8 cherished this moment, grateful for each other's company and the chance to have your own little bubble of joy to enjoy for a couple of moments. Your small yet spirited celebration served as a reminder of the simple pleasures and the importance of togetherness during the holidays. And in your decorated quarters, the warmth of friendship and love made Life Day truly special.
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