yuni-bells · 5 years
The Phantom of the Opera Walkthrough/Guide (Complete)
A Point-and-Click Adventure/Interactive Visual Novel Game by MazM, available on both iOS and Android
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Things to know before/when playing
Chapter walkthroughs
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Before going to the chapter walkthroughs/guides, here are some things you might need to know before/when playing:
1. Right when you open the game, it shows precautions.
Overall, I find the game to be scary in the sense that the game feels very real (with its beautiful visuals, effective sounds, and timely effects), and that it is a thrilling experience. However, I don’t find it scary enough to be causing sleepless nights / to be haunting me daily. Just, exercise proper discretion when playing! Here it is - in case you missed it the first time! :)
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2. Read the Game Streaming Guide when you open the app for the first time!
It contains policies and requests from the game-developers that we should all honor! They worked hard on their games, and the least we can do is follow what they ask! It will only take a few seconds/minutes, and will do them a big favor! :) Here it is - in case you missed it the first time! :)
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3. The guide contains information on footnotes and achievements, aside from what to do to progress with the story.
Footnotes might be easily missed, so keep an eye out for them! No worries though! Just follow the guide! :) I’ll also be putting the achievements that can be unlocked, as soon as they can be unlocked, within the walkthrough itself. I’ll be updating the consequences of each choice, though, when I finish the game! 
The game actually contains other extras which I won’t be including like characters and gallery.
4. The game features tokens.
These tokens are used to view additional content in the game such as chapters and gallery pieces. They may be obtained in the Shop, by three ways: watching three ads daily for a total of 35 gold tokens and 720 silver tokens, sharing/following MazM’s SNS pages, or by purchasing special bundles.  The prices of the additional content vary, but they’ll be listed in the post about the game or in the walkthrough itself.
5. The post about the game will not feature an in-depth story of what transpires in the game (see point two).
“So, it’s a meaningless post?” Nope! :)
I’ll feature some pictures and snippets of what to expect when you play the game! As for the actual content, it’ll be a surprise :))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter Walkthroughs/Guides (please check constantly, as I’ll update this part over time!)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
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stumpmaker · 4 years
Point and clickgame recommendations? Got bad news t oday. my right hand is out for awhile. im okaywith romnce game sas long as thereis no r*pe scenes. ive been playing a lot of mystery case files because i love i spy games but they are too short.
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yuni-bells · 5 years
The Phantom of the Opera Walkthrough/Guide (Chapter 1)
A Point-and-Click Adventure/Interactive Visual Novel Game by MazM, available on both iOS and Android
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Full walkthrough/guide 
Chapter 1: Overture: The Phantom Appears
Note: This will be placed either before or after things you need to do in the story, according to when you should do them: C.F. <no.> means Check the corresponding Footnotes to see how/where to get them!
The Beginning of the Story
Footnotes (1)
The Opera House - after playing the mini-game, pick this up before entering the grand foyer
Walk to the Baroness and talk to her.
Go to the right, before picking up the letter, and inspect the cat. Then, click “View ads” to unlock the achievement “Meow-ception”
Inspect the letter and tap when the cursor appears over a blank area. (C.F.!)
Isolation (Side Story)
Footnotes (3)
Faust, The Opera - before joining the crowd at the grand foyer to see what's going on, go to the dressing room hallway via the right stairwell 
Joseph Buquet - after talking to the crowd (but not Joseph Buquet), go back up the right stairwell, near the balcony 
Jewel Song - right after talking to your friends, near the song stand
(C.F.! 1) Join the crowd at the Grand Foyer (C.F.! 2)
Talk to Mr. Buquet
Go to the stage and up the stage (you can't leave until you talk to Carolus Fonta during the break of the cast)
Speak to Sorelli and Jammes (C.F.! 3)
Select the song stand to sing the Jewel Song to your friends
Talk to Meg
Tap the door to see what’s going on
Swipe in the direction of the arrows
Phantom Story
Footnotes (3)
The Firemen - after listening to Jammes' story; it's found on the table with a blue scarf in Christine's dressing room
Emperor - after talking to Madame Giry, along the right stairwell
Mr. Daae - after talking with the Angel of Music, on top of Christine's dresser
Talk to Jammes and listen to the Phantom story (C.F.! 1)
Talk to Meg and hear her version of the Phantom story
Head to the Grand Foyer and find Madame Giry (she's on the same level, near the right stairwell) 
Follow Madame Giry to reunite with your friends (C.F.! 2)
Talk to Meg
Go to the Dressing Room 
Inspect the Mirror (C.F.! 3)
Examine the picture of Christine's father (it's the topmost picture, right above the mirror of the dresser)
New Marguerite
de Chagny family - beside the box keeper, right after the opening scene of this part of the chapter
Faust, the Play - near the leftmost box, right after the opening scene of this part of the chapter
Belle Époque - near the balcony after going up the right stairwell
Perros-Guirec - in the dressing room hallway, after talking to Count Philippe in the dressing room hallway
Trestraou - in the dressing room hallway, after talking to Count Philippe in the dressing room hallway
(C.F.! 1&2) Talk to Count Philippe in front of the stage entrance (Choose: Joke around or Tell the truth) (C.F.! 3)
Talk to Count Philippe in the dressing room hallway (C.F.! 4&5)
Enter Christine's dressing room, then talk to her
Inspect the blue scarf (Choose: Talk about Christine's hometown or Talk about the childhood)
Talk to Christine's maid
Suspicious Voice
No footnotes in this part
Inspect the door of Christine's dressing room
Inspect Christine's mirror (the large one; not the one of her dresser's); tap the circles that appear
Inspect the blue scarf
Inspect the divider 
Inspect the letter on Christine's dresser; tap when the cursor appears over a blank area
Inspect Christine's wardrobe; swipe in the direction of the arrows
Farewell Party
Footnotes (2)
Armand Moncharmin - in front of the stage entrance, after the Phantom appears for the first time
Labour Dispute 1 - after the Phantom appears and addresses the new managers (Moncharmin and Richard) in front of the board to the right of the exit going outside
Arrange the tiles in the right sequence
Inspect the table where the blue scarf used to be
Go to the grand foyer and talk to Meg
(C.F.! 1) Speak to Mr. Debienne and Mr. Poligny (C.F.! 2)
Join the crowd (mainly audience members) in the grand foyer
Speak to Mr. Debienne and Mr. Poligny
Go up the right stairwell and speak to Mr. Debienne and Mr. Poligny
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ yuni-bells: Hi! If you’re reading this, I apologize for the weird order of posts. I was so excited, I wanted to post this walkthrough/guide for Chapter 1! I’ll update it in the future, and I promise I won’t forget! :) If it’s hard for you to find the posts, I recommend waiting for the complete walkthrough where I’ll put links to these different parts about the game! Thank you for your time and support! :) For now, I highlighted options I chose in bold (in the “Choose”) parts, but I have yet to see if they change the story in certain ways. 
I’m also still just putting all the information here and will fix each part to make the guide flow more smoothly after I add more information! Thank you, once again, for all your patience and understanding! :) Update! Jan. 18, 2020 I have fixed the other parts of this guide, so everything is complete, except for the side story (Isolation). It’s pretty straightforward, so I’ll continue playing the game and working on the guide before I update it.
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