#pokemon mashups are a personal fave of mine
rayearthdudette · 4 years
So I see you post pokemon, and I know you like CorNyx and I'm thinking of a fic idea and would like to bounce a few off of you if you'd be so willing. So do you think Cor would be a pyroar or a houndoom type person and would Nyx be a leipard or a lycanroc type? Thoughts?
*soft screeching* I'd be delighted to be your sounding board! 😄
As for the pokemon companions you've chosen, I honestly can see either working very well.
Cor with a pokemon that is literally his namesake is cute as hell, but houndoom works too. Dedicated and maybe a bit standoffish but insanely loyal. An arcanine or growlithe could work for that direction too. Unless you feel that's something over done, then you're welcome to disregard that suggestion. There is also lucario or mightyena for standoffish but very, very loyal pokemon. You could also have him gain a honedge when he recklessly took Gilgamesh's trial (if one ignores canon's pokedex entry for what the pokemon does to people), because that boy loves him his swords 😂
As for Nyx, my usual snap decision is to give him cats, ALL THE CATS. If only because of that official artwork with the coeurl hovering over his shoulder, but his last name does mean wolf. So great choices for him with liepard and lycanroc (which form were you thinking for that one btw? Cause midday is my personal favorite). You could give him a luxray in juxtaposition of Cor's pyroar. Both cats/lions just one's fire, the other electric. Oh! You could also give him a meowstic for warping! 😮😄
And honestly all the one's I've listed could easily be swapped between the two (except maybe honedge and meowstic, those feel more exclusive to each individual) because I think at the core of both of them its just straight ironclad loyalty.
Now.. I realize that probably just complicated things, but were this me, I know for a fact I'd never be able to choose just one pokemon for them so! To bring it down to something reasonable (and if I absolutely had to choose just two); Nyx with lycanroc (midday) and meowstic and Cor with houndoom and honedge.
But again. That's me and a very limited me at that 😂😂 the final choice is yours. Is this a mashup of ffxv world with pokemon added in, or pokemon world with ffxv bits added in, or something completely different?? Meet cute romance? Dramatic rivals turned lovers?? *chinhands* I'm all ears for rambles ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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sevdawn · 7 years
Cause who needs reasons?
I was tagged by @chasingmyfears lessee what I can come up with on one cup of coffee....
Rules:  tag 10 of your followers you wanna know better.
Nicknames: Severa, Sev, Gin, EvilGin, Johannes’s little sister (friend of mine actually blurted out in front of Avatar at LTL 2016 as I’m in full Johannes cosplay ‘she looks like his little sister!’ and Tim actually heard it and agreed. Thanks friend. Love you too)
Height: 5′6″ (167.64 cm)
Time right now: 14:58 Sat 3/4
Last thing I googled: Mardi Gras masks (dressed up for work)
Fave music artist: Avatar, Ghost, Korn, Gemini Syndrome, Twiztid. I listen to a lot of different genres but I’m first, foremost, always and forever a metalhead...
Song stuck in my head: Motionless in White’s new single ‘Loud (Fuck It)’ that was released yesterday. Not heard a lot of their stuff before but that one is pretty badass. 
Last movie I watched: Trolls :) Cute as hell
Last TV show I watched: Don’t watch a lot of TV but *thinks* pretty sure it was The Amazing World of Gumball. Love that one :)
What I’m wearing now: Avatar ‘Death of Sound’ t-shirt, dark blue Adidas sweatpants. 
When I created this blog:  Got an IG, Twitter & FB, 17 yr old son was always showing me stuff he liked on here so I decided to give it a go. 
The kind of stuff I post: LOTS of Avatar and Ghost, and just random stuff I like.
Do I have other blogs: Had a Livejournal years ago but deleted it. 
Do I get asks regularly: No
Why did I choose my URL: Sevdawn is a mashup of my mom’s middle name Severa and my middle name Dawn. Been going by Severa, Severadawn or Sevdawn since I started on the Net back in *Thinks* ‘95-’96...
Gender: Female.
Hogwarts House: Thought I was Ravenclaw for years till I did the Pottermore sorting and it put me in Slytherin. The more I thought about it the more it fits. Slytherin doesn’t necessarily mean outright evil (*points heavenward to Snape*)
Pokemon team: Valor, of course 
Fave colors: Black, blue, green, purple, red
Avarage hours of sleep: I work 3rd shift. There’s no such thing as average sleep lol
Lucky number: 27
Favorite characters: Don’t watch a lot of TV so none really pop out right now (I blame lack of coffee)
Dream job: work at home maybe something with computers, writing or some sort of tech support
Number of blankets I sleep with: 2, a regular comforter and a patchwork quilt made by my husband’s grandmother
Following: 19
I’ll tag: @sisterghuleh @kodiakcave @tothepit @freakshow-guleh @imsoy @theangrymunchkin 
only if you want to of course :)
#tag thingy
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