#poggay's dream journal
palisadewasp · 7 months
ONLY things Old Money girls would wear: A ball gown stained with the blood of her father who she watched get brutally murdered on her 10th birthday
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Had a dream last night that I wanted to read Homestuck just so I could create a satire fantroll named Franvriska, whose name was a fusion between Franziska von Karma and Vriska Serket.
I kinda wanna make this a real thing now.
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palisadewasp · 1 year
Someday We'll Get Out of Tennessee
You've been growing out your hair for a while; It's even longer than mine now. Beautiful golden waves like sand dunes that I brush at the edge of the bed. I ask you if I'm brushing too hard. You tell me to ease up just a little. Don't worry, young one. I trust you to know what's best for your body.
I see you curled up next to my son on the couch, head rested against his shoulder. It's a feeling of contentment that's hard to find here, especially for girls like you and boys like him. I promise I'll find us a place where peace is easier to come by. I promise we'll all be safe.
When he brought you home to meet me for the first time, I instantly wanted to take you under my wing and treat you like my daughter. Any friend of my son's is a friend of mine, of course! I know my love will never replace that which your true parents should've given you, but I'll still try my hardest to make you feel safe and at home. Not only is it my obligation as a mother, it is a duty I've always loved fulfilling.
Your houseplant's been looking a little droopy lately, so I've decided to take it outside for some sun. That's one thing I'll miss if we ever end up having to move north: The sun. Gardening's easy here, and the weather's just right. When we finally make our escape, I hope the sun's warmth follows us.
Oh, and we will escape one day, I promise. And we'll have love abound and lots of good food and the light of my life will go off to college and hopefully he'll come back and see his mother sometimes, and we'll have more than enough money for you to get the care you need and you'll be such, such, such a pretty girl. You already are. You already are.
And your love and I will be waiting out front and we'll see you go in and I'll be praying as hard as I can for everything to go well because I've always been a little scared of surgeries, but I'll put my fears aside because this is what's best for you and it's what you've always wanted and seeing you happy is all I will ever want in life.
Don't worry, young one. I trust you to know what's best for your body.
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palisadewasp · 6 months
Had a dream last night that J.K. Rowling died in a house fire and everybody was celebrating by flying out to the place it happened and meeting up with their mutuals
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palisadewasp · 3 months
"emergency markiplier" this, "hat man" that. the person who most commonly appears in my dreams is porrim maryam homestuck. whenever i'm having a nightmare involving a stressful/embarrassing social situation, she just Shows Up to comfort and stand up for me. what complicates this more is that before all this started happening, we ended up introjecting porrim due to the stress of school and all the weird boys we were constantly surrounded with. homegirl is working day AND night shifts at the System Protector Factory
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palisadewasp · 11 months
Mutual 1: not to make everything about homestuck but this is literally the entire basis of the plot of homestuck
Mutual 2: Because apparently we forgot:
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[ID: The "You are not immune to propaganda" meme. /end ID]
Mutual 3: SO since the world is gonna end soon, I kinda wanna get 2gether with some of my moots!!!! Here's my address if u ever wanna hang out :]
Mutual 4: [Racist Dogma]
Mutual 5: [Racist Dogma]
Mutual 6: You guys do realize that [Racist Dogma] is racist dogma, right?
Mutual 7: having sloppy gay sex with the meteor that's coming to wipe out earth
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palisadewasp · 9 months
Poggay's Dream Journal #6: Amy
I think one of my favorite aspects of dreams is the people you can meet in them. They might resemble people you know in real life, but they can also be completely made up! Whichever was the case for this dream, I still miss Amy and think fondly of this dream.
SO in the dream, I was at a weird fucked-up version of the school I used to go to, and the science teacher had brought one of her acquaintances to help teach the lesson. I remember the science teacher saying something like, "This is my friend Amy and she has DID." And I was like, "COOL 👍 is that fact gonna be important to the lesson?" (I don't think it was).
Anyway, after science class, something happened. Me, Amy, and a few other people had to leave the fucking school because apparently we were gonna be witnesses in a COURT TRIAL for one of the other teachers. Apparently he Did Something, I can't remember what, and we saw it??
So, because I thought Amy was kinda cool, and because my autistic ass would rather talk to random trans plural adults than my classmates, I tried to strike up a conversation!! We talked, and I ended up asking her if she has blackouts, and if she'd need to write down her witness testimony. She said she does have memory loss, but that she couldn't write anything down because of something about her mom, who I guess is one of those "DID isn't real and my daughter will never be a real woman" type of motherfuckers.
For some reason (I suppose I got my mom to agree to it, though I'm not sure), Amy was able to come over to my house! Something which feels highly illegal considering we're both witnesses in a court trial, and a bit strange because I met her like two hours ago, but whatever. However, after dropping me off at my house, she had to go back out again for something. She did order DoorDash for me, her, and a few of her friends, though.
When the dasher arrived, I texted Amy telling her our food was here, but for some reason the dasher??? Wouldn't fucking leave??? He tried getting all up in our business and trying to figure out a bunch of personal info about Amy.
After a while, she finally got back with a few of her friends. I remember showing her a cool grasshopper but that's about it for the dream.
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palisadewasp · 2 years
Poggay's Dream Journal #1: Artist!Kris
Hey, gay people in my computer! I've decided to post some of the weird dreams I've had onto this hellsite for your enjoyment. Everything will be under the tag, "poggay's dream journal" if you ever want an archive.
This first dream is about Deltarune, so if you don't know much about the game or don't want spoilers, I'd recommend you skip this post. The dream is under the cut below!
In the dream, Kris was an artist. And a very, very strange one at that. Frequently, they would black out and wake up to discover that they had drawn many pictures of dark worlds that they had never been in before. Later, they and Susie would find the fountains that led to those same dark worlds.
The dark world that the dream took place in had an industrial, capitalist dystopia vibe. It was sort of like a cross between the Core and the Cyber World. It was a tall, labyrinthine factory made entirely of metal. I could almost smell the pollution that filled the building.
Because of how big the factory was, The Fun Gang had to take these long elevators. But strangely, the floors weren't marked by numbers (1st floor, 2nd floor, etc.), but by shapes. Weird, scribble-looking purple lines that symbolized where you were and where you were going.
Infuriatingly, the factory had rooms FULL of enemies that swarmed the party and nearly killed them multiple times.
Sweet, Cap'n, and K_K were there, too! I don't know why they didn't turn to stone or something, considering they were in a different dark world. They meandered between rooms and had some funny dialogue, and at one point joined the party.
Near the end of the dream, Susie, in typical Susie fashion, kicked a painting that was hanging on a wall (much to the dismay of Ralsei). But the painting had nothing in it. It was just a blank, white canvas in a frame.
The dream ended when The Fun Gang and SCC all piled into an elevator, and Susie started talking to Kris about their... interesting drawing habits.
And that's it! I don't know what it means, or where it came from, but I think it's pretty cool. Like, hey! I made a Deltarune AU in my sleep!
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palisadewasp · 1 year
Poggay's Dream Journal #2: Karkalicious
I had a dream last night that myself and some other kids, teens, and young adults (pretty big age range here) had to perform choreography to Karkalicious. In front of our parents. Not Fergalicious. Karkalicious, the Homestuck parody of Fergalicious. @twowordsnumber was one of the people performing with me for some reason, and after our rehearsal I ended up venting to @everydaygremlin about having to perform fucking Karkalicious in front of my parents. Luckily, the dream ended right before the day we had to perform. I wasn't planning on showing up, anyway.
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palisadewasp · 2 years
About 3 years ago I had a dream that I was playing Minecraft with some friends, and Undyne Undertale was supposed to join the server to help us defeat a boss, but she never arrived.
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palisadewasp · 2 years
i once had a dream in which i looked up at the night sky and the sheer vastness & amount of stars gave me some kind of primal fear
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palisadewasp · 9 months
Poggay's Dream Journal #5: Good people
Here's a more detailed dream for you today, one that I actually had many months back! While I was dreaming, it made me very happy, and when I woke up I was kind of sad that it was over. I'm just glad I could remember it so clearly.
 SO I still had the same mom and dad in this dream, but this time we were FILTHY RICH. Like, we had a massive fucking house. It looked really cool and really old, which was nice for me, a person who loves old mansions. I’m guessing we still had our current house as well, and that that’s the one I spent most of my time in, because I did not know HALF of the rooms in this house (and the house wasn’t even a new purchase! It was very lived-in already). The location this big house was at looked scarily like a certain historical house/summer camp I visit, which is uncomfortable for me now that I’m awake because I don’t wanna live on a plantation.
 I think we were hosting some big event there, because I saw lots of old people and lots of projector screens with Random Information on them. With the amount of people, I decided to slip away and explore the house more. I remember that it was noon to afternoon, because all the rooms had a green tint to them and were filled with light.
 One of the hallways in the house was a hallway that I had never seen before. It was, once again, tinted green and full of light. GOD, it was pretty. Now this is when the dream logic kicks in. There was, like, an anime cutscene in the hallway???? That kept playing every time I left and entered again???? I dunno, it was strange. There were also multiple rooms leading off of the hallway.
 In one of the rooms, I tentatively opened the door and found an old TV with some video tapes. Kinda like that one room in the True Lab, but less creepy. I think I fiddled around with the video tapes for a little while before heading back into the hallway.
 In the next room I opened up, there was a person inside! I think they were a cleaner who lived in the house. How the FUCK did we get that rich??? Anyway, I had never met them before. They told me their name, but I can’t, for the life of me, remember it. They seemed SUPER COOL. We talked and talked some more, as they showed me more parts of the house. At one point, they opened the door to a BEAUTIFUL balcony. I swear, it was the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. I can’t remember where they went after that, but I think they went back into the house and started working again. I decided to stop bothering them.
 I went through the house and fucked around with some other things, at one point watching a powerpoint with my mom on climate change and the carbon footprint of various companies and activities. For some reason, the powerpoint was playing Down To The River To Pray as background music, so I was singing more than I was paying attention.
 After that, I went and explored more of the house. It was almost night by this point, and things were getting dark. People started turning on the lights, and everything was tinted yellow. I stumbled upon a place in the house that looked very old and refined. The walls and floor were dark hardwood, and there was pretty furniture with ornate designs all over it. I stopped here for a while, and scrolled on my phone for a bit.
 While I was scrolling, I found a tumblr account that looked very… familiar, for some reason. Because of my magical dream senses, I clocked that it was the tumblr account of the cleaner I had met earlier! They made some pretty cool animations that I checked out. Dream me just KNEW I had to be their friend!
 I took a bath after that revelation, nothing really that special. I’m just keeping it here for the sake of recording everything I can.
 When I got out of the bath, I explored more of this section of the house. That’s when I found something really freaking cool: a library full of the strangest books I’ve ever seen. I swear, some of these book titles sounded like tumblr shitposts, but in a good way. I think one of the book titles was, The Discovery of English Polymorphism, so, like, shapeshifting or something. I dunno, it was weird. Another book was HUGE, and it had something to do with lesbians. Basically, this library was sick as hell.
 And then my mom came in, and told me it was HER library??? She kept it hidden in this wing of the house because I’m pretty sure most of the books in it were really controversial. Apparently, nobody really goes to this part of the house.
 That’s all I can really remember from the dream. I still think it’s weird that we’ve apparently had this house for years, but I’m only just now exploring it.
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palisadewasp · 9 months
Poggay's Dream Journal #4: Soccer Saved Palmer but Palmer Ruined Soccer
Okay, this one's a doozy. My mom says it's some kind of metaphor for suburbia, but I'm still not sure. Either way, it was a bit weird and felt like I was being indoctrinated into something. Didn't know you could start cults around soccer, but okay.
 Last night, I dreamt that my father and I were walking somewhere. I think we were trying to go home. Along the way, we passed a trail that (in real life) we used to walk together when I was younger. He asked me if I wanted to take a quick detour onto the trail, and I said that I’d do it, but I couldn’t go far due to my bad leg and because I wanted to get home.
 However, as we walked, it was revealed to us that the field by the path we were supposed to take was infested with soccer players! They were also playing on the path itself, turning my nature walk into a minefield. I ended up escaping the din by dashing down a steep hill into a ditch, thoroughly embarrassed that I intruded on their game. But, of course, as I ran to the ditch, some players followed me.
 They weren’t mad at me though. Instead they gathered around me, all curious-like. “Hazy, wasn’t it?” They asked.
 “Yeah, that’s my name. How did you know?”
 “You used to come here all the time! We’ve wanted to say hi to you for years, but by the time you were walking the trail, it was time for us to leave.”
 Some of them told me their names, none of which sounded familiar then, and none of which I remember now. It was weird, though. In this dream, I vaguely remembered seeing people playing soccer in that area when I was younger. But back then, they appeared to be the same age as they were now.
 The players saved me from the company of my father and walked me over to their school/meeting place - I think it was called Palmer High School. I met a man I assume was their coach, and he told me a bit more about the team. Somewhere in the middle of this, I had time to pull out my phone and look them up.
 They were… Surprisingly well-covered for a random high school. When I googled them, one of the first results I saw was a video essay with the title, “Soccer Saved Palmer but Palmer Ruined Soccer”. Weird. I guess they have a rather controversial history with the sport.
 Anyway, when I tapped back in, the players wanted to do some kind of examination of my body. Nothing inappropriate, just checking my legs and feet and stuff. Still, not something I’d expect a group of kids to know how to do.
 “Eugh. That feels weird.”
 “Oh, I’m sorry! Does it hurt?”
 “Not hurt, per se, but I have sensory issues, so it feels… uncomfortable.”
 “Ah. I see.”
 While this was going on, the coach told me a little more about the school, specifically about the art that students make at the beginning and end of the year. Students start off the year by using materials to make some sculpture or craft of their choosing, then come back at the end of the year to make something else by taking apart their original piece and re-using the materials. It actually seemed kind of cool, but the coach was talking it up so much that it kind of set me off.
 After the exam was done, the kids on the team told me that I had pretty good legs for playing soccer, implying that I should join the team. Weird, considering I didn’t even go to the school. I put that in my back pocket for later, because the coach wanted my help fixing a display in the lobby we were in.
 While I was fixing the display, he started going over the rules of the soccer team. It was mostly normal stuff: Be a good sport, play hard, don’t cheat, and most of all have fun. But there was another rule after all of that: It’s not your fault. He had a lot of meanings behind this one. If we lose a game, it’s not your fault. If you get injured, it’s not your fault. If you can’t show up, it’s not your fault. If anything, anything, happens, it’s not your fault. He really tried to hammer that point home.
 At the end of it all, he asked me if I wanted to join the team. I told him I’d think about it, and headed for the door. I don’t remember leaving the building before I woke up, though.
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palisadewasp · 11 months
Poggay's Dream Journal #3: It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
Have you ever had a dream that felt like something that would actually happen in real life? This was one such dream. I think the reason it feels so... accurate is because it involves people being absolute fucking dumbasses. Warning for mentions of racism:
In the dream, there was a very, *very* prevalent conspiracy theory that the world was going to end on a certain day in 2024. People kept pointing to these "patterns" and "evidence", all supporting that we weren't going to live past April. I'll be honest, my autistic "belive everything I hear" ass was sort of anxious.
However, the conspiracy held a *lot* of anti-indigenous sentiments. Something like, "This certain group of Pacific Islanders are going to have this certain holiday that'll bring forth the end of the world." I remember my Tumblr dashboard being filled with absolutely *vitriolic hatred* for Pacific Islanders. And when a few people were like,
"Hmm... Maybe this is really fucking racist?"
Not a lot of people agreed.
I remember trying to explain to some younger kids that the world wasn't going to end and that a certain big point that was considered "evidence" for the conspiracy theory being true was rooted in racism, they just didn't really... get it.
"It's giving, 'People thinking the Mayan calendar says the world is going to end in 2012'" -Me, in the dream, 2023.
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