#pokemon dimensional tourney
randomrings · 6 months
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Pokemon Dimensional Tourney - Contestant 03 Gwimp, Hoenn Champion
Watch her separate the men from The Boy on March 21st, 4:00pm EST on twitch.tv/randomrings
Lore: Gwimp moved into Hoenn and was immediately swept into a weird but whimsical adventure. She immediately met Boy the Aron and they set out to have fun, accidentally saving the world from a climate-based apocalypse in the process. Since then, Gwimp has watched documentaries on other regions and their Pokemon's abilities don't seem as weird in the ones in her new hometown. She has read articles from other regions about alternate realities. She stumbled upon the Dimensional Tourney and was accepted to be a contestant.
Motivation: Gwimp wants to use the earnings to buy a decent house for her, Boy, and the rest of her Pokemon. The rest of the money will be split evenly two ways. One half will go to making Hoenn a safer place to live. The other half will be donated to forest conservation projects in Hoenn.
Boy the Aggron. Ability: Chlorophyll.
SamusClone the Mewtwo. Ability: Thick Fat.
Squiggles the Poliwrath. Ability: Rain Dish.
Kayef C the Blaziken. Ability: Suction Cups.
PaperTowel the Latias. Ability: Pickup.
a dinosaur the Venusaur. Ability: Thick Fat.
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randomrings · 6 months
The data blob won the Pokemon Dimensional Tourney how could this literally happen?
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randomrings · 6 months
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Pokemon Dimensional Tourney - Contestant 01 Wumbis, Sinnoh's Unspoken Savior
Watch her beat her opponents in no time on March 21st, 4:00pm EST on twitch.tv/randomrings
Lore: Wumbis got caught in the wrong place and time, finding a Sinnoh resident determined to reset humanity by summoning and abusing a legendary beast. Wumbis fought off this man's most powerful lackeys to the death and survived. Earlier in her journey, Team Galactic killed Wumbis's Piplup named Empy, who she loved more than anything. Wumbis faced Cyrus, the man that wanted to end life across Sinnoh and the world. Cyrus defeated Wumbis and pushed her off the mountain they fought on while the legendary time beast Dialga was being summoned. Dialga went against its usual nature and saved Wumbis from certain death, transporting her to an alternate timeline where Empy was still alive but Wumbis was not. Wumbis teamed up with this timeline's Empy to save the world from that timeline's Cyrus.
Motivation: Wumbis spent her days after saving the world forgoing the Sinnoh Pokemon League. Instead, she trained her team and sought out experts in time theory and technological research pertaining to it. She hopes to win the Dimensional Tourney so she can use the prize money to make sure the power of time can be stopped if put in the wrong hands.
Empy the Empoleon. Ability: Torrent.
Harbinge the Quagsire. Ability: Water Absorb.
Woebe the Weavile. Ability: Pressure.
Cronos the Crobat. Ability: Inner Focus.
Raddy the Rapidash. Ability: Flash Fire.
Peppis the Pelipper. Ability: Keen Eye.
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randomrings · 6 months
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Pokemon Dimensional Tourney - Contestant 07 Melon, Hoenn Champion
Watch her charitably kick butt on March 21st, 4:00pm EST on twitch.tv/randomrings
Lore: Melon barely scraped by in beating the Elite Four in Hoenn. She decided to take Barnaby and head back home to try to live a normal life until she graduated grade school. She felt she wasn't doing enough to help others in the world and decided to look into a career based on fundraising. So she dusted off the Pokeballs and trained the old squad to be ready to help people and Pokemon in need across not just her world but the worlds of other dimensions!
Motivation: Melon will use 100% of her prize earnings to help various war-torn communities.
Barnaby the Gliscor. Ability: Immunity.
Regginatr the Registeel. Ability: Air Lock.
Minako the Mew. Ability: Hyper Cutter.
Eeper the Kyogre. Ability: Suction Cups.
Peecee the Sceptile. Ability: Rough Skin.
Wolf the Flareon. Ability: Soundproof.
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randomrings · 6 months
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Pokemon Dimensional Tourney - Contestant 05 Ayden, Kantonian Data
Watch their victory stack overflow on March 21st, 4:00pm EST on twitch.tv/randomrings
Lore: Little is known about this data-based being. They entered themselves into the Dimensional Tourney and nobody has figured out how to get them to leave. Their body seems to be a cluster of pixels resembling a 10-year old androgynous child. Their Pokemon resemble normal Kantonian Pokemon but their movesets are bizarre.
Motivation: Unknown. We really hope they lose.
Newell the Charizard. Ability: Blaze.
Minako the Mew. Ability: Synchronize.
Setzer the Moltres. Ability: Pressure.
Tempo the Tentacruel. Ability: Liquid Ooze.
Tatsumaki the Gyarados. Ability: Intimidate.
Poff the Gengar. Ability: Cursed Body.
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randomrings · 6 months
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Pokemon Dimensional Tourney - Contestant 04 Aedeaen, Paldea Champion
Watch them be a thorn in their enemies' sides on March 21st, 4:00pm EST on twitch.tv/randomrings
Lore: Aedeaen was a fairly normal kid thrust into a magical adventure. She decided to dedicate her studies to Grass-type Pokemon as well as the local flora in Paldea. She decided to beat the Elite Four in Paldea with an all-Grass team to make a statement on how powerful plants can be. They became the Paldean League Champion. Since then, Aedeaen has been on a few other weird adventures but has mostly dedicated their time to training their Grass-type Pokemon, studying flora, and hanging out with their friends.
Motivation: Aedeaen primarily wants to use the prize money from the Dimensional Tourney to travel to other regions so she can learn more about flora, botany, and Grass-type Pokemon. The rest of the earnings will be spent toward forest and jungle restoration projects, with a little saved over to hopefully take out one of the Paldean Elite Four members on a date.
Gardenia the Meowscarada. Ability: Overgrow.
Boris the Scovillain. Ability: Insomnia.
Sonia the Toedscruel. Ability: Mycelium Might.
Jocelyne the Jumpluff. Ability: Chlorophyll.
Spear the Breloom. Ability: Poison Heal.
Eiji the Lurantis. Ability: Leaf Guard.
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randomrings · 6 months
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Pokemon Dimensional Tourney - Contestant 02 Yunglis, Hell Champion
Watch her leave her mark of the beast on March 21st, 4:00pm EST on twitch.tv/randomrings
Lore: Yunglis was seemingly murdered in Unova partially due to weird Pokedex technology causing Pokemon to go past the fainted state as regulated with the Pokeball system's protocols. More accurately, an unknowing trainer was a little too rough in the deserts of Unova and pushed Yunglis and her team to a young and early grave. Her body and the bodies of her Pokemon were never found or identified in the sands, though reports of a nearby Trapinch corpse have sparked local myths. Though not proven, Yunglis claims she found her starter Pokemon, Flagon the Trapinch upon entering what she describes as "Hell". There she fought off the worst anguish she had ever known on a journey to find the rest of her Pokemon team. She also claims to have defeated a Hellish Pokemon League of some kind and applied to the Dimensional Tourney with supernatural swiftness.
Motivation: Yunglis wants to put whatever amount of money it takes toward finding her killer and the manufacturer of her Pokedex and making sure they both rot in prison. The rest of the money she states she will "worry about when push comes to shove".
Flagon the Flygon. Ability: Clear Body.
Clumpalina the Clefable. Ability: Flash Fire.
Squinten the Claydol. Ability: Scrappy.
Debby the Delcatty. Ability: Honey Gather.
Yltsag the Spiritomb. Ability: Speed Boost.
Brondong the Bronzong. Ability: Levitate.
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randomrings · 6 months
Stream of March 21st (probably)
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Item 1: Final Fantasy VI. They are researching me in this facility! I gotta LEAVE! Item 2: Not sure but maybe Pokemon Dimensional Tourney. I’m either going to leave it up to a vote or just do Pokemon Dimensional Tourney. Dimensional Tourney is something I’ve been thinking about doing for a long time but I keep shelving it or getting self-conscious about it or whatever. Basically, it’s me pitting teams of Pokemon from previous stream playthroughs against each other. I sincerely hope it’s entertaining!
For the lore, search "Pokemon Dimensional Tourney" on Tumblr at different times of the day! You can learn little bits about the tourney contestants and their favorite Pokemon.
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randomrings · 6 months
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Pokemon Dimensional Tourney - Contestant 06 Zephyr, Indigo League Champion
Watch her water down the competition on March 21st, 4:00pm EST on twitch.tv/randomrings
Lore: Zephyr was thrust into a world of scandalous and manipulative adults. With her best friend Fraghetti, she found more than enough motivation to take on the Indigo League and show the world the heart and intelligence of children. She later found the old champion, Red and honed her skills to defeat him as well. She has stayed out of the limelight since then, until the Dimensional Tourney approached Zephyr. She originally declined but then accepted not long afterward. She put on her application the words, "I can't be like him."
Motivation: Zephyr is mostly joining the tournament for fun and to shake the rust off after becoming the greatest trainer in Kanto and Johto combined. She claims she wants to discuss any earnings she receives from the Dimensional Tourney with other contestants if she wins.
Fraghetti the Feraligatr. Ability: Torrent.
Styx the Lapras. Ability: Water Absorb.
Barnes the Ninetales. Ability: Flash Fire.
Poff Godsbane the Gengar. Ability: Cursed Body.
Bulk the Ampharos. Ability: Static.
Furthena the Furret. Ability: Run Away.
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